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<br /> .[�` !y� :� 3: .. .,r�,.,' �'� ' . . • • r. i �': . r.,.i .f ( {;`'` ✓,d! � °l't.`.�_
<br /> ( � :��, • � ���,;:, :ti{' ;�.;..% , •t } � , .
<br /> _ .xy'�` . ' :..� , r. , . '�' �.:,;;� . •_. . , .,. �. . Y ,�:�[},�,'����;t . � � ' ,. }. ; ," -
<br /> f -1 �i, . �- .�'.'•'� I [ (l 1 1 �r UL� n-�`- '�' -�
<br /> � � _ -�a.. ' ;�:! ��1���11+.+�' �- . -� •L' - � �;'r�. Yy�`+ �. �t ` _. -..'j1 � l�Y+�l��i�l� ��f
<br /> � Y i I1��:N°N.Y��fIYYf` ) IJ.� l� ���Mr �
<br /> � . _ .iv.....;r;r` .; �i. . . .�.Yr'�M•`n k.r�-.�1 V�1'vtrt. ... •{�Yi��
<br /> � �I � rp�..• .'.•.�i-�. ...-. . .��. . . . • -.�..'�;:�h,��ytti.,'.i,.!..� _ _—
<br /> � ;'}.':y�,,iy .. ' s � '-w Y.�.'".-.'}r r .,, ._
<br /> Air� ��f�>>���
<br /> ._ 1.�-h?�;•��..� .. .� _..;::�ii�. .
<br /> . i� a...r.. . . . —'
<br /> . dm_.<.�u.', •� .,.... „� ., —
<br /> ;�'.r;'. . . _ �.___...r.....�_..._. ��: ---- :.
<br /> 92-1U2312 --K_�_-�.
<br /> .,=:,h,.-�-;
<br /> ' MORTtiAGE •N�•.-:�`:y
<br /> • r
<br /> � . .. . � --
<br /> . ' 7b41torlN�e 4�nkred Into b�nvNn �ec R. Harrie and Jolene K. Harrie, __ ;�'�~
<br /> hueband attd wife pKrNn"Mort{yor"►�nd �.x,".--
<br /> f:^�:
<br /> � Five PointB B�nk (Nereln"1�IoRp�ee"). �
<br /> � Mqya�or 41nd�0kd to lbrtp�K In the prineipd sum of� 17.244.58 -- .Md�nad Ey Mort�or'�note �- �` � _
<br /> c --
<br /> rted 3-17-92 (lNnin"Nole")�oddin�for p�ynunu ot pdnclp�and Mterest,w►ith th�b�l�nc�ot the �� �__„'"" ., .
<br /> ` ladrbudnw,If aot w�oner p�ld.dur�nd psy�ble on 1-23-96 ,
<br /> .-_
<br /> � 7b�euR We pymtntot tle Note.wltb IsMNSt n provided theefn�the p�ym�nt ot dl other cums,with fnten:t. ' -
<br /> �dranad by No�t�ee W Pmt�ct the aeudty of tbia Mori{ye,�nd th�p�rfonn�na of the cor�nants ind��n�m�nts ot
<br /> Ihe Iiloripsor ooaWeed h�nfn, llotlpsor doK b�Rby aoortp���nd con�ty to Mortp�ee the tolloMln�dttcdbtd _
<br /> proptirty lopt�d io Hall Oounty.Ntbtaska: -
<br /> � Lot One Hundred �enky Six (126) in 8uenavista Suk�diviaion, an Adc3ition to "_-
<br /> �
<br /> � the City of Grar�d Ial.and• Hall County� Nebraska. ' � t�-
<br /> '�, •2r,
<br /> � _.._--_--
<br /> ;��.,
<br /> ..z ���c�::
<br /> � � ''?!�:
<br /> , . �.,.� • :�.
<br /> i '.,, '; .:_�
<br /> nr�r:-
<br /> , �.�:�
<br /> i �.•',�,�
<br /> :.
<br /> � ToQether�Ith W bu�fdmRs,improvements.fixture.,sErc.ria.diry.,��ewpyr. ��catsspnts.rf�hts,psftiilr�rs and .
<br /> �ppurten�ncet located thenon or in an��wise perWninQ thereto,andthe rents,issue: and prolits,rtvenfon:�nd remalndecs
<br /> th�reol;IncludinQ,but not limited to,he�etinQ�nd cooifna�qufpment md such pe�sontl propeny N�t fc�tached to the
<br /> Improv�menu so�to constitute a tixturo;all ot which,includinQ repl�cements�nd�dditfons thereto.is hereDy declared
<br /> W be�part ot tAe real aia�t ucurod by tbe lien ot this Moet��ae md dl ot the tonaofn�beia�retened to b�rein as the .
<br /> ~�opl�". a
<br /> MoriQaQor further convenants�nd�rees,with Mon8�4ee,a tollows: �
<br /> 1. P�ymmt. To p�y the indebtedneu and the interest thereon�s provlded in thfs MortQ�ae�nd the Note.
<br /> �. Title. MortQ��or t� the owner of the Ropeny,hau tAe daht�nd�utborit�to monQ�Qe the Propert��,�nd
<br /> w�mnu th�t the lien cn�ted her�by is� tlest and prior lien on the Property,except as m�y otherwise be�et torth hereln.
<br /> O 71►e Roperty f�subject to�MortQaQe wherein
<br /> I�the MortpQee,ecotded�t Book ,P�e ot the MoriQaQe Recor�ot Count�•,
<br /> Ntbrf�t�.�vhfch Mort�a�e u�lien prior to the lien cre�t�d Aereby.
<br /> r p Other pdor liens or encumbance�:
<br /> t� g, Tauet,Aa�escmtnts. To p�y �rhen due all Wta,specl��sseuments and dl otber chaQe:aQafnst the Propen��
<br /> �' �nd,upon rvAtten dem�nd by Mortp�ee,to�dd to Ne p�ymenes roquired under the Note�ecured hereb�•,:uch�mount as
<br /> � ouy be wlBclent W en�ble the Mort;��ee to p�y oueh taxe�,ausa�ments or other chvQes as U�ey Decome due.
<br /> 4. lnar�nc�. To krep Ne Improrements noN or heredter located on the red e�tat�described herein insured
<br /> �fn�t dam�e by 6re'md�uch oNer Awtd�n Mort��ee m�y requin,ln nnount�and with compmie��cceptable to ehe
<br /> Yortp�ee,und wlth �ac p�Y�ble W tAe Mort4�ee. in cue of lou under wch policiK ehe MortQ�ee li �uthori:ed to
<br /> �• �djuet,colkct �nd aompromfu. In�t�dl�cretion.�11 cWms theKUnder at{Ls wle optlon, �uthorfud toeither�pp►� thv
<br /> Proce�ds to the ratontion ot the Propeety or upon the indeEtedne�s ucured hereby,but p�ymenY hereunder sh�ll con•
<br /> tlnue wtil thr wtrs secueed Aereby �re pafd in tull.
<br /> 6. p Fxmw Fot Tucet �nd Inwru�ce. NotwfthttandinQ mythlnQ contafned fn pusQnphs 9�nd 4 hereot to the
<br /> � contrary, Irlortp{or�htll p�y to the MortpQee�t the tfine of pq�InQ the monthly inatallm�nls of pnncipal�nd�nterest.
<br /> onrt�rdtth of the yeuly wca, naewnents,hwrd insunnce premlums, �nd Qround ronts(it�r+y)which m��•attaln i
<br /> � ptfodty over Lhic MortpQe,tll�s'teaon�blY e�dmated trom tlme W time by tAe Mortp�ee.71ie�mounts ro pud shall be
<br /> � ��� .�-v r ...��� •t..��..�� A.wwlf.�l �n fA��uvwunl nf IA�{f�rwe in r�a�rl fnv/flrA[Ilth�IIIOtl�1LS K"P►P
<br /> ' ��Y Yj'M�t M3�����a w�w�ur����w.. .«.����..'.. '_ '... r�_...... ... _" ""'-... .__�._. _- ..
<br /> d�pa{ted.7�e wnu aid to Mort�aQee hereunder�re pled�ed as�ddltionv�ecuHty for the indebtedneu�ecured b�•eh�s
<br /> More�e.Moryqor�hdl p�y to Mott{qee the amount ot�ny de6clency betMeen tAe�ctud weei.assessmenu, fiuur�nce
<br /> pretnfums �nd �round ren4�nd the d�pwita�enunder�ithin 10 d�yc dter denund i�made upon Morte�Qor requectin�
<br /> p�Ymeat thereof.
<br /> 6. Rep�ir,Mainten�oce�nd U�e. To promptly repalr, re�ton or rebuild any buildin�or Improvements noM•or
<br /> hQre�fter on the Property:W keep the Ptoperty in�ood condltion md npair,�vithout M�ste,�nd tne[rom mech�nfc's or
<br /> other Ilens not expressly�ubordlnated to tAe Ifen hereot;not to nwke,tutter or permit�ny nuj!�nce lo e�tt,nor to dirnin•
<br /> 4b or Impdr the vdue of Ne Property by any�ct or omission to�ct;and to comply w�ith �II rrqufrements of I�w x�th
<br /> � retpeM W tAe Ropeny.
<br /> !
<br /> �, I
<br /> , . �
<br /> , .
<br /> �
<br />