„ r . "s �� ,�, i • �•- '°.��I�i�l��� - :'i �y����r f ip .ns� ����y 3�1,; ,- . . { .-SYi:� ���f���?�'�'����n�%�
<br /> :�t�. i ir,��� . �i� •'', .��:'i l �.i f I`W T r.. � i �
<br /> ��"��.I�� � � y�,}�p �,�,1 .._...._:...^.��..ti::ti .c� �. ,..� �, - - -�--=-�-/�y�y �.�t .�fiet<li1 �� . , . , . ,_
<br /> i . .r.. . f�R'C�'r"�� �A!' �1i►1'�►'�!'11+N+6rlb! ��►rwt . Yy- ��u:_. . . . .errM4l�'R .1 "C'7"d''sF"7tI�'. � - , ... ... ._^.'31i�.n•r-5:�.,,z•i��r.
<br /> � 1. . e��tt . ..1Knr..esY�t• ;ry 7{.�:.;N�.�YO�+�rSt�., ... . � . . , . !���,�.ernc� wl.a!� . .
<br /> I.. . . � � .
<br /> _ . . . - . .M�w:�.r. +a1.. . - . -_�.
<br /> •r . �,r ,y,. .�+: .. .. -_
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<br /> ' .. . .. _... . �«IR�1�� r..j '` __.�-
<br /> -..._,...�
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<br /> ��� _ _. . . . . . , .t.+
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<br /> ����. .�%�:�,� —
<br /> ;*��
<br /> .. , . .. 92�— i n2 32 6 �,, .�� _
<br /> �, � ' d. Tha abov �nwunt is ��cur�d wv�n thouph e►11 or pnrt ot 1t m�y not yet b� advanc�d. --
<br /> , � .. Futur� �dvenC�4 und�r th� apr��nt er� cont�plat�d �nd w111 b� secur�d Lo th� a� �xtont +'.r;�•:�.,.� ,y._.��tl�_
<br /> ., �a 1t m�d� on th� d�t� thla d�� ot tru�t ia �x�cut�d, ,� � ;,.;;�.,�.���„�,:�.��
<br /> , �. �' �
<br /> • � +• . '. . , �.
<br /> .'.E
<br /> 1, io 04 �hu du�, tA� orlaclP�l of, �ed th� �etv��t o�, �M IAOII�IIII�{f�YIOIA6�O 0� �M p011� tl�rqef, �Ilf lAd �II Ol�lf fw� u Ororldl0 � • '
<br /> �
<br /> . u tM �otn f�struNntt. ` .
<br /> • 2. Trustors Ir1 t�l or11�s of th1�ro�lrt►ud �p�tM rtqht��d�uthontr to 1K1tut�th�� 0��0 of Iru�t �n ruact U tM proarty. � � �'
<br /> �. ►o p��; �Mn dui, �ll tu�t, 1pIC11I I/IIIiMA�I�AO lIl O�h1�ihif9lf 1�lIAt�lh! OfO�lf�y�blfOfl tM 1W bICOM d�Hwuat, iruttors � �, _
<br /> �h�11 0�� all tu����0�u��uats rhicA��r o� ��vtie uoo��u��t�ctur's 1nNntt Mnt� or upon thts O�M of Trust or th�d�Ot s�tund Mnbr, •
<br /> ritMout r�y�rd to a� 1tr thtt��y M�eltt�d irpotia�O��Net ot t�� r1o1�or ��� o�rt thereof upon tM pe�fiNu�. � �
<br /> 1, 10 kup th� i�prorlM�ts nor or h�n�Ftir la�tM oe th�prop�rtt f�sun0 ��N�st dut� b�tin Nd tuth oth�r hu�rd��� th�ludictu� , .
<br /> uy npu�r�, tn uountf 1n0 C01pu111i 1tC10tIb11 t0 tbl llAlfitl�r�, SucA i�surt�e�Oolley sA�ll to�t�f� 1 st�ndud pn9�y�tl�nf� ta t�ror of !
<br /> B�Miiciu�. Trustor sh�11 praptly n0etr,��iel�ia u1 r�plu�/M O�oNn1 or u1 O�n tMnof, u th�l, uaot tor o�diur�rur ud u�r, th� -
<br /> proo��t�sA�11 �ot G�t�nonu. � �
<br /> !. Ie th���at tM proNrty,or u�y p�rt th�nof, sh�ll 0�Uku Oy�Nu�t da�i�, tlu UA�flciuy is��tltli0 to coll�ct ud nclir�tll
<br /> cel�e�e�tfoa Yhitll wY a 0�10 (ar py �roplrt/ tlk�n or tor au�9�s to oroo�nr�ot c�►�e, �nd tA�l�uticltry sMll �0o1r weM ca0��s�tlo�, 1t 1t1 , . • "
<br /> , � . optlon, itt��r to�reductton o1 tA� 1�d�Et�de�ss suund Aenby, or to t1D�i� 1�d nston th�pro0�n1 s������. �
<br /> � �' 1. 1M l���tictuy ny, Eat sl�ll hw�no obli��ttoe to, do�ny ut r�tcA lrustors htr��yned lut (�il�d to do, �nd t� Upficfuy pr ilso do � ,
<br /> i (��.y(. 1,.�. �
<br /> � • �• �ny ut it dl1�s�a13su�to protict tMl 1fln hlr�of, Tru3tors �9n�to r1D�1,upoe eo1nC, �ny su�s sa uD�ud�by t�� Beufitiuy for th� �bor�
<br /> �' ••,.•' ' � ` � purOosls, ua or su� ao uoe�d�d :���1 0� aaa�a co ihe ind�bt�dness sttund h�nEy�nd 6�eow seturU br th� Ila Aueot. Ihe(lnsiicttry sA�ll Ao Sr;' .; + .,::-
<br /> };j:�;�,� �� Inc�r �nr 1f�Etltty pec�use of�nyt�iny it ny do or o�it to do Aa�uaUr, � ��`�"°
<br /> ��',tl�• . . 1 y5:J_�.
<br /> 1. TM leneficiu� s�ill h�r�the rigMt, Dor�r�ad wthorlty Ouriey tM catieu�na of thts Oud of frust to tollut tM nets, rssu�s ud �..
<br /> � Dro�its of th� pro0�n�u�d of�nr oerson�l 1roo�rty 1out�d tMnoa rith or rithout t�kin9 poss��sio�of th�Droarty�Hubd MreEy, �nd Truttors ����, ' - '��-�'_
<br /> . h�rlbr 1ESOl�t�ly �ed u�tonditto��ily�SSiyn�11 tuCh r1�ts, tssu�s tad protits to tat Eutiict�rY. 1�e beneflti�ry, hotier�r, Mrebr cansMt� to � � � � �="__
<br /> ,' ;.� Trustors' collution �nd nt�ntion of srch nats, is�qs�ad proflts, so loey �s trnstors tn�ot, �t sut�tiw, 1�E1flult rftA nsWCt to pi�nNnt of , • ..i':';��
<br /> eoy i�d�btldMSS seturk Mnby, or i� t�� parfontnu of u� �ynu�nt hen�nd�r. If �ey ere�t of d�Iwlt d�scrlE�d Mru(tir I� res0�tt to tAis
<br /> ' � Oad of irust ehtll her�octurrb ud a to�tinutny� t�e B���ficfuy, �s�ntt�r ol ri�ht �ad rithout notic�to trostors or�n��a� el�l�iny u�der �, . � r
<br /> ,1�' �ra;tars, �ad rltAaut ti9ird to tni vs��t ot tna trust attit�or th� interost of tAo Iroslors thetatG, sbal! htra ihe rl9ht ta �plr to�a�sauri • � . ��
<br /> A�rtny jurtsdictton to �ppo��t e ruelr�r of th�oroartl� .,;`.'� :%� � .�� 4''
<br /> � � 1. T��B�net�ciary, or its iy�nts,u�luthoriild to enUr�t �ny re�sontble tl�e uoon or in ur O�r: of tA!�roDeRy fo�LA1 O��o6t of �r.' �, � '-� �
<br /> ' in�0e�tin9 tM su�ua for th�purpo��of arfontny�n� of th� uts tM� ire attaHUd t9 oerfon uadtr the tens of u�y lou tnatrowats e�uctb . � � � r�
<br /> '� b�Irustor6.
<br /> � !. If ll1 or lnr p�rt of the O�apert�or te� �atlrlst of Tru6tar5 is Soia, tnosferre0 or furtD�r e�turEtnd rlthout t�� rrittl�CoAf1At Of • � .
<br /> tA�Benif�cur�, thi b�eeftt�tr� u� 41t1u1 �ll su�s securld br t��s �rust OQ�d ta 1� tWeOutely dw�nd Depb11��0 OroCUd t�th� r1Mdt�s ;� ,
<br /> arl�llble to tt undlr the defl�lt provlsfons Cont�tnld heretn.
<br /> 11. Aq oF t�� folloriay e�nts sh111 be dmed In lvtet o1 def�uit henunEer:
<br /> �, TIUStOr3 Sh111 h1r1 fl�led to 11k! OI�Nnt of ��� fest�llM�t oF pnnctp�l or tntu�st or �n�otMr su�s secund MnEy rM� Ou1;
<br /> �. 1Aere h�s occurred t Ireu�of or d�t�ult ueder �n� ten, coru�at, �9r1�Nat, condltto�, orortsfon, nonunt�tto�or r�rn�t�co�t�t�b �
<br /> ia this ONO of Trust,tAe Aot!ot 1ny other loln lnstruunt slturld hu�0�;
<br /> e. TMn hes b11n t d�f�olt E� tM Tru�tors �n th1 OqNnt of�ny prior or sulNpul�t lil�or acu�brlecl in ns0lct to�ll or 1ay p�n of
<br /> tM Oropertr; -
<br /> �, d. Trustars shtil ftle l rold�tuy pttitio� fn binkru0ttr or sAlll bl 1E�udttlted E�nkruDt or usolrint, or shtll Itk11n �ssfgnMAt to�th1 �
<br /> 1 ludit oF cnditors ia rllqtt ta the Oro0lrt►; or�n �ttlon to eafora �nr lUn or��cu�bnna or �udg�Nets �y�i�st th� praputr 1s _
<br /> Cowntld,
<br /> � it. in t1� ���nt ot �ny d�fwlt, tA�B�n�fft�ur uy I�clue �II tnd�bt�dn�ss sunrel here6�to be dw tnd D�1+Dle Nd tM sw sb�ll tMnupon
<br /> � b1co�!Oue �n0 peylEle�ithout lny pns�ntant, d1�ud, protest or notlte of �n� kind. Iherufter, the Broettc�ur��r: ,
<br /> • t. �tth�r in arson or D��g�nt, rith or rltAont brSnyiay tny Ittion or prat�Ming, or b� nteir�r �ppoint�d b� i tourt end rithout ray�rd to tM
<br /> �d�0uu�of iny securtt�, mt�r uDO� �nd tale Doss�ss�on of th�prop�rt�, ar tn�pert th�nof, �n tts orn n�N or i�tM aw oi tM Trnste�, �ad
<br /> do�n� 1Cts rhi�h it du�s neassu��nd desinple to Dre��rre t�e rtlu�, urkltlbilft�or reetaD�lity of the Droplrtr,or p�rt thlreof, or
<br /> ° fntuest th�re�n, tncn�s�tAe Intae theretra�or protett tAe securitr Aenof��d, r►thout t�k�eo Doss�ss�on of tM DraOerty, sue for or
<br /> • 'j• ot�erris�coltect the pnts, issues and proilts tAereoi, �ntluE�ng thos� pest d�� anC unD+�a, end�p01r t�e suN, llss tosts In0 1�pen�ls oi
<br /> ' opention�nd collutfoa, including�ttoroey fe�s, uDoa �ey tad�bt�dness securea hereby, a11 in suh order�s th! ile�fittsry�ty Oitenin�. t�e
<br /> enteriny uoon �ed t�ki�g poss�ssioa of t�e trust est�te, the collection of suc�rents, �ssu�s and o�of�ts�nd+Dp>>«tio� thereoi is efons�ld
<br /> s��ll not cun or rttre aa� daf�ult or notite of Oef�ult henuo0u or �nr�lidate en� ut eed �n nsponse to sotA ddwlt or parsul�t to suth
<br /> , not�a of def�ult in0 �otnt�stdndiag the co�tfnuanct In possessiao of t�e oroDlrty or th! collQtt�on, rltatpt and IDD>>��tio�of rints, fss�es 0►
<br /> prof�ts, iruste� or tM B�aefiaar����De i�trtlad ta e�ercfse erery nyht D•ori0e0 for �n ror o� t�� to�n ��struwnts or py ltr u0on occurr�nt� .
<br /> , of 1nr tr�nt of 01f1u1t, �ncludtng tn� rf9ht to exert�se t�! Dorlr of 511e;
<br />! b, co�e�te in ution to foreclost this Oe�d oi irust �s� �ortg��e, aoDOtet e recetrer, or sDeclF�ctll�enforte oy of the toreuets�ereof;
<br /> t. del�r�r to Trustee� rntt�e decitnttoa of daf�ult u�d dnud for s�le, ��d� rr�tten eot�a of dnftult �nd •lutfaa to Cws�irustors'
<br /> �ntuest �n the Dropert� to be sold, rAicA nottce Trustee sA�ll uose to be aulr filed tor r�cord�n the oftict�l ncords of tAe caanty f� r�it�
<br /> thl propert► fs lotlild.
<br /> 1!. ShDYId th! B!nlflCtl�t llltt t0 f0►lC1051 bl !alIC1SI Of 1he OO�E�Of S�l!he�li►1 �OnldlnEd, th�Beeefu�arr shell not�fy Truste��nd sh�l1
<br /> OeDOS�t r�th lrustee t�fs Oeed of Trust ena the eote and such rQ�e�pts eeG ertd�nce oi uDanditures nde�nd secured �ereb��s irust�e�q repulre,
<br /> �nd uDon rpuest of the B�n�ftt�ary, th� Trustle shlll teuse to b1 rlcorded, DubltisheE 1nd delirered to irustor Suth Aotft!of Olflult Ind NOttt!ot
<br /> Sale �s the� repuired bY iar �oa by this Oe�d of irust. irustee sh�ll�ithout de��nd o� Trustor, e(ter such tl�e�s uy t��n bt repdtr�d Ey Ip and
<br /> �fter r�tordttion of sucA Notu� of Oef�ult�nd�ft�r Ilot�a of Stle ��r�n9 Dwe g�r�n�s npuired b� la�, sell th�proD�rp et the t�N �ed Olu�of
<br /> s�le ti�ed br �t �n Such Mot1t1 0(S11e, �fther 1s 1 rhole, or ��Se01rtt1 lots or partels or ite�s�s irostll Shlll EII� !►D�die�t, �na �n suth ordlr
<br /> �s it ny d�tentne, et Oubltc luction to th� Alghest biOCU for tash ud sh�ll delfru lo suc�Durchtser or Ourchlsors thueof�dnd to th1 pro0��t�
<br /> sola, CoRSSStlnt rtth tAe l�r tAen tn effett. Recftels in the Trnstee's d1�d shell DI prtu fecte ertia�ace of the trutA of tde statu��ts ud�
<br /> � tMma, irustll sh111 �DD1y tn�Drocnds of th1 st11 in the follorfng ordor: (�)to�il re�soaebte cosls and uD�ns�s of the s�l�, �nclud�ng Out not
<br /> � 1�Itted to irustel�s (1!5 Of e0t IDr! tAu 2t Of tM yroSS slle p�ftl, retsana0le ettoroe� iees tnd tosts of tttl�eridena; (11 to t�l su�� secuna
<br /> � Di t��s Oe1d of irust; ind (c)t��uuss, ff u�, to th! person or Dersons 1e9�11�enUtled thnrlto. A�� persoe, tncludiag tM Ben�ftt��rr, u�
<br /> � o��cn�K s��o prap�rt� �t s��a st�t, rrusu� nr �a cm unner prorid�E E� I�r, Oostpoo� s�ie of �il or�n�portion of tM propert�.
<br /> . 1�
<br />