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<br /> i 9�_ ��31�� =_
<br /> 1. This roa�•eyaace is madt upon aad subject to tha fuethte tru;t tlut tha said Tn�s2or shall remsin in quiet �
<br />, � and peaceable poscessioa of the above�ranted and described premius and[zke the pzoflts th.ercof to lus uwa use uatil _
<br /> � default b., ra�ade.ia aay palment oF t�iastallment due on said aote or ia the p;rfa-alaac�.of any of the cosenants or. _
<br /> amditioas eoataiaed thercia or ia this Deed of Truu;aad.also to sect:ro tbo reimbu�sement of the BeneFicisry or aay
<br /> - , _...��--
<br /> .j otfstr h9lder of said pote, the�rustee or aay subsutute trvstee oi any and au cvsis aou c,�peu�ca i++�.w,w,;:w��...� _,
<br /> � reasoaable attoree}�s fee„on accouac ot anY litigatioa which may aziSe with respect to thu Trust cr with rapect to the
<br /> � iadebtedarss evidcaced by said note. the p�otectiou aad mainteaanc.-, of thc property h:,rcinabpva c�esc��bed az ia `
<br /> ���5 P���of said property after any sale which may be ma&as hereiaafter pravided.
<br /> 2. Upoa the full paymeat of the iadebtedaess evidenced by said note and the iatezest therean,thc payment °_
<br />' ; of ull oiher sums hueia provided for,the ropaymeat of all moniu advanced or expeaded purst�ant to said note or this
<br /> iattrumeat,aad upoa the paymcnt of all other proper costs,ch�rSes,ec�m•„;��;^^�� and ex�eiues,the abave descn'bed
<br /> property shall ba relcased and recoavoyed to aad at t!u eost of the Trustor.
<br /> 3. iJpoa default in any of tho caveaaats or coadiiioas of this iattrume$t or of the note or la�a sgreemtat _
<br /> seciued hereby,the BeaeSciary or his auigac may withaut notice and without regard to the adequaey of seeuriry for the -
<br />: ' ;u�bt�dne;,;s�c-�, either pezsoaally or by attomey or ageat without brin�ing anY a� �P=���& �*by a
<br /> � receivu to be appointed by tha wurt.eatu upoa aad take posussioa of said property or az}p3rt tlureaf,aad do aay
<br /> acts which BeaeGciary deems groper to protect the security hereof,aad either wiih or cvithout taking possession of said
<br /> property.eollect and receive the renis.royaities,issues,and profits thereo�iacIuding rents acaued aad uapaid,aad appig
<br />"� thc same� less costs of oporation aad calkctian, unon tht indebtedaess sec�ued by this Deed of Trust, said reats.
<br /> r�yaldGS, issues, and pro6u, being hereby assigned co the BeneSciary as furtlz�a' securitY for the pay�er� of such
<br />-� radebtedaess. Exe:cise of rights uader this parag�aph shall not cure�s waive aay default or cotice of default hereuacirr
<br /> - a invalidate my act done pursuaat to suc1�aotice bui shall be cum•�:32ive to aay right aad remedy to declare a dcfau:t
<br /> - aad to cause notice of default to be rtcorded as hereinafter provided,aad cumWative to aay otber right and/or nmedy
<br />`� hereunder,or provided by law,aad may be eurciud concurreatlY w'sndePead�JY•Fspe�s�s iacurred by BenefuiasY
<br />_� hereunder iacludiag ieasonable auocney's fas shall be seaued herebY.
<br />�� 4. 'i'tie Tsustor coveaaats�a3 agrees tbat if he shall t'a�to pay said indebtedaoss.or�aY P���W�
<br /> " due,or shall bu7 to perfo�aay covena,t or agreemoat oE this;*�••,,,••�^►or of the pcomiuory note secured herebY.tIu
<br /> '1 eatire iadebtedness hereb7'secured s�ail immediately becume duo. PaYabk. aad colle�bTe at the optioa af the
<br /> � geae5ciary or astigns�:egardkss of m�Ltuity,and tFae Benefuiac�►o*a�igos maY eatu uPoa said PioP�3'�co�kct
<br /> '� tI�e reats rad profits thcreo� Upon sucic default ia paymeni or pesfam�aoe,aad before or a8er such eatcv,sbe Tmstee,
<br /> = adiag ia tlu e�eauiaa of tbis Trust,after the notice of defautt bas beea recorded.s1�a11 ma�a cc�apy of the ckfault to aacb
<br />- - person aho is a party to this iastrumeat.at the zddress sei out ia tbis iattrumeat,as adl ss to aay p�rwn arLo bas
<br /> - r�quested aay notiee oi Qtisuit aad aotice of saie by rewrdiag sai�+icy�.`.;.�:.:r:.::«!a i�.:..-:�:::s•�•L•'_"��;'-'N1e
<br />-- couatp ia wLic6 thu iastrumeat is recorded.aad aRa the lapae of time whicb is required by law a�a ma�in�the notice,
<br />— the Tructee�hall l�ave tlse poaer W sell said propefty�sad it s1a11 Tx the 7Yustee's duty W ull said property(aad ia case
<br />-� of any drf3u.k of aay purcbaser,to resd])at public aucdo4 to the higbest bidder,first�frn weelcs'aotice of the
<br /> time,terms,and Place of such sale,by advertisemeai not kss thaa once dwia�each of said five w�eeks ia a aewsPaPa
<br /> - pub2icbed or distr�buted ia tbe couaty or political suhdivision ia vvhi�said prope:ty is situated,and wrrittea aoace af sale
<br /> shaSl be m�ed w each persoa aho is a party to this instrumeat at the sddress set forsh lsaeia�(�ad t�e Bexfid�ry or
<br /> aaY persoa m behaIf of tHe Benefia�a�►may bid aad purchase at sucli sale).Sucb sale w�l be luld at a su�table piace
<br /> - to be sek,ceeo 3�y the Beaeficiary witliia said couaty or political subdivisioa The Trustee is�es�authorixed to excute
<br /> _._ aad d�liver ca the pnrehaser at such sale a s�Cieat conveyaaae e8 ssi,a property,which coov�s�C�s�1���said
<br /> = �s to the bappeaing of�,e�fauk upon a�icb the enxvtioa of tfie pow�er of sate hereia gcar.Ced PeacL�
<br /> = 3nrsi�x uerwy r,waw+.'r�:++:a�-�,w.ts L:�.T;r.�c:.��i::.S-,•at�d�a.��;�-+�--+�o '���*±sb+�sia ard to e.�tYe
<br />.__�, s�id caaveyaaoe aad hereby coveaaats and ag�ees that the recitals so made shall be b�adiag and concl�sve u�wn the
<br /> = Trustor, aad said eonveyaace shall be effectual to bar all equity or rig�i of redemptioa,homeste3d.dawer,rig�c of
<br />=� aPPraisement.aad 911 other rights aad acempti�ens of the Trustor�l]of whicb ue hereby e�ressly w�ived aad eoaveyed
<br />-� to tbe Trustee. �n tbe e�r�at nf a sale as lureiaabov�e provided.the Trustor or aay persca 9a possess�o uader ttu
<br />_� Trustor,sbsll tbea becaose aad be teaanis lwldia8 o�aer aad shall forthwith deliver possestion W the gar�E�ser st such
<br />_, sale or be s�xmmarity dispossessed, in accordaaee wieh the provisions of laa applicabk to teaaats boldia8 over. Tbe
<br />—= power and agenry hereby graated are coupled witl�an iataest aa�are irrevocable by death or otl�uwise,aad are graated
<br />.� as q�mulative to a11 other remedies for collection of said iadebtedaess. The Beaeficiary or Assigas may take aay otlur
<br />