�� . ... =
<br /> w .. .. ._ __ ?. ____ _
<br /> . �.'. - ..__?.._ .�__:� _ - ---- - = . -- - -- > _ -
<br /> " � - ------ __...:�...�_•--= - —_-
<br /> _.��.o;.ti.. ..� ._,�..�� ��
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<br /> _ _ gg_ �,p�� �.
<br /> 17.T��r�'u1'tlre�'rOixrtv W'�r 8���Interest In BorcuMer.If all��wn)�{�rrt of tl�e 1'rapertY or xny intcre.t in it ---_
<br /> is sold�s�il�rf wri�ten�r u�.K ucK�Le�xlernmayt t� opt�n rreyuir�r imm.�vliat�el i'?Y&nt unoi'uil f a11 wms �ur� 4+7�'� —
<br /> Lcn3c p
<br /> �ocurit�•I�utzunknt. Huu•�cer. �hls«{+tiw��t�all nut bc exerri�ctil by 1-ec:i:r if cxcrrise is pn►hibit�!b}�lakral law a�►uf the J�!� Y
<br /> �•__.
<br /> uF thls Seeurity Instrunxnt. �on.��r�11 ive F3ur�'ow•er�xuice of acccler•riion. The n�►tire}twll pmvide v peri�w������
<br /> if l.etxter exerciscs this opt. B —
<br /> lecs thsn 3p days from the dute the nc�tice is cielivered ar mailcd within whirl� &�rr��wer must pa}• all sunu cocu►�l by t s s
<br /> S�curitY Instnmicnt. IF Borrower iails to�y the::e c+u�u psior so the er�+irAtion of this peri�xf,Lendec nwy invul•c any rcu�edies _
<br /> per[ttil{ed Dy thic Security instru»x��i:+'it��r�L.fuKh:r n^t!M er skmar�d on&�rruw�er. __
<br /> 18. !ku'rout��e Ri�bt ta Kclust�te. If t3orn�wer n�ic ccrtain ��txtiti�uu, Borrawer st�ali t►ave tix t i3ht .� lw��e -
<br /> enfore.ment of this Seiurity I�utrumeat discontinual at any tink prior ta the earlirr uf: (A) S tI:1YY(OP �uch �utur period �.�
<br /> Se� �t rwant tn :►ny Fxiw•cr of sale contaiixxl in this
<br /> applicable law may specify far niiutate�nt) tafure szie of the Prope Y pu • pay.• _-
<br /> Socu;itv Instrument;or(b)entry of a JudBn�ent cnfc►rcing thts Security In�trument.Those cwxtitiu+u are ti�a�B+'rn'w2':(�1 `
<br /> (,ender ali sums which then w•cwld t►e due w�der this Sccurity I StrumeXl�s�u ��n�enfarc ng�this,�S�ocun y�utrument� - -
<br /> cures any dc f a u l t o f a n y ahe� co�enants or agreements; (c)pay Pe uirc ta assure
<br /> inctuding.but not limited to. rea�anable attomeys' fecs: and (d)taken su�a��We��.S�an t���1�u ms securecl by
<br /> that the lien af this Security Insuume�l,l.ender's rights in che�P�en nt by Bocrower. �his 5����Y Z��'�ne und the
<br /> this Security instrument chull continue unchanged• U[?�'�
<br /> obligatioiu securod t�reby ahall reraain fully cfFec�v��s if no acceler�ion fwd occurred. Hawever. this ri�ht to reiactute st►all
<br /> not apply in the c.tise of acceleration ur►der puagrap
<br /> 19. Ss�1e of Note+ Chsu�e °� i�oun S�'�'• �Note or �parti�l interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrunx,ny may be sold c+ne or more eimes withou�ris a�under the Noie and th eSecunty Iastrument�. There also miy be ane
<br /> zc the"i,uan Servicer')that collxu monthlY PaY ^_..�.,,.c�ti��a..,if ehere is a clwolte of ttte L.oti�Serviar.Borrower wiq be —
<br /> or more changes of ihe l.oan�ervicer u�uzidia;��w�••,�.,..._•14 above uncl applicable law.The notice wiii�ie u�c��,-.;.:.:.,a. -
<br /> 'given written notice of the change in accardance with paragraph ����d�� .��� W��� �rontain any od►a
<br /> acldress of the new lAan Servicer and the address to whicb pay
<br /> iafoiu�ation required by app��cablc law.
<br /> x0. I�r�Wuo S��- Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use. disposal. storage.�n reafefase n the
<br /> H�ous Suyst�ces on or in the FropenY. Borruwe; shall nat do. nor allow anyone else to da. anyt S g -
<br /> p�,operty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentence�sh�ll �pY�������
<br /> stor�ge on the PropertY of srtull quantities of Hazardous Substarzces tf�t�re ge�rsal�y�S
<br /> residential uses ancl to mzintenance o f t h e P r o p e r t Y-
<br /> Bormwer shall promptlY Bive L.endcr wr►tten notice of�nq invesrt at��1 H����b�'��or En �viron mentallaw
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency ar private party involvin�t the Pcope Y y o���� or regulatory authority,that
<br /> of which Botrower luc actual knowledge. lf Bottower leams.or is notified by �ny S ��W���prompUY t�1�
<br /> any rmoval o*other r�wdiatioa of any Harac�dous Substance uffecting the Propetcy is nao�sa�y
<br /> all necessasY remedial actions in accotdance with Environ.mentll Law. substanc�es bY
<br /> As used in t6is para8raph 20. "Hazsitdous Substanoes" sue tt►ase substu�ces defined as toxic a 1�az�nlous
<br /> az
<br /> Environme+►cal 1aw and t1�e following substances: Baso�ine• �er°sene. °ther flazruTM�ble or toxic petroleum products, tox�c
<br /> pesticidrs and herbicides•�p�a�>>P s°Ivents,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehy�de,and radioactive materials`�u��a`
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" meaiu federal I�ws u►d laws of the j�uisdiction where the ProPe Y
<br /> relate to health.sufety or e�vironmental procection. ��follows:
<br /> NON-IJNPFaRM COV�ENA.NTI�����Lender fiirther co��en�ant and ag fouwawirg Bw'ro�d''s breacs
<br /> 21.Aocda�tioo; �e notice to Borro�er pria'to s�ooeta�tion 17 unie�c
<br /> ,�g,�ee,neut in tnts secw�icy tastivmeat (but not w9°r�° c��� ��see ae�wit;
<br /> O� �IIIY COVeniilt oT �--. ,�._.....s...at�.0 c�r.ritv: (sl tLt d!laN1t; (b� �tit'ed to CNl'� _._...�. w
<br /> $�j�j��►Jaw�pjpes o�tacrwoc�. a w..�..•r�-••_•_ r v!!1 tfl 80�7+�WC1'i by'w�il•1!��c mu�s uc a.�n��w�� - -
<br /> (c)a dale.not 1es�Wa�a 3�days it�wo tlu dste tLe w�t'��8�
<br /> (d) t1w�t failnt+e to ctire We dei'ault on or befw�e t6e date specitied i��shall f rtu 6a��nfarm� ��
<br /> secured by this SecuritY I�tnuntat�nd ss�le of tbe Property.
<br /> ��� �p. �on And tEtie�ight to bring a court�ction to�ssert tbe aouexistence of a def�t in theyaotia.
<br /> detea�e ot Bonower W aeodaadeu and sak. It tbe detpvlt is aot cvred oa or before the dAte sped�
<br /> u went in full ot'all sums secured Dy t6ic Security I��+'u�
<br /> I.eader, st its opt� �Y ��imme�iate pny b p icaWe law.I.eader s6af1 be
<br /> fur''•lscr drs�aad and mav�nr• tbe power o[sak and any other n�medies Pa'mitted y ��inclo��.but not limite�
<br /> eatitled W oolloct sU expmses iocurred in pu�oS the remedies M'ovided in this p�rap�ph
<br /> t0.��i�attoraeys'fees aad costs ot titk evideaoe.
<br /> If tl�e poWer of sak ig invo�ced. Tcustee shall record� notice� de[ault�wcb�We 1aw6to Borrow�a�and to
<br /> propaty is located snd slwll maii copies ot s�ch notke io the man�'Pre�n
<br /> tL�e ather pesone Pr��cribad bY��law.At'tes ti�r tlme requjred by app�liabk law,'Cructee sball give public notke
<br /> at sak to tbe Perso�u� in tbe manner Prescnbed bY a�..cxbSe Iszw.T�nd woder the termc de�nated in tbe notia uf
<br /> tbe Propa'tY�P���0°W the hi�beu hidda'at tl�e time and pts�ce sale of ail or�wwy p�rcd ot tbe
<br /> sale in ooe or nwre parce�s swd ia any order Tn�stee tktermi ����sak. I.ender or its desi�uee may
<br /> PropertY bY Pub1�c�� the time and pl�ce
<br /> pu,c6aae the Propa't3'�t any s�le.
<br /> io�m 3�28 9;9�3
<br /> wo.sae �'
<br /> 1�
<br /> w. . • . • �
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