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� <br /> � . -- � - ==�_r�°- <br /> '-��-�;-- <br /> �� . . `'�"`e- <br /> � _..._. �� .��,._„�,��--, -- ,._.,-� -.�s•..• - <br /> --.,.... . . . <br /> .._..-. --�- �---- --_- ---_�� <br /> - - -:..a,� - - _ — — <br /> r <br /> ! � � 9�, ��p��St �auv rvo. ! 5 3 9 � : 4 s� s <br /> � <br /> � Au I�surance Fsal�ies and renewals shall be scceptabto to Ldnder and shall Include a standard mortpapa clause. <br /> i Lender shall have the tlQht tn hold the pnlfcies and renewats. It Lender requires,Borrower shall prompcly gNe to Lendar <br /> i ail recelpts of pald premlums end renewa!notices.In the event ofi loss,Borrower shafl glve prompt not�e to the <br /> � Insuranca carNar and Lerxie�.Loaolor may make proof ot I�ss N nat made promptly by Banowrar. <br />_ � Unless Le�xier anci:3orrowar othen�vlse aqree In writir►A,Insuranco qr�;eeds shall ba applled to resYOtatlon or repair <br /> of the Pro�e�ty damaped,N the restorat{on or►epalr ls ecor►t>mJCaJ1y toaslWs anti Ler►der's securtiy[s not lessened.If tt►e <br /> 1' ItlJlUiiill(1i1 UI It7�JQH ij I�i�i Oi.viW�i�i�.a�iy T�;�iai�"iiu ui�vi,u�ii�:�JYVV��:�w�u u.�.�.�..°i.i.�.T.v.�.,���{nww�ro��£�r���eYw�ri��I�el) _ <br /> '-�I be applfed to the sums secured by thls SecurftV�nstrurrw�t,whether or no!then due,wlth any excess patd to Borrower. <br />- If Borrowar abandons the Property,or does not answer withl�3�days a no.lce from Lender that the insurance carrier <br /> � has offered to settle a clalm,then Lender may cdlect the Insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repa�r <br /> or restora the Property w to pay sums sacured by thls Securlty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�day period <br /> wUt beqln whe�the cwtice ls ylven. <br /> . Unless Lender and Borrower othenulse agree In writlnq,any appllcatlon of proceeds to prfnclpal sha!!not e�dend w <br /> pastpone the due date af the monthly payments refened to In pacagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the <br /> � payments. If under paragraph 2t the P�operty Is acqulred by Ler�der,Barrower's right to any Insurance polcles and <br /> � proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prlor to the acqulsltlon shaU pass to Lender to the oxtent of the sums <br />:_� secured by thls Security Instrument Immediately prior to the acqulsitlon. <br /> B.Occup�ancy.Preservatlon,I�lafnte�nco and Protectlon ot4he PropeAy;Borrowar's Loan Application; <br /> �, L e l i s s h o f d s. B o rc o w e r s h a t l o c c u p y,establlsh,and use the F'ro p e r ry as Borrower's ptincl p al resldenco wtthln slxty days <br /> aftar tha exa�utbn�!4hts 3xurlty lnsirument arxi shall continue to occupy the Property as 8orrower's princlpal <br /> resldence for at least one yaar after tho date of occupancy,uNess Lender otheivulse agrees In writing,whtch consent <br /> • shall not be urueasonaWy withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exis2 whlch are beyond Borrower's cont�ol. <br />:r. Barrower shall not destroy,damage or impalr the Properry,allow the Property to daterlorate,or commft waste on the <br /> '''- P�operty.BoROwer shall be in default if any fortefture actlon or pr�.^eeding,VYhBth@�CIVA Of CfI1ri1(k71,Is begun that In <br /> '� Ls�xls�'s gooc!f�Rh Judg!neni co�:�d result in fafeiture of the Prc►�+a�ty or athenvise materlally impalr the Ilen created by <br /> �� this Security Instntment cu LerxieCs securiry tnterest. Borrower may cure such a defauft arxi retnstate,as provlded in <br /> � paragraph 18,by causing the actbn cx proceedt�g to ba dismissed with a ruling that,In Lender's good faith <br /> _ deteRnlnatlon,precludes forfeiture o6 the Borro�ver's tnterost in the PropeRy or oiher materlal(mpafrment of the Ilen <br /> � created by thls Security Instrument or Lende�'s secu�ity Interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower,during ttie <br /> toan application process,gave matedally false or Inaccurate information or statements to Lerxler(or falled to provide <br /> '� Lender with arry material Informatlon)in connection wtth the toan evldenced by the Note, including,but not Ilmfted to, <br /> represeMatbns Conceming BortowePs occu ncy of the Property as a principal resfdence.If thls Security Instrument ls <br /> � wn a leasehoid,Sonower shail compty with 1 the provtslons oi tha lease. If Borrower acqulres fee title to the Prapeity, <br /> � tttie leasehold and the fee UUe shat!no4 me�ye unless Lender ayrees to the me�ger in w�teny. <br /> � 7.Protectia�of Lendef's RiQt�s i�the i�operty. If Bono4ver faUs to pertarm the covenants and a9reements <br /> � contained tn thls Secu�lty Instrume�t,or there ts a legal proceedinfl that may significandy affect Lender's rights u�tisa <br /> � Property(such as a pro�eeding(n bankruptcy,probate,tor condemnatlon or forteiture ar to enforce taws or <br /> reguiations),then Lendr�r rtoay do and pay for whatever Is necessary to protect the valus of the Property and Lender's <br /> w rights In the P�openy.Lender's acitons may fndude paying any sums secured by a lien which has pdority over thls <br /> Secixity Ir�stnunent.apoearinU in court.paylns��easonable attomeYs'fees and eMering on the Property to make <br /> = �3lrs.Although Lender may taks actlon under thls paraQraph?,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> _ Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thls paragraph 7 shall become add�ional debt of Bwrower secured by <br /> Lhls SecurRy InsWmen�Unless Borrowe�and Lender agree to oiher terms of paymer�,these amouMs shall bear <br /> ir�terest from the date of dlsbursemeni ai the Note rate and ShaU be payable,with interest,upon noilce ftam Lende�to <br /> Bortcnwer�equestin9 PaY�� <br /> d.YaOg�a��Inwrancit. If Ler+�z�requlred mortgage insurance as a cortiditbn of mafdng tha loan secured by this <br /> - Sesurity ir�ument,Barower sha�pay the premlums required to malntaln the mottgage insurance In effect.If,for any <br /> r�easot�,the mortsa�e�ance caveraye�equired by Lender lapse.s o�ceasos to be In effect,Borrower shall pay the <br /> premiums rec;ulred tQ oL'ain ca�verage substantially equivalent to the m�rtgage Insurance prevlously in effect,at a cost <br /> - substantia6tg oqulvafe�tro the cost to Borcowe�of the mortgage insurance previously In eNect,irom an altemate <br /> mort9aQe ha�.uer approved by Ler� substatrtlally equivalent moitgage insurance coverage ls not avaNable, <br /> Sorro�wer sCail pay to Lendet each mor�th a sum equal to one-twsifth of the yearty matgage insurance premium betny <br />-= pald By Borrower whert the tnsurance caverage tapsed or ceased to be In elfect.Lender wi11 accept,use and retatn these <br /> - paymenis as a loss reserve in Ileu of matgaqe Insurance.Loss reserve payments may no longer be ihe <br /> opNo�af Lender,if mortgage insurance caverage pn the amourn and for the per{ods that Lender req�ires)provided by <br /> an lnsurer approved by Lencier aga(n becomes avaWabte and Is obtained. Barower shaU pay the premiums required to <br />-- makKain mort9age insurance I�effect,or to provide a loss reserve,until the requtremern tor mortgage insurance er�ds <br /> — in accordance wrth any writien a��eement between Borrower and Lender w appilcable law. <br /> - �. tnsp�ction. Lender or�s agent may make reasonable entrles upon and lnspections of the P�operty. Lender <br /> shall fllve Borrower notice ai the time of or prior to an inspectlon specifyln�reasonabie cause for the inspect3on. <br /> --= FAMILY-FNYA/FHLYC UNIFOAM INS7RUMENT -< �_: .r s FORY 302a 9/!0 <br /> -_ _ ISC/CMDTNE//0792/30?8(9-901•L PAGE 30F 6 <br /> t � <br />�� - - -- - - - <br /> _��_�...�^ _ . ------ - . ;�� ---- �sz . - '��•:'��- <br />�� ,. . ,. � ---:-a� ,�r•.,,., i. :;✓. ;....'.;�_.:o.:.r-.. <br /> _ �ru-.�`� „r,��l.d w�z.r.� %t+,�a � <br /> {e. :�. .i.:-- <br />" � � �� _ . . ' ,S' .' �o. 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