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��� r• �'�,.�jr° • tt`' -urs�1 .��i.F1�,r�:Frl�a'�lY111����. .�i . t�t�£iWt�4".ii .. . - • i�f,` �'p3''J� r�uJ„i•`�{h}'�ti1��.r(� �_ .,_-- <br /> j.,y' �p� ��u _._��r.yLl�J.f::�l117t�1....1.u1L3'bt ' '�6� <br /> ,R.• <br /> --- �r;,�;�: - <<,�e,�s,.,-.. . • , _ - _ - <br /> • . .r,.k.�fi. . <br /> - --- - ---.. k ' �'- <br /> � ' '� t, "" `��- -' ---- <br /> F , . :". . R VZ- 102278 -.._ <br /> . , � applicublc Inw moy sp�Cify fur reinytatementl before sale of thc PropertY Pu►�uun� �°anY P�'W�r of sule cantained in this =_ <br /> . . Sccu dty Ins uument;or(bl cnlry o�would tc duet undes this Scc niy'In Irument andp he Nate�0 4 if no ac8 Icrutfon i ad �""'.:... <br /> .� � : paya l.endcr ull sums which Ihen �'� `;^``���" <br /> cecurtcd:lbl cu�es anY defuult of uny ather covenanG�c or ogreementh;(c)pays all expenses incuRed in enforcing thiw Security — <br /> ,.� Instrument. includfng, bul �nt iimited tury�In trumen4 Lender's right�n the�Property a�d��►�'°W�ti obligui on to�p�y bl�e =_ <br /> ��y ui r c w a s s u r c t h a t t h e l i e n o f't h i s S c c y -- <br /> ���-3 . sums �secured by this Secudty Instsument shall con�inua unc hunge d. Upo n re i n.l u i e m e n t b y B o r m w e r, t h i s S ecuril y � <br /> , � �, <br /> �n: <br /> . �'_. ,._.• , <br /> .;r . � Inst�umen� u n d the obli gationr�k�cured hereby ahall remain fully effective as if no accelera�inn hud occuned• tiawever,th x <br /> ° •, . righl to rein.tatc�h�ll not apply in!he cn.e ot'accelerntion under p:uago'uph 17. y �x.�_-_-.. . ____�T_. <br /> A � �� 19. Sale ot Note;ChAnge ot Loan Servicen The Note or a part�ul interc�� in�he Nutc (wgcthcr witli thi�Securit _ ^_ <br /> " n - �� ' '' �oa�rt►ment)mAy be+o�d one ar more times wilhout prfor notice to Bonnwer. A,Ale may result in u ch:uige in the entity <br /> �S:J z— <br />.�.w.. ,: lknow�as t o�m�h Res of the�Lo'.m Serv'�ice1rhunrelvi d lo a tinlc oi thchNote1elf t cre is chunge af heeLoun Scrv'��ic� ��- <br /> .n ., �;;. <br /> muy be at►e ;;�ss - <br /> ' � B�rmwer will be given wriaen notice af the chunge in uccordance with parugrtaph 14 utwve und applicable law. The notice �5`_+ <br /> " ,t-`•"Y will stA�e the name und addresy of the new l.oun Servicer und the addrex�to which puymentti should be mude. 'fhe nouce will _ �`- <br /> ' ' also contain any o�her informatian required by applic�ble IAw. ;.�T.�:- ___--- <br /> � ,. 20. Haza�dous Substances. Bormwcr�hSulort�weru hull not do.�norPulluw anyonedel.+�to du,punything ufie ting the ?,..-_ <br /> ' Flaxurdauti Subsance�on ar in the Prvperty �,_�� <br /> '• �� propcny that is in violation of uny Environmental Low. 'll�r precedinB tu'o sentences shall nat upply to the presence.use,or �..:-,�:�•_ <br /> ' � , � s�oruge on Ihe Propeny of�mull quamitir�of ltacurdcws Subxtunce�Ihut ure generully rccognized to be appmpriu�e to nnrmol �� a,� <br /> nsxiden�fal u+cs and to maintenunce of the Pn�ny• <br /> �- . • Bnrrowcr shall prompdy give Lender wrinrn n�xice af uny invetitiAation,rluim,demund,lawsuit or uther uction by uny t��a�.rr= <br /> �__ �� <br /> a � n �iwcrt�mentul or regulatary�Re�xY a'Pn"a�N P:u1y �nvulving the Piropeny and uny Hs�z�rdour Subsiance or Environmernal �n.�.. <br /> . - Law uf which Bnrrawer ha� acwal knuwl�dge. If Baiia+�ver Icarns, or ic notitied bv unY S�vernmenlul ry•regulutory -._��,_ :;' �� <br /> � uulhori�y. Ihut uny removul ur whc:r n:mediation of uny Harardou�Substunce affec�ing the Prop�:ny ix necessa Borrower r� � ,� <br /> , xhall prom�Ily tuke all neres+ary remedial urtiam in acconiance with Em•imnmenlnl L.nw• .�_:_-�= _ <br /> ' � As utied�n Ihix purugraph?0."H:uar<k�u�Subxtunreti'ure thosc �ub�lurnes Jefined us loxic or huzurdou�tiubs�ance�by <br /> F.nvironmcnwl l.uw und the folluwing subwtanr��: ga�uline.keroscnc,olher flummaMc or�axic petroleum prociuct.,taxir . _ <br /> �xslicide. und herbiridc+. v�lutile ,olvem..maten:�lx romaining u.bcstos or fomialJehyde,und rudioactivc materiuls. A, :' .,{,;,. :,�: .- <br /> 1_,�...Y� <br /> 1,I •,1•�,�.^_ <br /> • u�.eJ in thi�parngruph 20."Environmentul Luw"mcam federrl luwx und luw.of tln�jurisdic�ion where�hc F'ro�x`ny i.Incate `j�'� <br /> �.,:•.��-. <br /> Ihnl mlalr to hcullh,safery or environmentul pracctiun• �.sk2F�,��. <br /> hON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borroa�4r and l.cndcr funhcr crnenunt und ugmc us follow.: �. <br /> 21. Accelerution: Remedies. Lender rball give nolice tu Burruwer prlo�• to accclerution iollowin�Borrnwer's ` ,.J.�,,..,y��_ <br /> ' «4 �64�:, <br /> � bre�ch of wny coven�nt ur ogreement in Ihis Security Instrumenllbut not pri�r lo acceleration under paru�rAph l7 (� „ <br /> .,�:, <br /> unless appllcable law provides otherwise). The n�tice shull specify: Ia11he default:Ibl thr action required to cure the ,,�;�,.,.,,.,;;,�� <br /> � dtt'a�s!!;!c!e dx1e,not lesc than 30 days isnm Ihe�iAte the nolice k�iven tu Rurrower,by which the default must be :�,'.,,,,,,,, <br /> �� ' rured:and(dl Ihat ipilure tu cu�e;st ument und sale�of Ihe Properl�y.;The nulice 4ha11 further inform Burrower uf �,�`:;'�'�+��� <br /> the sums secured by this Security '^!;it'r:�;�E i:!.; <br /> the right to refaslate afYer acceleration and Ihe right to bring a court aclion to acsert the non-existence of u defaull or <br /> anv olher defense oP Borrower to acceler�tion and tiale. IP the dePaull is i��um�ecured b,v this tiecurily In�trument •%�� ',�;i;;�l`t�`�'�/'�i' � <br /> •���, <br /> Ide notire,Lender at its option muy reyuire immediate payment in i'ull of a rmitted by a licabie law. S,;));:'t.:..�.; <br /> withoat PurUmr demand s�nd may invoke the po�cer ot'sa�e and any other remedies pe pp ,,� <br /> Lender shall be entitled to collt�ct all expenses incurred in pursuin� Ihe remedies provlded in this pa�s►�ruph 11. , .�� <br /> including,but not limited to.reasonuble altorneys'fees and costs aP tille evidence. .: <br /> If the p�xer of ca�e is invuked.'Iti'uslee xhull record u nutire of dePaull in each cuunly in which an��part of'Ihe . <br /> , Propertv k I�Kwted and shall mail c��Pi uble�law.��iterithc time requred by upplicabk I��bI"IYu.ctee hall�i�e public � .• _''_.'^`� <br /> the other persons prescrfbed bv appli . , _ <br /> � nutice uf sale tu the persuns und in the muonrr prescribed by upplicable laa�. Trustee,wilhout demnnd nn BorrnWer, <br /> shull sell the Property at public auction lo the hiuhest bidder ut Ihe lime und place und under the terms desf�nated in ; •�'_ <br /> the notice oP sale in one or more p�rcels und in�ny urde�Tru+tee detrrminer. 7Yu�tee muv postpone sule oi'all ur any � x,^� <br /> , parcel of the Property by public unnouncemrnt ul thr time und pluce oi unr•previousl}•scheduled wle. I.ender or its � - �} ` <br /> designee ma�•purcbase the Properl}•ut an��!�ule. <br /> Upun receipt oP paymeM oi the prhe bid.71'ustc�r shull deli�•er to the purcNuser Truster'.v deed cun�•e�•inK the � <br /> property. The recituls in the Truxler+deed shall be primu Pucic evidence of the Iruth uP the statements madr therein. <br /> " '� 7}uMee shalt wpply the proceeds oP the�ale in the fu0uwln���rdrr: lu1!u ull co,Ir und expen�es of rxercising the puwer . � � <br /> ., .. �- <br /> � , ;�,,. <br /> � �V�.., <br /> Fiirm 1N2M 4�W1 ��ai,�.c„��•/w���v 1�..• <br /> i: � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � .,1 ' <br /> l <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . � - _ _ � <br />