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<br /> 17_ 7'raustcr oe the Pro�erty ur�AeuePfcla)lnterett In Borrower.If ull nr a���� p��t c,f thc Pruprn��ur am inten�t in it -
<br /> is s.�IJ isr lir+�sic�:c3(ar if«ts.:�.:ti:i�!iaitrr�4 in Enrmu•er i�u�ld ur triuisftrr��asxl Sorruucr is not u natural perx�a)witlxw�
<br /> l.en.�ler's prior w�ritten �Y�nscnt, l.cnder n�y, �t its uption. n:quirc im�r�iiutc paynxnt in full of aU sunu �xuroci by �i�i�
<br /> Scrurit}• I��.uru.nent.However.this optiw�sha!!nW be exer�ised by L.eoder if exerci�c i.prcyhibital bv fecler�►!law as uf the�tc _
<br /> of thi�Security Ii�.urunicnt.
<br /> If L.et�.,c cxercises lAis s��ia��. Lenckr�hall gi��e I3orrow•er notirr of acceleration. Tl►��x►ti�shai{pravidc u pericx!of not
<br /> fcss th�n 3p days froti� ttx cl�te the ►w:ire is dclivcrccl ar n�tod within wt�ich Bcxrower must pay all sunu cecurcxl by ti�is
<br /> Security- lnutun�ent.if Borrow�cr fails tn pay thcse sumc prior tu thc cxpiration��f thls period, [.cixicr m�y invuke xny renwdict
<br /> permitted by thiti Socarity I�.cuvin�ent wittwut further rtatice ur dernutid on Bcirrower. _
<br /> It3. Borrower's ftlQht ta Reit�state. tf t3oerow�er ma,ts c.rtain CU�k����pn5, Gc�reaw�:r shal! ha��� the r's;ht ta have
<br /> enfi�mnxnt of this Security Instrument discontinuod ut any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or s�ch oiher period as
<br /> applicable law may spec:ify fo� seinstatement) t+efore sale of the Property pursuant ta any pow'er af salc conLaineai in this
<br /> Sccurity Instrume�u;or(h)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrow•cr: (al pays
<br /> Lerxkr all sums which then would be due under this Securiry Insuument�nd the Noie as if no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default af a�sy ather coveaan9s or agreements; (c)pays a�l exptnus incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> includirig,but not limitai to, reaconable attomeys'fees; and(d)takes such action as Lertider n�y reasonably roquare to assure
<br /> thai the ltcn of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Sormw�er's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument sE►�ll continut unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowtr, this Securiry Inserument w�d the
<br /> obliguions secured hereby shall remain fuUy effective as if no 3cceleration had occ:un'zd• How•ever.this right to reinstate si�all
<br /> ttoi apply�n�he cau of�ccel^ration`wtide Npar��l7..� Note or u nartial interest in the Ncxe (together with this Sect�rity
<br /> �y� l�C W l�Wt1 V�Mr�� v� �.v�.. �.r.
<br /> Instrvment)may be sold one or more times w�thout prior notice ta Borrower.A sale may result in�change in the entity(icnown
<br /> as tlu"I,oan Servicer')thal collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunty Instrument.Thete also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Lo�n Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bonower will be
<br /> given w ritten notice of the change in accardance with puagcaph 14�ve and appficabte law.The notice will state the nzn�e and
<br /> addresL uf tt�new Loan Se.rvic�r and the addtess to which paymewt�s+a+1d be made. The nouce will alsa ooncain any ather
<br /> iafotatiation required by applirable law.
<br /> 20.H�rdous S+fbsta�ces. Bonowee shall not cause or pem�it the piesence, use. disposal. storage.or rtlease of any
<br /> Hazudous Subst�nces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor ai:fow a�iyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental I.aw. The pteca3ing two sentences shall noi aPP�Y to the presence, use, or
<br /> uarage on the Property of small qaantities of Hazardous Subslarices that are generally recognized to be appropriate w oonnal
<br /> resid�nti�l uses and to mainten�nce o6 the ProperlY-
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Ler�du written notice of any investisation, claim, demand.lawsuit or eth�r action by any
<br /> govert►mental or regulatory agency or private paRy involving the Pcoperty and�ss Ha7ardoas Sub.ctanee or Envimnmental Iaw
<br /> of which Botrower has actual Imowledga If Borrower learns, or is notifiod b}• a.'ey govemmental or regulsuory authc�rity.that
<br /> any rennoval or other remediation of aay Huardous Substance affecdng the Fr�xrty is nxessary.Boao��er shall promptly take
<br /> al, nxessary remedia!actions in ac�"+•f:u�ce with Enviraunental L.�w:.
<br /> As used in this paragrapt►2�. 'k�ardous Substanoes� �re t�e substances defined as toxic or h�zudous substas�xs by
<br /> Enviroiunenwl Law and the follo�•i� substanoes: gasoline. ker�sene, otl�er flanunable or toxic p�trolasm products, toaic
<br /> pesticida and her6icicles,�oL�ti[e sotc:nts.materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As usod in
<br /> this paragraph 20. 'EmitkKUnent�t 1�w' means fe�ral laws and laws of the jurisdicuon where the Property is located chat
<br /> relate to health.safetS'or environnxcv�pmteccion.
<br /> KON-UIVIFORM COVENAN'FS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> Z��I+C�i A�� l.!!Q!�i11=lt gli���o at7�rvwe'r l+iwi'a'v'w.�c::..«:w'i!�...:..^`.°.�...���••:='=•wr�g Iqwrl� ,- -------
<br /> of uy wveoant or sgreaaa�t in this Securitp I�Uvmeat {twt not Prior W aoak�tion wKler pouw�gs�Pb i? an�
<br /> spplicst6le law p+ovides otLerwise).T6e aotice shall specity: (a)the defAUlt; (b)tbe action requlred W cure the default;
<br /> (c?�aate, aot le�tban 30 days traa tbe date tLe oatice Ls given tu Bon�o��,!ry whid�tbe defsult must be curali s�ad
<br /> (d)I�at failure to cun the default on or before tbe ds�te specifkd in tbe notke may re�wlt in acoela�tlon of the sums
<br /> aecw�ed by Wis Secadty Insirumeot and sak ot tbe Propeety. The notice si�all imt6er iatorm Bonnwer o�the ti�6t W
<br /> c+dactats after aocd��Foa aad t6e right to briug a covrt � to sssert the aon�extsteac�e ot a defaWt ar au� Wber
<br /> defense ot Borcowa to aooderatton and sale. It the defpdt i�eot�vred an or before tbe dste specified in the eDOtke,
<br /> L.ead�r,at its aptioo, ms►y require immedis►te PaYment in full oi'pll suois secured by tLis Sea�rity �t.rument witLout
<br /> t�artLer damnd aod awy invoke tbe poKer of s�lt and any otber ranedies penaitted by ppplic�bk Fs�.I.eader slwU be
<br /> entlUed to collect a!1 e:peases tacumd in pursuiag the rea�ed�ics provided in tLit p�ra�rapb 21.indud�z�,�wt oot limital
<br /> to,rwsooabk atWrneys'few aad cae�s af title evideoce.
<br /> ii tde power ui'� �S in�oi�d'„Trastee sf�ll record p ootice of dPfsalt in exL county in whkb�wy part of the
<br /> pti�opesty is locatal an�l shaU�nsil��pies ot s�ch notice in tLe awnner prescribe�3 by ap�licablc Iaw to Borrowee aal to
<br /> tbe otLa�pasoos Presnibed bY applkabk Is�w.Af'ter the tiioe required by applicabie law,Tntstee sIw11 give pu6lic noNoe
<br /> of nle to the peisoas aod in the roanner prescrlbed by ap�ble law.Tn�cta, wit6out denwnd oo Borrower,shall sdl
<br /> t6e piroperty at paWlc aucNon to the hi�best bidder at tbe time siad place and under the tenns dcsigzwted in We notice of
<br /> sale its amt�or mooe paroels aad ia aay order Tni.stce deterntlises. ���y�c��or�u�any�+�r�
<br /> propesty.6y puMk a000uaament:�t tbe time aad pisce oE uay previazsly scbedukd sak. Lmdd� or its d�eee nwy
<br /> p�r�e tbe propertY pt any sale.
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