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<br /> � . �R �. 92-- 1 n 19�0 ��==-
<br /> ���� �� ' ,�r�-- ����'7 -
<br /> �upplicablc law muy apccify 1'nr rcin��alrmentl t►r alc of c �p r.uunt tu uny{x�wcr ul' ,alr comuincd in�hi� �;',_._•�� ='-
<br /> a'•„ Fr� - - : �::-
<br /> Securlty Inslrurnent: or lb1 enlry ot'+►judgment eafurcing Ihi�Securfly In.trumcm. Thou cand�uon.ure ih•rt RoR�►w�er: Iu1 �-:,--
<br /> %�� ' '' puyg l.ender nll �umx whirh then wuuld Ix due under ihiti Securiry In�lrument and Ihr Notr ux il'n�� +ucrleruti�m hud t•�,^;_��
<br /> � •Tr-'7.�+��
<br /> uccumeJ:lb)curex uny defauU cri uny other covenunt+or ugmemen�+;lcl puy+u�)�xpen+e.r incuReJ in cnG+rcing�liir tirrurity __
<br /> Intitrumcn�,inrluding.but nol limitcd ta, rcu��nuMc uuomcyti'fec,; vnd Idl lukc� such ac�ion u. l.endrr m�y rca+�mably •��_--' '�
<br /> " ; n�uirc lo arxure IhAt Ihe lien of thix Security Intitrument,l.ender+ nght�in�he Prnpchy und H��n'��wcr�"�h��F�u�'n tu puy�hr -y� '--�
<br /> sum� xccumd by th{s Security Instnimcn� vhall continuc unch�nged. U�n ninzlutemcm by Burrower, Ihi. S�curity =-��:__����
<br /> � - - Inatrumen�unJ�he��bligutiun+l.ecured hereby shnll remuin fully effec�ive us ii no accelerulion hud�xcurred. However,thi. _�,,___A.`�,_,._
<br /> " right to reinslutc whull not upply in thc cu+c of ucccicrutian undcr purugrAph 17. ;:,�i.,yR;�;;��l_�
<br /> ' �•� `� • 19. Sale of Nate: ChAn�e uP I.oan Servlcer. The Note nr a psu�iul intere,t in thc Notc Ilugrdxr wiih thi,Security
<br /> : - Inctrumeml mAy be sold one ar more[imes without prior notice to Bom�wer• A sule muy re�ult in u chanFe in thr �ntity
<br /> ° " (known as�he "l.oan Servicer")that�ollects monthly payment�due under the No�e und Ihix Security In�trunient. Thcre al,o ' .�,.�.•.,....�.wL:,;:.��
<br /> rnay be one or morc changes af the Loan Servicer unrclutcd to a sale of�hc Notc. If thcrc is u changc a(thc l.o•rn Scrvicer. "� . � ��. ,•••
<br /> Borrower will 6e given wriuen notice of the change in s�ccardun�e with p�+rugruph 14 aMwc and upplirahlr law. Thc na�ice ,.,,
<br /> � will state the name und uddress of the ncw Loan Servicer and the uddrexs�a which payment�should he mnde. Thc natice will :._�,:,«,,,,;,_�,;,,:.�};..-`
<br /> ' also contAin uny other information required by upplic�ble law. ' t '�'*n�{�;`s'•�`'��
<br /> Y �i'���;.,s.. .,Ei. t.
<br /> 20. Hazardous SubstAnce+�.. Banower ghull not cause �x permit ihe presencc,use,dixpisal,storagc.or relca.r of an ��'���,:: •�. "'^''' �
<br /> �'.����� Hazardous Substances an or in the Propeny. Sorrowe�shull not du,nor ullow unyone eke to Ju, unything affecting the �i;..,� �..:'v.'��. �
<br /> � �`• ���'' ,, ''`'��'�' ° . Propeny thnt is In vialution of Any Bmironments�l Lnw. The precedingiwa xentences sh:►11 nat upply to�hc pre�encc,ux.ar . �-?''-�;_. ='., '
<br /> �.-
<br /> , , :;ti�: ,.,; s�orage on the Piropeny of small quan1itics of Huzardous Substun�'es ihut arc gener:�lly rccognixed ta br appraprialr�o normal ' "� 'L� -,N j
<br /> ` ' •,;,; { residential uses and to muintenance of the Property. �' '
<br /> Borrower shall pramptly give Lender wriuen notice of any inve�:tigution,cl�im,demund,lawsuit a��ther uctian by uny ' � ��._.
<br /> ' ��•�""'�I� governmental or regulatory agency or privnte purry invulving�he Property and any HuiarJous Subsrmce or Environmcn�ul _�,_ _
<br /> '' � �'• ���`' "' Luw of which Borrower hns uctual knowledge. lf Barrower Icams,or is notit�ed by uny governmentul or rcgul;�ory �":•+.;,v�•,:�:��
<br /> • authorily.thnt any removnl or o�her remediu�ion of any Hwurduus Sulntunce affecting thc Propeny ix necesxary,Borrower _ � �
<br /> shull promptly wke all necessury remediul acti�ms in uccordunce wiih Environmental l.uw. � •--
<br /> a��a:
<br /> Ax used in this purugruph 20."Huzurdou,Subztances"un:Ih��+c subs�unces defineJ ati loxir or hward�w.,uh,�ances ny _ �,-
<br /> Environments�l Luw und thc fallowing yubs�unrcx: ga.nlinc,kcm�cnc.o�hrr tlammuMc or�oxic �xtmkum pr��Juc�s.u�xic =:� • �'�
<br /> pcsticid�ti und hc�hkidcx. vnlu�ilc ,olvcn�ti.mutcriul+comuinin�e u+lxuu,or tiirmokkhydc.and rudioactiv. nw�crial+. A. ,- , . --
<br /> . _.".; . ^ ... u.rd m�hi�pamgruph 2U,..Env irumu�ntal L.au'•mcun+!'cderul Uiw�nrNl Is�w���f Ihc juritidic�i�m whcrc IM Ro�xhy ix I�xutcd :. . . •�;..�
<br /> " thut rclu�c to henUh.wul'cry or envirunmrnlul prot�c�iun. ',. . � �
<br /> NUN-UNIFnRM COVf:NANTS. Hunowrr aixl I.rndcr funiur rnv�n�m�und u�errc+��ti�U��w.:
<br /> 21. Acreler�tbn: Remedl��c. Lender xhull Rive nntice ta BaKrower prlor Io�rcelerulion GdlowinR Norrower'K ...,R
<br /> ° brewch oi uny cuvennM or uureement In Iqfs tiecu�lty Intitrurnen�Ibul nol prfor to ucccleruti�m under para{�ruph 17
<br /> ------ unles.r appllrehle 1ww grovldes otlKrw•Isel. The nutke.rhull npeclFy: 1 ul the defuull:l b11he�ctG�n reyulred lu rure thr ,.:�._': ' �," �
<br /> defaWt:lcl a dute.nnt Ic4v tBun ill dpy!+t'ram the dute Ihe natke Iv Riven tn iiorrowcr.i�� w hkh ihc dcFiuli mus! !� ,- -� �,
<br /> ' cured;and Idl lhwt faNure lo cure Ihe default on or before IAe date xpecified in the notice muy result in acceleralN�n uf ��;:,, ;
<br /> the sums cerured by thix tierurily In�lrument und rale ot'thc Pn�pe�ly. The notice xhall fu�thrr Ini'�Km Bnrrower of • .
<br /> Ihe righl lu relnstate ufter ucreler�tion and the rikht lo brinR +�cuurt uctiun to u+serl lhr non•existence of a defuult ur +
<br /> wny Wher defens�of'Borrnwer to ucceleration and tiule. IP Ihe defaull is mU cured on or befiire Ihe date specified in .
<br /> Ihe nntice.Lender At its oplfon muy reyuire immediate payment in full oF ull sums secured by this Securily Instrument
<br /> " wilhout furtlier demand and may invoke the pnwrr of Sule und unp other remedies permitted by applicable luw�.
<br /> l.eoder�hall be entitled q� collect all expense+ incurred in purznin�E Ihe remedies prvrvided in thic paru�ruph 2l. . �;: .
<br /> inrluding,b�d not limiled lo.reawnuble aporneys'Pec+aad coslx otlitl�evidencc. ' ^}
<br /> If the power of w+le iti im•oked.7Yu,lee shull record a nutfce nf dePault in euch county in which an��part af'thr .
<br /> Property is localed and shull muil a�pies of such natire in the munner prexcribed by upplicuble law tu Borruwer and to
<br /> � the other persons prescrfbed by upplicuble law. APter the lirne reyuirrd bv upplicable law.'IYuctre shall�ive public : `� �
<br /> nolice ai sale lo the per�cons and in the munne�prescribed by appllruble luw•. '11'ustee,withuut demand on Borrower. • _
<br /> ., shall sell the Properly ut publir auction to the hi�hrtit bidder at the time und place and under the terms de!�{gnated in � . ��-�'�_�
<br /> Ihe notice uf sule in one or more purcels uod in anp order 7Yuster determinez. 'fruztee mu}•puytpnne�ule oP all or any , r,•.,.::_;,.
<br /> parcel oP the Property by public unnnumemenl ut the lime und plure oP anc pre�•iouslv srheduled.r•s�le. Lender or its . ,:=,;�:,,�•.-
<br /> -`` �'�n$7r..:
<br /> designee mav purchase the Property ut uny sule. ;��;_-�..-
<br /> � Upon recript of payment oP the price bid.Tru�lec sholl dell��er to Ihr purcbuxcr 71�ustee�deed cum•eving the _,Y�,�f,i�V
<br /> Pruperty. TUe recitulz in Ihe 71�ustrr's decd�hull br primu Pi�cic c�fdencc ot'1he Irulh oF the ytalements made therein. , . .,,�;
<br /> • Trqstee chr11 rppl�Ihe prncred!c of Ihe w►le in the fblloxinu order: �u 1 to�U costs und crpenseti uf exerci.r•ing the power ? , �,
<br /> e .��"=:
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