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<br /> li.Borrower'r G�y. P.omower st�ll be ��e��or�e co+►Fors��ad cc�y y oi the 1`oZ,aad a�tfii��o;:u�-uy nucw-u;�:.
<br /> ' 17.1'r�aster ot the ProNert or��Iata�ect is Bosrower. If a�or any part af ti�c Property or any intuest in it is
<br /> aa:�Qs tr°�sfared(or it a�icial�ntorest in Bonbwer ic sokf or annsfarod snd Barowu is not A nuura!person1 wi;hout
<br /> L,c�sdu's�rioc writtea conscnt,Las�kr m�y.at it�optioa.rai����P�Ymau in full of aU sums secwrod Dy tbis Secwriry
<br /> Insuumes��Haw�ever. ths optitu� s!W!not be exerc�sod by I.rnddr if exarcise�s�rohibited by ftcfer�l Ww�aE tlse duo af this
<br /> Secauicy[nstrwnenl.
<br /> If i.as�cz�ises tAisop��,Laider sl�sll give Bacmv�w r�otice of�cScruioe.'ll�e�wtice shall provicle aper+od ol'na izss
<br /> than 3U day9 fcom the dst��c naticc is dclivand ar asaikd within which Boirower must pay el3 sums socurod by this Saurity
<br /> Instnuncnt iP Bortnwer fails to pay ihese cutn9 prior to the tx Itatlon oi tbis period,L.e�ukr o�ay iavolcc�ay c+caieclics paatittod
<br /> by thic Socurity+Insaumeat vuiihous f�atha notix a dzmanl o+�Bonower.
<br /> IY.Borrowe�'�Ri�1t W R�W tt.�:If BamowiY asoet� ccrtain coaditions, Botsower shall davo the right w havo
<br /> enfonccment of thi� S�uu'y Ins�`�8�aot,c"f�0008aued at�qy ti.�ne pdor w the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or wc1� otlser peliod a9
<br /> applicable law rtu�y apocll'y foi rZLl�nrny befece s�ie of t1�s ProQcrty pursvant to any power of sale oontained in this Sxunry
<br /> Instrumu�t;a(b)eatry of a judgma�t�nfa+cing this Security Iruuument Ttso.se oondicions ac�e that Bomower:(a)pays I.ender all
<br /> sucns whicl�that woe�ld be due under tbi9 Socurity Iastnuaau and t�e Note u iF sw aaxkratbn hsd oocurrod:(b)cures any
<br /> defauh of aay otba covenaats or a�cxments:(c)P�Ys all expenses iacurrod in�nforcing this Security Insaument,includieg,but
<br /> not Wairea w.reasoaab3e�uoraeys'fees:ana(d)taices such acdm os I.eaa«may nac«�lnty roqu�re tn assure that tho iten of tlni�
<br /> Socurity InsGvmGat, L,eaWcr's nght9 in the P'mperty and Botrower's obligauoa ta pay the sums securod by thi9 Sxuziry
<br /> In�ttunaa�t shalt continue w�changad. Upon reinst�temeat by Borrower. this Securiry Jnstruis�ent aad the eb�'l�Baa_�wns secured
<br /> henby shall remaia fully effoctive ai if ao aaxkratioa Aad oocuirod.Howevu.thiq rigfit W reinstate sttall not Iy m�he case ot
<br /> actel�atior�undet poc�tg��s�,ph 1'1.
<br /> 19.Sa1e of Nate:CLt�e of Lo�n Serviar. The IVote oc w partial intarsi itt the Nota (Wgetha with th19 Sxurity
<br /> In4tmment?m3y De 9uid ane ar more tirn�witbout priop aotice to Borrowrr.A sa3e may resWt in a change�n the eadry(imawn
<br /> as tbe"I.osn Servyca')tbat collecb monthlY WYmaus duo w�der tbe Noie aud this Security In�x.at.'Ilk�re aiso a�y be one or
<br /> ma�e cl�anga of tbe Loan Servicer unreLted w a sak of the Note.ff thrre ic a�hange of tbe Laan Savictr,Bomowu will be
<br /> given writta�uotice of tbe ct�age in a�cc�noe with paragra�ph 14 above aad�pplicabb 1aw.'Ibe t�otice wiU state the name sad
<br /> �s of tLe new Loon Se�vicxr and the addrcsa W wbicb payn►a�w sswuld 6e�nad�e,.'ILe eotice wi11 alsa om�ain aay otlxr
<br /> infamwion ui�ed by�pplicAble law.
<br /> ?A.�iar��rdour SabWnaer. Bonvwer shall not cause or pa�ic t�e pc�rnce. use. diSPosa]. star�8e. a rekase of any
<br /> Hua�dotLS Substances o0 or in tltie Pnoper►y.Born�wer s1�11 uot do�uor allow anyone else to do�aaY�B��8���Y
<br /> that�s in vio�tion of aay F�vira�ma�tal Iaw.'I�e p�ecodiog two su�t�enoes shail not aaWy to the pcesayce,use,ar staage oa t�e
<br /> Frapaty of amall quaaLdec of Flax�crious Substances that are�e�a11y recognized to be appcopriate w naa�al resideatial uses
<br /> and to maiatenance of ttie I'�+opaty.
<br /> Bamoa+a sh�ll P�P�Y 8�ve I.uxla writun notice of any investigadon,claim,dar�and,lawwit or oc�tr actioa by aay
<br /> H��a nBu�Y AB�Y or pivate paRy iavolv3ag the Anpaty and�ay Har�rdous Sub�noe or Fa�viroa�at�l L.aw
<br /> of whicb Barcower das x�l lmowledga If Boaower{ca�ss.or is notifiad by any govuama�tsl or regulawry autho:ity.that anny
<br /> raaov�l or oth�r re�ioa of aay Flazardcxu Subst�oa affectiag tLe Anpeity u necessaty,8�crower shall pcompdy nka aU
<br /> ueces�ry nmeclisl aetioas in aocc�cdu�ee with Eaviroomental I.aw.
<br /> As u�od ia this p�gtaph 20,"I�Isz�oi�s Substas�ces" are tltio�e�.s det'uxd as waic or harardous substanas by
<br /> EnvuaomeaW I�w aod obe folbaiag suba�nnces: ga9oWu, kerosene. wha fZ�nmable a toxic petrak.um �roducts, wxic
<br /> pes6cides aod tee�bicicks,volatile sdveats,materials oontaining asbestos or form�dehyde.and r�dioacdve matenals.As u9od�u
<br /> ' thia ?A.'Eav�o�un�tal Law"atieans fadesal has aod l�s of the j�risdictioo whe�e�e PenQesty is Zocated t�t n2�te
<br /> � to beshL.�safdy ar mvirmmeot�l protectioa.
<br /> NON-iJNiFORM�i��1VAN['S.Bocrower aad Y.en3a fiufaa coveaaat aad s�grx s�follows: . .
<br /> t1.Aeaae�atim:�edks.I.eader chao�ive uotice to Borro�ver prior to ssodcratioo fo�o�via�Borrower'�bre�ch of
<br /> � w� oovea�t ar age�eeme�t io ttiis Secority Instira�eat (Dst eot prior to aooda atioa ued�er para=rapi 17 �e�
<br /> appieaiie 4w provida atlKrwiu).'i'4e soti¢e:6sD�cif�:(a)tle delault3(b)tLe�ctioi req�red bo crre tie delaNt;(e)
<br /> •d�te,�ot iers tla�30 dsr h�ae tLe date t�e aot�ce i��ivea to Borrewu.by wtiic�tLe de�aYt�ad 6e eured; aad (d)
<br /> • N�t ta�+e bu c�re tl�e detadt w or fidare ttie date spacY�ed i tlie sotice ssy mdt io sooderat�o�ar t�e saas seearcd
<br /> b�tLir Secrrit�Is�brs�e�t aad tale of tLe P�+opa't�.T6e notice sl�all tart�e�r iata� Borrower o�tLe ri�t�o rr�ntate
<br /> aRer aoaiera8c�aad tlre rl�t to bri� a oo�rt aetio� to arert tbe eoa�ariete�oe ot a eklanit ar aa�otlur defeooe at
<br /> Bonnw�er b sooderatlm aad:a1e.If t�e de�idt i�not cared a�v�be�oee the date�xafied i�the�otioe�I.eder,�t�a
<br /> � oP��7*�9�ioaedi�te p�ymat i�(ull ot s1��nd by thio Seca�rity Ia�meat witbrt tvtLer desasd
<br /> a�d sa�iavai�s fLe power of sale aad asy ot�er reaedses peraitted b�applicabk law l.e�der s�a�be tatitied ta coYect
<br /> • e9 fs-�,zr.��.�r:s� ia pascaiog thr remodies provid�.�ia:�cc gaer�Y6 21, 'c�d�,b:not tia,:.•d�r�sc:.�
<br /> ' ottoruJs'ka a�d oorb of tNle evideaoe.
<br /> U tbe�ower ar sak i�isvoiud. 'lYosta ah�re�.�ord a �etice o�deliult ia a� oomtp in wLich s�y p�rt cE t3e
<br /> . Propert�ia Wcsted aad raW osil oo�iea ot s�notioe fo tire sae�er�resRiYe�6y appliaibie Itw to Bon�ower and to tl�e
<br /> �'P�P�� b]oPP�k la�v.Alter tbe ti�e req�+al by appficabie law,7Yu�tee aLaY tire pnbiic�otloe of
<br /> esk W tLe persons and io tl�e maaaer P��bl aPP��LA�v.Tractee,�vitbout dmund oa Bon�+awer.si�uII tLe
<br /> Piroperty at p�biic a�ctjo�W t�e Yi��bidder at We tise ad pince aod oader t�e terms desqatt�d i�tLe fotloe ot s�le
<br /> Fo►w 3�!Ol�O
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