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•\ .l�. �. E,l.. . ������NT�.• .. . . �i <br /> �«:. _ . ,.; ...,�' ..l�'c,}' •. .� ----�.. ....YtL^'uYS.ia��-�--_ _ .. ._--_ <br /> . - �.. ..q � `W - �..��+�F�'1Cqr _ 't�S..VSa��_ <br /> t�'�"'. . ... ���.,lT'�. 'iriC:t � .w�ii�w�w��-^-�..-.-T -v. • "' <br /> jL _— <br /> f . <br /> ___. <br /> `_ .�.Nt+� . <br /> _. - <br /> �, . . . .� ,;�au.. . - .. _. <br /> s . _ <br /> .�.IVr,M,j�� . _.. . . . _ . .' _�.-iY __ __.._._ _ . <br /> u ° " .;� 92- 1�2329 -- <br /> �^ �.�a cundemnud��n��r nthrr�ukin�ol uny pun ot'Ihe I'ru�xrly.or lor cooveyunre in ficu�►i cu�ulcmnuiiun.,ir�iknby u>.fyned u�al . <br /> � r.hull Ix puid tu Lcndrr. - -- <br /> �� ..'• ,;�- � In Ih<<vcnl �►1 u tolul Uiking ul' �hc P�o�ny. �hc ruKeed� ,hull Ix s�pplicd �a �hc ,mnr ,cru��J hy �hiti ticcurlly <br /> . � In,�runicn�,whrihrr�ir�i�►t�hen duc. wi�h u�n•��r�„ puid lu Hurrn�<<r. In Ihc c�cn� nl'u p,miul iukin� uf�hr f�u�xny in <br /> � � k whirh Ih.fuir rnurke�vrlur uf thc Pru�xny imnicJiuicly h�turr Uk iul,ing i.rq�wl�u nrµrc,u�r�hun ihr unuwm ul'thc,um� <br /> . . rKrurcd hy ihi,Scruri�y In,�rum�nt immcdiiurly 1+rli►rr�hc la{�ing.unle,ti Hu�r�ewcr unJ I.rndrr�nhcrH i,c+�gnr in arhing. <br /> . • "., , Ihc �ums +Krurcd by�hi� Sccuri�y Intitrum�m�hull t+r r�durcJ hy�I�r unwuu� ul thr pr�Krcd,muUiplird by Ihr Ii�Onwing — <br /> ,, � „�.. • <br /> �� ... . „ _ 1'r��rtion• 1u11hc Iu1+d umuum uf thc,um„rrurcd iinmeJi�urly Fxrli�rr th��ul�ing.diviil�d hy�hl thc fuir markr�valuc uf thr _-_ <br /> � 1'ru n immrdiatcl Iklurc ihr tukin An halunce +hull in rid w Hu�rower. In Ihc cvrnt o1 �� uniul �ukin of�he `�-----"-` - - <br /> .. � F'�' Y y !�� Y P P R -- - _ <br /> ,:,�.. ' • Pro�x:rty in which the fuir market vulur oi'Ux Pru�xny imimJiuicly tkti�rc thr�uking i�le.�than tho umaun�ol'� <br /> --, . . , ucurcd inmkJialrly Ikli►re Ilt� luking. unlr�. Borrowcr unJ l.cndcr�►Ihcrw•irc ngr�c is� wriling ar unlrtiti upplicuNl� luw <br /> . '. olherwi+c pmvides,the prikecJti,hull i+c upplicd�o thc�umti rrcund by Ihir Srcurily Ins�nimcn�whclh�r��r M►t�hr tiums ure <br /> ., then duc. _ <br />'.t , ' If�hc Prc,�xny i+uBunJuncd by Burn�wer,ur if.uAcr�u�ticc hy I.enik r lo BoRUwcr Ihal Ihc candrnmur offun 1��muke — <br /> :�� ' un uwurd ar+etUe a cluim far dumagrx,Borrowrr t'ail��o m,�xmJ�o Lrn�kr within i0 duy.ufler ihr dule ihr ncHire iti given, <br /> � ' LrnJer i. uutharized tu collcc�unJ upply Ihr prixerdz,ul it.uption.cither to rc�torution or�epuir of Ihe Nropeny or lo�hr `=- ---__-'°`�`" <br /> sumh securcJ by�hi.Scru�iry Im�rument,wheihrr ur nut thrn Juc. -- <br /> � Unl�+,L�nder und Horrowr�nthcrwi�e a�;rcc in writinE. uny aipplication of procceds to principal .hall not extenJ or -..�_----- --- <br /> ��.t�mr Ihe Juc Jutr of�hc momhly pa�•mrmti rcfrmJ�n in parugniphs 1 and 2 urrhungc�hc umuunt of.uch puynuntti. � <br /> .. . . ;' I1. Norrower Not Reles�sed: Furbearance By I.ender Nnt u 1Vaiver. Gxtrn.ion of thc iimc 1'or payment or !►«=--— <br /> �� . „ moJifcatiun of nmaniration��f ihc.ums scrured hy this Securi���Instrument grunled by Lender Io any.ucce.,or i�imere�t �a�:_'_-� - <br /> ,; ' of Borrower tihull not operutr�o relrux ihc liability uf ihc ari�inal Borrnwcr��r Borruwcr; in in�cre,t. l.ender ti <br /> � shall not tx rrquired��► r��mmenre�r�xreeling, again+�nny,ucce•.�,r in intrrc.i or mPux a�ex�end timr G�r raymem �+r =,__.. - ..�_____-_- <br /> : ,. • uthrrwisr madify amoniiution of tlx sum,sccured b��Ihi.Serurity In.trumrnt My rcuu,n oi'uny Jcmaixl mudc by�hc original �:s�,- - <br /> .� , Borrower or[3orrower; , iniere.rt. Any furbeuranrr hy Lrnder in any right or remedp,hull nut Ix u <br /> ,. �'" wuivcr c�t'�tt prerludr Ih�rxrrci.c af any right ar rcmcdy. ��,�.._ <br /> , 12. Succecsors and Assi�ns Bound;Juint and tieveral Liabllity;l'o-si�;ners. Thr r�x�cnanty und agrcemcntr of thi. ��„W;;�;� <br /> ` Srcurily Insln�ment shall bind und henefil the.ucce+sor�unJ uti�ignti ol'Lrn�r•rnJ B��rmwer,subject to tM prnvi,inn�uf �u_��, <br /> � parugruph 17. Born�µer�cavenun�ti and ugreemrnt. �hall tx�joint unJ xvrral. Any BuROwer whu cu-.ign. this Srcurity - - <br /> Instrument hut d��+n�n rxecutr Ihe Note: (�I i+cu-,igning thiti Sccuriry Imtrumem�mh•to m�mguge,gr.�m anJ c�mvey ihut �'°`�"-' <br />