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�1 . : r� �f�'r�f YP�' !?u i t� ,. . . '_ �'...�_ �t, _ - — <br /> �1`..�._ :::a*_�: rt:�..1�u�:_�.s�»�"_ `Yd6sf�ra. ,i• �F n: .. __. <br /> �i,. '.���� ' W '. .. , . __.,__T.."".';,' :_,�.�T � ,,. <br /> ,s �1*,. .:wt- hi'v,r'�4�•i <br /> n,.•ts� .»� x=. <br /> .. � . . .,�kt;h„�o,,,.;�,�„'' _r,- <br /> � r4e. ..._ °-- '� -- <br /> ".:;„ <br /> -- — - - �vrv�.y►�+tM. :,:;.._:__� <br /> ;,., . - <br /> , _ . �y �..�-...,.. �- <br /> ..�,�A.�.,.- <br /> ..,.- _— --— �_.� <br /> , . <br /> , . 92RE1�232'7 9 _ i�isoo <br /> ,: 2 <br /> . .:.�... �.,e:`, � TOCi�THER WITH uU the impr�wcmems nuw ur henulicr crerted�m thc pro�rly.anil+dl ra,en'cnt�,,ippunrnuncti�. �„��,__-- <br /> , �'`^ and fixwres now or hrreoi�cr u purt of�he pmpeny. All Rpluccmcm+und u�klitiun�. �hnll ul�u ix c�w�r�d by �hi+Serurity — <br /> .� ° � ; Inalrument. All uf thc forcgoing ir mfcrrcd lo in thi�Sccu�i�y h���rumr��u�ihc"f�r�►�xr�y." <br /> ,� �`^'� BARROWER COVENANTS Ihul Borrnwcr ir;luwfully .ri�cd nl'thc c.lric hrr�by runv��yrd ond ha��hc rfµht lu grunl <br /> . ,• " . und cunvey the Propeny und thut�he Pn►peny ir�unencumlxrrd.rxcepl fi�r rocumhr�mre+ul rcrord. Nnrrnwer wurronl�und ��.__ <br /> • � •1; .. :•.�� .• ' will dcfend generAlly the iitic�o thc Property uguinKt ull cluims unJ�kmund,,.uhiert�u imy rncumhruncc,,�►t"rnr�►rd. <br /> � .. _ ..,. . , <br /> _ , . . , .. THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT combincs unifumi rn�•rnnn�, fur nmi��nnl u,� �md nun•uniti►rn� c�►vcnuntti with — , -_ _ _„_ <br /> • ;, e- _ ' <br /> • limited vuriatian+by jurixdictiun a►contilitutc u unili►rm w:curity fn�vumrnt ruvcring rcul pra�ny. ___ <br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrowcr und l.endcr cuvcnum unJ ugrcc uti fnllows: �a n:----- <br /> ;'i� ' 1. Puyment of Princlpol end InlereAli Prepuyment wad Lwte Chpr�e�. H��rmwrr+hull prompUy puy whcn duc thc �'�'t= <br /> �• � . principal of and Mterest c►n the debl evidenccJ hy�he Nrnc und uny prepuyment und Iwr churgc+due undcr�he Not�. �� <br /> • � 2. Funds Por'li�xes And Inaurance. Subjrct lo upplicuhlc luw or Io u written wciivcr hy Lcndcr.Horrowcr,hull pay�u ------ <br /> �, � L.rnder on Ihe duy m�nthly puymems urc due undcr�hc Natc,until Ihc Nutc i�pi�iJ in 1' 1"FunJ."1 ti►r. lu1 ycurly !��°'= <br /> ' - taxeti und usscssmentti which may ul�uin p�foriry iwcr thi,Securiry In��rument u.u Ifen on�hr 1'ro�x:rty:(b) ycurly Icu�chold �=-._ ----- <br /> �' " � . puymen�s or grc►und rent� on ihc F'r�peny, if uny: Ic) ycurly haiurd or pri�peny in.urtmcc premiuma: IJ� ycurly tl�x►d ,,s� <br /> . ::,` , �._�� �x--��=_� <br /> imurunce premium�, if uny: (e! yeurly mortgugc intiurunce premiums, if any; und 111 .tny yums puyuhle by Burn�wcr to °° _ _ <br /> '"� ' ' • � Lendcr,in accardunrc wiih thc mvi+ions of aru ru h K,in licu uf�hc a mcnt uf mnn u�r in,urunrc rcmiums. 'f'hc�c <br /> p P e P P'Y B b P ��•��_ �4a <br /> � � � items are ca11eJ"E�cre�w Ucm..' Lender may.ot any time.collect und hold Fund�in un umuunt not w excced�he maximum ;,,,,,,f�:r <br /> t�:J•:; __ru <br /> .�;�,,•. Amuunt u lemler for a f'ede�ally rel•rtcJ m��hgugc lo:u� may requim li�r Borrawcr.l• r,crow uccuunt undcr thr I'cdcral Rcul .... . �.�_� <br /> E�tutc Settlement Procedures Art i�l'IN7d as amcnded from limc li�timr. 13 U.S.C.� '_G01 ��r cry.("RESPA"1,unk,s unothcr 'i::ti�;�4:'`-_ <br /> � law that applier to thc Fimds.ets a Iesscr umoum. If so,l.cndrr may,u1 any time,coller�and ho1J un ami�unt not t�� '.�'�` <br /> , �4��• � ' '"� ' exceed Ihe Iexser umount. Lender muy etiiimute the umoum oi'Fund. due�m �he hasis ol cuRem d•rta;md reu.unable � .r�; � <br /> �j;�;. �v •',;r.(,i'�,:.;,�+`•� '• �•� e�timates of oxpeoditures nf future Escrow Items or otherwisr in accordance wilh iipplicahle luw. ' �,. :: � ;F 1 �vi..:.; <br /> � , f�:;i!.•�i�'�,it':'�'r�;?:;.� ' The Funds shull be hcicl in an ins�i�uiion whose dc�x�si�s ure insurcd hy :+ federul agcncy, in��rumentulit��. or cntity ,� ),,,,,. �� . .� <br /> �, ', f�., , . �:�;;�M <br /> ,, , . .,.,� . - <br /> • �. �, ,,�� ...:�•.;,� . �'i,: <br /> ,,�;;�;;,,..._.�.;;'<<�f,,�; lincluding l.ender,if'Lernier i+such un intitilutionl�r in un} Fe�kral Hame l.oun Hank. Lendrr shall apply thr pay ••�-;:,.,�y„ <br /> ' ,,F;,Y�' the Eurow Item.. l.ender may not rharge BoROwcr fur holding u�d applying thc Fund.,unnuull�•unaly�ing ihc rsrmw %�`�-� „��,,,-�{`- <br /> ' • F.' '''' ' ' ' �; uccounl, or verit'ying the Eurow Ilems, unlrxti Lender pay+ Bnrtower intrrest on �he Fund+ und applicuBle luw p�rmi�+ ��' ' '••"•- � <br /> .'�: •. . �-�n �:_. <br /> ;} � ' , , I.ender to muke ,uch a chu�ge. However. 4ender may reyuire Boa��wrr a�puy u i�ne-�ime churge for an indepenJrn�r�al � ���;,:, <br /> . 1,.,;..p <br /> . �. esiate tax reponin�;ti�rvice u,eJ by Lcudc� in cu�incction«•ith this loan,unlessapplicahle I:,w pmvides rnhenvixe. Unle,�an � : �..�+.��' <br /> ����;' � � ,�,;!+�, ugreement is mudc nr uppliruble law requirc+inlerest tn he paid,Lendcr�hall nat hc rcyuircd ta puy Ri�rrower uny intrrcst i�r " � �,�,: <br /> °'����``:'"1•� � ,«•+ eamings on Ihc Funds. Born�wcr and Lender ms►y ugree in wri�ing,h��wcvcr.�hu� imcrext,hall tx p►iid an thc Fund,. Lcndrr •;�..::•'' � ,,u <br /> . :,�����,.a,.... •.:,i�..4, <br /> �1;',��, '` ' ..�ti;,i,�.;��.,,. ;,.. , tihull ivc to Borrower. wilhc�ut chur c,an unnual.►rcountin�of thc Funcl,. �hnwing credits und dchit�to thc Fund�und thc . ,�•��!�z;1��.. <br /> g S fw�r-j1 - <br /> ' •.: • • pur�wse for which cuch debit�o the Funds wu+mude. The Funds nrr pledged us �idditional security fur ull sums srcurcd by <br /> ---- — thi;�ecurity lnatrum�nt. ___- `.::"'i <br /> . If the FunJs hcld by L.cnJer rxceed �hc c►me►unl, perniinrd ta Ix hcld by upplicaMr I:�w. I,ender ,hull ucec�unt �o � - °::�. ,. <br /> � • Borrowcr for Ihc cxcr�ti ucrorJuncr wi�h ihc rryuircmrnix al'upplicublc luw. If�hc amount uf thc Fund,hrld by � � <br /> Lrndcr ut any tirnc is niH tiufticicm w puy ihc Fi�cru�v Items whcn duc. Lcndcr muy .o notil'y R��rr�iwrr in wri�ing.uixl. in <br /> ':�`��. <br /> wch ru�c Bcxrowcr ,hall puy lo l.cndrr Ilm um�►um nrrc�.ury ti,mukr up Ihr dclicirncy. Hurcuwrr+hcdl mukr up Ihc � ' , <br /> • deficicnry in nu morc Ihan�wrlvc monlhly paymem,.a�I.endrr;�ulc di+crc�iun. � <br /> � Upon puymrrn in full ul'�dl tium..crured hy�hi.tircurily In,lrumcnl.I.rndrr.n.�u �������r►�i>� �.r����i ��► Korruw�r any . <br /> . Fund,hrld by I.endcr. II'.wukr pa�agr;�ph?I. Lendrr.h+iU acyuirr ur,rll thc I'roprrn•. Lender.prior�o Uir ncyui.niun ur , � , <br /> .ulc ol'Ihr I'ra�xny. +hull ��rriy any Fund.hrld hy Lrndcr at thr�imr of :icyui�itiun ur ,alr :i.+� rredit aµuin.l thr.inn+ � . • <br /> , •� .rcurcd hy�hi,Srruriry In.trununl. � . <br /> � i. ApplicuUnn ot Puyment+. Unl�,. ��rr►i��.�ni� lav►• pn�vidr. �nhrrwi.r.,�ll puymrm. rrrci�ed hy l.cndcr unJcr __ <br /> .' parugruph. I •rnd?.hull Ik applicJ: lint.tu:u�y prrpaymem churgr.Jur w�dcr thc Notr:xr�md.lo:umwnt,payublr undcr .,�-:-. <br /> purug�uph 2:third.w intcR,t Juc:ti�urth.��,r������r;d dur:;md lu.�.�o uny liur chargcti Jur unJcr Ilx Notr. . t•"•� <br /> 4. CharR�w: Llens. Barrowrr shull puy +dl I.�xc�. ati+c��mau�. �h:�t�!e�. linr� unJ imEx�,iti��n. uurihutuBlc Iu Ilk 1'1:�;== <br /> ,.;.._ <br /> • . . Propetty which muy attuin priority ovrr thi.S�curi�y In�tnimcnt. unJ IcutichulJ paymcm.ur ground rents. if uny. Rorn►wer 'x-�� <br /> �' '�•,''.. +hull pay Ihetic uNliEuli� tlir m�mnrr pru�•idrd in paru�:ruph'_.ur il'nul paid in Ihin mannrr.Iii�Rnwcr,hidl puy Ihcm uu •...__;-. <br /> ' timc dircclly lu th���wrd payment. Hnrrowcr.hull promp�l��t�irni.h u,LrnJcr all nu�icr.ol umuunl�lo tk �id undcr � '^`.'� <br /> F�' _ .�^ -.. <br /> thi� �+rugruph. 11�Burcowrr mi�kc.thc+r paymrnn dirrrlly. 8��n•owrr xhall pramptly I'umish io Lrndcr receipt�cvidcncing ( �;r�3s�.-µ•�".,�,�_,`'� <br /> the puyments. f "�°'�'T- <br /> Rorr��wcr xhall promplly di�char�r any licn�vhich hux priurity uvcr thiti krurity In.lnimrnt unlc+s Bnrtow•rr:lal u�rec. � _ <br /> in writing w thc payment ol'thc��hligution,crurrd hy�hr li�n in u manncr�irrepluhlc tu l.�ndrr:�b1 contcsts in good fuith thc • <br /> lien by,or drlenJ.a�!uinsl cni'orcemrnt of Ihc lien in.Icg•rl prixr�Jing.�vhich in ihr LrnJrr;opini�►n o�xralr w prevem the f <br /> cnforcemcnt ot'thc lien:or(c1�ccurc.from�hr hi�IJcr ut�Ihr licn �m ugrrcmcm .atixfactory�o Laidcr,ub�ttdinating thc lirn . , <br /> . „ to thi+Scrurity Instrument. If Lendrr detrm�ineti thai any pail ot'Ihr Pru�x:ny i,,uhjccl tu a lien whirh may uttain priurily <br /> ° over this Sccurity Inslrwncnt.I.cnJcr tnay givc Burruwcr a n��iicr idrnlifying�hc licn. {i�irrowrr.hull�ali�fy�hc lirn ur tukc ` <br /> imc or morc of thc artion.,ct forth aFx►ve wi�hin l0 day+uf Ihr giving uf nuticc. <br /> ; 5. Hazard or Pruperty Insurance. Borrowrr�hall kcrp Ihc�� �,xi.lin�ur hrrcal'tcr rrecicJ un Ihe <br /> 1. Pm{xny in.ureJ uguinst lo.+hy t'irc.h��ard+inrlud�d��•iihin Uu �crm"rxlcndrd rovrragr ;ind nny whrr h:vard�. inrludin� <br /> tlaxls or ticwcling. f�x whirh LcnJ�r rcyuircti in.uranrr. '1'hi. iutiur:mc� ,hall Fk mainluinrd in �hc amaunls und t'or thr <br /> , Fi�rm 11128 4411 �p�ier.'��l��p,�i,•�� , <br /> � . <br /> .' . <br /> �i.. ' <br /> � <br /> ( <br /> i <br /> . I 1 <br />