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<br /> �•r. �... �=��.._
<br /> � Deed of Trust , .-,,, T -��
<br /> � 9Z_.102322 :..�.�-�-_
<br /> BANKS .� ��t .---�yn:
<br /> +� .n --
<br /> ",,-;�;y;"T".�'�—
<br /> Steven C. Manning and
<br /> �HI�DEED�TR�ST Is�ad�thls lg ay oJ MBrch , �g 92 �by and betwaen—_� � , �-;`��'�
<br /> ar anne ann n ue an an W �e whether one a more,(herelnaBer celled the"Tivator'), ..,. -;,.,�,���
<br /> whosemellingaddressis 19 7 South Arthux. Grand Island Nebra�l�a 68803 , '. �;;n,_�
<br /> N��i�VFWST�I�K (hQrelneqer called fhe"Tiustee"),whose meUing addreas 1� ,:`,;�c�;��,�e`
<br /> r , ran a an_� NE ,and NORWEST BANK Ne raska, :Vational Asaociation (herelnalter }v�;,,�.�_
<br /> � - OZ M�set Third Sties� �'-r�^a ialwnd_ Nehrwwka 68801 , . ' =�
<br /> called the"9oneBclpry"j,whose mWqnp addreas la,� :`•S"'-:-
<br /> WITNESSE�H: ��~����
<br /> FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 --- ---------------- �
<br /> � ' WHEREI��T��ord�lndebted to Beneliclary in the pNnclpel sum o1 March 19 �,yg�,(heielnaltei
<br /> � Dollars(s � ), which indebtedness!s evldenced by Tiustor's promlentembeer 3 d 1992 — . i
<br /> called the"Note"J, payable to the order of Beneflclary and heving a maturiry ol S�-0. �
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE,Jor the purpose o/secunng: � , —
<br /> � (a) payment ol the Note,together wilh lnteiest thereon,la[e charges,p►epaymeM penalfles,any luture edvances,and all extenslons,
<br /> �� modlNcadons,substl►utlons and renewala thereo►,
<br /> 7. ; ..A.>.��.�r..,
<br /> � (b) peyrnent of all othe►sums,lees or charges,toget/ier w!►h lnterest►hereon,advanced to p►otect the securiry oi thls Deed ol Trust and �
<br /> fire perlormance ol the covenenfs and agreements of Tiusto►,whether o�not set lorth herein,
<br /> � (c) pedormance,dlscharge o►end compdance wlth every term,covenant,obllgeNon and agreemenl ol Trusta contained hereln or , .
<br /> incorporeted by relerence or any ofhei secudry lnslrument at enyNme g(ven to secure the Note,and �
<br /> (d) ihe repaymenf o/all other sums or luture edvances,wlth lnterest thereon,whlch mey heretolore heve besn or hereafter be advenced ,
<br /> by BeneAGary to Tiusto►o►Trusto►'s successor!n lnterest or tltle,
<br /> all ot whJcA!s hereinelter collecdvely called the"Indebfednass", TiustorinevocaDly grants and franslers to Tiustee,!n trust WITH POWER '! a.
<br /> OF SALE, the lolbwing descNbed propwly: I '�.:
<br /> . ; �. _
<br /> Lot Four (4). Block Three (3), Colonial Bstatea Seventh Subdivision. '.
<br /> ' Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> L� together wRh(!)al/6upoings,shuclures,addlHons,enla►gements,modihcenons,repairs,replacemenfs,and improvamm�ts n�w o►h6reafter ; �
<br /> loceted thereon,(!!)al!equlpment,machlnery and fixwres(including,wilhout Ilmitation,all llghting,heafing,ven►ilating,cooling,an
<br /> condltioning,sp�(nkling and plumbing llxtures,water and power systems,englnes,boilers,ranges,ovens,dlshwashers,mirrors and man►els, � .
<br /> carpetlng,lumaces,oil burners,elevators and motors,reingeratlon plants or unils, communicallon systems,dynamos,banslormers,elecMcal
<br /> equlpment storm and screen wlndows,doors,awnings and shades)naw or herealter ettached fo,or bullt In, a�ry build/ng or�mprovemertt
<br /> now or herealter foceted the►eon,/!i!)all easements and►ighls ol way appurtenent thereto,(iv),all leasehold estate,nght►itfe and Interest ot
<br /> Tiusto►!n and to a/I leases,whethe�now o►he►ealter exlsting or entered into(including, without dmitallon,ell cash and secunty deposils,
<br /> edvence rentals and deposits or peyments ol a slmilar nafure),pertairnng fhereto, (v)all rents,issues,p►olits and income►herelrom(sub/ect
<br /> to the dpht o!Tiustor to collect and app/y such rents,Issues,prol/ts and mcome es they become due and payab/e so long as no event ol
<br /> deleult exlsts hereunder),(v!)all royalUes,mineral,oil and gas iights end prolits,water, water rights,end water stxk,(v!1)all tenements,
<br /> � hereditaments,privlleges and appurtenances belonging,used or enjoyed!n connecBon Iherewith,and(v!!!1 all proceeds ol convers�on,
<br /> voluntary or(nvoluntary.of any ol the/oregoing into cash or/lquidafed clelms(mcluding,withouf!lmllallon,proceeds o/lnaurence end
<br /> Condemnetlon ewards),all of whlch is hereinaper collectively calfed the"Trust P►opeAy".
<br /> i 1. 71He. Trustoi covenants,wanan�s and agrees with Benef�ciary, rts successors end assigns,thet Trustor owns the Trust Properry lree
<br /> Irom any p►!or lien or encumbrance,that this Deed ol Tiust is and will remain a valid and en/orceable lirsf llen on the T�ust Piope�ty,
<br /> thet Trusfor,et its expense,will preserve such fit/e and will malntein th�s peed ol Trusf as a li►st and paramounf Ilen upon the Tiust
<br /> Pioperty and will lorever warrant and defend fhe vaGd�ry and prionty o/fhe l/en hereof agalnst the cla�ms ol all persons and parfies
<br /> whomsoever.Trustor,et its expense,wlll cause this Deed ol Tiust,and each amendment or supplement hereto, to be filed and
<br /> ►eCOrded es e mortgage o/�he T�usf Properry m such manner and�n such place and will fake such action as�n the opin�on of Trustee
<br /> 1 may be required by any present or luture law in o►der�o peHect.ma�ntaln and protect the!!en o!this Deed o/Trust as the same may
<br /> I be amended or supp/emented Irom fime to 6me. Trustor will make such lurther assurance or assurances fo pe►fect rts htle fo the Trust
<br /> Property as may be reqwred by Benefic�ary.Trusfa he►eby�el�nquishes aU nght of dower and homesfead�n and to the Tiust Property.
<br /> 2. Payment o/Indebtedness. Trustor shall punc►ually pay the principal ol and mferest on the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br /> � 1 3. Conshucoon ol Improvements. Trustor shall complete�n good end workmanlike manner any burldmgs.improvemen►s or repairs relebng
<br /> n fhe�eto which may be begun on fhe Tiust Property or confemplafed by fhe loan ev�denced by the Nofe secured hereby,to pay when
<br /> due all cosfs and liabdihes mcuned therefore,and not to permrt any consfruction l�en against such Trust Property.In fhe event
<br /> '' constroc6on ol buildings,�mprovements or repairs are contempla►ed. Trusto�also ayrees,anyth�ng�n this Deed ol Trust to the conliary
<br /> notwifhstending;(a)to prompNy commence any such work and to complete fhe proposed�mprovements promptly,(b)to complele the
<br /> sama in accordance wdh the plans and spec�licauons as approved by Benelic�ary,(c)to comply with all the terms ol a bwfdmg loan
<br /> agreement,d any,behveen Trustor and Beneliaary,the terms of whrch are�ncorporated he�em by re/erence and mede a part hereof.
<br /> (d)fo allow Benef�ciary to inspect the Trust Property a�all hmes dunng constructron,and(el to replace any work or materials
<br /> unsahs/actory fo Benelic�ary wrthin lilteen(15)days aBer wntten nodce Irom Benel�c�ary of such fact
<br /> � 4. Funds for Paymenf ol Charges Sub�ect fo applrcab�e law or to e wr�tten wa�ver bv 8enel�crary. Tnisf�r shall pay to Benul���r<�ry on 1he
<br /> hrst day ol each month,or such other date each month as may be spec�f�ed by Benelrc�ary.unGl the Indebtedness�s paid m!ull,a sum
<br /> � (heremaRer Called the"Funds'�)equal to 1 11th ollhe yearly laxes and assessments which may aftain pnontyover this Deed ol Tiust
<br /> and g►ound rents on the Trust P►ope�ty.��any,plus 1 12th o/the yearly premium msfallmenfs for halard msuranCe,plus 1 12th o�fhe
<br /> � yearly premium mslallments for mortgage�nsurance, ,f any.a�i as reasonably eshmatod�n�G�lly and from Gme(o hme by Benellaary on
<br /> fhe besrs ol assessments and b�lls And re:�sonable eshmates fhereo/ �he Fundc Shall be held m an�nshtutron.the depos�ts or
<br /> � accounts ol which are msured or guaranteed by a ledera�u►stafe a,qency rnclud�ng Benehaary 6enehciary shall apply the Funds to
<br /> � pey S&id fexeS. assessmunls.�nsurance prem�urns and g�ounv rents tte�ei�C�ary sn�n not be reqwreti iu pdy i rusivr any�niardai�r
<br /> earn�ngs on fhe Funds Benehciary shal�q,ve to irustor,wrthout charqe.an arrnu.+�.+ccoun6nq o�fhe funds shvwmg credds and
<br /> de6its to fhe Funds and the purpose lor wh�ch rach dob�t ro►he Funds was made The Funds dre plc�dged;�S dddd�onal accurrly fo►
<br /> the Indebtedness secwBd by th�s Deed ol Trusr 11 thcr amoun�o�fhe Fi�nds held by Benehc�a�y.togethe�wdh the luture mnnthly
<br /> � mstallments of Funds payable pnor to fhe due Aates of tbxes.dsscssmenrs. msur,inc:i�prem�unrs and yround renfs.shall exceed the
<br /> emount requned fo pay sa�0 taxes,assessrnents.msur,inre prem�u�ns and groun.i rents as tnoy lau due.such nxcess shall be.at
<br /> � I irusto►'s optron.odher prompdy repaid ro Trustor or c;reditctd fo Trusto��igd�nsf lu(ure month�y�nstallmenfs ul Funds !I the amvunt��l
<br /> ! fhe Funds held by Benehaary shall not be suH�C�ent to pay taxe,�s,.issessmenfs.�nsur�nce prennums.ind ground�ents aS thf�y l.�u due-
<br /> Trustor shall pay l0 9enehc;iary�any amount necessary to make.�up fher d���c:�enCy wdh�n fh�rty d.tys hpnr fht��i,�tP����t+�r e�^::�,led h�•
<br /> i Benehciary to trusfor requestmg payment thereo� Upon p.�yment�n luil o�.ill h�deLte�dnNSti He�ne�Gaary sh,i11��rr�mpfl;.e�lunA fo
<br /> Trustor any Funds ha/d by 8enehc�ary If the T�ust Prope�tv�s sohf under►ho puwer uf saln�r tne Trust Prc�perty�y vthe�w�se�+rquue�n
<br /> � � by Benehciary. Benehciary shall apply.unmediatery pnrn to fne sale o1 rnr Irust Prope.+rty ur ds:i�'qu�sihon hy B�nphriary.dny Funds -
<br /> t � hd/d by Benohaary�n rii�fune ul�ppi�eai�un�+ti �+ur.wi��y.wwi it�r iiidrbtrJrio�ti 11 Be�ne•hi�d�y e�ac°�'��1r.,.i «nttr;; a�i.�e�r i�l ir��s�i�r .
<br /> � obugHhons under fh�s paraqraph 4. Trusfw v�v�nanfs�+nd dg�eds fu p�Y.helure Ihe sdmp he�rvrrn!clrlmyuent. .il�taMe!s. .�SSt�ssmenfs
<br /> N. , �v�., ... Y.1 •..� � •
<br /> ` ` _
<br />