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201Q43888 <br />9. Prutectiwu nt' I..ender'y Interest iIU the Property and RiLhtzv Under this Security Inattrament. If <br />(a) Borrower !.r i Ix tt~ pcrfortn the GClvelxanta and agreements captained in this Security Inatrttmcnt, (b) there <br />is a Icgal prouce;clirtg that mit;hl ;tigrxifiwantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights under <br />this Security lntilrumcnt (such as u proceeding in bankruptcy, prvbata, far cvndatunationor forfeiture, for <br />cnfvrecrnenl a.f :~ lic,n. which may attain priority over this Security Tnstruxnent ar t© anforcc lawn yr <br />regulatiotxs), c,r (c;) .Iir.>rmwer htts abandoned the Frvperty, then Lctrdcr may do and pay for whatever is <br />reasonably rrr ctlrl~raptiate to prvtc~et L.crrdcr's interest in the Property and rights under this Security <br />Inslrrunent, inaluclint~ prutectixx~; uxrd/or asscssin~, the value of the Property, and securing and/or repairing <br />the Property. 1_c~nclcr'S actions can include, but are uvt limited tv: (a) paying any sutra secured by a lien <br />which has 17riarily aver this Security lnstrutnrnt; (b) appeaarinpr in court; and (c) paying reasonable <br />attorneys' fees to ~~rotcut itr3 interest in thrr Proncrty and/nr rights under this Security Instrument, including <br />its secured pwtiititrrt in t- bankru.ptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but is not limited to, <br />entering the: 1'rul~crly I.o tnakc repairs, change locks, rcplaca yr board up doors and windows, drain water <br />front pipes, climinrttc building ut• uthex code violations ur datxgerous conditions, and have utilities turned <br />ern ar wff. Allhwut;h LCUtlvr tray take action under this Scctivn 9, Lexulcr does nut have tv dv so and rs not <br />uudcr any duty ur wbl.igatia^ to do so. It is agreed that L.cndrrx incurs no liability for not taking any or all <br />actions authrn•i•rccl uacler this Suction 9. <br />Any unxw,,rrits disbursed by Lcndcr uudcr this Section 9 shall becuxne additional debt of Borrower <br />secured by this Security lnsirurn.eut. Thesrr amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of <br />disbursemerxt untl shall be payalale, with such interest, upon notice Pram Lender to Borrower requesting <br />payurcnt_ <br />(f tltrs 5ccurity Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the <br />lease. if Burrn~~-c;r acquires frc title tv the Properly, the leasehold and Lhe fee title shall nut merge unless <br />Lcndcr agrcc;s to the: merger in writing. <br />1(1, Mnrtgn~c. Trryuranec. If Lcncler required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Luan, <br />Iiorrcrwer shall fray the l~rexniurns required to tnaintuin Ihrr Mortgage Insurance in effcc;l. Tf, fvr any reason, <br />the Morl'.gagc Iirxurunce coverage rcquized by Lender ceases tv ba available firoun the mvrtgagc insurer that <br />prcviwtisly prr)vic.lud such insurance and Svrrawer was required tv make sepaxately designated paytxxents <br />toward the la.r,unair.uxts far Mortgage Insurance, Burrower shall pay thr premiums required to obtain <br />caveragc sub:~tanliully equivalent to the Mvxigage Insurance previously in effect, at a.cost substantially <br />cquivalr~nt to the cost to Borrower of the Mwrtgagc lttsurancc previously in effect, from an altcrnatc <br />tnartgagc insurer selected by Lcndcr. If sulstantially equivalent Mortgage Iru~urancc coverage is not <br />available, fiwrrtiwer :;Trull. cwntinuc to pay to Lvttdcr the amount wf the separately dwsignated payments that <br />were due wlxun the; itrsi.urancc gwveragc ceased tw be is effect. Letxdcr will accept, use and retain these <br />payments as a Turn-refiuidrtble loss rGSCrva in lieu of Mwrtgagc Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be <br />non-rcfundahlc• notwithstanding, tlxe fact Thal the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lcndcr shall not ba <br />required to p.t.y I3wrrwwcr any inrerast wr carnir-gs wn such Toss reserve. Lctxder can no longer require loss <br />reaerva paytnc:irtx i I' Mwrtgagc .lrt:;urance coverage (in the amount and fur the period that Lender requires) <br />provirlul by an intiurcr sclcctc:cl by Lcndcr again becomes available:, is obtained, and Lender requires <br />separately dur+i ir.rratarl raylnctxts toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. Tf Lender required Mvrigage <br />Insurance srs a c:onclitinn vl' nlalcing the Loan and Borrower was required tv tnakc separately designated <br />payxnurrts Inwar•rl the rremiutns i'nr Mwrtgagc Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br />maintain Mur-t~;rrtirc T,usurunce itr. effect, or to pruvicle anon-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's <br />rcquircrnent ('wr Mwrteal;c Insurance Ands in accardarteewith any Written agreement betweenBortawex and <br />Lencjcr l.~rovitiing Iirr such tGrminat.ion wr until tanninatiwn is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this <br />Sectiwrr .lU al•I;cctti i3a.rxnwcr's whlil;ation to pa interest at the rate provided in the Nwte. <br />MortgaiYr= tntir.rrance reitrtburses Lcndcr (yur any entity that purchases the Note) fur uerlain losses it <br />may incux if 'I'3w.rrrrwer clots nut repay the Luan as agreed. 13wrrwwer is not a party to the Mortgage <br />Insurrncc. <br />Morl.ktaz;c~ intiurerti ~valuata their total risk on all such insurance in force from titre to time, and. may <br />enter into agrc4n>c:nts with other l~artiGS that share wr tn.odify their risk, or reduce lasses. 't'hese agreements <br />arc wn terms and cunclitiwns that are satiafactvry to the mvrtgagc insurer and the other party (wr parties) tv <br />these at;reemc:nts. '!'base agreements may require the murt.gagG insurer tw make paytnenta ui3ing any sawrce <br />of funds dial the niortgagc insurer may have available (whieli`tnay include funds obtained from Mortgage <br />Insurance prc;niir.ui7s)• <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannle Maa/Fraddla Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />-6(NE) (08th) Page 8 of 16 Initials: ~~ Fprm 3t-zs 1101 <br />