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<br /> TOGETHER WITH W tho Ir�rov«r�nts now or h�whK �nct�d on ih• proparty, �nd W wsonwnis, appurtanancea, and
<br /> lixrwos now or h�raaher� put of tAe p�op«ty. AN re�placamente�nd additlons ihW aJso b�cownci by ihl.. S�curiry Instr,�m+nt.
<br /> iW ot ihe kr�yolnQ ls rHer�d lo in ihb S�cwity I�strum�nl as ih� "Proporty."
<br /> ROflROWER COVENAkTS IMI&xrowu fs ywluNy eeiz�d of ihs sstah h�r�t+y ccw�v�d �nd Aa�a Ih� righl la g►snl and
<br /> convyr th� F'rop�ty �nd th�t ihe Hrop�rty la un�ncumber�d. �xc�pl for �ncumbru+ccs ot ncord. Sorrowar warnnts and wW
<br />- dri�rid g�n�r�lly tFw tiil�to lF+�Propaty aoakui W dsinu�and dw�wnda. wbi�cl!o�+iv Mwun��u�s cl roc�xd.
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN57AUMfiNT comt+in�s undorm cuv�nts lor naUon�l uss �nd non•uniicrm COV�flifll9 wiih limit�d
<br /> varl�iwns by jurladiclion to conat�ut�� unNorm s�ctuity in�trunwnt cov�rin�rwl property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS 9orrowar�r.d l.endx cove�ant and�gr�e�s 1oNowa:
<br /> 1. P�yrTM�t of P�incl¢�! a�d Int�r�st; Pnpaym��f a�d L.sta Chwqw�. ecMOw�r snau�romF+�y Pay wn.n
<br /> du�th�pr{nctR�l ot�nd interest an Ihe dubt evid�nc�d by th�Natr�nd any prepayment�nd late charye�due undor the Note
<br /> 2. Funds for Tax�s and Insursns�. sub�ect ro appicable faw or to�wrilten waivsr by t�rxt«�, Bo.rowor ,nau p�
<br /> to LendK o� th� d�y monthly paym�nta u�du�und�r th� Note. �nW ths Note is paid 'n tuU. � sum ('funds') for. (a) yea�
<br />, taxas and�ssucments whlch may�4tcln priority owt thls S�curity InsUwnant u a lion on the Proparty: (b) yearly teasehotd
<br /> paymmts or yround nnts on tha Propwry, H any: (c) ysarty huud or property Insurance premlums; (d)yearty aood i�sur�ncs
<br /> prwnfuma,if any; (�)ywy mortpaQe Insurance pr�ntums,it any;and(t� any sums payable by Bortow�to Londw{n accordance �
<br /> with th� provislor►s o1 parasn�ph 6, h lieu of tha payment of mort�9e Inwrance prwnlums. Thsse ftans ae caYed 'Escrow �
<br /> It�rt►s.' Ler►dw may, rt any Wne, coNsct �nd hold Funds in �n �mount not to exceed the maximum emount a lender for a �
<br /> tadoraly r�ted moitg+�ye ban muy rpuir� lor Borrower's escrow account under the lederal Raal Eatate S�ttten�nt Proc�dures •
<br /> AcY ol 1871 as�m�nd�d kom tYn�to Wn�, 12 U.S.C. �2601 N taq. ('RESPA'), unt�ss anothw law tAat applias to 1M Furtdc O
<br /> sats a I�ssr wrwunt. N so. Und�r m�y,at any Ume, coMact and hoid Funds In ari amount not to excead the kssar anww�t. �
<br /> londar m�y eslinwte the amourd ot Funds due on the basl� 01 curtent data and reasonable estimates ol expendturoa ot tutwo
<br /> Escrow Items or othenvlse i� accord�nce with �ppGcable law.
<br /> Th�Funds shaU b�h�ld in a�instituUon whose daposits are insured 6y a tederal aye�cy,instrume�taliry.or en6ty(ncluding
<br /> Lender, it l�rtde is such an institutlon) or In any Fedwal Home Loan Bank. Lender shaW appy the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> IfYMe_ 1 M111K �ruv Mft ri�Nro!� Rew��wu�r 1ne �nM1Y}e��n�l �Mluinn th�F��nele �R����IA� �n�Anin�th! w�n!M!' �CS'LNlnl�n► vr:�i.4��
<br /> the Escrow Itans, unless Lender pays Bortowor lnterastron the Funds and applkable aw permits Lender to m�ke such �
<br /> charge. However. Londer may requka Bortower to pay a onedkne char�e for an independent reaf estale tax reporiiny servlce
<br /> usad by Undx in connsctlon with ihls loan, unl�ss �abb law providas othenvlu. Unless an agreement Is made or
<br /> apPrcaa.�w requo-es intwest to te paw, Lendar shafl not be requked to pay Botrowar any interest a eamlr►9s on the Funds.
<br /> Bortowar and Lw►dar rn�y agroa in wrdkig. howwK, that int�rsst sAaY ba pald on th� Funds. Lender shaJ givQ to Bortowar.
<br /> wdhout chuge,an anr►ual accounting o} the Funds, showtng crodita�nd d�bits to tno Funds md tha purpose for wh�ch �ch
<br /> d�bit to tM Funds waa made. 7he Fu�da us pledgad as addidonal s�axiRy tor�11 sums seaued by ths S�cwily Instrum�nt.
<br /> 11 tha Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pemwtted to be Naid by appYcabta law, Lender sh�Y account to Borrowr
<br /> tor the exass Funds In�ccord�nce wifh the requfranenis of appYcaWe law. If the artwunt o1 ths Funds hatd by Lender�t any
<br /> time is not wtActent to pay tha Esc�ow It«ns when due. Lender may so no4iy Borrower in wriQng, and,fn such casa Baroww
<br /> shaN pay to Und�r the�mount n�xsuy to mak�up ths dd�ency. Elorrower shalt m�ke up the de6clKUy in no mor�th�n
<br /> twaM�monthy paym�►ta,at Landw'a so2e discretlon.
<br /> l�pon peynie�t in tull 01 aN surtn securcd by thh Security Inetrument, Lender shaN promptly refund to Borrower�ny Funds
<br /> hNd by und�. !1, unda paraynph 21, l,endar sluY acquko or seil the Propaty, LendK, prio►to tho acquiaklon a saN of th�
<br /> Property, ahall appFj any Funds h�ld�y LenciK at th�thw of acqulsition a sale as a cnddil ayainst th�sums s�cund Dy this
<br /> S�auiry Instrumw�4.
<br /> 3. App1lCa�tion of Paymonts. U�ss appic.:�re taw prov3des oth�wlsa. oll payrtwnts recNved by Len�ix w+dr
<br /> para9nphs t and 2 sh�il be appYed: irst, to s�y pr�pa�rn�nt charqes dua undx the Note; sacond, to smounts pays��s und�r
<br /> para9raaph 2; thlyd,to interest due; tourth,to principal due;and Itst, to any late charges du�und�r th�Not�.
<br /> 4. Char�s; Wns. Barow.r s►wU pay �II wus. au.ssnw►cs. cnarp.s. fin�s and trr�ositlons .wibus.dR ta tt,e
<br /> Prop�ty wAicn may attain ptiorityi ovor this Secwrty(nstrurtNnt,and kas�lwld p�yrt�ar►ta or yround nnts.if any. 8ortow�r sh�N
<br /> pry th�ot�aUau in th� mmn�r provki�d in p�rayraph 2. o►lf not paid k►that rtunnar. Bortowa shal pay tt►aa+ on fkne
<br /> dirocttyr to th�person owed payme�t. Barower shaL prompUy furttilth to Lender all not)cas of amounts to be paid undar thls
<br /> p�nynph. K eortowar m�iws tha� payrrunts dir�ctlyr. Borrower shai {xomptty fumish to Lender ��c�ipu eviaa�cinq the
<br /> WYRxnts.
<br /> Borrowx shaY promptly dscharge ony lien whkh has p�lo�iry ovsr thls Securily Instrument untess 8otrowx: (a) agrsas in
<br /> writln9 to Ne ptynMnt of tho obligtlbn secwed by th�Gen in a rrw�ner�cceptable to Lender; (b) conUsts in good faith the
<br /> , lien by, or d�lands ayrinst eniorcertient ot the Yen in, Isgal procwdinys wh�ch in the Len�r's opinion oprate to prov�nt the
<br /> e�t�xcernent of 1hQ Nan:or(c) secures from the holdor ot tM i4n an ayre�ment sat}sta�tor�r to Lendr wbordina�hp th�i'wn to
<br /> thfs Secwiry InaUum�n�B Lendr d�rninas thai any part of the Propaty k subJ�ct to a lien whkh may�fafn �iorlty ov�r tNs
<br /> S�axiry k�ttrumx►t.Lendrr may qive Bortower a noUc�id�ntifyiny th�liri.Borrowr sh�ll satiafy th�Wn a Lke on�or mon of
<br /> • th�adbna sel torth�bovs withh 10 days of ths pivinfl oi noticw.
<br /> 5. H�zard or Prop�rty I�fue'atiC�. Borrow�r shall kMp ttK improverna�ts now axktlrt�ot hereaRK�redsd on the
<br /> Prop�rry inwrad ap�hsi losa by fre. Mxac�s induded wichh the twrn'extend�d cov�' �nd �ny othr hazard�. indudng
<br /> r�ooda a aoodr►y,r«wlyd+ �..ude.r.p,R+cs inwranc.. This inwranc. sh.11 b.ai.�n:.r,.d in u,.amour�Ss .nd 10►u�.p.�io3s
<br /> - MN� S.G'�wi to.7j iw'w. ii o G'wii�iPH'.8 i.WZa Ri0'v�l���i u S:1:y'tGa:Lii�.hir G`IGiw.i%Y wwTJWii Giib'dG iu tii�wi o �)NiOi+i�}
<br /> which shal not b� unressonaby withheld. tf Borrcwer R�ils w mtlntaln covarsge 6iscrib�d �bova L�nd�r may. at l.ender's
<br /> eotbn�otsdn cov«ay.eo Protea Lenaa►•s rignts in tne Prop�ty In accora.nea w;u, paayraph 7.
<br /> A1 tnwrance popd�s sutid nnewals shaf be acceptaD{e to Lender and shall indude a standard wat�ge rJwse. Lender
<br /> , shaY haw th�r{�ht to hold tha policies and renewats. N Lender raquires,Borrowv shali promptlyr 9iv�to Lrnd�r aY nc�ipts of
<br /> . paid pntr+Iums�nd�ewal notices. In the event of bu,Borroww shall yHs pranpt natice to the insunncs carri�r and Lenda.
<br /> Lr�d�r msy mak�proof of bss d not m�d�promptiy by Bortoww.
<br /> Unkas Lander and Bort�ower otherwise agree h writing. insuranc� procssds shad be appfied to rostoratlon or r�iax of the
<br /> �oPerty d�nw9.d,d the restoraUot�a reQak is econortacaYy teasibte and Lender�s se�x,r�ty u not�essen.a. n uw res�avor� a
<br /> ' rapair ts not econanicaGy teasib0e ar Lender's security would 4a Wssened,the insu►ancs proceeds shaN De apWied to the wms
<br /> ' secured by thk Security InsVurt�t, whathv or noi then due, with any excess pald to Borroww. If Borrower ab�ndons the
<br /> PropeN�r. or does not answer within 30 days a notle�from Lender that the insunnce cartia has oHered to settle�clairn,then
<br /> Land�r rtwy coYscl th�insurance procceds. Lander ma�� usa tha procesds to repak a restoro the Property or tn pay sums
<br /> � s�curad by St�S�axity Instnxn�n�whdhx or not then dr�e. The 30�day period wiN bepY�when the notice ts 91vert.
<br /> ! lk�Ncc Lender and BoROwe► oth�rwts4 ayrw in writiny, any appYcatlon ot proceeds to prindpal sha� nat axt�nd or
<br /> pott/ione the due date o}tha mor►thly aayments rderted to in parayraphs 1 and 2 a change th�amaunt o}tha payrn�nts. H
<br /> . uoder par�praph 21 the Properiy is acquired by Lande►. Barro�afs riflht W any insurance po6Ges ar.d pror.eeds rasukY�y from
<br /> `; damaye to!ha Property prior to Uu acquisitlon ShaY pass to Lender to tha e�dent ot the sums by thls Sscuriry Instrument
<br /> iutnt�diafaiy p�ior to th�acquisition.
<br /> � 6. Occupancy, Prvs�rvation, �Islrtb�sanc� and ProNction of ttw Prop�rty; Borraw�Ps Loan
<br /> , AppliC�tlOn; L.�as�lldd4.Bortower shall occupy, establish. and use the Property as Bortowei s principal resldmce withln
<br /> sixty days atier the execution o} thls Security InsUument and shall contlnue to occupy ths Property as Borrower's principal
<br /> resldence lor at least oea year otte►the date of oca�pancy, unte�ss Lendu otherwise ayrees ln writing, whlch consent shaM not
<br /> be unreasonaby wrthheld.w unkss extenuaWtig cira�mstances Px1st which are beyond Botrower's control. Borrower shall not
<br /> desVoy, damage or irr�pair the Propeity,aYow the Prop�rty to deteriorate,a comrtwl waste on tha Propaty. Sorrower shaq b�in
<br /> dafaufl H any toAeifure actio� w proce�xJing. whather civi or crirnhal.is beyun that in Lw►der's good ttith Judgment coutd resuq
<br /> in torf«wra of ttw Propwty or othwwke mateei�l�y irnpair the lien asated by this Secwity InsUww►t a Lender's sec�uiry intanst.
<br /> F1316.UA0(;i/96) p�y of S �I�? �,(�,i�
<br /> 9607t
<br /> ��_.. ._,.,.�_ _-----__— -- -- _ - -- "
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