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<br /> 17. Trxncfer uf'lbr Properiy� or� Beneflcial Iuter�t in lion�wer. If all f�r wiy p:ut cif the Pn�pen}'ur w�y intercct in it
<br /> is sc�ld nr trunvfermi(or if a btnet�ci�l iiHteect in B�rrower i.r�►ia ur�r.uu1'����tii �k! G.���o��r i.tk�t a nitural�:rx�ii)W�itltcx�t
<br /> Lencfer's prior writtrn a�n�rn�, l.e�xter nu►y, at it: o{�tiiu�, rcwui�e imnx-�li�e pa��n�ri►t in full M' •rll �ums u�u:�ci hy �his
<br /> S�:urity Irut:'ume►►s.HuW�e��er,this optic►n shall ix�t t+�excmi�cri!+y I.enJer if exercisc is pruhibi���l by f�Jcral law�uC thc dzce
<br /> c�f thls Socurity In.ctntment.
<br />: If[.en�ier exercises this���ian,leixler s.hall gice AorraK•er rxuire of x�der�li���i.The�xuicv sfwdl pmvide u pericxl of iwt
<br /> Icu Qw� :�Q �vs from the date ttw notice is delivercd or maiiecl within w�hict� &�:cower must µa}• YII wn�.c .ecured by this
<br /> Scv:urity Instrument. if Fiormwer fails to pay th�sc sunu prio�ta thc cxpir�tian oi this perial. I.ender nt;iy invoke any remaiir,a
<br /> {�m�itt:d 6y thiS SCCUfIQy IRGtNtriC71i u�tlltitwi turth:r n�lic.^ar ci�muid un Bc�rruw•rr.
<br /> 18. �st�wer'� iti�ht td RelnsCate. If Burrow•c� mects �rn;►in �wxliti.�n�. Borraw�er shall I�a�e thr right to h�vc
<br /> eniarcement of this Secunty Instrun�ent di;rontinued at any timc prior to tfu carlier af: (a) 5 ~iays (ar�uch othcr pericxi ��
<br /> a�licable law n�y sperify tor reinuaten�ent) t►efun sate of tAe Prop�.rty (wrsttant ta any pou�cr uf s:dr �tiuit�i�i in tt►is
<br /> Security ?nstrunten.;or(b)catry of a judgment enforcing thic Security Instruntent.Thox canditions are that Bottowe�:(al pays
<br /> 4nder all sumc which then a•ould be due under this Security lnurunxnt and the Note�s if no xceleratian had occurred; (h)
<br /> cures any dei'ault of any cuher covenants or agreements; (e)pays aU expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instn:;�k.r�t,
<br /> including,but ncx limited to, rcasanable.uttomeys' fees;and(d)G�{ces such action�c Lender may teasonably require to ascure
<br /> that the lien of this Security Inswn�ent, Lender`s rights in the Property and Bormwer's obligation to pay th�sunu se..a:ed hy
<br /> this Security Ins[rument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowec, this Security Instcument and che
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall rem3in fully effective as�f no acceleration hAd occurn�i. How�ever. this right ta reinstate shall
<br /> not apply in thc cas.,of acccicration under pnragraph 17.
<br /> 19. S�le oi Note; ChaaQe ot I,osa Servker. The Note or a partial interest in the 1Vote (together with this Scxurity
<br /> In�stroment)rt►�y Ge sold one or more times without prior notice to Bc�nowcr. A sale ma}•result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> ���t,� •t��,R c�n,��)�hA!�n1lFrtc nx�nthly naymentc due under the Naie and lhis SeCtlrtEy Irstrument.Thcre also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan 3ervicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If thet�is a change�i the i.oan Servieer,Bonower will be
<br /> given written noiice of the change in accordance w•ith paragc�aph 14 above and applicable I;:W�. 'x'he notice will state the name and
<br /> addnss of the new [.oan Servicer and tiu addres.c w which payments shoutd be made. TGe notice will also contain:my Wtier
<br /> iafomtation required by applicable law.
<br /> 2�. l;:.�.Y.::��::..�:.:.�W. 9orr�v.•.r stialI not causr or permit the pme�ce. ��s°,�fi;spos�l. storage. or relea�r of�ny
<br /> Haz�lous Substances on or irt the Froperty. �nowcr shall not do, nor allow any�e.'se to do, anything aft;r���g the
<br /> �ro�eny that is in viol�tian of any Environmenta! Law. The prcxeding two sentences sl'.a".? aot apply to the presenn,use, or
<br /> storage on the Properry of small q�antities of K�cardous Sabsta�xrs that are genxrafly rwognlzed to be:ippropriate to nomnal
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Pro��,n.
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptty give Lender w�ricr,�.�notice of any investigation,claim,demaiui,.lawsuei er other action by any
<br /> govemrt�enta]or regulatory agency or private p.vty involving the Property ar+d any Haz�rdrus Subuanc�t or Environn'�e�tal Law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knovrl�ed.se. If Bonower leanu,or is notifiod t�y any governw�saental or mgulatory swchority, that
<br /> any rernor•a!ar athcr rcmr3iai:on n::.ay tIszurdot�� Snbstance effecting the Property is no�x.�+ary,Ronowcr shap promptly tafcz
<br /> all nxossa[y cemedial actiot►s in x�..��ance with Eavironmental Iaw.
<br /> As us�1 in this paragraph 2�. '}3azardous Substances'are those substanoes defined as toxic or hazanious substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the follo�wi� substanas: gasolene, kerosene, other flammable cx toxic petroleum ptoducts, toxic
<br /> pesdcides and herbicides,volatile�t�e�ts,materials containing acbestos or fom�aldehyde,si,�i radioactive materials. As usod in
<br />� this paragraph 20, "EnvironmentaE law' means federal laws aad laws of the jurisd'uxio�vuhere the Froperty is locatod ttsat
<br /> relate to health,safery or envimnmernal protection.
<br />. NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'TS. Borrow•er�d l.cnder further rnvenant and�;ree as follows:
<br /> 21. Aooeleratioo; Remedks. l.cn�kr shs�D�tx,n•e natiee W Bon�ower prior to accderat�oo folfo�3ng BorroNes's breach
<br />- ot sor coveoan! or s►�ree�tient in tbis �ecuret;c Yn�trumcat (but not prior to aooda�atjoa uudtr �ttrsgraph 17 unk�sc
<br /> �. .._
<br /> _ . -appiic9ele raw provtQe�otn�rcvis�e).°tiie aorc�seau speci"ry: fai a�e is�xuit; l"ni ioe aarar�eqo�ea W cure u�Q.a�..�; - . .
<br /> (c)a date,nat kss Waa 30 days trai� the date t!ce aotice ia givrn to Borrower,by wLicL tNe defaWt m�ut be cutYd;and
<br /> (d) that fsW�ue to cut�e the default on or before the date specit'�ed in tix uotke may cesult in aa�da�tioa of tLe swns
<br /> secured by tWc Security Itutnttaent s�ad sale ot the Prop�t�,T6e notice s6a11 furtha� infonu Borrower ot tLe ri�ht to
<br /> r�te�Ra�accdaadon and tbe right to bring a court s►ction to zsc�nt the non-existeaoe ot a default or swy ot6e�
<br />- dei'ense et Bonnwer to aoeekration aud sWe. It tltie dd'aWt is uot cured on or before tbe date specified in the notia.
<br /> 1.eader, a� ia opho., m�y require immediate poy�aent in tull ot s�ll sumc secured bv tLlc Security Inctraenea�wit8oui
<br /> � turther akmaod and oaay invoke the pow�er ot sak and any other rcmedies pecmitted b.:applicabk law.I.ender shall be
<br /> eatitled W coliect all e:p�iocurred in pnrsulug the�provided in tLis p�ra�r.�i 21,iadudi�.but not lioited
<br /> to,reasombie attorneys'tees and casts o!title evidencc.
<br /> If t6e p�wer ot sak is iavoked, Truttee s5a11 record a noHce ot detaWt ia each couaty ia+�i�uc�any pwt ot tUe
<br /> � Propa�ty is Ixated suid shsdl mai!mpi�s of su�notice in the m�aner prescribed by appliaWe��c w Borrower and W
<br /> � We otl�er Perw�c Pcescribed bY�pticsi�le law.Afttr tbe tlu�e requlred by app�licabie law,Tntisiee s�wll Qive public notice
<br /> ot$ak W tl�e persa�c aAd in tbe manner prescribed by app�lieaWe law. T�ustee, witlwu!demand on Bcrnov�tr,shall sell
<br /> tLe Property at public auction to the higticst bidder st the Wne aad plsee aad uoder t�e termc des�gnsted iu tbe natice of
<br /> . sWe ia oae or more pwcds aod in any order Trustee detennioes.7'�ustee maY P�I��of a!1 ar any parcel of the
<br /> : pro�xrty bY Public snaamoement at tbe time stad place of auy previo�v�iy scheduled sale. l,ender o�[ts dcsignee may
<br /> � purcbase We Property at any salG. .
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