����S��rt�`F�rs ,���,� ���a1�14����l�FrT�;��� 'i ^`�,�;��r\h°�t� rF�'•�.�i...".. 'f ... L�_ . :_ _. ;�.��arwF
<br /> i Y^ �t 'tu.c�trk.,� 'h
<br /> � �s �"���;� ri�`i1�+i� ^.�a� �ora���":;:;s� . ti.� ,,;-..- s_ � . .�._ _
<br /> �� � _ _ �y .� i °.��_ ._...�.
<br /> - -_.� _._ . ,
<br /> _ _. .
<br /> , �__.
<br /> . . : -
<br /> � ,. ,� . �.�,,;,k.w.� 92- i�228 6
<br /> ` ,, T(xiETHER WITH ull�he improvements now un c�rcuGcr crectcd�+n�hc propeny,nnd aU ca.cmcnt�.uppunenunreti. —_—
<br /> j .. n..4.. _ n.
<br /> � ,;;;:�,��r �Y� nnd fixiurca now ar hercuftcru part af Ihe prupeny. AU rcpluccmcn��und uddilionx rhs+ll ulro bc covcrcd hy ihix Securiry —
<br /> Inxtrument. All of Ihe foregoing ix referred to in this Security In+lrument u�ihc"Pm(xenY:' —
<br /> � �...,,, , BORROWER COVENANT ht�ha�t B��n�w�umncumlxrc li x�pt�forcn umbrun«of r��►r�1.nBhR°werrwuRUn�x i J
<br /> � � " a n d c o n v c y t h c P r o p e n y a n d I h U t F x Y �z:,,.�
<br /> . �� � will defend generAlly ihe�itle io tix PmpenY v8u�n't A l l�luims un d de m a n J s,�u h j c c t u�a n Y c n c u m b r u n cc+��f rccur . �
<br /> , .
<br /> .... � �
<br /> " . .H. .
<br /> , ._ __.,_ , THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT rombiae+ uniform covenants for nationul u�c +�nd nun-unifum� covenunt+� wi1
<br /> __ ,.. .. . _ .. — -- --
<br /> limited vonatiun�by juri�dictlan to ranstitwe n uniforrn securi�y inr�rumenl cuvering rea prope y. r -
<br /> � , . ��? UNIF�RnM i o�prin p�1•and Interesl:Preprymenl rnd l.nte Chu��es II S°ROwcr+hall pmmpUy puY when duc the �`�
<br /> � 1. Pi+Y r� a meni and lure churgex duc undcr�hc Nute. ��t:;;y
<br /> ' .;1•,,:�.. . , p�incipul of and interext on the debt evidencecl hy the Nute und uny p 'p Y �'----�.
<br /> ' .. 2. Funda for'I�xes Aud Imenl.+�urcedueuundcr th pNotenumi thc Nm�n�pu d n fullna�.+�um lrFUnJ.�I for•hul yc�rly �'"_ �
<br /> Lender on the duy mon�hly p y curl Icatieho�d E;:�Y�_.«�.�
<br /> �url flcxxl �+:..—��_:�,...--
<br /> . taxes nnd assessmems whichmuy attain pnarity over thiy eurin�huzard orepropeny imurunce pr m�iumb,ld► Yy Y .,,,t,,,.,,�,R�,,,,v,
<br /> paymems or ground rents on the 1'ropeny, if uny: l�) y Y �,,,,,�uc�.ac.ar..k
<br /> insurunce premiums, if any;le)yeurly manguge in�urance premiums. i(uny: und 1� any .ums payuble by Borcuwer to �,� }
<br /> y �,ii,._;
<br /> ' � Lender,in uceard�scr w�ltem.c.r Lender muy P t unY me•oUe t und hold Pond+ n n amoum�n t ta ex ced the mux mum _:_�-- —
<br /> ::�;i:' items ure cull ���=`�'�-
<br /> amount u lender for a federally related mongnge loan muy require for Bortower's escmw uccount under�he federul Rcul �.'_� ��T —
<br /> � , Fstsue Senlement Procedures Aci of 1974 ati amended irom time to time,12 U.S.C.�26(►I er srN•l"RESPA"),unlesti another .',.���
<br /> law that applics to the Funds se�s u Iesser umaunt. If sa.Lender may.ut anY time,collect und hold Funds in an umoum not�o r u•
<br /> � exceed thc Icsser amoun t. L e n d c r mu y extimu�c thc amoum o��Fundx duc on thc ba.r-is of currcnt data and reusonable .�_ _,�: l —
<br /> estimntes of expenditures of future�xcrow Item�ur o�herwise in nccorJunce with app�icu b le luw. y y � �.,,,��
<br /> , :_`.i�:`�• � The Funds xhall be hcld in an institution whose deposilx arc insured by u fedcrnl ugency. intitrumentulit . or entit �:+�.�: *r.-.
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such on inx�iw�ianl or in uny Fedeal Homc l.oun Bunk. Lender+hull upply the Fundx to puy � ,~t� •'" `��
<br /> thc Escrow Items.io thecE.cmw Itcm�r unle�ti rrtendcr�paye Bnrc wcr Pn erc.� on t enFund+�n•►nd applic blegluw permit __—
<br /> T''. a c c o u n t.o r v c n f y g � ;.;:�'--
<br /> �. � Lender la make such u churge, Howcver,Len der rna y r e q u i r e B o r r o w c r t o p u y a o n e-time char ge for an independent renl ,
<br /> ' j�''� es�ate tux re m tiervice used by l.ender in connection wilh this loun,unles,appl�cable luw pravides otherwi�e. Un less an .� _, ..��f
<br /> t�' s� �� �� .::
<br /> , �,.,. _
<br /> ogreement is made or applicnble luw rcyuire.interetit t cbe Wu;d�n�hOWeverl hut ntere t�shall bc p�d on the F nd n�Lender •.,. ; -
<br /> � • e s�min gs an thc Funds. Borrowcr anJ Lcndcr may a�rc &• •, .�• '..
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without charge,un annuu l uccoun�in@ o f�h e F u n d S,showin g creditx und debiis tu the Fund�and lfie �.. -
<br /> :,,ri-;,..,,
<br /> �.'�, purpose for w hic h eac h de b i i t a t h e F u n ds wns made. The Funds+ue pledged us udditionul security for ull nums secure d by , , „���
<br /> •�..,r ..�
<br /> _____ _ , this Security Inslrumem. ,
<br /> ii�he FunJ�i►eld by Lendes escecd Ihe amounts Qetmitte d to b e he l d b y u p p l i c a b l c l u w. L e n d e r s h a l l account �o
<br /> ..^'A'`.• 1
<br /> -�— ---- � • Borrower for�he excexs Funds in uccordunce with �hc rcquircmenty�c�Lcndcr�muuW o inatify BoROwcr in wrh�inF and.hn . :rl��:,�
<br /> ' ' Lender at uny timc i�not suffic�ent�o pay thc Es�row Itemx when du . Y ;,.,;�.° :�
<br /> • �,i+ such cuse Borrower xhull pay to Lender�he umount necetisury w muke up the deficiency. Bonower shull muke up Ihe ..1. ; ,.
<br /> deficiency in no mare thun Iwelve mon�hly p�yments,s�t Lender's solc discreuon. , ,
<br /> ..�,;..
<br /> , Upon puyment in full c�f all sums.ecured by �hi�Securiry Instrument.Lender+hall promptly refund to Borrower uny �t�•,
<br /> • Funds held by Lender. If,under pur+►gruph?I.Lende��hall ucquire or tiell Ihe PraperlY•Lender, pnor to the ucyuisition or �_
<br /> sule of the Prnpeny, shall upply uny Funds hcld hy Lcnder at�hc time uf ucyui+ition or sule us a rredit uguinst the sums
<br /> secured by this 5ecuriry Instrument. I
<br /> 3. Application of Pa�yments. Unlcsti upplicablc luw provide�otFicnvise, ull paymentx received by Lender under ,Y ,. S TJ--
<br /> ♦41•.L
<br /> . p�r���ph, ��i�d?shull be applicd:fint,�o uny prepuymern churFcs duc under the Note;second,�o amaun�s puyuble un er - -
<br /> parngraph 2:third,to intcrest duc:fourth,to principal due:and lutit,to uny latc chargcs due under the Notc. _
<br /> 4. Charges: Liens. Borrowcr shull pay ull t:►xcs, a�,c+,mcnts. chargc., fincs und impositiont •rttributuble to thc u ,;—
<br /> N ��rn.�
<br /> propeAy which muy attain priorhY ove r�hi.Securil y Inslrument.und Icutirhold payments or ground rents,if uny. Bon•ower �i1.ys
<br /> shull puy thcsc obligutions in thc manncr pr�►vidcd in paragraph'_.�►r if not paid in thut munncr.Borrowcr ti hu l l p u y them on : ,,.
<br />� � time directly to tNc prr�un owcd paymcnt. Borrowcr shall prompUy furnitih to Lender oll n�wicc.of amounts to he paid undcr � '.:=%=-J:�'�
<br />' „ thix purugraph. If Bcxrower mukes these paymentx dircctly.B��m►wer shall promplly 1'urni+h�o l.ender receipts evidenring � �I _+
<br /> the paymems. ''��'
<br /> Borrowcr xhall prompUy Jischargc uny licn which hu.prioriry ovcr this Scruriry Instrumcnt unle,s Borrowcr:l�l agrcc�
<br /> in wriiingr�dcfcnd�y�a n�t rnforccm��i��ot'thr licn ui.1lcEalepn c��i�ng�whirh Inuhhc Lendcre opi�nion oper•rtc t�went tl e � Y T.
<br /> lien by. 6
<br /> . to this Se urity Intit'ru�ent.�IF Lendrr Jrtem�in hy�l ut imy p:rt ot�h�'�P�'���nY�`���hject W a�IL n whic muyin.utu'n priori ty � ,-......�� ,�.
<br /> ovcr�his Scruriry Ins�romeni.Lcndcr muy�ivc Bom�w�r a nuiicc idcmifying Ihe lien. Borruwer shall�utisl'y the lien or�ukc i_
<br /> f...:.:
<br /> ane or more uf Ihc actions�rt fonh alxwc within 10 day,uf Ihr Eiving of nnlirr.
<br /> . 5. Naxard or Prapey h ,firrrhai rd,in IuJr I u thin tlx thnnn�xi iid�I co�cr.�r'�!��d��Y h�he�hatard�1in luding
<br /> � properly imund a�.aim�lo�. y '
<br /> tloodx or flooding. for which LenJer reyuirc. u�,uranc�. 'I'hi� in,urance ,hall hr m:um:�ined in the umi�unl+ aiKl for the
<br /> ti�rm 102M Yi411 �p�ik��=�q n�¢exi •
<br /> l
<br /> i
<br /> ' � _ _
<br />