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<br /> F=Y�'w'•"•ss m.�y r.o 4e•nee•t+r m;t�inrl, �the�yxiiin of Lencier. if n�tu:4tc iitsut:uk<<�u�•�r,u�ii����:u��� ur��r�od —
<br /> tlwt l.e,xicr requirexl provi�it�l by wi inwrzr;�provod by I.cixler a�a�n bccares�v�+ilablc anJ ia c�t+tKlrw�l. Borr�w•cr shail paY
<br /> the premiums reyuireJ t� mxir►txin nwit��ge insurarne in eifect,or ta pr��vide a lu�.►resenr,until the rcquiren�nt for nwn�Aye
<br /> iuiur,uxe encls in aceoni�nc..with any u�ri«en aFteo�xnt between&�rruwrc;uxl l.�ncirr ar u�slicahlc law.
<br /> 51. !us}�ectlwa. Len.kr or its ngrs,t auy nuk�:rc:una�hle entries u�?e,n w►A i�ic}x�tiuni of ttk.F�aE-kriy. L.c:ulcr shal! �ivt
<br /> Bortow•cr neuu:at the time of ur prior to an itupection specifyin�rascmable c�uac fur du i�Liptxiiai.
<br /> !Q. Condemnatton. Thc pmcral� of any award ar claim fi�r�1an�es, direc�o: consequential. in cannection with any `
<br /> condenuiation or c�iher takitt�of any part af the['ropetty. o�fur conveyunce in lieu af condemnation, are hereby as.si�ned and
<br /> shall be paid to l.eruier.
<br /> In the e�•ent of a total taking of the Propeny,the praceeds shall t�e uppliod w the sunu secured by this Saxuriry Instru�nent,
<br /> whether or noi then due, with any excess paid to Barrower. I�the event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> aiarket v:ilue of the Propeny i��t►nxdiatcly before the taking is ey�u�l to or grcater thzn thc amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> Security instrument in�cliately before the takin�, unlcss Bonower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Ituuvment shall be reduced by the atrwunt af the proccecls multiplied by the following fraction: (�) the total
<br /> amount of the stu�is secured immedia!ely befor2 the talcing, divided by(b)the fair marlcet value of the Property imnteJiately
<br /> before the taking. Any 6alance shall be paid to Borrower. In the evcnt oF a partia! t�lcing of tttic Property in which the fs►ir
<br /> market�•alue of the ProE+c�ty inui�ediately before th�wking is less than the amount of the sums sec�red immediately beforc the
<br /> caking, unless Borrower and Lender othetwise agrce in writing or unless applicabie iaw otherwise provides.iae pru��ia a+u+►i
<br /> be app3iod to the sums securod by this Security lnstrument whether or not the sums ue then due.
<br /> 1B the Fropeny is aba�tdoned by Borrower.or if,after cwtice by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to Rwice�n
<br /> award or settle �claim for dama�ges. Bomower fails to respand W Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> I.ender is authoritacn to collect and appiy the proceeds,at iis upiiun,rithe� io resi��iati��or r.,aair of t�:.°ta�tiy or to the sums
<br /> secural by this Se-ur.tn Instnunent,whether or nai then due. .
<br /> L'dess Ixndec and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of procee►is to principal shall not extend or
<br /> post�*u��e the due date of the rtxmthly payments ceferred to in Q,aragnphs 1 and 2 or change tf�e amount of such paymenu.
<br /> !t.Bomorer�ot Released;Forbeassace By Leader 1Wt a W�lver.Extension of the time for payment ot modifi�;ation
<br /> of amortization of thr sums secured by this Security Inurument grantod by l,ender to any successor in interest of Boaower shall
<br /> not operite w rtleasz the liability of the origin�l Borrower or Bonowcr's successors in intet+est. Ler►der st�a11 not be required to
<br /> commeace proceodings against aczy saccessor in interest or refuse to eatend time for pa}ment or�therwise modify a�r�ortizatioa
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Inswnunt by reasoo of any demazxi m�cie by ttu origina! Borrower or Borrowu's
<br /> successors in iiuerest. Any forbearance by L,e�der in exercisi�any right or remody �:�G3 not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> ezercise of any rig6t or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�xs snd Assi�a9 Bound: Joiot s�ad Several IJabilit�: Co-signers. 'i'he oo�•eau�:s and sttgreenwus of this
<br /> Security InstrumwR stwll bind and benefit the successors u�d assigns ofl�ixier ana Borrower, subjett to the provisions of
<br /> paragr,� 17. Bcurawer's oc�venants and agrxa►ents stwlt be joint and several. My Borcower wtw co-signs this Security
<br /> Intt�vus�t bu�does noI CxON�e the Note: (a) is oo-signing this Seeurity Incrmmr�+r ody w mortgage,grant ar,d convry tbat
<br /> Bormw:,r's in:.,.-�:in it�.Prape:ly uader the temzs of this Securlty Instrvmenf; (b)is rx�t personaU4 aNigated W pay tne 3�ms - .
<br /> : secured by this Sewiity Iiutrument;and(c)agrees that L.ender and any other Borrower rro►y agree to extrnd.modify,forbear or
<br /> : m�lc-,any a�eonunodatior►s with ngard to the terats of this Secririry Incuumes�t or the Note without tl�at Sorrowar's eonsent.
<br /> 13.i.os�n Cl��es.If the tou� secured by this Security Inctnu�u is subject to a 1aw which sets ma�cimum lo�n cl�arges,
<br /> - at�d th�t law is fis�lly interpreted so tl�at the intetrst or other layt chuges co'.lected or to be oollectod in connection with the
<br /> � lo�n exceed the pe.�uod limiu. tlse�: (a)any such loan charge shall be roduad by the an►ount nooe.�szry to reduce the charge
<br /> , to the pemtiteed liaidt:and(b)any sumc already collectod from Borrower which exceeded permitud li�:ts will be r�funded to
<br /> Borrc�xcs. I.er�der snAy choose to make this refund by roducing the principal owod under the Nute or by mairiag �diraK;t
<br /> - paYmeat to Botrowu. If a refund reduces principal. tho rod�ution will be trc�ted as a putial prepaymeat �.i�ho�tt any
<br /> prepa�st�t charge ucxkr the Note.
<br /> 10.Nott�YS.Anv ootice to Borrower provided fot in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by fcr.si class rsaii unless applicable law rcquircs use of another u�eihad.The notice shall be diracted to the Property Addnss
<br /> or any ati�er address Borrower designutes by notia to Lender. Any notice to Lender sh�U bo givea by first class uwil to
<br /> Leadcr's address stated 6uein ar u�y othor address Leixkr desig�by rwtice to Borrower.Any notice prorided for ia tAis
<br /> � Security I�utrument sls�ll be deenxd to have been given to Bonower ot i.onder w6en gnvea as providod in this pacagsaph.
<br /> 15.Gove,rutng Law; SeverabilIty. This Seruriry Inunusxnt shall be gover��ed by federal iaw and tl�e taw n,the
<br /> ° jurisdiclion in wtt,ix�h the Property is locatod. In the event that any provision or clwse of this Securiry Insttumeat or the Nou
<br /> , conf]iets�+ith�,p�icable law,such conflict slnll not affec!otlur provisiwls of this Secnrity Instnuneai or the Note wluch can be
<br /> giva�effect without the conflicting provision. To this ead the provisions of ttris Security Instntaxai and tht Note are decluod
<br /> W be sever�ble.
<br /> . li.Bairmver's Copy.Borrower shall bt given wie conformod copy of the Note and of this Security Iasuument.
<br /> � Form 3028 8180
<br /> Pp�4d0
<br />