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<br /> 92- 1 �2275
<br /> Funds fn�n�nount not to �xcNd th�maMMrmm�r�ount a I�nd�r fa�hd�aNy rN�t�d mortq�yt lan nay rpufr�fa► Bartow�r't a�►°�" �'�:=�;,___—
<br /> ' �ceount undM Ih�Nd�r HMI E�W�8�ttIM�Mnt Rot�.�durM Ata ol 1Y74 u amMld�d kom IhN to iNN. 12 U.S.C. 2d01 �t aq. ('RE�A'l� ��_"`"_
<br /> , 'i�-y�r.—�
<br /> . � � j unNs��nothw I�w Ih�t�ppIIM to th�Funds�ats� Ins�r�mount. If �o. I,md�r m�y. al�ny tkrn,coN�ct �nd hold Funds h �n �mount ---��
<br /> n�� '
<br /> not to oxawd ihe laser�rt�ounL Lend�r m�y erlNn�t�ths�mount ol lunds due on 1M ��is o1 cwnnt d�L�nd rMSOnabt�MlMmtp o� �• '"`�-�"R���" �
<br /> �L- :- ��:���--�--
<br /> • � aprnditur�t o1 tuhu�Ewow Ihms a oth�wb�In aceadanc�wHh appYc�bt�Vw. � . , ___
<br /> _ ., Th�Funda sh�i b�hNd In�n insiNuUon whos�d�pa�ks v�Inwnd by�f�al�penoY.InstnMn�nlWty. a�ntiry(IndudinQ L�nd�r,M r� —
<br /> L�nder Is such�n Imdtution)a In my Fad�rtl H�Lwn B�nk lendu shaA apply th� Funda to p�y th�Escrow Itans. L�nd�r rnay not ' _
<br /> . alwpe 8ortow�► la hotdiny�nd applyM�g Ih�Funds.�nnwYy wlyiln0 th�Nuow �ccount. a v�lfyk�p Ih�Esaow lum�,untas L�nd�r v
<br /> � ptya Bortowet Intcreet on tha Funde�nd�ppAo�bl� Wiw pwmk�lendw to m�k�wch� chva. Haw�vw,L�nd�r may nquk�Bonow�r to ':. �
<br /> ' pay a one-tNae chrp� ta�n indrp�nd�n1 ral at�t�lax nporllnp �rvico uwd by Loncl�r In connection with thls lo�n, unleaa�ppMaibk
<br /> � law provWe�otheiwl��. Unleas an �qr�N is n�d�a�pY�bt�I�w nquk�s Nhnst to b�pald, L�nd�r �h�p not b�nquk�d to pry i
<br /> . . • Borroww any inter�,st a wmhps on the Funds. Bortoww and L�ndK m�y �y� M+w�itip.how�vK. Ihat Int�nat shaN b�pMd on th�
<br />� Fundn. Landw sluA qivo to 8o►row�r,wllhoul ehu�.�n�nnwl aeeountinp ot th� Funds, ahowlnq c►arila and d�bqs to th� Funda uid •
<br /> iha purposs la wMch Moh d�bq to iho Funds wu m�d�. Th� Funds �r�pMdp�d�s�dditlonal s�curity lor �II sums ucund by thls ' _
<br /> . 8�curUy Instrument.
<br /> � If 1he Funda hald by Lende► exce�d lhs amouMs permiped to ba held by applieabte law, Lende► eheY acaunl to Bortower lor Iha .
<br /> � exea�s Funds in �caord+mce wNh ths rpuk�nenta ol applie�bla I�w. If tM amount o1 tM Funda held by Lender at �ny Wrw ia not �� , -
<br /> sul�d to p�y the Escrow flans wha� due, Landar m�y ao notHy BoROwer in writing. md,in auch cose Borrower shall pay to Lendar -
<br /> the emount neceas�ry to m�kQ up the defialency. Barowe► ahpY m�ke up Iha dafldency in no more Ihan twahra monthy payments, at
<br /> Lender's aole dlauedon.
<br /> Upon payment In fuA o1 atl sums necured by ihis 3ocu�iry Insirument. Lender elwll promptly relund to Bartower any funda heid by
<br /> Lender. If, under pa►�gmph 21. Lender ah�Y acquke or aeN the Property. Lender. Pdor lo the acquisitlon or eate of the Property, aFup °'"`-'`-�
<br /> ►'_.'.•�: c
<br /> apply any Funds held by Lender et the tlme ol acquialtlon a aale as a ctadit againat the auma aeaued 6y thls 3ecurily InsWmenL
<br /> 3. Appl�atlon of PaynwMs. Unlesa�ppYuba law pravides othe�wiae, al Wymenta reeeived by Lender under panpraphs 1
<br /> end 2 shap be appNed: ilrsL to any prepeyment charyes due under tha Note; eecond, to amounis payable under panyraph 2; ihkd to • "'*;
<br /> inte►est due;louhh,to �dnolpal due:and lest,to ony ate charqea due under ihe Nate.
<br /> 4. CI1A�poY; Lio11S. Bortower shall pay sll texea,aaaessments,ahl�rgas,fines and Impoadlons�tlributeble to the RropeAy wh�h
<br /> may atWin prlority over this 3ecurily Instrument.and leasehold paymenis or yround renls,H any. BoROwer aholl pay theae obllyaUona in �a
<br /> � lhe manner provided in paragraph 2. or if not pald In that manner, 8ortower ahaU pay thcm on time directly to the person owed payment, _
<br /> Borrower ahaY promptly lumish to Lender aY noticea o1 amounta to be pald under Ihfs pa�raqreph. II Horrower�nakes IhesQ payirwn�s �
<br /> directly.Bonower ahall promplly lumish to I.ender receipta evidencing the paymenla. •
<br /> ' Bortower ahaN promptly dlscherge any Ilen whlch hes priorqy over Ihis 3ecurfly InaUument unleas Borrower. (a)agrees in writln9 to the
<br /> :��.
<br /> payment oi the obApaibn secured by the Nen in e manner acceptab�e to Lender; (b) contests In goad lailh the Iien by, a delends ayainst
<br /> enlorcement ol ihe Ilen in, legel proeeedings whkh in the Lender'a opinion oparata to prNent the enforc�i oi ii,e iien; w (oj securas �
<br /> � , hom the holder of the Iien an agreement satislectory to Lender aubordinoling the Yen to thls 3ecu�ty Msbument. It Lende►datemanes that � '
<br /> any peA of the PropeAy Is aub�ect to a Iien which may etteln prlaily ove►thia Security Insirument, Lender may gNe BoROwer a notice
<br /> Identlfyinq Ihe lien. Bortower ahall sotlsfy the Ilen or taka one or more ol tha�etlons tet forth obova wahin 10 daya o1 iha pivinp ol ;� ,
<br /> notice. .
<br /> b. Hazard or Proparty Inau�ance. Bonower shali keep the Impro+ementa now exiating or herea(ter erected on the Properly
<br /> insured ageinat losa by iire, hazards included wBhin Ihe term 'extended coverege' a�d arry other hazards. Includtng floods ar Oaod(nq.lor
<br /> • whlch Lender requires Insurance. This hsurence shall be mointalned in the amounla �nd la the peiiods ihat Lender raqulrea. The
<br /> Insuronce cartier providing the Insurenae ahNl be chosen by Borrower sub�ect to Lender's approvel whlch shall not be unreaisonebly ,
<br /> wllhheld. It Borrower lolls to mainlain coverage deacribed above. Lender mt+y, at Lender's optlon, obtoin coverage to proteet Lender's
<br /> � • rlyhts in the Property in accordance wflh parayreph 7.
<br /> All inaurence policles and renewals shall be ecceptable to Lender ond shatl include e stendaid martgage elause. Lender ahall heve
<br /> ihe dght to hald ihe poAcies and renewals. Ii Lender requires, BoROwer shell prompUy give to l.ender all recelpis of paid premluma and
<br /> renewal notkes. In the event of losa. Ba►ower shaN give prompt notke to the Inauwnce carrier aed Lender. Lender may make proof of
<br /> ilosa il not made promplly by Barower.
<br /> Unless 4ender and BoROwer otherwise egree in writing. Insuranae praceeds shaq be appAed to restwatlon or repak ol ihe Roperty
<br /> dem�ged, if Ihe reatorelbn or repalr Is ecnnomlcaNy fet�sible and Lender's security Is not lesse�ed. II lhe resloration a repair is not
<br /> economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the tnsurance proceeds shall be epplied to the sums seeured by this
<br /> Securily Instrument,whelher or not then due, w8h eny excess peid to Bonower. 11 Bortower abandons the PropeRy, or dooa not answer
<br /> �� , wqhin 30 d�ys a notice irom Lender that ihe Insurance cartfer hes oHgred to setlle � ckim. Ihen Lender may collect tho inaurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repek a restore Ihe Property ar to pay sums secured by this Security Mahument,whether or
<br /> P< not ihen due. The 30•day period will begin when the notice fs given.
<br /> b
<br /> Unlesa lender and Borrower otherwise agree In w�fting, any applicallon of proceeds lo pdncipal shaY not extend or posipone Ihe due
<br /> i date of the monihly paymenis referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge ihe emount ol ihe peymonis. II under peregreph 21 ihe
<br /> � Propeny fs acqulred by Lender. Borrower's �Ight lo any insurance policies and prxeeds resulting irom damage to 1he Property prior to the
<br /> ;, ' i aequlsilio�shell pass to Lender to ihe extent of the sums secured by this Security Inslrument lmmedlately prior lo ihe acqulsplon.
<br /> ! 6. Occupancy, Presorvatlon, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; 8orrower's Loan
<br /> • ' Application; Loasoho{da.Borrower shaN occupy. estebNsh. and use the Property as Borrower's pdnclpal resldence within sixty days
<br /> ' aRe►lhe executlon ot lhis Secunty I�sirument and sheM continue to occupy ihe Propeity as Bortower's principal residence for at least one
<br /> year aNer the date of occupency. unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, whleh consent shall not be unreasonebly wilhhetd,or unless
<br /> � exlenueting circumstences exist which are beyond Borrower's contrd. Bonower shal)not deslroy, damege ar Nnpair the PropcMy,allow the
<br /> ,; � PropeHy to detehorete. or commit weste on the Properly. Bortower shall be In delaufl I( any lorfeiture actlon or proceeding,whether clvA or
<br /> aimnal, is beyun Ihat In Lender's good lalih �udgment could result k� lorfeiture ol tha Property or olhenvise materially Impair ihe lien
<br /> .....���..�tii. c��,.+�..�...�...,,,e,.� �.i�,�a:e ..���dw tr,�orpa� Rnrtnwar mnv eyre such� dolault and reinstate.as orovided in para9raph
<br /> � _.._.---, ....- ----..., ..._.._..._... -� -- -- - ---- • -
<br /> � 1B. by csusing the actlon or proceeding to be dlsmissed with a ruling that. In Lendeis good faith tleterminalion. precwdes forfelture ot Ihe
<br /> Borrower's Interest In ihe Property or other materlal impalrmenl ol ihe lien created by Ihis Security Insirwnent or Lender's security Interest.
<br /> BoROwer shall elao 6e In deiaull II Borcower. during ihe laan applicallon process, gevc3 metedally lalse or Inaccurate Inlortnallon or
<br /> steternents lo Leeder (or felled to provlde Lender wlih any materlal Intormatlon) in cannecllon with Ihe loan evidenced by the Note.
<br /> . Including, but not Nmited to. representetlons concemhg Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a princlNal resider�ce. If thls Secu�ily
<br /> Insirument Is o� a leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all ihe provisions ol the lease. tl Borrower acqulrea IeQ title to the Prope�ly.Ihe
<br /> $ leasehold end fhe lee fNle sheN not merge unless the Lender egrees to Ihe merger in w�iling.
<br /> y
<br /> F�qc 2 01 5 f o�m ]02B 9�90
<br /> F1029.LM6(9191)
<br /> � • ?SUIn
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