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<br /> ��•'�'���``�'���� th�Pro Is�o t�ken a d�ma�sd,Lender ehell heve the option,in Ile aote end absoluto dl�crotlon,to apply oll such Proci�d�,
<br /> ���"'�z�P�it�K�t altsr d�duednp th�nirom�U cosb end exp�nw�incuned by It In conneadon wlth euch Proceede,upon any Indebtednese�BOUred =--
<br /> Mreby and fn c�ch order as L�nder mey determina,or to apply ell auch Proceade,efter�uch dsductions,to tho re�tor�don d th�
<br /> '��,�'��' � Propery upon euah eandRiom as Lender moy determine.Any appllceUon ol P�oceeds to indebtedneis�hell not extand or postpon�
<br /> •� � � the dua d�te ol any paYmenU under tho Not�,or cure any del�ult thereunder or heroundar.Any unappifed lund�shall b�pald W
<br /> ��+,�.,.'': : Truse P����by und�r.Upon the occurrence of en Event of Oeteult hereundar,ar II any act I�taken or lepd procsadinp
<br /> ;, ,, . � .
<br /> ��• ° eomme�ced which meterially eHects I.ender's intereat In the Property.Lender may In ite own dlscreUon,b:�!wlthaut oblipatlon to do
<br /> ..
<br /> ._, .-- . . . _�
<br /> �''� ' ' ' to,and wllhoul notice to or demand upon Trustor end without rtlleaslnp Trustor irom any oblipation,do any act which rue or ea �-- --�--�--.--.—__=
<br /> `' • '".,,. ap�eed but laile to do and may also do any other ect It deems neceasary to protect the security hereof.Truator ehatl,Immadl�tely
<br /> �.�' upon demend therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell coals and expenaes InCUrred and aums expended by Lender in connec6on wilh
<br /> " �.�• the exerclae by Lender oithe foregoing nghta,topather wiih Interest t hereon at the delault rate provlded in the Note,which shall bn
<br />��. o a d d e d to t h e I n d e b t e d n a s s s ec u r e d h e r e b y. L e n d er ahall no1 incur an y Ifabil�ry beeause of enythinp It may do or omlt to do
<br /> �*; � hereunder. __
<br /> 9. H�=ardou�IM�t�ls.Trustor shall keep the Properry In compllance with aU appliceble lawa,ordinancea an d regWe t l o n 6 ___
<br />; :� ', �, , relaUng to Mduatrlal hygiene or envlronmental protection lcollectively referred to herein as"Envlronmentel 4aws"1.T�uator shaN e_ ___ .__�._ .
<br />: •'� � . keeplhe?roperty free from sll subatencea deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Lews(collectively relerred to
<br /> :� ,� " hareln ae"Hazardoua Meterials").Truelor hereby werrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materigle on or
<br /> � under the Properlyr.TrueWr hereby aflrees to indemMty and ho�d harmleas Lender,its dvectora,oflicers,employoes and agants,aod - ---
<br />' � � ' any successors to Lender's mteresf,irom and agamat any and all clalms,damages,loases and liab�lities ansing in conneclion wilh
<br /> � � ' "� the preaenae,use, dlaposal or transport of any Hazardoua Materials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FORE(301Nf3
<br /> ,: � ' 10. A�4iqnm�nt ol N�nh.Trustor hereby asslgns to Lender ihe rents,issues end prolits ot�he Pro e rovided that Trustor �_�
<br /> � Bhall,untfl the oCCUrrence ot an Event of Default hereunder,have the nght to collect and retain such rents,issues and prulila as they
<br /> "" �� become due and paya6le. Upon the occurrence of an Event ol 0efault, Lender may,either In person or by agent,with or without � �
<br /> bringing any actlon or prpceeding,or by a receiver appo�nted by a court nnd wdhout regard to the adequacy ol its securiy,enter u'=:.,�;VV�
<br /> ,� upon and teke possesslon o1 the Property,or any pert thereof,In its own name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts whlCh d
<br /> deems necossan,�or de9irable to preserve the value.marketabdity or rentabdfry ot the Property,or eny parl lhereot or Intereat thereln,
<br /> " Increase the Income therefrom or protect the secunty horeof and,wlth or �nrithout takmg posaession of the Properly,sue lor or �_vv= ._._
<br /> � � otherwiae collect ihe rents,Isaues and Frollts thereof,�nclucling those past due and��npaid,and apply the sama,leas costa a�d __ _
<br /> • . .... .__:�.�..�..
<br /> expenses�I opeiatton and collcctian including attorneya'tees.ut�on any indebtedness securAd hereby,all m such ader as lender �,
<br /> � may determine. The Qnlenng upon and:aking poasesalon ot the Prope�ty,the couecVOn ot such�enis,issuer�aud proflts and the w,
<br /> . �„ applkatlon thoreof as eloresaid.shall not cure or waroe any default or nouco ol delault hereunder or invalidate any act done in �;'���,,,_
<br /> �esponse to such delauilor purauant to sach nauce of delault and,nolwithstanding thecontlnuance in possession of the f'roperty or ��
<br /> Ihe collectlon,recelpt and applicadon af rents,issues or profits,and Trustee and Lander shall be entitlsd to exerCise eve�y rlght
<br /> _ -- providstd!cr!r an,0!!he Lean!natrurcants or by law upon occurrence of any Evem of Default,fncwdmg K Ithout limdatlon the right �•�� .���,:_
<br /> '� lo exsrcise the power Gsate.Furlher,Lender's►Ights and remetl�es under this paragraph shaH be cumu�aave wiin,und�n nv wdy d ��� _ _ r.v.�::
<br /> „ Pmltetian on,Lender's dgMS end remedles under any assignment of leases and rents recorded againat the Propery Lander.Trustee __-
<br /> �� � and the receiver shall he liabte to account only lor those rents actually recervod. ��.�._
<br /> � , 11. Ev�na ot ONault. The followfng shal!C�nstitute an Event ol Default under Ihis Deed ol TrusC ���
<br /> � (a) FaUure lo pay any instellment ot prmapel or mterest ol any other sum secured hereby when duo: --
<br /> ' ' (b) A breach olor default under any provis�on contalned in Ihe Note,thls Deed o1 frust,any af�he Loan Instrumants,or any r��`"�,
<br /> n " " ' other Hen or encumbranco upon the Properry: ' ��'
<br /> (c) A writ ol execuqon or atlnchment or any s�mdar process snall be eMered ega�nst Trustor wh�ch shall become a hen on ..�,.:��:: '�•-
<br /> the Property or any portion thereol or interest thare�n; �'�`�`�
<br /> . (d) There shall be hled by or ngamst Trustor or Borrower an acGan under any present or luture federal,state or other .;•r�31�::,_
<br /> " , statule.law or regulation relating to bankruptcy.�nsolvency or other reliellor debtors;or there shall be eppointed any trustee. �.�:�,..�;r-,,�
<br /> recel+er or Ilquidator of Trustor or Borrawer or ot all or nny pa.t of the Property,o•the rents,Issues or profits thereoi,or Trustor _,
<br /> • or Borrower shall make any general assignment tor the benelit o1 cred�tors;
<br /> � (e) The sale.Irensler,lease,asaignment,conveyance or turtner enc�mbrance ot Ail or any part ol or any interest in the
<br /> • Property,eilher voluntanly or involuntardy, without Ihe express vvntten consent of Lender, prowded that Trueto�shall be
<br /> � � . permitted to exec�te a lea$e o1 the Property that doe�not contam an opt�on to purchase and the term of wh�ch does not exceed •�. ;-.
<br /> _ Of18 yBAf, t„••,�r.�.,,�.
<br /> =tfi �-
<br /> ' � (Q Abandonrnent ol the Property;or �� 't;:ti•�: -
<br /> � � (p) II Trustor le not an indlvfdua�,the�ssuance.sale,transfer,ass�gnment,conveyance or encumbrance ol more tha�a total . ' -
<br /> ", �i perCe�tt Ot pf a corpor8tion)ds issued and outstandmg stock or 1�f a p2rtnership)e total of parCeM o} � ;:��4
<br /> � : partnershlp Interesla dunng the period th�s Deed of Trust rema�ns a hen on the Property. �` _
<br /> � 12. R�m�dl�s;Acc�lw�tlOn Upon Dalaull.In Ihe event ol any Event ol Oelault Lender may,w�thout noticR except as requlred by
<br /> :',� law,declare all fndebtedne9s seCUred hereby to be due and payable and the seme shall thereupon becomo due and payable .�,-�;_
<br /> � • without any presentment, demand,protest or notice ot any kind. Thereafter Lender m::y. � ,
<br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exercfse the POWER OF SALE�ranted herein.and Trustee sha�� tne►ea(ter cause Trustor's
<br /> V Intereat In the Praperty Ic be sold and the proceeda to be distr�huted,all in Ihe manner provided�n the Nebraska Trust Deeds l� •
<br /> ACC
<br /> � (b) Exerclse eny and a�i ngh�S provided lor in any ut the Lo3n Instruments ur by law upon ocwrrenCe CI ary Event of
<br /> Defauit:end
<br /> (c) Commence an actlon to foreclose this Dead ol Trust as a mo�tgage.appomt a recewec or specd�cally enlorce any p!the
<br /> covenants hereol. '
<br /> No remedy herem Conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclusrve ot any other remedy hnrein,in lhe
<br /> Loen Inatrume�ts or by law prov�ded or permdted.but u:�cn tinall b�+t umulahvu ,h�ll be�n;,dd4�un I�.every othr�re�mpAy given
<br /> ,�. hereunder.In the Loanlnst�uments or now o� hereatter ex�sGng at law or�n equdy o�by statute..+nd may be exeroised conc urrentry,
<br /> independentry or successrvely.
<br /> 13.TrudQ�. The Trustee may resig�� at any t�me w�thoul�:��.se. ��d Lvnder �n�y at any a�,�e and w�thout cause appoi�l a
<br /> SucCessor or subsldute Trustee.Trustee shall not be i�abie lo any paAy ���ch�d�ng without hmitation Lender.Dorrowar.�ruator or any
<br /> purCheser otthe Property,for any loss or damage unless due to recK�ess or w�lttul m�sCOnduct.antl shell not be reqwred t0 18ke any
<br /> aclion�n connecfion w�th the enlorcement uf th�s Deed of T�ust unleas mdemnd�ed, m wnbng, for all costs, compensation or
<br /> exDenses whlch rnay be assoc�nted therew�th In add�t�on.Trustee may b�come a purchaser at any sale of the Property pud�cial or
<br />. �I• ..O..�r�nN�, v�flM F1V IAW nr wll th6
<br /> '_'—"'-- " nu nrn
<br /> . _..... . .'_ ' _._..'_
<br /> unde►the pOwer of sele grenteA he�e�nl:postpone tne saia�i u����� n��r ►+�•�������•••�• •���••,• --� -• --- -•
<br /> Properly as a wliale,a� �n separate parCels or lols;it Tr,.stee's d�scretion
<br /> 14. Fe„end Exp�nsa.In the event Trustee sells the P�ope�ty by exerase ol powe�o�sale,Ti ustee aha11 be entilled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds hrstto payment of all costs and�xpenses ot exeras�ng power of sole.�ncludmg a�l TrusteJ s fees.and Lander's
<br /> and Trustee's atlorney's tees,aCtually mcurred to extent permrtted b/apphcabte�aw In the event Borrower or Trustor exerc�ses any
<br /> rlght provided by law lo cure en Event of Defau�t.Lander shall be ent�tlad to�ecover tron,'i rustor au c�sts ano e*penses actually
<br /> incurred as a result ol Trustor's delautt.mcluding w�thout I�m�tnt�on all Trustee's and attorney�s fees. to the extent perrn�tled by
<br /> applicable law.
<br /> 15. Futur�Adv�nc��.Upon request of Dorrower. Lende� may.:.it�ts oPt�on, make add�t�onal and future advnnces and�e•
<br /> edvancea to Borrower Such advenCes and readvarCes,wrth�nterest lhereon.sl�au be�e�s advanced to protecrt thp s�cur�ry of h8s
<br /> the pnnc�pal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust no��cM��
<br /> Deed of Truat,exceedthe onginal pnnclpal amouM stated nere�n.or� �_----• wn�cneve� �s greater
<br />