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<br /> •• � . � , uppNcublc Inw muy tipecil�y for reinnlmemcnU hefore yulr nt Ihc Nropcny pur�uunt to uoy �x�wcr af,ulc runtuincJ in this ---
<br /> " ' � Sewrity Inxtrument;or lb1 entry ai'u judgmcnt enfarcinR�hie S��urily In+t�umcm. Th���c cc+nditiun+u�c ihu�Fiortuwcr. la) ��°--=--
<br /> '' , „ puyw Lendcr ull sumx which �hen w�wld hc duc unJcr �hi� Srrurily Ins�rumrnl und �hc N�itc ux if no ucccicrution hud �______
<br /> �,,�,; �� �-� °� ixcurccd;(b►cures uny dcfaull of uny�dhcr cuvcnunls or ugrccment+:lcl pay.all ex�xn��+incurnd in cnforcing thi+Securiry _
<br /> Ins�rument, including. hul nut limitcd lu. rci�+onablc uuamrys'frc+: um1 Id1 tukc.wch ucti�m us l.cndcr muy rcu+onahly _
<br /> � � • rcqui�e to assurc thu�thc licn of thi,Sc�uri�y Instrumcn4 L.cndcr�right+in�hc F'm{xny und Rortuwcr's ohli�tution w pny thc �, :�'•��=;.,. -
<br /> ' � • ��'� tiums kcured by this Security Instrum�n� sNull continue unchanged. Upon rein.�u�ement by Borrawer, thi+ Security w �
<br /> ��;�<<;°''�_
<br /> „ . , Intiu�umcnt and thc obligations,ccurcd hcrehy +hull rcmuin fully cffec�ivr us if no accelcrution hud ixruRCd. Huwevcr.lhix ��•_�._�_ _
<br /> '�.. � % ' � right to reinsiute rhall nw apply in Ihe cu+r of urcel�rutiun under parugrapb 17. == _
<br /> , 19. Sale of Nute;ChAn�e uf I.00n Servicea The Note ur u purtiul in�rn.t in the N��t��togc�her wi�h �hi, Security �,� �- , ____
<br /> _`:_�,;_-
<br /> e„ � . In�+trumenU may bc u,ld onc or morc�imcs without pri�ir nuticc t�� RoRUwcr. A �Ic muy rc�ult in u chungr in thc cntity ,___ _�.�.
<br /> ^ (knuwn us Ihe"Loan Serviccr"1 that collccts mon�hly puyment�Jur undcr thc Noic anJ thi�Security Inxtrumcnt. There ulsu ..:��:-„--
<br /> muy Ix�onc or morc rhunges of thc Luan Scrviccr unrclu��d to u.ulr��f thc Nu�c. If thcrc is a ch:u�gr�►f thc l.i�an 5crviccr. �"'-`--`°
<br /> ,, Botrawer will be given wrilten notK�:uf the chzuigc in accurJancc wilh para�!raph 14 utxwr:��+u��u�•uni�iuW. rn���u« _ ' � �
<br /> will,tutr Ihe numc and addrc��of Ihc new Luan Scrvirrr um1 tlx aJdre,s to which paymem,.hould Ix mude. The noticc will _ _ __
<br /> ulso contuin uny othcr inf�irmaliun rcyuircJ by upplicablc luw. -�_-__._--
<br /> 20. Haznrdaus Subgtances. Burrowcr shall nat cuu�c or�xnnit�hr prr.cncc,u.c.Ji�po.al.+��xu�:c,or rcic•r,r�i(uny -__.
<br /> Hucardou� Suhstuncc,on or in �hc Nrnperty. Borrowcr,hull no� do.n��r ulluw unyone ul+c to dn.uny�hing affcc�ing ihc ��r---
<br /> ... , Prapeny that is in violatinn of uay Bnvir�mmemul L.uw. Thc prcc�ding two,�n�ence�tih•rll nnt upply u�the preycnce.ux,ur ----
<br /> • ��orAge on thc Propeny oF�mall yuonti�ics of Hauurdou�Sub+�ance+�hat urc grncrully rrcogniicJ to l�uppropriutc�o m�rmal __- •
<br /> • residentinl uxes und to m�intenuncr oi'the Pn►peny. _.;�.,....
<br /> " ' � �� Borrowcr,hull prompUy givc Lrndcr writtcn naticc��i':my invcsiigution,rluim.dcmunJ, law,uit��r olhcr uction by any �--�r= -
<br /> -�:a;�,.,
<br /> ' govemmcntul or regululory ugency c.r privuic parly invulvin�:Ihe Pru�xny und uny�tlur.arduu.Subti�ance ar�nvirunmernul -
<br /> . Luw of whirh B�arower hn� urtual knowlcJgc. If Barrowcr Icarn,. ur i, nntilicd By any ��wrmmcntul or regulator�• ?����,�:
<br /> • authority.thut uny remavul or othrr remedintiun ol'any Huiurdous Sub+�uncr uf(ecting the Pruprny iti neces�ury.BoROw�r ;.,r.;+,�__
<br /> � ; ,hull prompdy takc ull ncccs,ary rcmeJial aciiom in uccorJanrc wiih Fnvironmcntal Law, �F�_.
<br /> _:::�=--
<br /> As uzcd in thi,p:ua�r•rph 20."H�u•.urdoux Sub,tancci'ure�hosc xub.tuncc�dctined u.�uxic or h:uurdou+.ub��uncc,hy 4:,,_..,-
<br /> ' . Environmenlul L•rw and thc foUowinE+ub.tancc+: gu.olinr.kcro.enr.othcr il•rmmablc ur loxic �trolcum pnxlucl+,loxic � '� �''a=_.
<br /> , pesticides wxi herbieide., volutile.olvenls,m�terialx conluinin� urlx�to.ur ti�RnulJrhydr. und ruJivactive muierial+. A� `'-�
<br /> u.cJ in Ihis parugraph?0."Environmental Law"mcuns i'cdcrul luw.anJ luw,ol'Ihc juri�diction whcrc thc I'ro�rty i,locutrd tt..�- "
<br /> :. , that relate tn henith.�.�1'rty�,r cnvirnnmrntal pratection. �. •: „°.;..;�
<br /> NON-UNIFQRM COVENAN7'S. Botrow�r and Lrixl�r i�unhcr covrnunt and uErcc a�lullow�: .••�_
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall�ive nulice to Borruwer pri�►r tu uccelerulion followin� Rorrower's ._��-
<br /> breach uP any cuvenanl ar usreement in this Security Instrument Ibui nn1 prior to acceleraliun under paraRruph 17 .::��_iv.:;--
<br /> -____ _ �mless apQlicable law provides olherwisel. The notice shull rpecify: lal the dePault:lbl the acliun requi�ed lo cure the ��a, ti ,,'-�
<br /> dePault;lcl a date,not le�.s than iOdays from the dute the nutice is Qiven to ltor�oN�e�by w6ich the defauii musi i� ,;r�.'�, �
<br /> cured;and Idl tNut failure lo cure the defaull un ar bePore Ihe date specified in Ihe nutice may result io ucceleratiun uf � r�.,�,j+'—
<br /> the sumv secured by thig Securitv Instrument und.r•ale of the Prnpert�•. 1'he nntice.r•hull iurther inform Bu��ow•er ot •
<br /> /he ri�bt to reinslate a�ter uccrlerutbn and the rlght tu brinR a court uction to ussert the non-existence oP o dePault ur k
<br /> any other dePenre oP Bnrrv►wcr tn uccrleratinn and�+le. If Ihe defuult is not cured on or befure the d�►tr xprciiied in j •�•
<br /> the notice.Lender at ils option may rcyub�r bnmediale pu}�ment in iull of all sums xa�ured by lhis tiecurily Inxt�umeM
<br /> � without Purther demand und muy invoke the pn�vrr oP.r•ule und am other remrdies permiUed by appl4cable la��•. ` ;
<br /> I.ender tihall be entitled to c�dlect ull expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedir� prvwided in thig puru�ruph 21,
<br /> includin�.but not IimUed lu.rrusonuble allurney+'fees vnd cosfs oP IiNe rvidence. � •-.�.w.•��
<br /> IP the power of vule is invoked.7Yustee shaU recnrd u notice af defuult in eacB count�• inµ•hich uny part nP Ihe , _- s
<br /> Properly is lucuted und shull muil enpie+of tiuch notice in the munner pre�cribed bv upplicuble luw W Borrow�rr und to ; � - �•
<br /> the other persnns prezcrihed b��upplicublr lu���. ���ter the time rcyuirrd b� upplicuble lue•.Trustrr shall�i��e public ' .'_:'"
<br /> notire uf sule tu Ihe per�on.r•und in the munner preticrfbed b}•upplicuble lu�►. '1'ruKlee,a�ilhi�ut demand on Borro��er, �•
<br /> shall zell the Property al public uucdon lo thr hiuhest hidder ut thr timr und pluce und undrr thc trrm.r•dezf�natrd in � , ,�.;:� �
<br /> thc noNce oP sole in une or more purceh und in un}�order'1'rustee drterminrs. 'I'ruwlee mu}pnztpone+ule of all or anr � •-,
<br /> parcel oP the Proprrly b��public unnouncement ut thr time and plure oP am• prr�•iuuxly schrduled sulr. I.ender ur its • . .°!?-
<br /> de4i�nee muy purchaxr 1hr Properl}�ut un}•yvle.
<br /> . Upon receipt oP puvment uP Ihr prke bid.'I'ru+ter rhall delicer to Ihe purchu�rr 'I�uslee+deed comeyin� the �
<br /> Property. '1'he recitsds in the Trntitee;deed+hsdl be primu Pacie e�idence oP thr Iruth uP Ihr slutements mude Ihrrein.
<br /> 7Yuxtee shall applp the proceed�ot'Ihe sule in thr IidlnHin�!urdrr: luI lu ull cu�lx und ezprn+ex uf exrrcising Ihe puwer __�
<br /> :f,ti:-
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