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<br /> ���.,,:�7���.�h.;� ., 92- 102272
<br /> `�°'�"_•'^'��'•�w r TOOETFIER WITH ull Ihc im rovemcn�a nc►w or hereafter crecte�i on �hc propeny, ond all easemems, �ightc,
<br /> �':.A.�,�,::..:;�,;�..,. . � �
<br /> ��:�,_�,_��� uppurtenance.r,renls,ruyultiex, minerul,oil and guv rights and profits,water rlgh�x LnJ raKk and ull fix�ures now on c�reafter a � _
<br /> ;-��•�.�-,-•�.-:=:"^�=�";.1"' Mn��f Ihe praperly. All reploremems omf uddili�ms xhall a1Rn be coveral by this Socurily Inatrument. All of tha faro�oin� is
<br /> ,:x,,:•:t��,�qirr.a�:., . refcrrwJ tu in�his Security In�trumem as the"Property.••
<br /> � ' �. � BORRoW�R COVENANTS that &irruwer i+IAwfully seircd uf thc eseute hereby convcycd and ha.r•the right tu grunt w�d --
<br /> "�';,��. ;p� S.� c�mvey Ihe Pmpeny and that the Property iR u�encumt+ered, except for encumbrances uf recorci. Burrower wurrants arid will
<br /> ' - _'`�'.�' '�`'`"`"y vefnnd��htrr•rlly thc title ro the Pmperty ugain+t all claims anJ dcmands. vubject to:my encumbrenceg ot'recond. �_ _ _ __
<br /> --;--
<br /> r �'�;.
<br /> -�•�'`'' � 1. Poyment ot Principa�l.lnleresl r�nd I.ate Ch9rge. &�rmwer shull pay whrn due the principal of'.and interest on,the
<br /> � oLi -
<br /> • debt evidenc�l by the Note wu1 I�te clwrge+due under the Note.
<br /> j;� " •• 2. Monlhly Payments ot TAxes� In.surt�nce wnd Other Ciwr�es. Borcuwer shull include in euch momhly payment.
<br /> together with the principal und imeretit us set ti►nh in the Note�nd any lu�c churges,an in+tullment uf uny lal tuxes and special __ _
<br /> � ,�� atisessments levicd ar to be levied ugvinst thc Propeny, (b1 leasehold payments ar ground rents an the Property, and (c)
<br /> . � premiums Por insurance requireci by paragraph 4.
<br /> U �
<br /> , '. � F�►ch monthly instullment fi�r ilems(u).1h1,unJ Ic)shull equal onc-twelflh of the unnual amaunts,as re�.conably e5timeted
<br /> „ . by Lender, plus an umount sufficiem tu muintain un additional balance��f not more thnn one-sixth of the estimated nmouMs.The
<br /> � � • � � full Annuul smwunt fiir each item shall be accumulated by Lender within a periad ending �me munth befare an item would �'•-
<br /> bernme delinyuent. l.en�r shu�l I�uW the anuunta calle�ted in trust to pay items (a1. (bl. and (cl befam they become —�— .---..----
<br /> � , � i delinquent, �`""-
<br /> .. .. � �:t��___
<br /> ' " `� If�uny time the �utul uf the paymrnt� hcld by Lender for items(ul. Ib), uixt Ic), to�tether with the future monthly
<br /> „ I paymems fiu surh i�ems payable to l.ender prior to Ihn due dutes of such items,exceedr by mare than one-sixth the estimatad ����1�_
<br /> amount of payments rcyuired w pay such items when due, und if payments on�he Note ure current, �hen I..ender shull either
<br /> � . I refund the excess�wer nne-sixth of the estimatrJ payments or credit the excess uvcr one-sixth of the estinwted puyments to �"'"`"°".�
<br /> �� subsequent paym.ntti by Bnrrower,at the uptinn nf Bonower. If thc lotal of the payments mude by Borrower 1'��item lul.(b). �``'�
<br /> _ ..- -.L'� y � ��r Ic) is insuU�r�ent to pay the item when Jue. �heu Burruwci .t�all pay lu L�uJci a�iy +uuwnt �x:cc,aaiy w aw�:� up thc ��=g�_-�
<br /> � ' deficiency on or before the date Ihe item becomes due. �-�;�
<br /> '''�-- As used in this Secarity Instrument. "Secrctary" me:►n:;thc Sz�crct;tq• c�f Hots:ing •rnd (lrhrn Det�elnpment or his or her =__---
<br /> �•":�.��~� de�ignee.ln uny year in which the L.enJer must pay u monguge inwrance premium to �he Secrewry, cuch monthly puyment —
<br /> ����� � '-� ,holl sdso include either, (i)un instullment of�he unnual mnrtgage insurance premium t��be paid by l.ender to the Secretary,or
<br /> .�.;t•
<br /> , � (ii1 u monthly churge ins�eud of u mortgage insurance prcmium if thi� Security Instrument is held by �he Secretary. �ach 4�;;;�;.,-,--.-
<br /> monthly instullment of the mortgage in.urunce premium�hall t►c in an umount�ufficient to accumulatr the full unnuul m�xtga�Ze —y:;�.,�
<br /> . •,
<br /> ' insurnnce premium with L.ender une munth prior to the d��c the full unnual mangagc insurance premium ix duc to the Secretnry, �"''`-�.-.._
<br /> , . or if �his Security Instn�ment i, held hy tlk Secretarv, euch mnnthly churge shull be in s�n umount eyual w one-twelfth af �,�---T,,__
<br /> . one-hulf percent af the autc�anJing principul bulunee Juc an the Note. -'�,����;-.
<br /> :;�:;v,�:::_
<br /> ,A..
<br /> � If&►rrawcr tenJcrx tu l.cnder th�t'ull paymem uf•rll ,um�,ecurcJ hy thiti Securiry Inytrument. &�rrower's acaiunl.hull _ — '
<br /> he crediled with the bul�ncc remaining tix ull inY�allment� lor it�nr 1•rl. (h), and Ic1 and any nwnEugc inwrunre premium ,
<br /> , ins�allment thut LenJcr hu�nut hecomc obliguted tu pay to Ihe Secrc�ary.•rnd Lendcr�hall prumpUy refund any �xce,�1'unJti to �
<br /> - � 8�xrc�wer. Lnm��liu�ely prior ro a 1'oreclosure sale uf the Propeny ar its uryui+ilion by l.enclrr, Horrower'ti uccount .hull be
<br /> credited with an b•rl�ncc remainin�tiir rll installments ti�r item.1u1.Ih1,and Irl. '''�?•"'°�
<br /> Y b ..4�n��.�.
<br /> i.ApplicAtfon of Pw��mrnts.All puynxnts unJcr puragruph. I �th)�till:lll Ml' applicJ hy L��xler u.,li�llows: �`��i,._;-
<br /> .t,,� �:t;!�"�°
<br /> . ..:;�;�.
<br /> .. • First. to Qic monguge in�ur•rnrc premium to hr paid by L�nJcr tu Ilk Sernyury ur In the nwnthly rhurgc by thc S�wretary .���'.,_ --
<br /> � instead af dic monthly nwrtgugr in�uranrr pr�mium: •
<br /> � s S��.rxid,to uny tuxrx,speriul u..��yment., lea�ehold puymrnls��r�n�und rem�.•r�xl lire. Il�xxl unJ��thrr hux:trJ insurance
<br /> premiums,u�reyuircd: � ' � �
<br /> � Thin1, ln intcrc,t duc undcr d►c Natc: ��
<br /> 5 .
<br /> " . F�wnh.lo umortiiutian uf thc priixipal of tlx Notr: �r.
<br /> �� fitih. tu latr char�!r�duc undcr thr Nutc.
<br /> �-4RINE 1 NJ1N':J�( �
<br /> . �
<br /> ' �
<br /> � . .
<br /> I
<br /> � '
<br /> ' � -
<br />