�� __ .
<br /> � I. ._ �-=_°:,:- -----=,-
<br /> � - - -
<br /> - . .. . . -��---- -_.....__..
<br /> . .�_��..�.1T.::�I:tR:d�Gl�l1��'�T.'a.T:'-. _.. � -. . �-. –_--__
<br /> a�• i�. ( . . .+.rn. . ' •'.+-�T��1,..�.�����.–
<br /> . \, T�,, �.'_l:_ — u�.{.iar Mtw'l�sw� _ _ _ .i r ._.
<br /> —���
<br /> �� orc ok Lots F�ur (4) �and Fiva (5). S1x (6) and Sav�i► (7) and
<br /> tcpctlof land cooprisin� �
<br /> v������'?ller adjAC�n� cl��rreu ia L'locr Tuacty (2U? and porc of Fractiaml Lot• Ou� (l) and
<br /> =o� (�p) ia -Fraction�l Alo�k ttin�Ca�u (l9) ■nd vacat�d all�y sdjacont th+rMec► aad a p�rt of
<br /> vacaGd Evans SCrtet. all b�in� i� Evano A�dition tn Ch� CiCy of Ctaud Y�land. N�br�okj+. and '
<br /> �or� psrcicuimrly Y1�YCtiYis aa =�.la�=. _
<br /> D�tioaiog aC a point oa tt�e nocCl�aasC�tly liww oE �ald Lot Four (4). Dlock �+enCy (Z��.
<br /> said poi►�t b�iag Oue iluorlr�d TveuCy TWO and Pour Tenel�� (i22.4Qj FaeC ac+utlieast�rly froa
<br /> cne nurrhe,r►coriy corner oF •aid toc Fuur (4). ct►ence S 00' 48' 34" ii (as�ua�ad bear�a�)�
<br /> along and upon tiia a��t lioo oF said i.ot Four (4) acrass said vacatad allty and aLoag onJ �
<br /> �poa tTraa aor���a�starly liae oP •ai3 Loe Seven (7). Dlock Tvaety (20) • diatanco of One
<br /> Uu�ulred ivelve anJ Tt�irty Oae IlundrsdCl�s (l12.31) feet; tl�enc� N 89' 10' 41" W• n distancs�i -
<br /> of Ooe lluoclred El�l�ty Five and Eighty 1`�+0 liundredtl�s (185.82) feet; thenen nortliecly aleneC
<br /> and upoa tlia arc uE a 452.9 Enut radius curve to the sigt�t (lo�g shord beaciag N 04' S9'�
<br /> 46" W - long ct►ard distaacs 2�2.91) a di�ta�ce oF 'Rro Uundced Tl�irty Five ai�d FiEty Fiva�
<br /> Uundredt�s (275.55) �eet to a point un tlia coutl► line of 4th Street; thence N 90' 00' 00"
<br /> E along and upno tli� south lfne of 4th Street a distance oE Zr+enty Five And Fuur Tenth�w
<br /> (25.40) fcet; ttience south�rly �long and upaa the arc of a 421.90 foot radiva cucvc to �he
<br /> 1cfC (long cl�ard bezring S 02''26' 29" W - chord distance 119.80) a distancs of One IIuadseJ _
<br /> �renty a�d ttinsteen Iluadredt&s (120.19) feet; tl�ence S 89' 10' 28" E a �listance QF OQQ
<br /> �ivaJred Eighcy Seven and Tt�irty tiinR IIundredchs (187.39� FQaC CO tha point of bseina3n�•s
<br /> iiall County, Nebraska. .
<br /> AND
<br /> A tract of land covprising �+art of Fractional Lots One (1) and 7c� (10) io Fractional Dlock
<br /> Nioetecn (19) ancl vacaced alley adjacent tl�ereto aod 1.ots Six (6) and Seven (7). nlock lvanty
<br /> (2p) aad part oL vacated Platt and Evana Streetc adjace�t �liereta and all oF Fractioaal Lot
<br /> �►v (2) ia Block 1'l�itty One (31). ali bcing 1n Evaas Addicfoa to [he City of' Crand Island.
<br /> Hebraska, and oore particulacly described as tollova:
<br /> Be�inaing st che southcasterly corner of said Fractional I.za� iVo (2): thence H 87' 44' 24"
<br /> p (assuaed bsari�s) alons and u�on the svutt� lioe or said Fractioa�l Lot 1`WO (2) and its
<br /> proloug�tion. a diatance of Qa+e Hundred 1liirty Three and Siuty Seven IIundreflths (133•67)
<br /> fest to a point oa the easterlg right vf vay linc of tlze Uaioa PaciFic liail=oad Coapaop;
<br /> th�nce northerly along and upon said �36ht of vay line and befng oa the �rc of a 477.9�
<br /> foot radius curve to the right (long cbord beari� N !6' �7' 18" �1 - lans chord di�C3tu
<br /> 421.53) a diceance of Four llundYed Thicty Six a� FiFty Five IIundredths (436.55) fect ra
<br /> s pofat on the soutb► linc of 4eh 5treet; thence N 90' QO' 00" E along and upon the south
<br /> lioe o� 4th SCreet. a distance of Yventy Five aad Thirty Six lluadsedths (25.3�? feet;
<br /> .���;� ��..�ti�rt.. .alona aocl upon tl�e Arc oF a 452.90 foot radius cutve to the left (lang
<br /> _. . ._ _� e .._.. v..�rr�
<br /> c�ord beariag S 04` 59' 46" � •- long chard clistance 232.91=) -a niscsnae va ��•• �
<br /> Thistr Five and Fitty Five Iluadcedths Uundredtl�s (235.55) F�at; thsnce S 89' 10' 4i" E a
<br /> distaace of Oae lluadreJ Eig1�Cy Fiva aad Ei�hty ��o Ilundredths (185.82) fest to a hoint on
<br /> the sast liae ot safd Lat Sever (7). IIlock Tvcaty (2�): tl�ene� S 00' 48' 34" it along and
<br /> upoo t�he east liae of said Lot Sevcn (7) and its prolonga oii t on dehs norshf biae ofnsaid
<br /> Teenty Five and ?liirteen Uundredtbs (125.L3) fec[ to a n
<br /> Frsctional 'Lot T++o •(2). Block Tfiirty One (31); theace N 89' 30' 00" E a distance of Tventy
<br /> gix uad Four Tenths (26.40) feet to tlie nocthca�t corncr of said Practional Lot Z1+a {2);
<br /> CFeucz S 09' i8' S4" W a distance of Forty Nine aad Thirty 1Va Huadredths '(49.32) fe+et to
<br /> t&e point of beginair,� s HSll C�urity� Nebr8sk8. �• '
<br /> . s
<br /> . .�
<br /> . . ,
<br /> . ��
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