<br /> �. --- � -_:.-'_,_ _ -----
<br /> , _� =_ -° --
<br /> �, - -- - - - . �
<br /> I
<br /> ; 3.iri�:Ar+r+�r.:�C"--w�:�:�c�'��=�•Trusta sl�oN k�tl+�Prop�rty ir+good conditbn ar+d npa+r and sl�olt not coencnit wost�or p�rmit `
<br /> pnppirm�nt or d�tariorofion of Nw PropKty and sM�l complY with ttw provisi�ns of ony Iws�if this ONd cF Trust is on a taasQhold.No improre-
<br /> nMro now or iNrwii�n ��:.�:�.y+:��ttW f'r,�,..�-ty sl�e4!�a aNar�d, n�v►wd or d�+aolisMd without tht prior writt�n ca�sant of B�.�fitiary. _
<br /> Trwtor shaU comply with oll lows.ordinonus,��otbns,cownonts,ccnditans cnd nstr'�ctiorts affectinp th�Propa�tY a+d not comn+it,wfte�.
<br /> or penwt onY at to br dorM in a upon tlw Prop�fY�v�tion of ony Iaw.ordinor�ea.r�puleYron.eovaseont,eonditwn or nstriet�or+.Trustor =
<br />_� sho8 compl�t�a r�1or�p��tiy��,i in�;r,:worlcmonlik�n�ax+u ony impruv�^t on th�Proputy which ma�b�dortwC'�d a d�stroy�d ond _
<br /> � pay,vrha�dw.oli cla�s tos Wbor p«'torm�d aa mc�«ia,iw c»;�w��::.r;:'kc�;•�w.r.�.��«.nf =
<br /> , � �. I�wr�e�,Tn►sta,at itc�xwnss,�+�I a�ainioin with insurars�xar�d Dy B�ntfit�o►Y.insurmu w�th rospxt ta tM t�xovs.z+ertts ad -
<br /> pN=pnol pop�rtr,canstitutwp tlk PropKtV.opaic�st bu�Y fK�,liqh�ni^0,ta^od°,a+d oth�r parils and hozads covK�d by standord�xtended
<br /> cowrop�M+dars�+�nt, in on artiount�puol to ot{wst on�Mrndr�d pKUnt of ti�full r�piacatn�nt vdw tiwt�of w�d inis�u+ka c�+ost sucR �
<br /> atMr ho:ords a+r�i�w:li a�naw�ts os is custo�s�orily corri�d bY ow�s ond opKators of sinwtor propKtNS or os B�ficiory moy nquire for its _
<br /> prot�tfion.Trustor will to�r�ply with such otl�rp��ts as B�fkiary may frotn t�ne to tirtw rpuest fa th�prot�ction by inuuonce of tl�
<br /> int�r�sts of t!r nsp�ctiw porti�s.A!1 insu�anc�policas moirtt�d Pu�wo^t to this M�d of Trust sholl nan�Trustu ond Ban�ticiory as in-
<br /> = sunds,as M�ir nsp�ctivs int�r�sts moy app�or.ond Provid�thot tM�e sholl b�"°�°^��°t'0^°f"�'ficotan witAout no wss thon 1 S doys
<br /> �� prior writt�n eotification to B�fiic'ary. !n tlk w�nt ony policy hewrd�is rot ren�w�d on or b�for�1 S doys Prior to its�xpirotw+�dato.
<br /> — g�nefic'wry moy praur�wch ir►surona in occordonc�with tlr provisians of parapraph 7 ha�of.Trostor sho11 d�liw►to B�fic'ary th�ai�inol
<br />-� potici�s of i�uronca oad r�WOls the�of or msnw capi�s of wcA PoUci�s ad r�wols tMnof.Failun to furnisA wch insuronc�6y Tnutor,or
<br /> 0 n�wols os�puir�d h��x�sholl,ot th�optian of B�fic�aY.constitut�o d�fauft.
<br /> C uusia Siwii yc+�i v�".SG:.:,.C'.:..�::sl�s!!5 i"!!�61�Chor�s,i�etiudin0.vflth0ut IiNlitotion.fiMS Ot1d iltl-
<br /> �.� •.T�•�•��• f Trustor sl+oll promp-
<br /> positions ofhibutoDi�tothQ RopKt9.and{�as�lwtd poYMents a grou�d nnts.if any.b�fors th�sa�Mcom�d�linqu�n •
<br /> � �ry turn�sh to�netKiar�ou n6�k�s of onw�nts dw under this Paopraph,and in th�w�nt Trustor sholl mdn poynMnt dinctry,Trustor sMll _
<br /> Pr�Ptly fumish to B�fKiary nc�ipts wid�nci�g such parr�e+�ts.T�stor sAoW pay all toxes and ass�ssaMnts whic�naY be i�tliM upon
<br /> -� 2��Kia�r's��sa:s4`�:��t�.�^^n,, this Qeed of Trust without r�ord to any law thot aay b�wweted imposinp DoY�Mt�t of tlw wholt o�my .
<br /> port thKwf upx+th�B�neficwry. s of onY
<br /> �.� 6.�i�ii�)tf��i hst�ef M�tidwY'�Suwi�l.?�ustor shoU make afl paYan�nts of intKast and principo�ond PaY��
<br /> � oth�►chory�s,f�s ond expmses controct�d to�paid te ony�xistiny lN�s or prior b�fitiarios t�r a^Y Pr�'�°f trust or mor-
<br /> - tqoq�b�ton the dot�tA�y or�d�linqutnt ond promPt�Y PoY�d�stl�org�ony and oll othK t'�sns.c�i�ns a charyss v�ich�Y I�P���tF�
<br /> -- sacurity y�mted fwr�in.li Trustor Ioils to make any such paYm�nt or fals to pKform aov oi th�covMants ond opre��ts contoirnd in this
<br /> +—`� Dee�of Trust,or in ony Prior mo►t9oye or d�ad of tr�st.of if any action or proce�dirg is cw�ted w�Ch mate�iOUy offe�ts B�nefKwry's in-
<br /> _-� twest in ttw Proptrty.inth►din9.Dut not limited to.emintnt donwio proc�"+�t.ot Dtac��Os imdv'x+q a dece+daN.or if Trustor foils to puY
<br /> — Trustor's debt,ywwreUy os they becan�due, tMn 8sn�fic'ary, at Be�fic'ary's optan ond without eotk�to or dwnond u�pa+Tnntor ond
<br /> � w►tl�out r�Mosinp Trusta from ony obii�otion heroundK,moy moke wcii app�arax�s.disburse such wms.an+9�k�such utior�os is n�usstxy
<br /> � to pro�at Ben�fic'ary's inta�st includinp.�ut not limit�d to.asb�xs.n+.m of rwsawD�.o�torne�'s fees.pay�+�t,p�ttase,contat or cwn-
<br /> ��o��ny e�c,xr,pronce,ch�eg�or li�n, ond entry upon iM PropKfy to moke r�Qoirs.4�th�ewnt that Trustor slall foil to praur�in-
<br /> = wrance a to pay taz�s,osussme++ts.or ony other chorpes or to make any poymMis to existioy pr'ar Iwn hoid�s o�beneficiaries.B�+�fKary
<br /> may praun wch i�surance ar+d mok�such payment.llny anwa►ts disbixs�d by Benefic'ary purwont to this Puro�roph b sholl buane odditiawl
<br /> — indtbtedness of Tn�ta secured by this Oeed of Trust.Suth ortaunts slwU bs poyobk Won�otk�fram 6�rafitio►Y to Trusta rpwstirg poy-
<br /> — �____� �.._� .e.,�•�_. �,_�,��nf�clrrsuo�nt at ih�rate poVUb1�from t�me to time on outsta�dwig prmc�pd un��h�
<br /> -- n��i n�acv�.�i.w a�...!�:S.'t.�.... f^�R.�--
<br />_ � No�e unless poymMt of�nteres�ot such rare wouW be con�r�ry so a�p�icoWe Wv►,ir�+wfisch event such aa�►ts sl+oll bwr int�st pt the i�esT
<br /> rote permissible under opplicabk bw. NoYning contoNxd in this Para�aph 6 sha�l r�uire Beneticiory to incur onr expenu a toke ony atwn
<br /> htrsw�der.
<br /> � ��*��R��,g�{K�y�11 hove th�riyht, powcr a�d outhority durinp the tontuwance of tAis Deed of Trust to colktY the
<br /> rents,�ssues ond p�ofi�s oi fhe P�opKty and oi any pe►w�wi p�opeNr tocated rhefe°"""th or wi�hout rdi�ng posussion of�he prope�y offecred
<br /> -- hKe�Y.ond Trusta hereby obsolutely and unca�ditionolty ossiq�s aD such ronts,iswes and prof'its to Beneficary.Benefitio►Y,how�wr.herebY
<br /> consen�s to t!K Tnnta's colkction ond retenlion of such reats,issues ond profits os tMr acrue ond become AaYobk w b^4 os Trustor is not.
<br /> ot suci+t�me.irt defmult with�espett to po�R,ent of ony indebt�ss satund hereby.a in the pKforma�ce af onY oyreeme^t hereunder.Upon
<br /> ony wch d�tau�t.Berefic'�ar�►�Y o9 ony tune.eitMr in person,by ayer►t,or�rec�iver to bs aPDo�^ted b�o�our�.without notict and withwt ,
<br /> — re9ard to tM odc.q��s:Y of a^y security!of the indebtedness I+K�by secu�ed.ta)eet�upon ond toke posussion of ttk PrapKty or anY Po�t
<br /> tMrsof,ad in�es own nome su�fa a otberwise coUect such�ents,issues ad profits,includirg those pos�due ad a�pa�d.°"d°OPh t�S°'"�.
<br /> kss eosts ad e:penses o(operatio�and collecfion,inc{odirg reasaiob4 ottaneys fees.upo�«+r�ae�aa�ss s.curee ne.e�r,ond in wch
<br /> a�r es 8e�ef;c",rory eno�r detwmin�: (b1 perform such o�ts of re=w'a or protectan os Map be necessorY w aoDK�o consKVe tM vo{w of tl�
<br /> Prope.ry:{c)kos�th�somc or e^y Pat thr�of for such ra�tol,tam.ond upon wc}+conditio�s os its jud�eat�aoy dictate or te�mirwte or od-
<br /> juse ttr tKaa ond caditions of arty�xistw�lease or kosts.Uni�ss Trustor an�6��'K�a►y oqr�ottw�wise""�ri4'�sq.°^y°pp�K°t�a►af nnts,
<br /> iss�es or profits to ony indebtedn�ss secund h�eby stall net*�end or postpw�e tM due det�of tFu instoik�wnt poyeaa+ts os provd�d in sad
<br /> proa�issory note a ct�a�ge the onaunt of wch instollments.iAe e�►t�►in9 upon and tdcin�Possessa"°f�P�°D�Y.��c°Il�ctan of wcA
<br /> rents, issues ad�,rotits,and the opplication thereof as ofor�soid,sfwU nos wav�a cure oe�Y d�fault or noticm of defad:l+Ka�nder.or�•
<br /> — validate any oct don�pursuant to such notice.Trustor also oss�gns to Beneficiary,as further suurity{a the Pxformonce of tt�e obl+gotions
<br /> = secured hereby. all pnpad rents and np monies wt�ich moy hov�b�+or�aaY bereofeK be doPos�tad with sdd Trussa by ony kss+t�f tiw Pto•
<br /> pKty,to secure the poyment of any rent or donr�ges,and upon detoult in tM perfarmoncs of anp oi tM p�ovisioas b�nef,lrusta oqras to
<br /> deii+rer such rents ond d�posits to B�ficiory.OeGvKy of wr��eo ratK�ot Benefi;ary"s exe�ciu of rhe rgMs g�on�ed tweia,to anY tenont a-
<br /> tupy;n�sod pr�nises shoU b�wff icient to requue said tenant to pay sad re�►t to the Ban�ficiay until furtlier notiu•
<br /> �• � 8.fMiaw�:iM.ll iiaS�sa�.y p�t af tF�Pro�rt;:!n!!De tdc�n in cond�e�ation QraNd'+�qz,bY r�.�af ert�insnP�noin or sirrwla:oction,�
<br /> ; a stwll be so{d�th►eot of ca�demnat'wn,oll owords,danog�s and o�eeds ore hereby ossigned and sbolt bs pad to&neficiory who sho11�
<br /> — epply wch owords,dornog�s and praeeds to tFw wm secured bt/this D�ed of Trust,with the ezc�ss,if any,po�dao Trustor,lf Truslor receivis
<br />__� any nolice or other iniamat�on regadinp such atans or prouedin4s. Trostor sltioll Qive prompt writteo notice thaeof to berklkiorY•�
<br /> —� BK+efic'wry shoil be�nlitkd.at its aptan,to canme+x�.opPea�n asd Prosecut�!^its own nane a►y such ation a praeedinys ond sia11 b�sn•w
<br />-01� titkd to make a+y car�omiu or se�tkment M comection with ony wch atwn or•praeedings.
<br />_�� 9. R�ii�s IMt 4eMaiv�. Ber�fic'wry sholl be entitkd to�lora poymenl ond PKfornwnce of ony ir�deDtedn�ss or obtigotions sccured�
<br />--� hereby ond to e�acise otl rights and powers under this D�ed of Trost a undK onY ether aqr�smtnt exuut�d in corrkctioo fkrw�ith a my laws�
<br />' :� � now or hereoEter in face,notwithstac�ding some a al�of ti�e wzh ird�bt�ss ond obliqoiions saured heiebY maY now a Ix�eaftK be o�hK•
<br /> "•`�- wise secund, whethzr by matgoge,dead of trust,ptedge.tien.ossiynmeM or othenwise•N��iher the auptonc�of this Oecd of Trust na�its
<br /> � enforcert+er►t whether by cout actan a pursuont to the pewer of sak or other powKS hercin contoined,sholl�ejudice or in ony ma�offed
<br /> &ne(ic�o►y's riyht to r�oli:e upon or entorce ony otlxr ucurity now a hereeftK held by Beneficiory,it btu�y o�eed tMt Btn�ficiory shal�b�
<br /> sntitkd to�nforce this Deed of Trust ond ony otlxr security n�w or haeoita heW by Benefic'ary in wch uder ond rtwnnef as it may in its ob-
<br /> soluto discretian determine.No rernedy F�eir+conferred uQon a reserved to Beneficiory is intend�d to be ezclusive of any othcr rert�edy her�in
<br /> or by bw provided or permitted,but eoch sha11 be curnulative ond shoil be io oddiYwn ro every other rtrt�dy qiven her�w�der or now or hercnftK
<br /> ------,��. -.,°...� � .... �: --
<br />