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::'r�, s,., :.}a�r.r�„ni � n" . , . •4 S 4}:�.'�r �-�4i�r1;;"77 {•;.�:rt ,� :7.Ce ���i,.; .a- •�N:°;r a v.{. w:.�.yy�^;,:� � ,t� i c ,g+ y �s°,-v,' 'i '_ <br /> I,t.P,�r,!; ...� � .l- �p '}' 1, .1,:.,yl e 3.; '�'�'(1 's,.:$:1 fii.� �...u,�,. ,.�i, i !_��. % . .. '?s:�, tf F x/�.°�_.' <br /> '�'»¢�r.f..��•G,:� -� .,,`,, ,�,.�`,a ���'��:. �..�(;,tif 1������ ��tls,�l"�.;e���•,�K ,�'n��.�r}t�.1'i7t;A ••f �`�,;� ;+ �.e;�� '.�.t��''� r., �� 'Y �,�.. __ <br /> j ,�� -c -,_ .�,�. �.'•���,t:'i•.:.,,,• '�,,. '� a <br /> i---���'b�.-'Y�.�'c.''![`:rl, A1,� !�;�.:,.u.t�•�:` l, S�y��y�'�,N`�T'_—., u�.;�r ��,fK��! �q�c��c'icJl+,' �'�� �'"'�; � ' ��rlii�i`.''•ii:�:,,r:�}� .�; ,'I/'� �� ��F.r -_ <br /> .I il. �i:' �` �'1V'{ t "�f.•q. r. � � ' 1 1I/ �k�.u:L:�� c.t�t.1_:al.�-.1J _ <br /> ��t� 1 tY^c�t%::�44{ 1�Y� 'n .Y � M���i 1l�C�" a:� s .7ri. i <br /> .� r" r� �, � tyffr�rr-r.� nt�ej'��AVr+ib3:ySi•r,:6:.,.��7(11{d?�('1ip�(�(+';' �'N'�nuw�e+ww��m'rn�p u �, <br /> i Ej• - GV� ...y.•�v��,,.,u4a,—% ,� i�t !� <br /> 4�1 �,s, �r;3!k��4���'l'Xit�;�i��C i.. .l,�tr , <br /> . . �,M1tR � . _�.`�+.:i� uw'-n'- .. •���� � _ <br /> '"k. `�� , .MFna,�.a�.:�. . . '-... ����, I ' <br /> 1 �� � � ------- <br /> p •. ".. ,�-� :.__---'_,_. <br /> ' �._'..:..a. <br /> a�__ <br /> i <br /> . . . . � 92- 102329 _- <br /> �� �., , � -- <br /> •�_°4�.�M1��_:r-�';`�:�`� ��U: t.�.-._r..r�u. <br /> , TOrETH6R WITH all thc improvemenis now or hercuftcr errc�ed on thc prop�ny,and:�II�►��cment.,uppurlen:u�coti, �„ti,`Y_ <br /> .� d,�'�r4'{'���� nnd fizwrea now or hereufter u pur�of the property. Ali replucemems and addiiiunn nhnll �I►�n Ix�rnvered by thiz Securi�y - <br /> Instrument. All of the Poregoing i.r refcrred ta in�hix Securily Inslrument u.thc"Propcny." �-���•��_: <br /> _ � . �..:.r:_.:;;,f-'-- <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS[hnt HoROwe�ix luwfully+ci+ed of thu es�u�e h4rcby cornevr,l and hu.ihe righl to Fruni .�,�,a <br /> i�, �'•;,,r.,,- <br /> • •� �• � and convey the Propeny anJ ihat�he Propeny i+unencumtxred,rxcepl li�r encumhranccs uf r�►:urd. H��ROw�r wurramt�und �,;�,��,,�� <br /> •- . . •M1 will defend generally the IiUe�o the Propeny againw all cluim�und demundn,nuhj�ci ic►imy enuwnbranrc�ol mc�+rd. , __ - <br /> - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMF.NT a�rnhine� unilimu covenimts fur na�iunul u�e und n�m-uniG�m� covcnun�. wi�h �=;____ ,°" <br /> •� � �-_--_ _----�,�. <br /> limiied vu�fatiuns by jurl,dicUun to con.rtitutr�unili►m�ururity intitrunum cuvvring r�al��rvxn�ny. = -- <br /> � UNIFORM COVENAN'fS. Hurmwcr t�txl l.rnd��covrnunt�mJ n�er��u�ti►Il�iwy: �=-�-M�-- - <br /> , ° •' 1. P�ymenl uf Prfnclpwl and Inlcrcl:tt Preppymenl und I.ate l'hurpe�. f3�N�r��wrr�hull pr��u►ptly puy whrn du��he *%:-',:;„��� <br /> R ` principul of und imrre.�nn lhc dcht cvidcnrcd hy�the N�►Ir und�iny prcp►�ymam nnd lulu clun�r,du�undcr�he Nute. —_+V___;:�:�,_•_ <br /> a . 2 FundK for Tuxes and In�urwnce. Suhjrrl lu upplicublu Is�w ur�u��wriucn wuiv��r hy I.endcr.l�uROwrr rhs�U pay lo � <br /> ��.�-•- __,.:- <br /> GenJcr on thc day m��nlhly paymcnt, urc duc undrr ihc Nulv, until�hr Nato i.p��id in luil.:� ,um 1"Fund."►f��r.�u1 ycurly .,;;;._,�._-_-_---___ <br /> •.,;.•_.�.:,.�.-...... - <br /> . .... wxc�und u.x.�num+whi�h muy auuin pnanty u��cr thi�ticrurity In,�rumun�r�+�lian nn�h� {'m�.h�•:Ibl yeurly Irn!wh�,ld • � �����:r°��s°:-�. <br /> r . ��•.-- <br /> � ,, „ puyment. or�eround rem, ��n the Prupcny. il'any: Irl yrarly h�u.urd ��r pn,perty innur�nuc pr�mium,: �dl ycurly IliMxl h,�.� <br /> .,. ��.,:'�:�----- <br /> intiuruncc premiumti, il'a�y: Icl ycurly mongagr in�urancc pn:mium,. if uny: und if�any .umti payaMk h�• BnRnwr�•�u ,r�L�`-,,, <br /> , Lendcr,in uccordancc with ihc prcrvi,iom ui'purugruph S, in licu uf�hc p;iymrn� of mnrtgn�t�� in�urunrc prrmium.. 7�hchc .�----_-`�'°�'~� <br /> ilem�arc ralled "E�crow I�em,.' l.ender ma ui un�t�mr.rollect und huld Ft�nJr:in sm�nmount nut tu�xceeJ the m•rzimum '.'�`���,��3_.�i'�r`�'��:�� <br /> y � °�=''_.��_ <br /> " . umnunt A Icndcr I'nr u fedrr•rlly rclnlcd morlgagc loun muy requiro for Borrower+cxrc►w accuun� urxlcr thr frd�rul Rcal •.•;,��;��r��'. <br /> ° E,tate Srtdemrn�Prixedure�Act ol'1974 a.�mcndcd from iimc�o�in�c.12 U.S.C.��h111 er sry.l"R�SPA").unlra�unoth�r ���;;s_�-_..__._ <br /> luw�hat�pplics to Ihr Fundx,et.u Icx�rr umaum. If.o.Lcnd�r may,u�uny�imc,coll�sc�and hold Fundx in an amuunt not to ° � "•';�,;,�;_. - <br /> �� cxceed thc Iesser amount. Lendrr may estimutc �he um�wni of Funds Jue un Ihu hutii.r al' currcnt Jat� und reasonable •�• <br /> ,':f,:.': .-... <br /> extimntes af expenditurr�of future Escrow Item.or otherwi+c in iKCOrJunce with upplicublc law. '••r•��;''.:-- <br /> The Funds shull hc hclJ in an inatilutian whnse depnsits ure intiured by a tederal ugency. instrumenu►lity. ex cntily :,�'t;':":�� '�-- <br /> .. � (including Lcndcr,ii'LenJcr is,uch an m�titwionl or in+my Fcdcral Humc W.m Bank. Lcndrr shall appl)•thc Func1�lo pa}� + n�_ <br /> . the Escrow Itemx. Lender may nat charge Borrowcr i'or holJing and applying thc Funds,unnuall�� analyiing Ihc escruw �ti ,..;.,,.:,,-= <br /> uccaunt, or vcrifyin€ thc Etirmw Urms,unlcss Lendcr puy� Rorrowrr inwrc�t im thc Fundti and upplirublc law �xrmits �,�, <br /> •.:�;- Lendrr w muke zurh a ch�rge. Hnwrver,Lendcr may require Bonower to ps�y a une•�ime charge liir an independent real _:_�.� <br /> • e�tu�e tax reponing servire u�cd by LenJer in connec�ion wi�h,unlc�.x applicuhle law provicks oihenvi,e. Unles�.un �`��.,,.:. <br /> : ;, •• ugrc�:ment is m�dc ar apphcublc law�n+t to h�paid,�.endrr�h;�ll not Ix rcyui�cd tu puy BonY�wrr uny irncrc�.t nr � , -°__�-_. <br /> eurnings an�h� Funds. Bortower anJ Lcndcr may agrcc in writin�e,huwrvrr,thut int�rest shull tx�puid on thr Fund.. Lendcr :,�- <br /> shull give to Bortower,witlx�ut charge,un unnual nccoun�in�e ul the F1inJn.+howing creJits and Jebit. to thr Fund,und the �,.: <br /> purpasc for which cuch dcblt to Ihc Fund�was mudc. Thc Fundti are pluclRcd as uiklilionul sccuriry tiir all sums sccurcd by • � <br /> -- ' lhis SeCnfilyln.m�menl. <br /> ��.. <br /> If the FunJs held by Lendcr excecd tFk umount� {xrmined tu iw huld by upplicublc lu�v, LenJcr �hufl ucwunt w ` T , - -�`� <br /> � Borrower for thr excetia FunJ+ in uccurdance with the rc��wr�ments ol�applicnMe law. It�hr umuunt ol'Ihe Funds held hy � ,•:.; � <br /> L e n d e r�t u n y t i m e i�n o t .u f t i c i c n t t o p a y t h e E.r r r o w�I t e m� w�tx:n duu,l.rnder mu y +�►nutif y Bittrower in wri�in�,und,in ti; . � <br /> �� " such ca+e Barrower shall pay to Lender Ihc umuunt nece.�un lo mt�ke up thu Jeticicncy. Bormwcr shull mukr up ihe �•�• � <br /> ' deticicncy in no more than twelve monthl��raymrnl,,ut l.ender's,ole d�scre�iun. � <br /> � � Up�m p;►ymcn� in full ul'ull sum++ccur�J Ny�hi+Security Inxtrumem.Lcndcr shall pr��mptly mfund to Burruwcr uny <br /> Funds hcld by Lcnder. If,undrr parukr.��li 21. Lendcr�h+dl uryuin cx xll tha H•oprny. Lendrr, priur lo thc ucyui.ition or I� .. ` <br /> tiulc of the Pro}xrty. .hall npply any FunJti h�ld hy Lcndcr ul thc timc ot'uryuisiliun or �alr a� a rredit uguimt thc sumti � � <br /> . ' recumd by this Scruriry Imvumcnt. , . <br /> ° ' J. Application uf P�vmenls. Unlr.+.�pplicablr la��� piuvidr� othcrwi�r.ull p:�ymcnt. reccivrJ hy Lcndcr unJcr <br /> • paragr.�phs I a+nJ 2 �hall h�;�pplied: 1in�.a�any ����aymem rhargr.duc undcr�hc Notr: ,ccand,to anxiuntti puyuhlc undcr �, ,,-,:;` <br /> p�ragr.►ph 2:thirJ.tu intcre.t duc:i��uni,.��► r��►,��r�i�i���:and uny lul�churgc.dur undcr ihc N�ilc. �^ . ., <br /> 4. Cqarqes: I.iens. Borruwrr .hall p•ry all ta�c,. a.,c.,mcnt,. rhur�:c,. tine. und im�x►.i�i��n. auribu�aMe io ihc � <br /> ' Property which m.�y attafn priority ovrr thi. Security In.Irumem.and Ira.�huld paynum+ur�round rcn�'any. Bi�rrower ; . -- <br /> shall pay thesc ohligutiuns in thc mannrr pr�wiJrd in pur.�gruph?.or if ni�t paid in thut mvnnrr.Borrower.hall p•ry them on r .. . . <br /> limc dirrctly to thc�xr.on owrd paymrm. Rorrow•er.hall pnnnpily I'urni+h to LrnJcr sdl nuiirc,�►f lx puid undcr �r .•,.�.}-t,ir-,,} <br /> this purugraph. If Bi�rrnwcr makr�thcu p:�ymcnl.Jircctly. H�wruwer shull promp�h�I"urni,h t��Lendcr receipt.cviJencing i . .�,;,�.;� <br /> ., the puymcnt�. � :�'""�_-° <br /> a�.�-- <br /> Borrowcr,huU pn�mpily di.rhurge un�• licn��hich h:�.priuriry uvcr Ihi,Srcuriiy In+trument unlcs�B�►rrawcr:lul a�Zrcc� w <br /> , . � in writing to�hc paymcnt��I'ihc obliEatic�n tircurrd hy thc licn in a mannrr arrrptuM.w Lrnder:Ih)conlc�h in�ixxl faith thc E .� ° <br /> ��•• <br /> ".. licn by.or del'cnJs aguin,t enl'cxcrmcnt ol'1hc lirn in. Irg:d pr�xr�din�.��•hirh in �h� Lcndrr:opinion uprrutr to prrvcnt ihe : �..'�� <br /> enforcement of thc lien:��r Ic)+ecurcti from Ihc holJcr of the lien an u�rernxin.aii.l'aca�ry�u l•ender,uixirJinuting ihe lien C - <br /> , to�hi+Scrurity In+tromcn�, It'4cndcr iklcrminc.Ihat any parl ot'thr Nr��prny i. ,uhjcct w a licn �.•hich may utrrin priurily � <br /> ovcr this Sccuriry Ins�rwnent.L¢ndcr may�ivr I3urruaer a nuticc iikntifying Ihc li�n. Borrowcr+hall �ati�t'y thc licn or takc � <br /> ' ane or rnorc of'tlx��Ktiun..ct timh alx►rc wiihin IU dsi�-.i�l'thr EivinE�►I'nulirr. <br /> 5. Haxard or Propert�• Inxurunce. Burri►wrr,hall 6�rp�hc impra�•rmrn�.no��• �xi.ting��r hrrcafter�rertcd�,n th� <br /> r: . .. Prnpcny insurcd a�:ain.t los,hy lirc.hunud,includrd wiihin thc irrm "cx�endrd ruvrr;i�r"and:my atiicr haiurdx. iixludin€ <br /> tlaxls or fla�din�t, for which l.cndrr reyuir�, inwuran�r. Thi. in.uranrr �liall Ik ma�nl:unrJ in Ihc ;miuuntti anil iur Ihr <br /> FormJ1128 4,411 �p�ier:���r�p�i¢r..l <br /> I <br /> t <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> � <br /> . j ..�1 — - _ <br />