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<br /> .e--' T(X)ETH�R WITH uil thc impruvcmcmh nuw or henaftcr erected un�hc property.an�l atl cu+�mcm+.uppunenunceti. �•.y':.,:�'-`-
<br /> � .�.' �� And fixturex now or hereufter n pun uf ihe pmpcny. All replucemcntr and uJdiiiunti�hsdl ulw� bc rovcred by�hiw S��uriry r�,�,�,1._; `y � _
<br /> • Instn�menl. All af the foregaing is refernd to in Ihiti Secu�ity In�irumenl a.w the"Pmpeny." __--____
<br /> ° � Y � BORROWER COV�NANTS ihut Hurrowur i+luwfully u:ir�dof�h�e+tu�c hcrchy cunvcycJ und hu��hc right to grunt _ __
<br /> � • and convey�hc Property und that thc Pmperly i�ununcumlurcd,cxccpt for encumhruncc+of rec�rd. BuRUwcr w+urunt.und ''_�-- '�;�A=�A:.:_
<br /> ° will defend gcnerally the tiUc a the Propeny upainst all claim.r•und Jcmand+,huhjcci w uny encwnbruncc+of recorJ. ) :,,•�.:_
<br /> ..`l..4��"'__.i...-
<br /> � `� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combinc. uniPorm cov�nantx ior nulinnul urc unJ nun-uniform covcnum, with
<br /> - , limi�ed vuria�i�ma by juri,Jiction to con.tiwte a uniPi�rm.�curity in.trumem c�wering reul propeny. �!°-_--- -_,_„�,�-
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrowcr unJ Lcndcr ruvcnunt und ugrce us WOowr�: �-=�
<br /> P PYPY •:=;3-
<br /> �� � � 1. Payment of Principwl aod Intere4t;Prepayment and Lale Churges. BAflOWOf�I1JII rom U u when due the
<br /> ' , . � principal of And interest cx�the debl cv idcnred hy�hN Nate und any prcpayment und lutc churgc�duc uuder the Note. y ����
<br /> �.:_.;,:�_��;:.-._
<br /> 2. Funda Por'Ihxea and InsnrAnee. 5ubjcct to applicuble luw ur to u writcen waiver by Lender,BoROwe�xhall puy to
<br /> . � I.ender an the day monthly puymcnt++arc du�unJer ths Notc,until thc Nao is puid in iull, a�um("Funds") for. (al yearly ����
<br /> �a+ces and ussessments which muy altuin prioniy ovur thix Sccurity Inswment as u lion on ihe Propeny:lbl ycarly leusehold �,:,-__--
<br /> d:::_
<br /> � `� payments or ground rents on the Propeny, if any: Ic1 yeurly hut.ard or properiy fn�curmice premium�: Id) yeurly fload ��___.__
<br /> • • . insurnnce premiums, if any; lel ycarly mortgugo innurancc pramium.r, if any; und 1� uny sums puyuble by BoRawer to ___ v
<br /> Lende�,in uccordnnce with �he provi+:ionx of pnragraph �.�n liau of tha paymeni of mortgage insurunce prerniums. These �.r_
<br /> � • itemx are culled"Escrow It�m�' l.endar mi►y.ul uny timn,collert and hold Funds in an nmoune not to exceed the maximum
<br /> , . umaunt a Iender for u federAlly relutad m�Agngc loun may requim far Borrowert etcrow account undcr the federal Real �',"�';" �
<br /> Fstate Settlement Procedureti Act of 197�3 u�umended from time to�imc, 12 U.S.C.§2t�1 er seN•("RESPA'1.unless anothar ��,�u�rc
<br /> ' law that upplies to the Funds sets u les,er amount. If so,Lender mAy,ut any time,collect und hold Funds in un amount not to �-�_�_�
<br /> .•.+� �• • exceed the Icsser nmoum. l.endcr may estimatc the umounl of Fundx due an the basix of cumenl dau► and reaxonabl� �4,__._ �
<br /> ' estimates of expendiwres of fulure Escrow Item+or otherwixe in uccordunce with upplicnble luw.
<br /> • � 7'he Funds shull be held in an inxtiwtian whose deposits we insured by a federul ugency,instrumentuli�y, or entity �•,�s
<br /> �;.;'�'� �
<br /> � � (including Lender,if Lender is tiuch�►n inxti�uiionl or in any Federal Home Loun Bunk. l.ender shnll upply the Funds to pay `_'_�� '
<br /> • the Eticrow Items. Lender muy not rharEc Burtower far hoWing And upplying Ihe Funds, unnually analyr.ing the escrow ,�,,,�±••._
<br /> � ncccwnt, nr verifying the Escrow hemx. unk�s Leixler puys Bc�rtower interest an the Funds nnd upplicable law permils �u1,.�;;,�: .
<br /> ' Lender to make such a charge. However. LenJer muy requirc Barrowcr to pay a one-lime churge for un independent real +,+�,�.
<br /> eslAte lax reporting servicr utied by Lcixler in conneclion with this loan,unless s�pplicaMe luw pmvide+othcrwise. Unless an .,��t t�;�.�-
<br /> a�rcement is madc or upplirable luw rcyuires intcre�t to bc puid.Lcnder shall no�bc requircd to puy BoROwer uny interest or _,�,:.� _
<br /> eurnings on the Fund�. Borrower und l.�n�lcr may ugree iu writing,how•c�•cr,thnt intereti��hc+ll hr puid an thc Funds. Lender _ _
<br /> shull give to Borrower, without churge,an unnuul uccounting of the Punds,showing creditti and debits to the Funds and the ,�,�,�,,;��."
<br /> , purpo�e for which each debit u�the Fundc wux muJe. The Fund�ue pledged uc udditional securiiy for nll sums!:ecured by � � �
<br /> this Security Instniment. �'=' '� ''
<br /> -- --= U tiie FwiJs hetd by Lcnder cxatic3 the amount� p!'rm���eJ to be held by applicuble law. Lender xhull uccount to ,,.�,, ,�
<br /> Borrawer for�he excess Funds in accardunrc wiih Ihc rcyuirememx of upplicuhle law. If the :�mount of the hundc heid'ny �,'.�'�.t,•��
<br /> Lender at any time is noi +uificient to puy the B.crow Item+when due.Lender mny so notify Borrower in wriling,and,in
<br /> � ' such case eorrower xhull pay tu L�nder the umount neressury to rnake up the dMiciency. Bormwer xhall muke up the � ;
<br /> deficiency in no morc thun twclvc momhly paymems,ut Lcndcr's wlc discreiion. :'�,��....�.,`W
<br /> l�pon puyment in full of ull+ums sccurcd hy this Sccurity Instrumenl.Lender shull prixnptly rcfund to Borrowcr uny , . :�`
<br /> " Funds hrld by Lender. If,uixler parugraph 21.Lender�h•rll acquirr or x:ll thc Properly.L��ndcr,prior to the acyuisition or
<br /> sale of�he Piroperty.shull upply •rny Fundx hcld hy Lcndcr ui the timc oi'uryuixition or sale nx a credit agt►inst the sums ,
<br /> secured by thi�Security Instrument. , '
<br /> • 3. Application of Payments. Unlc,� �pplirahlc luw pn�vide� othrrwi.c. utl paymcnts recrived hy Lcndcr under
<br /> psuugraphz 1 and 2+hull be applied: lir+t. tu any prepnyment chargeti Juc under the Note:.ecuncl,to umounts puyuble under „. . ....,�,
<br /> ' pAragraph 2;�hird,lo intere�t due;(ourth,to prirnipul due;und latil,tu any late churges due under the Note. .�.Y�;__
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borcowcr shall pay ull luxes, usu��mcros, rharges. line, rnd irnpo+itiuns uurihutuble to Ihc . ,�;__
<br /> '' �,` Proper�y which muy uttnin priori�y ovcr this Securiry Imlrument,and Ica+ehold paymrntti��r gruund rents,it'uny. Borrowcr ;� � �
<br /> , shnll pay these obligutions in Ihe munner proviikd in pur•rEraph?.or if not paid in thut manner.Borrowcr�hull puy them on ,•.„ .• _ _ _
<br /> time dirccUy to thc person owrJ p•rynxnt. Borrower.hall promptly fumi+h to LrnJcr ull naticc.��I'umounts to he puid unJer j �• ,
<br /> , . " thi+paragraph. If Borrower mukes tlxse puymentti directly.Burmwer shull promptly fumi,h to Lender receips evidencing ��
<br /> �
<br /> . the ps+yments. ; •�
<br /> Barcowcr,hall pr��mptly diuha�rgc uny licn whirh hu.prh�riry��vcr thi.Srrurity In�tru�m nt unles�Borrowcr:lu1 agrceti , ,i�y�
<br /> � � in writing to the puymem ol'thc uhliga�ion�ccured hy�hc licn in a manncr ucreptaMc lu I.enckr,�h�cuntc.�.in guixl fuilh�he . ...
<br /> . lien by,or dcfcnds u�uins�rnforccmcm uf thc licn in.Irgal pr�kccJin�:.w•hi�h in thc Lcixlrr+upinion o{xrute tu prrvent the � �;;
<br /> enforcement of�he lien:or lcl xecurrs fr��m the holdcr uf thr IK n an uErcrmrnl.ati.l'artory iu L.nder+ulx�rdinuting Ihe lien
<br /> • to this 5ecurily Inxtrument. If Lendrr drtermine+ that uny pan uf�hr Pru�xny i.,uMjer�a�a lirn which muy�utuin priorily
<br /> , ove�this Security Instrumenl.Lrn�lcr muy givr B�xrowrr:�nuticr iJrntil'yin�Ihe lirn. Norrowcr shull�►tti,t'y the licn or take Y, �:
<br /> � one or mcttc of thr artian+.ct fonh atxwr within 111 duy�ot'thc�ivin�of no�irr. t'
<br /> ' S. Hazurd or Properly Insuronce. B��rrowrr�hali kce�ihc impruvrmen��nu��•exi.iing un c�rrafter crccted on thc ,
<br /> Propcny in+ureJ a�uin.t lo,x by tirc.haz:�rd+includcJ �vilhin Ih4 Icrni°rxlendrd ruvrr:iEc" ;md am��,�hrr h:�tard�,including
<br /> flaxls or floodin�.for which Lendcr rcyuim.in,ur�nce. Thi+ in.urunrc .hall Ix maintamrd in thc amnuntx und 1'or Ihr
<br /> FurmJ02li 4I911 ��x��r=n►A�r,i¢e�� , '
<br /> 'r,
<br /> � ,
<br /> • �Y �
<br /> � � _ ._ _ --
<br />