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<br /> cr.:��ayinR LII�P'ra�e.vty.'d'he rocitols la tfie Trwtee's doed eA�l1 be prima f�cie evidence o!tbo truth of tho
<br /> rtatom=nts rnade thereia.'fr�:steo rhall apply tho proceeda o!the sala ia the tollowia�arder: (�D to�Q coati
<br /> IiII� OYpOnai9 Of CYCP�iain�the pov�'et af sal�. aa� tho salc, includiB= tbe �y�aat of tho '�rt�ste.�'s �ets =
<br /> aetwlly incwred.not so o:cxd �p�n 96 ot the priacipal�mount of t6o noto�t the ttme ot
<br /> th�dxlaration of default,sad reawmble�ttoraeyr'Qaea as pe�mittcd by isw;(mi:n.ij�u�se��e�by f��s _
<br /> Securlty Inatrument;aad(c)auy e=cea to tIIe pnrsou or pes:oni les�lly en4i41et1 to at.
<br /> 22,jtecon�eyanoo. Upaa paYmoat o!al sums aecuc+ed by this Sawity Instrument�I.asckr shall roqu�st Trustee
<br /> to reconvey the Yropecty �nd chall surra�der thia Secwyty Inatrwnent and all noua evidrncin�debt r,ecurod by this
<br /> Secwity Instruma�t to Trusteo.Tructoe ehill reconvay the Proporty withaut warranty and wittwut char�e to the pd�son
<br /> or peraona legilly eatitled to it Such persoa nr pereons e2u11 pty any reoordation costa
<br /> 23. Subatitute Trustoo.Le�dcr, at its optioa,msy iron� time W time remove Trustx and appoiat a succeseor
<br /> tn�steo to anp Trustbo appointed hereund�r by an instrument reoordod in tho wuaty in whicb thia Socurity Ir�strurt►ent is
<br /> rxorded. WitLout conveyance of d,e Prorxrty,the sucoes�or truatoo stull succeed to all th�titla Powa �nd dutios
<br /> confetred upon Tn�atx herein aacl by applicaWe law.
<br /> 24. Requeat tor Notices. Borrowar roquests tLat copies oi tho nouas of datault and sa'la be acnt w Borcower's
<br /> as�Ciress which is the Pmperty Addt�.
<br /> 25. jtidue to t�is Secwrity Inatrumea�If one or more riders�re executod by Borrower aad reoordod w�other
<br /> xith this Secwity Iastrumeat,the oov«uat9 uid a�roemcata of each such rider ehall ba iac�orporatod into wd sh�ll
<br /> amead u�d supplement the wvenaats and agroemauts o!this Security Iastrumeat�s if the r�(s}weco a part oi this
<br /> Socwity Instrumea�[l�eck spplicsble bo=(es)I
<br /> Adjuatablo Rate Rider Condominium Rider 1-,Fs��nily Ridet
<br /> Gndwtod Paymeax Rider Piaaaed Unit Devdopmeat Rida Biwedcly Paymeat�idec
<br /> Balloo�I;.zdes' Rate Improvement Ridor �ecaad Home Rider
<br /> VA Riciiec ��'Ie?�fY�
<br /> BY SIGNIIJG BfiLOW. Bornoka a000pts and a� to the t�rms aud ooveaaata contained in this SecuritY
<br /> ` Instrumeat aad in any rider(s)a=ecuted by Horrower aad rocorded�vith it
<br /> WiLnes�e� /,A�/�� �C�j � (Sa11
<br /> {yc� k
<br /> �!'P E F�Iii -eosrotir
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<br /> •Horwwa -BorraMr .
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<br /> ' S'I'ATE OF NEBBASKA, Couatq ss:�
<br /> _ T6o torq�aiq�insicument was�cicno�vledred b�toce me this � day of �pg� . 199G .
<br /> bY � 3C�Li�►�eeal�it �J P4�AL�- ��D dbD OiffF� ,
<br /> Wime�my ha no (��1�D I�,�
<br /> in said Couuty�tlso 3ate iforesaid.
<br /> � Mp COanmia�ioo E=pirati: �.l�1t��,/Ti�v,FL/ /C .�4.L��
<br /> . Atotar�Public
<br /> �rCT�1f�o!K�Dar�
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