� ° __
<br /> �� ..............._,..:..�...�.. .—__��_-=__ °__
<br /> -'� �.Q=
<br /> � .A�..sr�arr � . - -.� - .._..:�.:.,_ __---- '�- - __
<br /> 'Bperow�r may an such � �iMi►uq �nd ninstat�. ax provkiad In parnpnph 1B, by cauifny tha �cAlon or proe�iinq to M
<br /> ' � dismlas�d wdA �►ui'r►Q tlwl. in L�ndr's yood taftn Wt�rinlnation.Pr�ch+cf�s 1orfMtur�of th�8orcow�t s intK�st fn tl+�Property or
<br /> olhr ma2M'al h�palrnNnl ol tA�Mn cr�tW by this S�u+ritY In�4wnw►1 or l�ndK'a s�c�uily intr�at. 8orraw« shaM also br in
<br /> dafault if Bartowrr. durinp th�ban�ppwcatlo� prac.os� q�v�mai�+�a:y t.tc� or�w�:cwati a�«��a:w�.�►ar cL-t.:.T:.�ia ro L�nCer tor
<br /> ta�lad tL �Ot{d� L�ndK witA atly mwtui�l inbrrrwlion) in cantNCt7on with tM ioan w�dM►c�d by lh� Nol�, inciudhQ. bu! nW
<br /> W►�It�d to, npnsw�tatian� �ronc:�t�isy Bar��r'• occW��Y ot lht Propwty a • principd rnkl�►c� tf thls S�curiry
<br /> 4�aLW�wn1 i� cn � ba�oid. Borrov:ar sh�!! com�y wilh dl IM Fxovl�lcw+s at 1M Mna� M Borraw�r acquir�s t�e ti11�to 1M
<br /> Propwty,th�{�as�t►c+ld anc!tha lea titte ehaA n�t mwps unl�s l�ndu�{�r�s tu th�mwUbr in wrNtn{�.
<br /> 7. Prot�tiwi of I.�ndor'4 Rt�hU tn thr P�op��ty. u easowr �.'ra �o p«torm et+.covw►a,,ca and�grwnw+t.
<br /> cantainad in thb S�curity Instrurt»nt. a thK�la � Nqal procw�inp that may slpnlbcarttty a!laa:l l�ndx s riqh;s � th� PropKty
<br /> r�u,N�aa i nror.Maino in Dankn+DtcY. Drobato.lor oond�s�uta+�or t.xlalWra oe W inlsrc�ta�s or re�u1NW��1.th�l�ndw maY�
<br /> do cnd pay tor what�var b naassuy to prot�l 1M vaiu�01 tM PropMtY and Undr's riyAts in tM Prop�ty. lano�r s acti.x�i �
<br /> rt►�S indud� paying �ny wn►s sow►vd by • Wn whkh haa prbriry ov«' thk S�ctuity Intttummt, aPP�+iO in court. WY�^9
<br /> raasonabt��ttam�ya' /�a and rntwiny on th�PropKty to mak�r�fn. AMhouph L�ndr may t�k�act►on w�3�r thia P+rapta�h �
<br /> 7. Len�ir doea nol Mw to cb so.
<br /> My anwunta disburs�d by Landx under ParaqraPS 1 shaC b�cortw sdaiU°^al d�bt af Bortowr srur�d by lhk S�cwtry �
<br /> {nsWr►iont. Urtit�ss Borrow�r �nd l�t►t3�r ayrN to Wh� terma ot payrnw:t, thas� �mounts ctwll be�t Intonst kom tM dal� ol �,
<br /> d�sEurso�r►ent at tha Not�rat�ond shall ba pay�Dl�,with IntK�at,upon notkw kom Und�r to BortowK nqu�thQ paymw►t.
<br /> 8. �Aoitqs�� Infu�attiC�. It Lend�r rsquk�d mort��Inwranca as a canditlon o! �kh►q lM lan s��d by thii �
<br /> S�cwity Instrummt. BorrowK itwtl pay tha prart�lums r:�quk�d to mslntsln the mat�age ineunna h eit�d if,for any nason.ttN
<br /> mat�fnsuranc�cov�nq�nqWr� by Lw�dr Wp� or c�as�s to b� in Nt�ct. 8orroww shall pay ttw pr�uns r�q�rW to
<br /> obtaln covsntps substanSi�lry aquhr�l�nt to the matyege Insurxne� prevlousy in eHect. at � co�t substintiaMy equkal�nt to th�
<br /> (p cosl to Borrowar ot lh� moriQaye Insurance previouslf► In eBec1, from an �It�nate mortqape Inwrer approved by L�ndar. H
<br /> � wbaWntfaYy �qukalent moR�ay� inwrance covara9e ls not avaYsWo. Borrowr shall pay to Londer wch month a sum �qual to
<br /> onrtwatth W tM Y�Y�4�9e fnuuance prwr►ium b�lny R�td by Bairowar whan tha hwrance covrspe Iopsod or cwsod to
<br /> be in Nt�t. Lmo�r wir�cc�pt. us� and roiain uwaw y+�y��wr�w.s:f� r�va Li�:a of sr.:.�l;r:�-�sur�nte. Loe!mse!ve
<br /> WY�►���Y ��^9�►� ���d. at the �ptlon ol L�nd�r. d mortq�pe inwmnce cov�nqa ('n the amowq and 1or tM periad
<br /> that Lendar requfrss) provided by an insuar approvsd by Londu �gaki bocanas avail�bM and Ls ob4h�d. Bortoww shaY WY
<br /> tha premiums roquind to malntak�matya9e inswancQ in aHeci.or to pmvlde �loss rasav�. until ttu requ'rement tor mortya9�
<br /> insucanoe mds h�ccordont�wdh a.�y written spr�r�ent belween Barower and Under or�ppicaW�I�w.
<br /> 9. kfS�YCtiW1. Landar or itt ayeru ma�maks reasor►abl��ntrias upon and ins�CUons o1 th�Propany. Lwu3a ihap yti�
<br /> 8ortower notics at th�tinw o!or prior to an ins�ction sp�cityiny rwsatiabls causa for th�hsp�ction.
<br /> t o. cond�mnatlon.rn.proc..ds ot.ny rward or cYh, t«a�rr►.pett. air.a or wnspu.rw�, in conn.afw,,+wu, any
<br /> cond�nxistion or other takiny of any part W the Prop�rry, or tor convyance in Yw ot ca�dwrnatlon,are hareby asslpn�d and
<br /> shal be paid to Lridr.
<br /> In tha event of a total taky►g o1 the Propaty, tha procesd� sha� h� �p�iied to ths sums secund by thEs S�cu+itY
<br /> Instrummt,whMhar or not then dus. wdh any excess pald to Barow�r. 1�the�wnt ot a parti+l takin9 of the Piropaty In which
<br /> me iatr mufcet value d the Propqy inwn�di�tMy b�la�th�t�kY►9 is equal to «y�wbir ttun the aRaunt o1 th�wens s�cund
<br /> by th3s Secwiry Instrum�nt imme6atey badaro the tsk•ng, unMss Barow�r and ten� otherwis� aSFN in wridi�g. the s�n�
<br /> saauad by tNs Sacur'�iY Instruma�t shaa be reduad bk Ne amount ot th�proc�eds rtwltpAad bY tM toYowing k�ction: (a) tM
<br /> toUl amount ol tha wms securod irtYr�atdy befo�s the takiny,divld�d by(bI tha ta's m�rket value o1 tha PropMy irtn�d'ia=+N
<br /> bdors the t�iu►p.My baYnce sh�Y b�paid to Borrow�r.In the e�cent of a partlal takY�y o1 tha ProQaty in whiah Ih�fair nwiwt
<br /> va�w o1 tt+e Rop«ey hrnsdiaUl�►belen she eakinp is bss tnan u,Q amourq of u,e wms sscuna irtnn.�.Uy b.ta.U+.t.Wny.
<br /> uns�ss aoaowK ana Unaer oth«wise .yr.. :, wriC�ny or unlsss .aa�+� �aw ott,erv+ls. vrovids�� u,. (xoce.aa sn� a
<br /> appi�d to th�sums s�curod by thls SecWiRy Instruenant whath�r or not tha wms an th�n due.
<br /> tf th�Proprty is abmdon�d by Borrwwer.a il,after notice by Lendar to Bortower ttW th� candama oftsn to m�k�an
<br /> . . � �YYf1d 0� i�iM ■ Cf�iO iDr O�[iw�s. SRroww ww iv�iywww 2'v a.'ww.7 w�w''�i.''i v°Q 3:j.. .:�� «`.����:! .^.^«^_!k ��!!!!. .. . --
<br /> l�fldr i4 i1Rh01tZ�d LO COOaCt �tld i�pply tM pf'OC�ldt. �t itf.GP110i1. �{th8r t0 �OStQti1�W1 Of��Yif 01 U/6 Pcc�{)iilJf Of i0 'It1i
<br /> S{YRf t�CNrb bY�S SEpI�dY k►iUYR1p11.WhKhl�O�(101 U16�1 �lQ.
<br /> uniess �.ed.r and eortow« otlwwrisa .yree in vrritinp. any .pp+icavon a proceeds to prir►cipd shaU not .�aena «
<br /> postpon�ths dw date o1 the monthlY PaYments ro(«r+d to In puagraphs t and 2 or chan9e tha amount ot wch payrt�anU-
<br /> 11. eorrow.r Noc a�loss�d; Fo�aranc.ey LAr�aor Na a w.hwr.Exs�nsion w u►.,in.for pa,�n�nt a
<br /> nwd'�tion d amatixation ot th�sums ssaued by tlws S�auiry Inatrt�cnaru 9r���S►Lendsr to�rry wccessor ln intu�st o!
<br /> Borto�w�r sl�Y not op�rat�to rdeaae tM IiabiRy o1 the aiyY�al Bortoww or Ba►oww's wccsssas in irrtK�t. Lw�shal not
<br /> M nquird to conrnena Pr��+49 �S�t any wcc�ssu h int�ne61 or nlus� W a�dand tirM for ptyiswnt or othwvvia
<br /> nwa/y anwniuBon of u,.sums s�r�a by uas seauity(nsaw,.ns by reason os anY a«nv,a maa.by n�.ori�in.t s«rower a
<br /> BorrowK's successors i� inmeresi. ,'��ry torbeaance dy Lender in exeroisiny any riyf►1 or r�rt�xly shal not b�a waivr of or
<br /> produd�tl�e axerdse of anY eiyltt u renMdY-
<br /> 12. Sucusson snd O�ssgtns Bound: Joitrt �nd S�wral LLat�ii�►; Cu�slq�Nrs.Th. cavaw�ts and
<br /> ag�enienis w tiw�^xtiu�:y L-�'�..��:.tm: :.'u!and ba.�!!hs s:t�°xs ar.�+�•�::�^�ts o!lencks end!�ort�wrr,aubjsd to th�
<br /> prov�ions a pvaqapn 17. eortawer•s ooven.�ts and aqroartw,ts srw ne Joint.na sav«a�. any eoROwr who co-sig�s wS
<br /> S�arily InsUuma►t but cbss not rxeait�the Note: (a)is co-sl¢�ir+y tt�is S�auihr Instrummt ody to mortfla9e, gant and co�wry
<br /> uw� soROw«•: iru.res�i� u►e Prop�tr ui,a.r u,.e«ms ot u�s.auiry u,swm� ro)� �P��Y� � wr �
<br /> wms s�ared by b`tis S�cwilY Instnr►xM: and(c) agrea that Lender �nd arty other Bornowa mry�rw to atend. modify.
<br /> forbe�r a n�k�ony accannod�tions witl� np�rd w t1w trm�of tt►ic S�auiry tr►strwewcu w th+i Note witwut that Sarow�r':
<br /> � consan�
<br /> 13. LOaB Chafy�s. M tM ioan s�axed by this S�uuiry NsUUnwrt is wbjed to � t�w whid� sets maxinrun fo�n
<br /> cnar�es. and cnat law is&,a1y interprded so tlni me hterest or ou,ar ioan charoes coiectea or to ne cobcted in eaw,.eGon
<br /> with th�ban �ccwd tM p�mtittad imits.thr►: (aJ any such ban ctw�shal be reduced by tha art�ount necear.ary to reduce
<br />- tM char�to the petmRiad im� and (b)anY sunts drwdyr cowcted irom Borrower whicl�utCaedod petmittod firtids wi be
<br /> rekx►d�d to Homowwer. Lendr rtuy ehoos�to mfke Ws re(und by rsdudnp th�pinCipal owed undor tha Note or by m�kiny•
<br /> dir�t paymwR to Bortowar. M � rMund raduc�s ptincipal. the reduclion wi0 b� tr�atod as a P�+� P�aWYn�t withoui any
<br /> P�eP+Y��t��undr tfw t�lota.
<br /> 3 14. No�tCYS.Any notiCe fo StxrGwer Qrovld�.i ta in ihu Seaxiiy ir�s�ur+�t sha8 bc yirm by ddi+reriny it a by maw�y it
<br /> = Dy fssi dass mai�xMas appicabM Yw requires use d rwthx mMhod. Ths nolke ah�l be dra�tad to the Property Addross
<br /> _ «any wn�r .aanss eomawa. aes+ynat�s by notic. w L.ndw Any notic.eo laula sna!be givan by s.s: dass mar w
<br /> leidw's aGdnss sisted herein a any o�r addrosx Lnder desiynates bY nWic�to 8ortower. My notia pro+rld�d tor in 1tYs
<br /> S�axiry p�str�xn�nt shal be da�rtwd to havs b�en gH�n So Bartow�r a L�ndor wtw�given as provid�d h Ws poragraph.
<br />_ 1s. Govamtnq l.aw; s�v.rabuuy. This s.«,r�yy Inswnunc st�.r b. yovn„ad by r.a.nl law ana u�e 1aw ot uw
<br /> jurkd'ictio� in whbh th�Propwty a Ioat�d. In the evant that any provislon a cLus�ot thls S�rity fnstrument or the Note
<br /> conAicts with apQicabN law. wch con5ct slu: not�ttaq othr provittons ot thls S�cwily fnstrumw►t ar the Note which un ba
<br /> giwn Mf�d w7J�ot�t th�con�ictinp provisbn.To Urs�nd the provisbns ot this S�cw1ll InsLwnani and the Note�re drd�nd to
<br /> W sw�rabk.
<br />.� 16. BO�PO�w�r's Copy�.Bertowa shall b�piren one caetorm�d copy ol the tlote and of this Seeuriry k►sirurartit.
<br /> � �� J�V�
<br /> F1316.1�(3/9G) P�q 3 W 5 S�_
<br /> 9806�
<br />