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<br /> • TOCiETFiER WITH �II Ih� improv�rrMnta now a► Mrwtt�r �rrct�d � tlw prop�ty. and all ws«nK►ts. �ppuhrnanus. �nd
<br /> • �cdu�s now ck hsnaflw�psrt o!th� popKtyr.A!1 taplacwnw�ts an<t�d3itta+s thaY�Ito b�covK�d by thJC;i�cwiry iettrwrw�t.
<br /> A1 of iha lor�yahg Ia nt�rrad to h thls S�auiry lnslru�iunl as th� 'Propwty.'
<br /> BORHOWER COVENANTS thut Borrowu ts 4wh�ly aaixod o! ths �stat� Au�by cot�ti�yr�d and has tfi� iipht to pru�t �nd
<br />. con�ey th� Prop�rtrt+ Iuid th�t the F'topert,� Is uMncumb�nd, aucpt tor ancumbranc�� ot recwd. tlorrow�► wq.�mta �nd w�l
<br /> �nd q�s+ty lh�tit4►a tht Prop�rty�qanst s7 dums antl d«nu�ais�,sub�ecl lu Mny w�cw+�brWiw�af ��cw��t
<br /> Ttt;: ;�CURITV I���rULSCHT i..aiw`�:�ra wuii,im cuvwwi�iy ivr �v�iiw�af uY• �nd nai•uniiam cov�nsnia wilh inuiad
<br /> vanstlo+�s by jur(adictbn to constiluta a unitam t�cuMty inilrum�nt cav�riny ra)propNty.
<br /> UhlFORM C011�NANTS. 8ortower�nd L�ndK cov�nant and ayi�e as IoMows:
<br /> 1. Paymarnt a! Princlp�! and tntor�st: P�apsyment sr�al Lat� Chu��s. Barrowx sncu�r«nAaY a+v wn�
<br /> dw thsp�n ctpa!of and ln4orost on tha d�b!avid�nced by the Note nnd any prepsymsnt and lale cRacqes duo undu ttfe Nute. �
<br /> 2. fiunds tor Tax�� and Insuratu�.SubJ�ct to appiicable law ar to �writl�n walwr ay Undr.Borrow�r sl►aY pay
<br /> to Und�r on tha day montNy paymw�h arr dw undar th� Not�, untY th� NoU b pald in tuY. a sum('Funds`) for: (a) ywiy
<br /> wcao �nd asaacsmar►ia whkh rr►�y wtatn pr►ortty ov�r tntc s�,.urtry tnsuumar►t aa o uan on tha PropwtY: tbl Yw+h/ t�as�hokl�
<br /> WY�tt or grow�d nnts on the RopatY, A any; (c1 YMrty hazud or propt*ry insuronrA pr�nluma:(d) Y�N flood hsuranrw0
<br /> premlum�.H any: (�)Y�Y�9�Qe Inwr�nce prwrAume,If any: and (��ny sums pay�Gla Cy 9orrow�r to l�nd�t in accordanuW
<br /> wdh ttw provlalons ot paragnph B, in Yw of the paym�nt of mort9age inwranco pr«r►iums. Thaso damc u� c.aWd 'Esuow
<br /> ItNns.' Lendr may, at any tlnw, coYact u►d hald Funds In an �nwunt npt to oxcaed ths maxknum amount a I�dor tw a
<br /> fudwaly nlat�tJ mortpaqe {oui may rpuk�for Bo+rowar's escrow accouni undw tM Nde�ral Rwl Esut� SetUenw�t Proc�u�e�
<br /> Act ot 1974�s am�nd�d t�om time to time,12 U.S.C. �2fi01 st ssq. ('RESPA'), ut�Wu �nothw kw Ihat appitas to tM Fw►M
<br /> sets a lesser �mount. If so. Lender may,�t yny time, coYed and hold Funds in an unount not to excMd the lecser �mount.
<br /> Undar may estYnate the amount of Fu�ds dw on the basts W curront dala and nasonahl� �sUmsty o1 wpenditur�a ol 1udu�
<br /> Ercrow Items a otherwise in accordance wich appYcablQ law.
<br /> The funds shaU be Aatd{n an institution whose deposits are insund by�/sderal�gency.Insuun�ntality, or entiry (hcludin�
<br /> Lender. d Lender is auch an instituUon) a in any Fad�ral Han� Loan Bank Lender shaY appy tAe Funds to pay ih�Esaow
<br /> Rwns. LandK may not charye Bortower tor hotd'ny and appylny the Funds,annuaYy u►ahrsJnp the escrow account.or v�q
<br /> iiw cauuw ii�.�w, wuesc tanw► pays 3orrowar incerest on the huntls and �ppYCabte Ww parmu� LendK ta maic� such a
<br /> clwge. Howava. l�ndar mAy raquke [iortowe►tu pay a onaW►w clwge lor �n indrpenclrnt rs�t atat�tax rsportk►y servla
<br /> us�d by Lender in corui�ctbn with thls ban, wibss applicab{e I�w provides athawtse. Unfess m a9r�rne�►t fe mad� a
<br /> �ppYcaSN law nquirw intares2 to b�pald, L�ndsr shaM not be rpuked to pay Bortow�r any int�r�st or wminqs on th�Fu�ds.
<br /> Bortow�r �nd L�nd�r may a9re� in wri�ting, howevar, that intaest shall bx paid on the Fundc. Landw shaY 9iva So Borrower.
<br /> wlthout clwge�. an �nnual accoiu�ting o!U+�Fund+, ahowing usdAs and d�i�ita to tM Funds and the purpose tor whkh a�cA
<br /> d�bA to tM Funds wu mada. Ths Fuii iu cn p1eAy�d aa add'Rlonal security 1or aM sums sacu��d by the S�curily Mitrum�nt.
<br /> If the Funds heW by Laider excQed trs amounts prmiued to be hdd by appiicabta 4w. Lender shall�ccount to Borrowe►
<br /> tor th� �xcYSS Fu�ds in accordanca with th� requirws�eats of ap�.able{aw. If the amount of th� Funds hdd by Under at any
<br /> time Is not wt�.l�nt to �y the Esaow It�tns wfw� dw. L�ndr trry so notify Ba+row�r in wridru�, and. in wch cau Bortower
<br /> shaY pay to L�ndar the amount n�casary to moks up the deRclency. Borrowe� shaA make up tha de6cimcy in no more than
<br />, tw�lve monthy paynwnts,at UndK's solt dlscntbn.
<br /> Upon paym�►t In 1uM ol dl wms s�ausd by this Securily Instrummt, Unde►sh�l ptomptty retund to Barow�r any Funds
<br /> hdd by Lender. M, undar para9raph 21.Under shaY acquire or saY tha Prop�rty, L�nd�r,prior to tM acquisitlon or sa{�of the
<br /> Propwly, shall app�y any Funds hNd by Under it th�titrw o1 acqulsitbn or sal� as �ctWR aq�hsl the sums z�cund by this
<br /> S�quity Instrument
<br /> 3. AppllGltioo of P�ym�nts. Unttss ap�ficabls ww provldss oth�wia•, atl payments ncoivad by Under undw
<br /> paraqraphs t and 2 shaM b�appi�d: frst,to any pr�payrt�ent char�s due under the NoU; second co ana�u►ts paYabb und�r
<br /> pany�aph 2:thtd,to int�+sst due;fourth,io prindpal dw;and lut,to�ny rt�charyee dw und�r the Not�.
<br /> 4. Clwg�l; Ulnf. Barower shaY pay afl taxes, assessma�ts, charges, fnes and irnpasitiona aUritwGibie to the
<br /> Ropwly which may attak� pdoriry ova tAk Securiry Inatrwn�nt,ancl Is�sahold payrneets or ground nnts. N�ny. Barow�r sha11
<br /> WY ttss�s ob`patiarts in the rt�wia provklscf in puagraph 2, or d not paW in thaf manner. Bortowr ah�Y pay tt�am on tims
<br /> _ vediy iQ in.person owso paymeni. aorrovver siui prampriy i�unisn m iendR ae norias oi anawss so 'va p�d wsd�r uus
<br /> P�ra�apt►. H Bortower irukes thsse p¢yna'�ts �. Borrow�r sh�N DrariPUS+ iwnish W I.w►d�r r�caipts w�n� th�
<br /> p�ymenta.
<br /> Bortower shall prompLy dischar9Q ar.y fisn whkh t►as prioriry over this Sewriry hstrument unlau Borrower. (a) �grses in
<br /> wri�n�W the payrnont cf t:Ee obGqa�.i seaued by the Gen In � manner acceptab{e ta lender; (b)contesis h good taithh tha
<br /> lin by. or d�►ds �g�ia.si rtlnrcamwk of the Yen in, bgal Proce�dinys whbh in tt!e L�nder•s opi�ibn oMrat� to prr+ant Uu
<br /> eMoroerrnnt oi th�ien: or(e) seaues fFnm the holder o1 the Oen�n a�eertwnt satb�ctay to lendr subordinating tlu W�t�W
<br /> tAl�S�curity(nstninw►t B lmd�r dKrtttiws tMt any part of ths R+opat{is aub}eet to a ian whlch aiay a1taY�prioriry ovar tttla
<br /> Socurity►Instrixnent, Lender euy pive EccYOwer a notia identidyhp tho Um.8ort�owa aha�aatisty the W� or Wce onc or more W
<br /> th�ac0ons sat forth�bOrs witAin 10 d�ys of tFt�pivirty o1 natiC�.
<br /> 5. HazaM or PcopN'ty Insuratfc�.Borrowar shall keep tris improversxnts now existhy a hereaftK arvr,�ed on the
<br /> Propaty hstx�d apahst bss by frt. h�zards indudod within th�tam 'wd�nd�d coverays' and any otMr haiatds. indudny
<br /> tooda w 1bo�iing.tor which Lendw requka insuranc�. This bwrarwrx sh�b�maint�ned in the artaunta and fa th�puioda
<br /> that Und�►erpuins. The fnsuranc�earti�r provld'ng th�inwrance sRa� b�chosen by Bwrower iwbJec* to Lertder's ap�orr�l
<br /> whfch sha(t nW be unroasaiaWy w:thhefc: H Barower fail� to msLxaki cov�rage described above,Lender�nay.at LM�d�r's
<br /> opdon. obtain covaraQe to proted Leeda's rlghU h tAe Proparry in accordance wlth pvagnph 7.
<br /> A� insuranca poicirs and nnewals shaM bc acc�tab{� to Lender and a1W incJud�■ st�ndard matg�ye �se. Undr
<br /> sMA r,ave u,.riyt►t w noi�s u,e poY'cies.nd renewais. a l.«,aer r.qulrss. eorrowar sn.Y prorr�pny gtre to Lenae►a�roceipcs ot
<br /> Wid 1xemN�ns and nnewal notlo�a. (n tha�v�nt oi bss.Barrow�►shall�iv�prompt notic�to ths inwrana ca�ir aad I.�r�d�r.
<br /> lrider mry m�ke proof of bss i!not nyde promptly by 8ortowa.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Bortower otherwise ayne in wrAiny. hsurance procesds shal be �pplied to restontlon w repair of th�
<br /> PropwtY d�n�y�d,if the nstuatlon or np�r is scot►ar�k,ally fMSiW�and Lender's sacuMty is not Lessened.H the restoration a
<br /> np�k is not econotr�caly feasibM or Lendu's sscu.�ty wouid be lessened.the inwranc� proce�da � be appYsd W th�auma
<br /> saaind by this Securiry tnstrumwri, whKhk w not then duc, wAh any exceas paid to Barowr. a Bortower abandonc th�
<br /> Proparty. ar does not answK within 90 days a notie�fram Lendx that the insurance cartiK has ofhnd to sM11e�chim.then
<br /> Lender may eo�lsct the ins�x�nce proce�ds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or reston the ProMrty w to pay sums
<br /> seaued by thia Security In�t,whdher or not then due. The 3a�y perlod wi�begin when the notic�Is giv�n.
<br /> Unless Lendar and Borrower oth�wise ayne in writiny, any appRcadon of proceeds to p�rindpal shar n�i e�da►d a
<br /> postpane tha dua b:te o:` ihe tnonlhly payme�ts rcierred to Yi r,�aragraphs 1 and 2 a change the amourit o!tha payments. M
<br /> under Par+¢apt�21 the F�oPerry k acquiroC Dy Lentler. BOifOWaf S f�h1 SO s(ly YtStY7RCA PODC{OL and procaadz rawlting from
<br />� �f11f�R 10 tI1! PTOplI�l PfIOf 10 UW aCQlI�IOfl fF1iC PiLS t0 I.lM1dOf SO {�IB lXLM'd 0� Ulf tYilli �f WIIf S�CNf3�! If15ifWI1Bf11
<br /> imp�diat�fy ptior to the acqulsAion.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Pns�rvation, �Raint�nanco at�d Pnotoctian af ttw Prop�rty; BoRO�w�r's Loan
<br /> AppliCStiOt1; L.�a�hOlds. Borrower shatl occupy, est�blish. �nd use the Property as Borrower's prindpal reaidenee wAhtn
<br /> sb4y d�ys aitar the ocecution ot this Seauiry 4�s�u�n�l and shall continue to ocapy thQ Propeity as Borrower's principal
<br /> rpldence tor at le�st one yev aRer the date ot accupancy, w�Iess lender otherwise�Qrees in writin9,whbh consant shafl no1
<br /> be ur►nasonably withheid. o►unlass adanwting clrcumstancac aorici whicA are bsyond [iorrowx'c contrd. Borrower shaR not
<br /> destroy. d�mage or irtipw che Proprty. aWw the Property to deterionie, or cormwt w.ste on the
<br /> detauk d any torteinue aotion a proceading. whMher civil or criminal, is beyun that in Lender's �y.Bortewx shall be in
<br /> in tort�itura of ttw Proparty a o�twice 90�{nith Judyrr�eni could rewq
<br /> matatially inKiair the lien aeoted by this Se�curily InsTrument or 1,.end�r's securityl inferat
<br /> F7316.LMG(31%) Pye 2 01 5
<br /> �.alt�.� �
<br /> 960Z1
<br />