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MI�cNUn�ous ProrlWon�. _ <br /> (a) Borrown Not RN�d•Ex�eoo�on o1 the tlme lar payment or modllication of amoNzalwn of d�e eurne eecured by thls <br /> . � " � Deed of Trwt yr�nted by Lender to any�ucceeeor In Intereat of Borrower shall not operate to release,In any manner,thd Ilebllity y �` � <br /> , „ " 01 the orlpinal Borrower end Borrower's euacessore In Intereat Lender ahall not be required b cornmence proceadinpa egalnst ���"- �;'�`��:,, <br /> " such�uccqsor or refute to extend time lor payment or otherwiee modly amortlzation of tbe euma secured by this Oead of Trust <br /> . by reoson of eny demando mede by the original Borrower and Borrowe�a 3ucceaaors In interest. <br /> - •` �"'"" ".�.:".�; " (p) L�ndor'� Pow�n.Wlthout aHactinq the Iiabiliry o1 any other pereon Ilable for the payment of any obliyetion herefn ��_ <br /> �M;�i:. .' r�: • mentioned,o►id without aHecqng the Ifen or cherge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion olthe Pooperly not then or theretofore <br /> releaaed e�security for Ihe full amount ol ell unpeid obligationa,Lender may,f�om time to time and wllhout notice(I)release eny 1,ti. . ,, -;,� _ <br /> - �°�+ o r penon so Nable,(ii)extend the meturiry or alter any of the terma o18ny such obHgatlons,(Ilq grant other Indulqencea,(Iv)reteaee J .Y <br />���r � � or reconvey, or cause to be releeeed or reconveyed et any time at Lender's option any parcel,portlon or all of the Property. --_ _ � <br /> � . .,r�� (v)Wke or release any other ar additlonal security for eny obligation hereln mentloned,or (vq make c�xnpoeftfons a other -- �, <br /> � n , � erranpements wlth debtora in reletlon thereto. �'�'� �� -� <br /> � • - . � (c) Fabswanc�by Lendsr Not�W�I��r.Any farbearance by Lender in exercising any rfght or remedy hereunder,or �e�:yt _ <br /> otherwiae affprded by appNcable law,shall not be a walver ot or preclude the exercise of any such rlght or remedy.The ���-' �� . �� <br /> �, • procurement ol fnaurance or the payment of taxes or other Ilens or charges hy Lender shall not he a waiver of Lande►'a riyht to ^ <br /> eccelerate the maturity ot the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Truet ,c�--°----�-�_� <br /> �c -- <br /> � (d) Suaca�on and Aalpn�Bound;Jolnt�nd 9�wr�l Ll�bllity;CapQon�.The covenanta and agreements hereln con- „T�,-�-��;� <br /> � a lalned shell bind,and the riyhts hareunder shall Inure to,the respective aucceasors and asalgna of Lender end Truetor.All �'�'"�z• <br /> 5 <br /> covenante and agreementa of Trustor shall be�oint and aevaral.The captlons end headinga ol the paragrapha ol lhfs Deed ot `_Y <br /> � � Truat are lor convenience only and are not to be used to Interpret of any notl e ol defaull hereu�der and a copy ot ai�y nollce �-��--- <br /> � - ' - �� (ey Rpua�t for Nodeei.T he partiea hereby requeat thet a copy �''�� _ _ <br /> w..a�:_� <br /> of sale hereunder be mafled to each party to thfs Deed ol Truet at ihe eddreas ae1 lorih ebove ia the manner prescdbed by - 1.`,_'. <br /> �:.t,;,,•,. applicable law.Except tor any other not�e required under applioable law to be glven In another manner,any noAce provlded � <br /> for In thls Oeed of Truat ahall be yiven by meiling auch notfce by certNled meU addreased to the other paAles,al ihe eddreae set �T' : _�w�� <br /> lorth ebove. My notice provided lor fn this Deed of Trust ahall be eflective upon malling in the manner dea�gnated hereln.If ,:: �.p� <br /> � Truetor ia more then one person,notice senl to the addrees set forlh above shall be notice to all such pereons. <br /> � (q Imp�eHon.Lender may meke or cauae to be made reaeonable entdes upon end mapectfons of the Properly.provlded ����-- �,.,L� <br /> • ° � that Lender shall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specilying reaeonable cause therefor related to Lender's • ,-'`.;-, <br /> • .•: ---. .-- . � intereat In tne PropertY� ..� �- <br /> ��) p�eonv�y�nc�.Upon payment of all suma securea by�h�s Dedd�I Trust.Lendor shall request Trustee to rer,onvey thw I,. .. u _ <br /> � " Property end�hell eurrender thie Deed of Trust and all notes evldencing fndebtedneas secured by thla Oeed ot Truet to Truatee. �� <br /> ' ,. Truatee ehall reconvey the Property without warranty and without cherqe to the person or peraons leyalty entltled thereto. '��,,.,,_t�._,�S�- <br /> Truator ehell pay ell coats of recordation, if eny. <br /> - ----�--- (h) Pereonni Pr9p��t S�curity AOraom�M.As additlonal security lor the peyment ot Ihe Nate.Truator hereby yranta t_.;.,, <br /> ���`' Lender underthe Nebraska UNform Commerclal Code e aecunry�Mereai in aii tixiuras,cqufpmenl.snd Mher pw•aonal praperty '��a�'�° <br /> uaed f n con nection with the real estate or Impravements located thereon,and not otherwise daclared or deemed to be a pert of ,�., `,���N, � <br /> , ,���:� the real eatete secured heroby.Thls instrument shall be construed as a Securly Agreement under seld Code,and the Lender • . . <br /> ��:,'' shall havaallihe rlghls and remedfes of a aecured party under said Code in addition to the rlghts and remedies created under � . <br /> � " and acCOrded the Lender purauant to thls Deed of Truat;provlded lhat 4.ender's nghts end remediea under thia paragraph ahall r <br /> be cumulative with,and in no way e Ilmftetion on,Lender's rlghts and remedles under any other securiry a�reement signed by ,�,.,r. <br /> ' Borrower��Trustor. •• ..� . � - <br /> (i) LNns�nd Bncumbranc�a.Trustor hereby warranls and repreaents that there Is no delQ f�olhere ont act Inst menl or � ;;;�;;�:, .. <br /> � mortgaye,deed of trust,lease or purchase coMract descrlbing all or any part of lhe Property. � � �:��° <br /> agreement constltuting a!len or encumbrAnce against a11 or any part of the Property(C011ectively,"Liena"►,exlsting as ot the <br /> " date of Ihls Oeed oi Trust.and that any and all existing Liens remaln unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's , r <br /> wrltten discbsure ol Ilena and encumbrances prowded lor herein.Truato►shall umely oeAorm all of Trustor's obligations, J_``._,• <br /> Covenenle. repreeentat►ons end warrant�es under eny and all exisfhng and luture Liens,shell promptly forwerd to Lender coples -- <br /> ot all natices of detault sent m cannectlon with any and all ex�sting or tuWre Uens,and shall not wdhout Lender'a p�ior written __� <br /> ,• consent In any manner modffy the provlsfona ol or allow any future edvances under any exlatfng or future Liens. ��; . ;w���_V <br /> ,�i:: , , �=----- <br /> ,:,,; ° Q) Applkatlon ot Paym�nt�•Unleas otherwfse reQufred by 1aw,sums paid to Lender hereunder,fncluding wlthout Ilmllatfon � y�, y <br /> � • poymenta of princfpal and interast,fnsurance proceeds,condemnation proceeds and rent�and prafits,ahall be applled by ..N,,,q;��„� <br /> lender to the emounts due and owfng Irom Trustor ar�d Borrower m such order as Lender�n its sole dfscredon deems dASlrable. I <br /> (k)S�vKablllly.It any provlsion of this Dead ot Truat conflicts with appl�cable Isw or is declared inval�d or otherwise <br /> unenfor;,eable, such conllict or mvalidfry shall not allect the other proviso�s ol lhia Deed o�Trust or Ihe Note which can be <br /> � ' given ellect wrthout the contlfcUng provisfon,and to Ihls end the prowsiona of thi�Deed ol Truat and Ihe Noteare declared to be i <br /> severable. --� <br /> (1)T�rml.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall�nclude bolh singular and plural,and when the Truelor end Borrower G : . �-�.- <br /> � are the sarne person(s1,lhose terms as used�n th�s Deed ol Trust shall be�nterchAngeable. � ' �'i�"� '` <br /> • � (m)Gov�rnlnq law•Thls Deed ot Trust shau be governed by the laws ot tho State ot Nebraska.., ///��� ' <br /> , Trustor has exetuted thfa Oeed of Trusl as of the date wntten above ` r � � ���. ; <br /> , � (CQ'� �� . _ �- . `_�.. � <br /> —Cfi�irrQe E–Leach- Trus�tor <br /> /) ' � � � .,�. rIC__� <br /> �^-'_--- •- <br /> � . <br /> �IIianna 7-teac� Trustar <br /> ,. <br /> � <br /> . j <br /> , <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> . � -- - <br />