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<br /> p�y'ments n�y no luuger be requited,at thc optic�n af I.e�xter,if nwrtgsge ituurance cocera�e(in the wuut+�3x�1�8f`��
<br /> tfut Lcn;i:r rcyuiresl providod by an insurer e►p�ruvEVl by t.ernier�yain t+xomes avuil�t+tr�uxl is abtaic�t. 6.��raw�er alwll��ay
<br /> the pre��liumti roquired ta mzintain nx�rtgage in.wrance in cffxt,or w pravide s►loss m.xrve,until the rcyaircn�ent fur nx�rtg�ge
<br /> insun�e rndc in accarci�nct with�ny written a�trocn�etu betw•cen Burrow•er anii Irlxier or applirable law.
<br /> 4. lus,�ecilou. lxnd�r or its �;ent rnay �tu►ke rca,��able entries upon arw!ia�Qectians af the Pmptrty. Lenler sball���•e
<br /> B�ur�wcr noti�t at the time of or prior to an inspection spocifyin;rtacc�t►t�le cause for the inspectian.
<br /> 10. Cciadaunatloo. 1'he ptve�ds af ar.y Aw•ard or claim Pur Jauiwges, dirz.t ar con.;c�qucntul. in cosu�tioo w�iti�any
<br /> condenuwti�or athcr talin,g uf uny pan of Il�e Property, or f�r cnn�•:yanee in lieu of condenuiation, arc hereby susi�ned ar�l
<br /> a1Wt bc ptid to I.encler.
<br /> In tht evrnt af�total tal:ing of the Property,the proceeds shall be upplia!to the sunu secured by this Sxurity Instrun�e�t,
<br /> wheiher or nat then due, v►•ith any excess pud ta Bormw•zr. In the e�•ent of�puti�! tal:ing af the Pcap;.ny in which the fair .
<br /> nurRet vulue of the Proptrty imn�diately before the taking is equal to or grcater than the amount of the sunu secured by this
<br /> Seeurity Iastn�ment iau�xdiately before the taicing,uniess Borrow•er and l�ider otherwise�ree in writinr,the wcns secured by
<br /> this Security instrumeru r.hall be reduced by the acnou�u of the praceods multiplied by the following irxtion: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sunu secured imn�iately beforc the taking, divided by (b)the fair mirl•et value of the Peoperty inu��ediately
<br /> before the taki�g. Any balance shall be ptid to Borrower. 1n the event of a�rtial taking of the Propcny in which the fair
<br /> muket value of the Property inunediatcly btfore the t�lcing is less tl�►n ttu�mount of the sunu securod inunediuely beforc the
<br /> talcing, unlesa&xrower u�d Lender oelxrwise agrce in writing or unless applicable law otherwise ptovides. the pra:eeds shall
<br /> be applied to the s��nu secured by this Security tnsirument whether or not the sunu are then due.
<br /> if the Property is abarnionod by Borrower,or if.a8er notice by[.ender to Borrower that the caidenu�or offers to ntake an
<br /> award or settle a elaim for dan�ges, Banower fails to respoad to L.ender within 30 clays aiter the tiate ti�e notice ia givra�.
<br /> Ler�der is authorized to eolleet snd apply the proceecls,at its optian.eithar to restoration or repaic of the Property or to the sun�s
<br /> spcured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless l.end�r and Barrower otherwise agrce in writing, any app�ication of proceeds ta principal shall not extend or
<br /> pastpone the due date of the montlilY paYments rcfer�s�l tu in paragra�hs 1 and 2 0;chang.^,thc a�want af suth p�}�e:.as2s.
<br /> 11.i3orrQWx 1�ot Rdeased;Forbesra�ce By I.ea�ler I�ot a Watver.Extension of the time for p�yment or maiification
<br /> of auwrtization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrumr�t grarued by Lender to any successor in interesi of Be.-r�wer shall
<br /> �wt operate to m1�:se the liabiliry of the original Borrower or Sorrower's successars in interest. Le�er shall not be requirad to
<br /> commence p:noeeaiings•against any wccessor in interest or refuse to extet►d time for paymeni or otherwise modify amorti7ation
<br /> of the sums secured by this Socwity Iauwnent by reason of any domand made by tlu original Barrower or Sorrower's
<br /> successon in intere,u. My forbearsace by Lender in exercisin�any right or remedy sliall not be a waiver of or proclude the
<br /> cxcrcise of any right or rc�nady.
<br /> 12. 5ucassots and Assip,ns Bou�d;Sviot and Sevaa! I.iabrlky, Co-slgaers. The oovea�cs und agreemenu of tfris
<br /> Security Insinuna� shall bind and benefit t�c successors and assigns of Lender u►d Borrower, svt�jQCt to the provisiaLS of
<br /> puagtsph 17. Borrower's covenaius aad agretmenis shall be joint an� sevenl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securit}-
<br /> Insuuaxnt but does not execuu ttse Note:(a) is co-signin,g this Security Instrume�t only to rnortgage. grant ana a�nvey t}►at
<br /> Borrowu's i�uerest in the Property under the terms of this Sacurity instrwnent:(b)is rot personally obligaud to�ay the suau
<br /> _" SOi.`IIfCQ�iy fLIS SCiRTILy fRAiUiI1CI3t:�(Cj ilgiRS tit�L.c.uiCr utu a+�y u'u`�u a�'ii��Tvw2i ii�y i�W�L�rA�Mw'�. .:.:��.�C��S=:.. . -----_
<br /> make any�ecommodatio�s with regard to the tuuu of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrowri s oonsent.
<br /> 13.Loan Chatqes. If the loan securcd�y this Securin Inshtiunent is subject to a law which sets maximum loan ct�rges,
<br /> and that law is�n�lly interpretal so tt�at the interest or otl�er loan charges collect�or to be oollected in connection with the
<br /> lou�exaad the perntittal limis.tt�en:(a)�ny such loan dtiu�go sh�ll be reduced by the amount necessary to redua the chargo
<br /> to the permiued limit;and(b)any surns alre�y collcetod from Borrower which oa000ded perrrutted limiu will be refunded to
<br /> ; Borrowu. Lender may cfioose to make this cefund by reducing the principal owtd under the Note or by making a dirax
<br /> paymuu to Borrowu. If a rcfund roduces principal. the raduction will be treated as a partial Pre�aYma►t without any
<br /> pr�•ment chuge under the Note.
<br /> t4.Notioec.My notiee to Borrower provided for in tRis Security Instrumeni sh�ll be given by delivering it crr by mailing
<br /> it b}fi�t cla�s wail unless applicable law rcquires use of another method.The notice sha�l be directed w the ProQesty Address
<br /> or any od�er �r9dress Bo�owu daignates by notice to i,ender. Any c�tiee to L,ender st�all be given by fitst cfass mail to
<br /> Letuler�5?O4(GSS Sl7tQ(�I1PlCitl Of �11�+OL`1fT'.iu'CIIc'SSi L,Ci1d2T de51$fWiw tij>::�CC i0 BO:f'Ot1Ll. Any natix Frovidsd for in this
<br /> • Security Instnunerst shali be deemod to have been given to Borrower ar i.ender wheu given as providod in this puagraph.
<br /> , 15.Governiag Law; Secerability. This Securiry Instrument shall be go�zrs�d by federal law and �he iaw of t}ae
<br /> . • jtuisdictioa in which the Propercy is loc�ted. In the event thae aay provision or clwse of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with ap�riicable law.such conflics sE�ll noi affect other provisions of this Security I�utrunrr,�or the Note which can bt
<br /> given effect w3thout the conflictiag provision. To this end the provisior�uf this Security tnswment and the Note are decianod
<br /> to be sevenbla �
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.B�urower shall be given one confom�l oopy of the Note and of this Security Instnunatit.
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