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<br /> 'fOGETt1E:R WITH rdll the impro�•a�x7ts nc►w o�hereafter em.tcd on thr pro;xrty,�d'�11��u. rpEwneuan.��. :uui �
<br /> rt Ali I.u.tc�tir�i� u�:1 sci�itinns Kiwll xl�u bo ��vcr�l by this �cwiry
<br /> Qxturrs now ar Ixrcatl�r � part of the pro� y. *�... --_
<br /> i�►strynxnt.All of the furcguing i�rcf:i�r�:.l w in this Security��ntrontieM zs the'Qc�Pe�y." —
<br /> BORRUWBR COVENAN la tt�c wtiwwci �s ta�:6u:!)sris�!t•f tl+�e�t:hcrtbv cw�veyeci �nc1 h:�the right tu Yr�u�t:++�1 �-
<br /> con.•cy the Pmperty :u�d tFuu the Pn�{►eny is unnuumt+�recl. except for eixumhr�ux�es��f' r�x��rci. Bormwer w�rnuus ��i wii! �
<br /> 3efsxi gener�lly the tide to thr Pn�MY n8ainu all cl�nu�uW cienurxLs,subjeN,to u�y enru��b�.►ruex c�f nx�ni. _
<br /> THIS SECURI�Y IN5i'RUMENT co.mbincs uniYorm cor•cn+uiis far t�aiic:sil us.e an�1 txm-uniForm covet�ts with U�tuted �
<br /> vuiuium hy jurisd��tic+n to constitute r unifiu►n security lacwmeot cuezring ra!pru�:rty. _
<br /> UNIH012�1 COV�NANTS.B.irrow��r and L,erxler rn�enant a�xl ug�t�e�s fulloBc�rruw•er shall prum�xlY Pa)' when due thc ---
<br /> i. F�y�uriii o." L'air.:S�.�l an.s! Interesti �P�Ywent awd l.atc Ch�rRes• _
<br /> principal af ond interest on the dcht evidenced by the N�xe and anY P�Yn���t and late duu�es duc undcr tiu Ivote. _
<br /> 2.Fuads Wr TiuceF ond iacut�uc�e. S�►�jai to applicabte law or to a written waiver�y l.ender, Borcowe�sh�11 pay to
<br /> L,ender on the d�y monthlY P�Y�nis are due under the Note.until the Noca is paicl in full. a wm 1"Fu�xts")for: (al yearly taxcs
<br /> �nd assessments which may uttain priority ove�this 5ecurity I�utrume,��e p����y�'Y fl�������p�m���
<br /> or ground rencs on the ProixrtY�if�u�y:(c)Yearly hauud or propenl'� able by Bonow�er to l.ender.in xcor�Lvxe with
<br /> if any: (e)Yea�'�Y�BABe insur,tnce prenuwns. if any: an� lt� a�►Y wnu p�y
<br /> the provisiops of para�raph 8. in lieu of the payme�t of mortga8e�nw�pcenuums.These itenu ure called "Eserow Itemc.'
<br /> Lender may. at any time, collxt�nd hold Funds in an a�nount not ta exceed che m�xinwm anwunt a letrder for a feder�lly
<br /> ni�d mongage lcwn m;,y reyuire far Borrow�er's escrow�ccount under the federal Rwl Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> ty74 as a�nerKi�;���t::rw:�:is:r_. la tt.C.C. Section 2601 et seq. (`RESPA").unless anotltier law that applies to�Fu�nds =
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. I.encicr may. at any time. collect and hold Funds in an a�nount r.oi io Cx�i.`s_�...�e 4 , e
<br /> ��r may estimate the amount of Funds du�on the hacis of curnnt data and ceasonable estimates of expenditurea of future
<br /> Escrow Itwns or otherwise iu accor�ance with applicable law. �����i or etuity
<br /> 'ihe Fu:.3s s�!! L+e he!d in an inuitution whose deposits are insure�i by a fc�ler'rl agency. ' tY•
<br /> (including Lendu,if Lendu is such an institution)or in any Federal Ho���y� �yti g���row�txco��'o —
<br /> 6scrow Items. 1.endor may not chu8e B°�T°wer tor holding�nd apP 9 n8 l�esbie law niu lx�rder to make such
<br /> v�ci�jring the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and aPP� P�
<br /> a c�rge.Hawevsr. I.ender may cEquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an inde�u�dent rcal euace tax rePortiaE ser�'ict
<br /> used by Lender in connxtion with this lou�, tuiless applicable law provi����i�y U���or eam�'�ng on che�Fu�nd�r
<br /> applicable law c�oquires inureu to be paid.I.enda sha11 not be ro4uiraf to paY
<br /> ��wer and L��er may agrcc in writing,however.thai interest sha11 be paid oo the Furds. I.ender shall give to Sort+owes,
<br /> wittwut charge. an annual accoun�ing of the Funcls. showing crodits and debiu to the FuMs and the Pu�pose for r��ich each
<br /> debit to the Funds was n�de.The Funds are pltdged as addition�l security for all ►r�.able l�aw�, bl.ender st�all tuccount�wa
<br /> If the Fuads held by L�ender exceed the auxwnts permitted to be hetd by appl�
<br /> for the excess Fw�ds in acootdanoe with the rExluireinents of applicable La�. If the amount oF the Fu�s t�1d by L'�'�der al wy
<br /> time is cwc sufficient to p�y the Fscrow Items w f�ea due.I.ender may so notify Borrowor in wririufi,ard�.in such cau Borrower
<br /> sh�ll pay to I.end�r the aawucu c�eassary to rr►ake up the def'iciency. Borrowcr shall n�aice up the u�ficimcy in no more tl�an
<br /> twelve monthlY PaYments,at Lrender's sole discntion. refund to Borrowu�ny
<br /> �,,.,....... t in fuU of all suuLS secured bY this S�'e�rity I��. � �l prQ°��Y
<br /> r�-r� '��'� If,uildet'paTZ$�h 21. Leader shall acquire or selt ti�e napenY.i.a 'w�c+'.y:w;2;.!��•:�;'_--�x rale . ..
<br /> Funds hetd by Lender.
<br /> of the PropercY•shal�aPP�Y�►Y Funds held by I.ender at the t�me of acquisidon or s�le as e cral�t a�ai�st����by
<br /> this Security InsWment.
<br /> 3.Applicstio�of Payments-Ualess applicable law pna�ides otherwise,all payments raxivod by l.e�der��Z:
<br /> 1 and 2 sl�il be appiiod:first.to anY P�Y��8es due under the Nou;second. to amouuts PaY
<br /> third.W inteteu due;fourth.to principal due:�d lact.to any i�ci�rges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.�a+1,kns.Borrowu shsll pay af!taxes.assessments,ci�uges. fines aad imposidons attributable to tl�e PropertY
<br /> w�►may auain priority over this Securiry Ynurument. aad IeaseiwW payrtw�ts or graund reats. if any. Borrower shs�ll PaY
<br /> vidod in 2,or if not paid in that�r.Borrower shsll pay thein on time directly
<br /> ther�vbligations in the maturr�co P�S�
<br /> w t�e person owed payment.Bamowec shall pmmptly fi:mi�i w L.ender�ll notices of wmounis to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> If t3ucTOwer maines ii�N:Y�r...-zt��irtstll'.g^srowe*sh�ll pmmlxlY fum:sh to Lendu receipts evidencing the paYme�cs-
<br /> Bormwer st�td promptlY discharge any lien which has prioriry ovu this Security Lutriment unless�►rrowu:(a)ag�a�
<br /> wriciag to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a matu�er�ooePt�hle to I.a�der:N)contesu in good faith the liea
<br /> — by. or defends ags+inst enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the I.etder's opinioa operate to pre�•et►��
<br /> eaforoemmt of ttu lien:or(c)seciues from the holder of the lien an agreemu�t satisfactory to Lendu wbordinatin8 the lien to
<br /> titia SuuritY Inst*ument. if I.eader detemucaes that anY Part of the PropeRy is subjxt w a lien wtwch may atiain priority ovu
<br /> ��yrity�t.l,ender may give 13orrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower s1�a11 satist'y the lien or take one w'
<br /> .r more of the�ctions set forth 3bove wit6in 10 d�ys of ihe giving of notice. .
<br /> Foea�302� s/so
<br /> wa.sae
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