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<br /> dato of the mar�thly paymonts,whk�h ard retarrec�to in Paragraph 2,ar cha►�e the amaunt of such payments. Any
<br /> excesa�rocaeds over an amount requlred to pay all autstandln�Indebiedness undw tfw Noto and thls Sectuiry
<br /> Inu►ume+�t shall be paid to the entiiy Ieqally ent�lsd th�eio.
<br />- �.Faas. Ler�der may cdlect fees and ci�rpes autlw�ized by the Secret$ry.
<br />- �.Grouexls tor Accalanuon ot Daht.
<br />: (�)Datault. Lender may,except as Ilmited by reQulations tssued by the Secretary in tho case of paynwnt dafault�,
<br /> re�qulre tmmedlata payment(n tull of all sums secur6d bythi9 Securfty Inst�ument if:
<br /> •(1)Borrow`_arJdeteuits by tailinp to�ypya�y in tt�il ttny montNY payment requiretf by tttls Securty i�situmoni prior
<br />.. i�N v„�LiLi�7•u aaiw��v�S�iv��v��11 Wi i���r�1�' � :
<br /> �13) �orrower delaWt9 by teNktp,fot s p�tiod oE t1�Yty day�.to perfotm any QLher abilg„tlans c�t�tt�ad I.�t thl3
<br />, Security Instrtimenl.
<br /> (b)S�lo W�haut Crodit Approval. Lerxler sftialt, a p�m�tted by ap�ticable law and with the prlor a�proval ot ihe
<br /> �ecretary, �equlre tmme�late payment tn fuil d ap the sums sacured by thts Security Insirument N:
<br /> (�All or part of the Pro�erty,or a benef�tal Interesi in a trusi owNng all or paR of the Property,ts sdd or
<br />. oihen+vise transferred(other than by devise or descent) by the Barower,and
<br />_ (U)The Propercy is not occupled by the purchaser o��rantee as his w her principa!resldence,or the
<br /> purchaser or grentee does so occupy the Proportyr but hls or her credd has not been approved(n
<br /> acao�danca with tha requirements�2he Secretarv.
<br /> (c)No Waiwr.If circumsia�ces occur that wauld F+ermft L�nderto requira Immediate payment tn tull,but Ler�der
<br /> does not require such payments,Lender does noi waive as dghts with respect to subsequent events.
<br /> (d)Repu1�41ons of HUD S�cr�tary. In many circumstances regulatbns Issued by the Secretary wAI Iimft Lender's
<br /> rights,In the case of payment defaults,to requke immedlate payment In fuU and toredose If not pald.Thls Securit�►
<br /> insirume�ri does noi auiiwrite acceleraiwn or fioreolosu�e R not permaied by reguiatior►.s of the SecreYary.
<br /> (s)Il�ort�ay�Not Insund. Borrowe�agrees that sho�ld this Security Instrument and the nota secured thereby not
<br /> be eligible for inswance unde�:he Nattortial Houstng Act within s o D A Y S ftom the date hereof,
<br /> Lender may,at it,s optio�and noiwithstanding anything In Paragrapt�9,requtre Immediate payment ln ful!of sll
<br /> sums sec�red by thls Securiry Instnuneru.A written statement af any autho�tzed agent of the Secredary dated
<br /> subsequsnt to s o o a r s irorn the date hereof.declining to i�sure this Secur'dy Insirument and the
<br /> note seeccfed thereby,shall be deemed conclusNe proof of such inellgibiiity.Notwithstanding ti�e foregoing,thls
<br /> optbn crsay not be exercised by Lender when the u�iavailatiiiiry of Insurance is soiety due to Le�der's faYure to remit
<br /> a mortgage insuran�e premium to the Secretary.
<br /> 10.RNnstat�n�M�. BoROwer has a�ht to be reinstaied tf Lerxier has required immediate payment in fuU because
<br /> of Borrower's fallure to pay an amount due under the Note orthis Securtty Instrument.This rlght applles even after
<br /> foredosure proceedings are instduted.To reinstate the SecudtK Insirument,Borrower shall tendet in a lump sum all
<br /> amounts requlrad to bring So�rowar's acca�r�t cu�reni Inc�udin�,to the axtent they ars obtic�a4la�s oi Borr�uwer w�ier
<br /> this Securiry Instrument,foredosure costs and reasorsable and customary aitaneys'fees and expen.es propetiy
<br /> assoctated with tha foredosure procaeding. Upon reinstatemeM by Borrower this Secw�ty Instnunarit 3nd the
<br /> obligatbns that�secttres shall remaln In effecx as alonder had not requ'ked immediate paymeni t�fut�.Piaweyer,
<br /> terider is not required t�pertnit reinsiateme�fF.�j Lander has accepted rei�tatement after the cwrune.racement of
<br /> fore�dostue p�oceedings with(n two years Immediateiy p�ecedi�gthe corrur�cement d a cunent forectosure
<br /> . (xoceeding,(�ratnstatame�will preclude foreclosure on d�tQrent griwnds fn the fuiure,a{iii)�einstatement wtll
<br /> edversely affect the prioriQy of the lien created by this Securtry IrsstrumenL
<br /> 11.Bon'ower Not E{e6eexd;Forbearance by L�s�des!VO!a Waiv�. Exc�sion o!tha tlme ot paymeM or
<br /> modiflcat{on of amortlzation of the sums secured by thts Security Instrumen!granted by Lender to any successor in
<br />, interest af Borrower shali rtiW operateto releasethe Ilabiliq/dthe origl�al Borrower or Borrawer's successor M interesi.
<br /> Lender shaU not be requtred to ccxrunence procead►ngs against any successor in interest a refuse to e�dend time f�
<br /> �Ymeb�hetwise modlfy 8morttzation of the sums se�:.ured by this Security Instrument!ay reason of any demana�
<br /> Y o�i9lnal Borrower or Borrower's succ:essorz in Interest.Any forbearanoe by Lendot in exer�dsl►g anY�iyht
<br /> or rernedy shaY�t be a wahrer d w predude the exercise d any right or remedy.
<br /> 12 S�ors and Assi�m Bound;Jotnt ard Sov�eul Li�biiky;CoSi�n�a. The covenarus and agreemertis of
<br /> tnis security tnstn,menc shau bind ana aeneRC the suocessors and assigns a Lenaer ana eonower,subjea co tne
<br /> provisbns oE Paragraph 9.b.Borrower's covenants and agree�r�enis stiatl be Joint and several.Any Borrower who
<br /> co-si�s tht5 Security lrlstnune�but does noi execute the Note:(a)is co-slgntng thls Secv�rity Instrument onty to
<br /> mort�a�e,�ranR and cattuey tha!Borrower's intetest(n the Property unde�the terms of thls Secutity InstrumeM;(b)is
<br /> not personatly obii�atect to pay the sums socurecf 6y this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other
<br /> Borrower may agree to extend,modNy,forbear or make any accommoclations with regard to the terms of this Security
<br /> InsUUment or the Note wrthoui tl�af Bonawer's coruent.
<br /> 13.Natices.My noUce to BoROwer provided for in thls Security InstrumeM shall be g���en by deliveNng it or by
<br /> ma�ing�by flrsi dass maY untess appUcable law requires use ar another methad.The not�Ce shall be dkeded to the
<br /> Property Address or any atl�er address Borrower destgnates by notice to Lender.My noUce to Lender shail be give� -
<br /> by flrst dass maM to Lender's address stated hereisr or any address l,snder designates by notice to Borrower.Any noUce
<br /> p�ra�vtded ks tl�is para�InstrumeM st�aU be deeit�ed to have been�fven to Borrower or Lender when ghren as
<br /> j_urisd�tbn tn� the PS�wra6ility. This Security Instn�ment shaU be govemed by Federat!aw and the law of the
<br /> 'V���� operty is located. In the sver�that any provislon or dause of this Security InstnuneM or the
<br /> which can be �vvithout the conflict sF�all not affoct other provislons of this Security►Insirurrre�t or the Note
<br /> 9 co�lcting provlsion_Tothis er�d the provisbns of this Security(nstrumeru and the
<br /> Nate ar�dedared to be sevetable.
<br /> 15.Borrowar's Copy. Bo►rower shatt be given orse confom�ed copY of thls Securi*_�;Ir�.,,irament.
<br /> the P���nm�m ot Rsnb. Borrower unconditionaUy assigns and uansfers to Lenderal!the rents and revenues of
<br /> tenant of�they P����������s ager�is to coltect the rents and revenues and hsreby directs each
<br /> operty pay the rents to Lerxier or Lender's agerus.However,prior to Lender's nottce to BoROwer ot
<br /> Borrower's breach d any covenar�or agreement i�the Security Instrurner��Borrower shall cdiect arxi receive all rentss
<br /> and revenues of the Property as tnisiee tor ti�e ber�ei'rt d Lender and Borrawer.TFUs assi�nment of reNS constittrtes an
<br /> absolute assignment and not an ass{gnrrreM for acid'dlo+ial security oNy.
<br /> If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower:(a)a11 rents received by Borrc�wer shaA be held by Borrower as trusiee
<br /> for beneF'd�Lender oniy,to be appUed to the sums secured by the Securinrty Instniment:(b)Lender shaU be er�t�ded to '
<br /> coilect and receive all of the rents of the P�operty;and (c)each tenant af the Property shaU pay a!!rents due and unpaid
<br /> to Lender or Lender's ageM on Lender's written dema�d to the t�naM.
<br /> Borrower has nat executed any prior assignment of the rents and has noi and wiU not pertorm any act that wouid -
<br /> prevent L.ender from exerci.sing its rights under this Paragraph t 6.
<br /> i.ender sftiall not be�zquired to Pnter upon,take cor�trd of or maintain the Property befora or after giving notice of -
<br /> breach to Borrower.However,Lender or a judktally eppoir►ted receiver may do so at any time thers is a breach.My
<br /> appllcatlon of rents shaiJ nat cure or walve any defauit or invalkiate any oti�er righi or remedy of Lender.This
<br /> asslgnment of rents of the Properiy shai!te.rrntnate when the debt secured by the Security Instnuneni is paid in fuU.
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