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<br /> TUG6Tflt�lt V�7Ttt�11 thc in:pro�•emcnis naw ar ltierciftcr troctad on the prup�eny.wxi afl e::scn�ents.c+�wnen�n:,�s��►u! _
<br /> fixturcs now on c�rtafter � part of the pmptRy. Ali rcpl�canaas �nd relcliduns stwll Y1�.► be cu��craf by this 5a�urity - '_
<br /> [:uuw��au.Ail��fihe G�rzsoi�ia r�f�rrc�to in this 5c:uri:y Incinunrnnt as thr'Pra�rcrty.' -
<br /> �Rft011'�R COVENANTS tlwt &�rruw�r is I�ufuliy aeir�x!uP t1k ut�u tkiaby��u���y�J+ui.l tus ttk ribitt t►i�r�:u:u�.�
<br /> ::.:�b•:y ;;,,, .,.--�:y w.3 tha: th: :'�a�;erty is un:r»amwra4. czL:; f�:er.;�::mir.:r�s c�f e�:orc3. P.s�:�e�:+�rr�vsstsnte snd wi!!
<br /> dtfrnd gcnemlly tht tide to th?Property a�ainst all clvnu�u�d dcnwrxts, wh�jc��tu�ny nxumh�cxcs ot'tecurJ.
<br /> 'fHlS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifonn nn•ciwity fiir nuiunal u�c e�x!�x�tt•unifumi rnvenAnts with liu�itod �
<br /> v�ri�tiutt�by juristlicil�x�t��coiutitute a uniWrm security instrument�v�•eri��rral pr��rty.
<br /> UNiFORi►f CdVENANTS. Borruwrr utici L,e�xlcr core�iant;uxl�ret�fidlowx: '
<br /> 1. P�)�wrnt ufi PWuclp�l aud Ittierest; Pee�yuteut wid l.ate Char�c�. Barrow•ar shall pror��rt1Y WY whcn cluc �'�
<br /> prs�:ip�!oE sn�int:rest cn tD�,°,clrbt eeiri:r.aci by th�Kote:..�tc!nn,prv�ayntessi�.s1 l�i;ehuges due ur.der the Pfou.
<br /> 2, Fl�atm[ot'Saxes aa�d Insurauce. Subject to applicahle law ar to a written waiver by I.encicr, Borrower slwl! pay to '
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments s�rre de�e urxler the Note,until the No:e is paid in full,a wm('Funds')for: (a1 ycsrly tuxes '
<br /> and�ssessnxnu which m:y�ttain priority oser this Security Inurument as u lien on the Property: (b)yearly Iraseholc!payments ;
<br /> or ground rents on the Property, if any:(c)yearly haz4rd ur property inw�ance premiums:(d)yearly tlood iusurance p�niwns. '
<br /> if any: (e)yearly mo�tgage insurunce premiums, if any;and(�any sums payzble by Borrower to Lender. in ucturJw�ce with •
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage inwrance premiums.'Shese itcros sue called"Fscrow iten�s.' ;
<br /> I.erxkr m�y, at �ny time, collect �d hold Funds ;n an amount not to exceod tt�c maximum arnount a lender for a fodtr�lly ,
<br /> celsted mortgage toan m�y roquire for Borrower's escmw�:c.�auu wtider the federal Rcal Estzte Seitlernerst Procedures Act of �
<br /> 1974 as�ne.hded fram timc to time. 12 U.S.C. Sxtan 2601 e:seq. ("RFSPA"),unless anot.�.cr law that applies to the Funds `
<br /> sets a lesser�.vount. If so, l.ender mav, at anv time, collect atxi hold Fupds in an amouat not to excood the Icsser anwunt.
<br /> I.ender may euimate the�ciwuot af Funds due on the 6asis of curcrnt data aid masanaWe estimatcs of exprnditures of future
<br /> Escrow Ituns o�otherwise�n xcordat►ce with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds st�ll be held in an iastiWtion wiwse depusits arc uuured by a federal agency, inuru��tality. or entity
<br /> (inciuding It.ader,if Lender is u�ch an instimtion)or in any Federal Home Lo�n Eu1k.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items.Lendu may aat charge l3orrower for fwtding and applyiqg the bLrds, Ynnually aruiyzing the escrow accouni,or
<br /> verifying the Fscraw Items,unless Lecxier pays Bo�ro�►er interat on the Fuads artid applic�ble law permits l.eader to maice such �
<br /> a chuge. Nowtver,Lender may roquire Borrower to pay a one-time chazge for an independent real cstate t�e repo�2iqg servio�
<br /> used by I.ender in connection with this (ou�. unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agre�ment is made or
<br /> applicable law requires interest to be patd.Lender shall not be requirad to pay Borrower any intertst or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and La�r may agrx in writiqg.however,tlu+t inurest shall be paid on the Funds. Lerxkr shall give to Borrow•er,
<br /> without ctu►rge, an juuwal accounting oF the Fundc, chowing cn�dits snd debits to the Funds and the pur�oce for which e�ch
<br /> debit to the Fuads was n�ade.The Nunds are pledged ac additional security for all sums savral by this Security Inurumet►t.
<br /> If tt�e Funds held by l,ender cxooed the nmounts pemtitted to be held by applicable law, Ixnder shall account to Borrower
<br /> for the excas Funds in xcordance with tt�e requirements of applicable law. If the amount of ttK Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> dme is not sufficient w pay tfu Fs�.�row Itesrn wh..n due.Ltrfder may so notify Borrower in writir�,snd.in such cace Borruwer
<br /> sball pay to L.eader the amount neoessacy to makc up the defuiency. Borrower shall u�lce up the deficaea�.�y in no m�re tl�a
<br /> twelve monthly paymei►ts,st Le�der's sole discretiot�.
<br /> UPoa PaYm�i in fult of all sams securod by this Security Insi�umu�t. I.�nder shap PramptlY refw�d W Borrower any
<br /> Fi��heki hv l�s�tier.Tf_unde�n9�a¢ranh 21_ imier�}►all aoaui�+e ns sell the Pnxrstv.I�r_ rvi�r tn the amui�itim tir sn{r_
<br /> uC tLe Pruperty, s1L11 Yppiy a►y Fuixis 3irid by Le�xler at ti�e�u�e uf acyuisitiun ur sale ac a cnxlit stguiut We auuis xaxueu by
<br /> this Security tnctrument.
<br /> 3.Appiscatioo of�vmmts.Udesv�pplicable law prav;des ot}ierwise.all paymeats receivod by La�der under puagraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to anY P�Y�nt chuges due undcr the Note: second. to arrwants payaWe uoder paragraph 2;
<br /> thitd.to interest due:fourth.to principal due;and last,to any late chzrges due under the Nae.
<br /> 4.CiW�es;Lia�s.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments.charga, fines aad 'unpositioas aaributabk to the Piuptzty
<br />• which may attsin priority over this Socurity Instrumetu,sud leasetwld p�yroents or ground t�etus, if�ny. Borrower si�all�tY
<br /> tbese oblig�tioaz in the ir�nuer providod in paragraph 2.or if not paid in tt�t m�rmer,Borrower shall pay tixm on time dit�ecdy
<br /> tr�tt�e pers�n owed payma�t. Borrower shall promptly fumish to I.�ndor all notica of amounts to�e paid ur.�ec this psra,�taph.
<br /> If Borrowu msices sl�ese paymrnts diraxly,Borrower shall promptly furaish to irnder reai�ts er•ideacing the payments.
<br /> &±!rnwtr sh�ll prorn�*+��y di�rhato��;lien wh�ch has�riorit;over this�iri*_y l�irlm�.?�_a!x L�ano�r:{a)�,.*�e�s in
<br /> writing to the pa}nr.ent of the obligation secured by the lien ia a rr�am�er�ccepiable w Lender:(b)conksis in good faith the ticn
<br /> by. ot defends againsi enforce�ttieiu of the lien in, legal proocedings which in the Lender's c�pinioa operate m prevent t}�,:
<br /> cnfo[oement of the►ien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to La�du subordinating the lier�to
<br />. this Socurity Insttument. If I.tnder deiemtines that any part of the Property is subjax w a iitn which may attain priority av�r
<br /> this Socurity Instrument. l.ender may gi�e Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrowu st�ll satisfy the liea w t�ke aoe or
<br /> awre of tlu ar.�ions set forth above withia lO days of the giving of notice. _ -
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