<br /> .i.• _ . �.:[:;_:.
<br /> �' "._.'. �.�-... . . .. . . . ...-.�--_i�..��.�_-_
<br /> _ ' ��..-.k.�` . __ ..
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<br /> 9s-�a�� -
<br /> 'Proc�aeda�In oorxw�ctlo�with�mnatlon or other Wckp d th�PropeAy or p�rt thereol,o�lor aonveya�In lieu of cor►detYx�atlor�•
<br /> l.��r�AW b��ntill�d al its optian to c�mrrwnca,+�PPou��Pr��ts In as own nartw any nctlon or proce�'�inQ9,orxl sf�aU alao --
<br /> tx+wti�W m:�a sutiy campromlee or eeltierrwnt kt ooru►oct�n with cuch taklnp or damape. In the evant any portior►ot the Ptopotty i�
<br /> sa Sakan ot darttap�d.L�r►dsr MW Iwve tfw option In iW sda and W�o�uta dls..`a;�t►.to appQ+afl suclt proceed.. afiw'800ua4ig �_
<br /> �rsltom di co�uxl�xpe�►�a Inourr�bY K N connectbn w�th s:uh Proc�.u�w��ny ir�dobtadrwss secured hereby i+nd{n wch �,__
<br /> orcf�t Y LW10�r mr.y dYiernwW.vt ia:y�y,�'y:w",...::.h°t�'!��.lR�sr f�+�c11 dadUCt{01W.t0 thi�il6toration of tft0 R'OpWty Up0i1 WCtI CC1ih F-
<br /> d�o+,o a�t.u�asr may awm�k+s.My .�pt�cati«,a Procaacta w t►�aebtedr►esp sha11 not excer,d or pascpor►e cno due aiaa oi w�y p:y-
<br /> nwnLf utxMr th�Not�,or Curs any difsuN fh�x�dur ar Iwre+under.My unapWfod tw�ds chall be paid b Trustor. �'--
<br /> 6.Pirbt'�ncs by L.��Wer.Upon ths oocumno�of ain Evani oi D�l:u1t lwrourtider, or it any act is takeci or legal pr000edi�p L_
<br /> 1 t0 d0 S0,
<br /> OOit1t�1WIC0�M�h1Cf1 fi7�W(1�1tY++iifsi:ia i.Giiu�'vi'a°Mi'w'w!'t:th�n!t'�?4+1y��4i+►+i�may ifl IL4 OW�i d15Cfetbll.WJt Witllout Ob1i�3lIW —
<br /> arul without rsotba to or d�nand upon Trustor�nd withoul rafoattr��Trusior from any obflpatio+i,do anY sct u,4ti}ctt 7�rusla'i�s aprueJ =_
<br /> but taAed to do and may atso aio ony othor�d it dwrtu necessary to protect the secudty hereot.Tnutor sht�ll,Immed'+atey►upon -
<br /> demand Narotor Cy Lo�da�.PaY to Le+xi�r a!1 a�ta and expenses trxurad ar�7 s�xns e�:psn:ad by lender in conr�e�tbn with the exer• --
<br /> cka by Landu ot tria forapo�rp �pt�ts,toqether with k�tarest ttwreon at tha detauft rate provided tn tha Note.which shall be adied to -
<br /> w.tnd�bteaneas caa,red nor�by.l.��der cnau no��nau.ny uaeuit�►oecauae a any�r,k�y it may do or om�,to aa hera�,,,der. --
<br /> 9. F{asarctoua MaNrWs.Trustor shaU fc�A the Prop�hY i��� with al!applicable 4aws� otdk�ances and repulatlo+�s --
<br /> ��tatinp W indusirlal hyplarw or envtrommental P►otecUon(colloc�lveN noterted to heroin as"Envlrc►runental laws7.Trustor shall keeP
<br /> tha PropaRY icee trom ail subst�ncis daetned W be Razarcious or toxic utxier any Environmental Lswe(ooll�ctivefy�eferred W he�ein
<br /> aa'livardoua QAatorials�.Tn�ator hereby wartants and represatits to Lendor that there ue no Hazardaus Mate►ials on or wider tlw
<br /> Properly.Trustor Iwroby�qreec to it►�etrmitY and 1►eW ha►mies9 L�nder.Its dlrectors,officars.empioY�s ar�d a�pe+►�•and any succes• _.
<br /> �«s w L�w,dsrs+nwrost,rrom aoa a�wt any and all cwms,damaaes,�ocws ana uabiGUes arisin�In oauw�.�tian with cne prese�,00,
<br /> use.dis�ocal cr transEwrt of any Hazardoua Mate�ials o��ur�der.from or about the PropeRy.TiiE FOAEGOII�IG WAlZAANTIES Mf0 _
<br /> RE�,Qiyi�e}r�i�,E O�Tn"i5 D��D OF TRUST. -
<br /> 10.Assfaur�►ta ot R�nb.TrusWr twreby assi�ns to Le+xior,and yrants Lender a secu�ity inter�st In.�I presen�iu3we and —
<br /> aftor�uiskq rents.Issues a.-�d profds d tha Property:Provlded tha!Trustos sl�aU,urHil the xcurtenoe ot an Event of Detauft.t�areunder�
<br /> have the ripht to coReci snd rotaln such ronta,issues and profi�i as they become due and payable.Upon Me oa:urter�ce of an Event of
<br /> Defat�tt.Lendar may.a�he�in perso�o�by a�nt.wiih a wiihout btinfling any action or procaedln9,os by o t�e+lrer a��ok�ted bY a
<br /> court and without repard to the�de4uacY of its cocuriiy.en►a�upars and ta7ca ^°° '�n ol ihe ProQerry.or any part tt►areof,in Hs ov+r+
<br /> n�me or ln tt�e name of the Tnulea.and do any a�ts which it deems necessary or desUable to preserve the vaWie.n►arketAbititf►or
<br /> rentaeiwN a aw Propeny.or any paat a�erea or interest u�eretn,or to increase a�e inoo�r�e u�eretmm or prote�t tt►a sec+xiRy►n.root and.
<br /> wdh or wiihout tatclrW P�esslo�oP'the W�apertY.sue tor or�twlse��A���Slssues and Prof'ds.lmss oos�i and axpens'
<br /> due and unPai�J.bY notih►►rW tenants to make P�YR� y
<br /> es of oporatlon and oousction incWdi+�p artomey's teas,to sny tndebteaness securoa nen+byr�au in such oraer a9 Lende�may doser-
<br /> rnkw.The ento�inp upon end takk�9 P�s�01 iha PropeAl►. the oolbction d such re�t9� i�sWO and pt�ofib�aM ths apQGca►tbn
<br /> thareof as etonc�id�IwY�ot curo or waive anY datautt or noUce of default hereundor or i�validate any sd dotw tr��'�Po+�oo!IecNon,
<br /> default or pursuant W such notloe ot deEault and.notwithstarbin9 the continuance in posso±�ion of th.a prorerty .
<br /> �eceipt�nd application of rents.lssues or profds,Tnisteo and lender shaU be sntitl�ed to ex�ncise every►�iyt►t Provided tor ln any of the _
<br /> l.oan inctrwr�ents or by law upon oozurrence of any Event of Oefauq,inck�dir�p M^tl�o+�W�wtstlon ihe ripht to exercies t1w pows�of Qale.
<br /> Furttwr.Le�xiwa ri�hts and rarneQies unde�thts parapraph sh�U be cumulative with�and In no way a Iirt�itatioo ort�Lende�'s ri�ht�end —
<br /> romedie�undar�r►Y aas3�nn►ent ot laases and r�ts�orcfed eaalnst the Prop�itY.Le�xkr.Trwtee and iM rao�ivsf shW be Usbie 1�
<br /> acco�utt on1Y tor tltioce ronts actt�Yy reoeh►ed.
<br /> 11.EvarW aQ O�fautf.Tho�oUo�W cf�ll oonsti�ute an Event ot Defautt undor thls Deed W Tnist:
<br /> (a)FaYure to pay any k�stalknsnt of prirtclpa�a interest of any otl�er swn secxued hereby when due;
<br /> �j:^..,,+;.r����r�rsn�a�w n�oviQlor►000taYt�d(n the No1e.�s Deed ot Tn�st.anY of the Lo�u�irulrtmeNs.or a�Y
<br /> oltrr ti�n or�►aur�b��e��ttw��
<br /> {o)A w�i d execution or ettadunat�t or artY slm�lar Process shaN ba onWred Walnst Trustor vrJ�ich shep beoar�s a lisn on
<br /> ttw Pto(�tY��Y Pa+�thereof or tnterest theroin:
<br /> (dI There shaU be fi{ed by or aQralnst Tnutor a Bortov+er an actJon iu�der eny presont or future tederal.sts�e or ott�stadAe.
<br /> taw«r.yulation re+atk�g W bankn+ptcy.k�edver�Y or oa�er rouer tor doowrs:or n�ero�rwu be appokuc�a any trusise.reoaiwr or
<br /> Iiquidator of Tn�stor or Borrowcr or o9 eM or at�y poR ot the Propeity.or ths cents.bswa or poo6ta thsteot.or TnWot ot Bort�wr
<br /> sfwll rnaks a�y�al aai�xr��for th�Denefil of c»ddas:
<br /> (s)?ra�i..uansfer�lease,aaaiyrvna►t.con�eyanoe or turttier erxxunbrance a au «any aut of or any intens!in Ws
<br /> Praperty�att�vouu�LriN a k�voluntaritY.wlttw�t the expresz wri�n oonssnt d Lender,Provld�d tAat Tnisfor sttiaN be penrtit-
<br /> ted to exacute a lea�a ot ths Property tl�at does not antain an opti�on to qud�asa and t�e tertn d wF�ich doos nat ezcesd aw
<br /> �Abancionms��t of ttw Property;w .
<br /> (y)H Trustor is not an individual�tlfa iteuatlCS. sale. tnu�sioi.aseiy.'u�rs�.co..::�..t�4t�xnbranc�ol moce than(il a
<br /> oorporaYa^)a tota�ot percant W ita issued and outstandir►D stocic,or(N a Partne�hiP)a wtal d _�
<br /> �«u a �a,��a�s,a c�s r�a�►��r)a so�a ae��c a���►�«ma-
<br /> ny tntere�tc or vot�ny riglxs du�inp the De�od tNs Ueed of Tn�st remainc a lien af the pr'cPenY• .
<br /> 12.R�diM:AooN�sab�o�Upon D�u�In tha auwnt ol eny Event of OofwU Lender may,wiUwut noUce except as requksd
<br /> by law.dedaro aY:,a.bEednes�secc;ured neretiy m be due arrd payawe and n�e same ahaa a�ereupon beconw due ana payabis wrn-
<br /> out atry Pras�►tmer�,demsnd.Protest or notico of any Idnd.Thereafter Le�xier may:
<br /> (a)Datfand 1!►at Trus�ee exercl�e ths POWER OF SALE y►ar�d hsreln�and Trustea shW fiereatter cauaa Tnisto�s NWr-
<br /> ea tn �y�����ta in any�Loan�n�suurt�ier�s«�b'iyde�dW,�,ooau„no,oE�ve�r�t a
<br /> naaWt;ar►a a reoeiv«�or spearicau�r«�orca aay d the
<br /> (c)Cammer�ce an actio��to ta�eciose ti�is Dead of Trust as a rtw�e�aPP�
<br /> t�to rets�edy 'twr«n cadsrrad upon or resorvad to Trust�or lender is intended to bo exc(usiva of enY oL►�er rerr�y►Mnin�in the Loan
<br /> = q�sL�i.TSarsts or bY is�w provided a�emaited.hut¢ach aha:!ba cumutaUve.shall be in additlon to every oU�remedS►9'�e�hereunder•
<br /> In the Loan ins�umaus or now a t�ereafter existinD af Iaw cx hi e4u�`y ar by siaWa,asd�^.�;be exerc��ed conc+x�e�MiY.indeQv�dw►tlY _
<br /> or s�,ocsshre+y.
<br /> 13.Ti rwds.Tho Tnist�may resfpn at any titne without cause.attd Lender may at any time ar�d witf�otA cause aDPoiru s wo-
<br /> cacsor or substituta Trustee.TNStee shaU not be Aabla to any party�incltidUq without lim'datbn Lsncier.Borrower.Tnistor or anY D�
<br /> ctwser a ths Properly►.sor any bss or daunaye uNess aue to reckless or wil►tul miscor�duCt.ond sNau noe be requirod to fake any�
<br /> in comectlon with the erdorcan�M ot this Daed ol Tnist un{ess indemnifiad,ir►writiny,tot ell oosta,oorY►pensaUon or exPensem wWch
<br /> may bs associa�ed tfssrevrith. In addidon.Trus�ee may tiesome�a PropeRy,as Wa+idod bY law;or c�ell�P�roperty as w�wle.or in
<br /> cab Qrar►tad hersin):DostPo�e the sale of all or an1►P�+�
<br /> separate paroeis or bts at Trustea's discreti�on.
<br /> 14.FiM�nd Exp�nsM.tn the evw►t Trustee satts the PropertY by exerclse of Rawer ot safe.Trustee sh�Jl be entitted to appfy
<br /> any sale prpcoe�is titsi tc�payment ot eU oosts end ex�ensee of exe�ctsiny powet of sale,includ�ng all Tnutee's feac.end Lendars end
<br /> Tnistee's attomey's fees� aduallY Incurred to extent permitted by aPPl�abfe iaw.In the event Borrower or Trustor exe�cises anY riyht
<br /> Provlded bN taw to cura an EveM of Detauft.Lender shall be enf�tled to recove�trom Trustor aU costs and expenses aar�ally ir�cunod aa
<br /> a rotuq of TnisW►'s defauft�indudin9 without Nrndation a11 Tastee'c and attorney's faes,to Uw extent pennitted bY epPG�'.ab�e law.
<br /> 15.Futuro Ad�ranc�s.Upon re4uesi of Borrower.Lender may,at itc cPtbn.maico additlonal and 1'uture advarxes and read-
<br />_= varxas to Borrower.Such adv�r�osa end�eadvarxas.with interast thereon�shaU be secured by ttas Deed o}TrusL At no Ume shall the .
<br />