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<br /> • 96- �,03�.�:�, LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 4 9 3 2 —
<br /> � date of the monthly payrnents,whlch are retorred to in Paragraph 2,or change the amount of such payments. Any �
<br /> 63:C8Si pT�.F)GdS Ov�r pil9rtttHJnt feq uired ta pay A�1 nut�tanding Indabiadness urxler the NOte and thls Security
<br /> laattument shall be pald tothe enti:y le�a!ly entided thoret�
<br /> � t.FMS. Lender may collect taea a�xl cha��es authorized by the Secretary. -
<br /> � 1i.f+tt�uixia�i.?�Ac�:�w.:.lOn G!D��l. �rs_
<br /> � (�)Dstauft. Lander may,excapt es llmked by re�utatlons Issued by the Secretary In the case of payment defaults, �
<br /> �qulre Imm�diate pay„tien!fn full af all sums secured by this Securtty Inst�ument fi: !
<br /> � (Q 8orcowe�detautts b�feAtng to pey fn tuU any monthly paymant requlred by this Security Instrur*�ent pr►or �.
<br /> `i iu l.M tH�ii W uii8 iwiu w►i W i�cai�Ti'vi:tiiV��jl{'�v;t2�O' �
<br />, .� II)8orrowar de#auits by ta�tnp,tor e period of thtrry days,to�xtrfo�m any other obllgations coruatned(n thls �
<br /> �e�urity Ins2rurnent. `-
<br /> . ; (b)S�la WiiFwtrt Cr�dtt Apgiroval. L8�9f Sh811,if permitted by appllcaWe law and with the prlar approval of the �-
<br /> Secretary,�equir�immedlate payment In tull ot all ttu�sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument lf: �
<br /> (p All or pan af the Property,or a benef�Clal interest In a trust owning all or part ol the P�opeKy,is sdd or �_
<br /> oihervvise transferred(other than by devise or descent)by tt�e Borrower,and �
<br /> (li)The Property IS not occupted by tha purchasar or grantee as h ls or h er pr lnc i p a l r e s l d e n c e,o r t h e �._
<br /> purchaser cx grantee does so occupy the F'ropeny but hl,s or har credit has not bean approved In �
<br /> - accordance with the requlremants of the Secretary. !
<br /> , (c)No Waivtr.Ifi circurnstances o�cur that wouid permit Lender to require Immedlate payme�t U fuli,but Lender �_
<br /> ` daes not requtre such payments,Lender does not waNe ks rights w�h respect to subseque�t events. _
<br />.- (d)R�gulstlons of NUD Secretary. In many clrcumstances regulati,�ns Issued by the Sacretary wAI Iimit Lender's _
<br /> rlahts,in the case af payment defauits,to requlre tmmediate payment in full and iweclose(f not pa{d.This Security
<br />�� Instrument does noi authorize accele�ation or foreclosure If not pennined'oy reguiaiians oi ine�eusi�+ry.
<br /> ` (e�Moreqsse Not ln�ured. Borrower agrees that should this Securdy Instrument and ths note secu�ed ther4by noi
<br />'�:� be eU�ible for en,swance undet the Natlonal Housing Act within s o 0 A Y S from the date hereof,
<br />� Len�r may,ai iis optlon and notwithstanding anything tn Paragraph 9, require fmmedlate paym�nt in fuil of all
<br /> stu�u secur��y ti�i Secut�Insirum�n:.A�vritten siatement of any ainhcxized agent of the Searetary da:ed _
<br />�'. sub,�vent to s o D A Y S from the date hereof,dedining to lnsure this Sec:urity Instrument and the
<br /> - note sec���ec1 the��by,shall be dsemed conclusive proof of such InellgibAity.f�otwithstanding the foregoing,this
<br /> = optien may not�,�a exercised by Lende�vctxan the unavaiiabiliry ot Insurance is solely dua to Le�7er's failura to remit
<br /> - a rtwrtgage�rssadrance premk►m to the Secr�tary.
<br />,+`ti'� 10.R�lastatemsot. Bonower has a�IQhi to be retnstated if Lender has requlred Immedlate payment In full tsecause
<br />—° of Borrowar's faAure to pay an amount due under the Note or thts Security Instn.�mert.Th(s�ight applies even after
<br />=� iaeclora3ra Ex�caedln9s are Instituted•To rekistate the Security Instrument.Borrov►er shall tender tn a(ump sum all
<br />,�� amounts�equired to bring Borrower's account current includ(n�,to the exterR they a�e ob8gatbns of Borrower ur�te'r �
<br /> thls Security Insirurr�ent,foreclosure costs and reasona�le and custon�ary attorneys'faes and�xpe�ses prop��lY
<br /> g� associated w�h thelureclosure prxEeding.�1pon reinstatement by Botrower,this Sectuity InstNmeru and the
<br /> obt{�aiions that�sz:.ures shall remain in effect as if Lender had not requlred immediate payment tn fWl.However,
<br />-� Lencier is 4x�t requ�rs�d to penntt reinstatement if: (ly Lender has accepted re(nsiaternent aRer the commencement of
<br /> — foredosure pr�eedUgs withln twa years immediatety preceding the commencement of a cunent fnreclosu�e
<br /> =� proceedlnp,(ii)reinstatement wiil preclude foteclosure an different grounds In the future.or((il)relnstatemeni will
<br />�'� adversely aifect the priorlty of the lien created by this Security I nst►ument.
<br />== ., w....�..wr�a�tw...d_Ferb�ranc�by I.�nd�r Not a W�ivK. Extertslon of the time of payment or
<br /> ...__.._.._ .---
<br />� modi�atjon W amo�t�dtla,�of ttia sums st:cured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lerwer to any successvr in
<br /> � i�erest of BoROwer shall not operate to retease the Itabiliry of the origtnal8ortower or Bonower's successor in kste�est
<br /> — Lsnder st�aii not t�e requfred to commence proceedings agatnst any successor tn interest or refuse to extend time for
<br />:�— payment or othervvise moclifyl amortization of the sums secu�ed by this Sacurity Instntment by reason�f any demand
<br /> made by the oriyinal Borrower or Barower's successors U Inierest.My forbea�rance by Lender In exerctsinp any right
<br /> or temedy SNaY not be a waiver of or prec�ude the e�tercise d any tiyht or retr�edy.
<br />— t2 Se�cc�ssors�nd Astl�ns Bound;Joint�nd Sev�sl Uability;Co-Si�tars. The covenants seid agrsemenis of
<br /> this Seaxity instnuner�t shaU btnd and be�e�t the successars and assiyns of t.er�der and BoRO�wer�subject to the
<br /> — provisions d Paragraph 9.b.Borrower's covenaras and agreements shall be JotM and saveral.Any Borrower who
<br /> — co-signs this Sectuity instrumeni 6ut does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Sectutty InstrurtieM o�ly to
<br /> mortyays,grar�t ancf convey that Borrowe�'s fetiterest in the Property under the terms of thts Seeurity lnstrument; (b)ts
<br /> _ not personaU�QbNSated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other
<br /> --� Borrower may agree to extend,modffy,fofiear or make any accommadaUo�s with reyard to the terms of thls Securiiy
<br /> �� Ir�stnuros�r�t or the Note without tF►�t Borrower's co!�sent.
<br /> �� 13.Notias. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Inst�mertt shall be given by delivering it or by _
<br /> � maYi�k by 8rst class maU unless applicabte�aw requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> ��-- Propetty Address or any other address Borraw�er destgnates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given
<br /> � by fkst dass maY to Lsnder's address stated Aerein or any address Lender deslgnates by notice to Borrower.My noR�e
<br />,�, provfided for ir�this Security Instrument shal!be deemed W have baen piven to Bonower or Lender when given as
<br />::� Pna+isded inthls Para�raph•
<br /> 14,Gpwmirg Law;S�wrabiUty. Thts Security Instrumertii shall be govemed oy Federal taw and the law of the
<br />`�' iurisdictlon In whfch the Pr is locaded.In the event that any provisbn or ciause of thla Security Instrumerrt or the
<br /> �� iVct�co�kxs wtth appt e law,such conflict shatl not aifect other provisions of this Security Insinunent�r the Note
<br />•°� whiCh�an be given effect wichout the co�dticting provisbn.To thls end the provisions of this Secu�y InstrumeM and the
<br /> Nota are dodared to be severabie.
<br />' 16,gorroywr'�Copy. Bornawer shatl be ghren one coNo►med copy of thls Security Irutrument.
<br /> r s� :6.q�-:�y,N:.;,,„�R:.-�. °,ar�ati�:�r urscan�itlar�!!y�ss!gns and transfers to Ler�der all the rents and revenuas of -
<br /> _— the property,gorrower authorizes Lender or Lender's ageMS to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each
<br /> tenant of the PropeKy to pay tF►e rents to Ler�der or Lender's agents.However,prior to Lenders notice to Borrower of
<br />-- Botrower's breach of any covenant or agreement In the Security Instrument,Borrower shail cdlect and receive ail rerus
<br /> ���� and re�venues of tho Properry as tnutee for the benefit of Lsnde�and Borrower.Thls assipnment of rents constitutes an
<br /> absdute asstgnmeru and not an assipnment for add�lonal securfty only.
<br /> If Lender gives notice d breach to gorrower.(a)ail rents recelved by Borrower shatl be held by BoROwer as trustee
<br /> ..a, for benefit of Lender oNy,to be applled to the sums secured by the Securdy Instrument;(b)Lender shall be entitled to _
<br /> cdlect and receive all of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant af the Property shall pay ail rents due and unpa�d
<br /> to Lender or Lsnders agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. -
<br /> Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not perform any act that wouid
<br /> preveM lendar from exerclsing its rights under this Pa►agraph 16.
<br /> , Lender shall not be required to enter upon,take contrd of or maintain the Property before or after ghring notice of
<br /> breach 4o Borrower.However,Lendar w a judictaily appotnted receiver may do so ai any time there is a breach.Any
<br /> apptkation of rents shall not cure a waive any defauit or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.This
<br /> asstgnmem ol rents of the Property stiall terminata when the debi seCUOed byihe Socuriry Instr�tment is paid in fu11. 5,�
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