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<br /> ��.� � licablc Icw may specif For reins�ntemenq bcfore salc of thc Rapeny purauant to uny pciwc�of salc cumuined in �his �=
<br /> ,�,..,__� .: � � app Y
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<br /> - �;,�:,��w�� =�� '' Securi�y Inauument;ar lbJ entry of a judgment enfaRing this Securily Instrument. Those condi�ions ure that Borrower. (u) �� �
<br /> '� d � .^ °, ,a: pays Lender ull sums which Ihen would be due uncier thix Secudty Instniment und the N�ue us if no acceleration haJ
<br /> occurmd;(bJ curex uny default af uny aher covenants or agrcemepts:lcl poYx oll ezpenxeg imurted in enforcing�his Securily !,
<br /> ,,: 's'`:'�` Inatrument,including,hul not limited to.reosonable alt�rncyx'fee�; and (d) takes such ucticm as Lender may reuconabiy ��
<br /> ' ,;� .�Y� �.�f::,,�� ° require to nssurc Ihat Ihe ilen af this Secu�iry Inalrument.LendNr'�righiti in Ihe t'ropeny und Borrawcrti obligution to puy Ihc �:,,�
<br /> , j �.�<� ^:�� sumc secured by tbia Security In�trument ahail conUnue unrhong4d. Upcm reinxlutement by Borrowcr, thix Security _
<br /> - - - b�rwment wal ihc ubligullonr.rccurcd hcreby�hall remnin fuQy efi���ivc as if nn accelerLtion hud accuRed. However,thiti _
<br /> ;.:�_ ..:i,�:..:;�l.~. ri�ht to reinswte shull not apply in the ca�e of acceleration under paraKrpph 17.
<br /> �., ; ' , , 19. SAIe ot Notei Chwnge of Loan Servker. 'T7ic Nc►tc or u paniul intcrext in the No�e(togc�her with thi�Secu�ity
<br /> Inswment)muy bc sold onc ar mure timeti withow priar natirc to Hortower. A sulc may result in a changc in che entily __
<br /> ' Iknown us the"Loun Servicer"1 that collrcis momhly paymrnt�.due under the Nate and�hia Securi�y Inswment. There Alxo
<br /> may be one or more changec of the Lunn 5erviccr unreluted ta a sak ot'thc Nate. If therc i,u chunge of the Lo�n Servicer.
<br /> ,�,� ' Borrower will be given writtan notice of the rhange in accordunca witb parugraph 14 above und upplicable luw. The notice �_
<br /> -- � • � will swte the namu and uddresr of[he ncw Laan Servicer and the uddrcss�o which paymentr should be made. The nMice will _
<br />�:'>' ;SY�::+-,�,,w w�!".'�"s.,. also wntuin uny ather infurmutian reyuired by applicAble Inw. ���"
<br />? • " 26. Ha�rdous SubFts►nces. Borrower ghvll not cuusa or permil the presence,u,c,di+pci�ul,ti�orage.ar relsase of�ny
<br /> . Hazardous Substunces on or in the Pruperty. Borrower tih�ll not do, nor nllaw unyone else to do,:uiything affecting th� ___
<br />�' �, Propeny thut iF in violatian af Any Envlronmemal LAw. The precrdiog two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or �,.�
<br /> fi..,� o stomge an thc Prapeny of smull yuanlities of Haxa�dau.g Substwues that are gene�lly rc�cognized to de appropriate to normal , �, _
<br /> z � �� residentiul use�;nnd to maintenance oi the Prapeny. �,
<br /> • Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written natice af any investigation,cluim,demand,lawxuit a�uther uction by any __.
<br /> governmenlul or regulutary ugency or privnte puny involving the Propeny and any Ilazardous Substance�r Environmental �,�,_
<br /> Y Y � � rY d�,-;
<br /> ' Lnw of which Sorrower hus actuul knowledge. If Borrowcr leums, or is notified b an ovemmental or re ulato
<br /> � �, " authoriry, that uny removal or aher remediution of any Huxardoux Subswnce uffecting the Piroperty is necessary. Borrower =
<br /> xhall promplly Wke all necessury remediul uctiom in accarduncc with Environmemul Luw. �--.:.
<br /> • Ax uud in thix paragraph 20."Huxurdous;SuMtunccs"ure thok substunces defined as toxic or hnxardaus�ubstnnces by �
<br /> � Environmentul Law and�he folluwinF suhs�unce�: gusaline,kemtiene,other flummuble or toxic pe�roleum produc�s,toxic ----
<br />�. � pes�icidev and herbicides,volntile solvents, maleriul+conwining asi�ti�os or formaldehyde, vnd rudiouctive materiuls. As �;_:
<br />; �, ,,,,�� used in Ihi�purngroph«0."Environmcntul Law"meunx feden�l luws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properly is located �;
<br /> �-� , . . tha��late a he•ri�h,sai'e�y ui �urironnjcntal protcctiun. �_
<br />� NON-UNIFORM COV ENANTS. Borrowcr and l.ender funlxr covenunt und agree us follows: �.
<br /> . � 2L Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall�ive nutke to Borrawer prior to accele�ation following Borrower's �„�v
<br /> • breach of any covenant or agreement in Ihis SecurNv Instrument Ibut not prior to accelerallon under pwragraph 17 _
<br /> _ -- �nless applk�MP law Qrovides otherwisel. The notim shall specit'y: lal the default;lbl!he Action required to cure the
<br /> �� default;lcl a date,not ks�than 30 days Prom Ihe date the nutke is given to liorrower.by which�he deianit must i�e
<br /> ks: _
<br /> � cured;and Idl that tailure to cure the default on ur bePore the dute specified in the notice may result in accelerntion of _—_
<br /> the sums secured by Ihts Security Instrument and sAle uf the Properly. The notice 4ha11 iurther inform Borrower of —
<br /> the�ight to reinstate afler acceleroliun and the ri�ht to brin�u rourt action to as.sert the non-exislence of a deiault or
<br /> anv othec defense of Borrower tn ucceleration and sale. If the dePuult is m►t cured on ur before Ihe date speclfied in �_-�
<br /> tbe notice,Lender�t its option muy requirr immedi�te payment in full of all�ums secured by this Security 1n5trument �u:..
<br /> witbnul further demund und muy invuke thc puwer of sule und any other remedies permitted by upplicable low. �
<br /> Lender sludl be enNtled lo cnllnct ull expensrs incurred in pursuinu the remedies provided in thls parWgraph 21. —
<br /> ^ includin{;,but not limited tu.reusonabk uunrnev�i i'ees und coslx of title evidence. ���
<br /> li the qox•er ot�ale ir: invuked.Tru.r•lee shs�ll record a nolice oi deFault in each counly in which any parl ui'the c�'•'�
<br /> Prnperty L�luca+tcd und hhull muil copiey nf xuch nutice in Ihe munner pnwcribed by applic�ble law lu Borrower and tu �
<br /> the uther perrnns pre:+�cri6�d by upplicubtr luw. Ailer the time reyuired b��upplicable iaw.Truslee shull�ive public �'.'��
<br /> . � nMice af'nyle to the peMOny s�nd in/he munner p�euribed hy upplicuble luw. 7lrustee,wilhoul demand on 13orrower. --°;
<br /> shull sell fhe Propa�ly at public uuctfon b�the hi�hesl bidder at Ihe t{me and pluce and under the lermc desi�nated in �},
<br /> the nalice uP sale in one or more parcels und in uny nrder 7'ruslec determinex. Trustee may pu�tpone sule oP all nr any �
<br /> � • parcel uf Ihe Properly by public unnouncement at the limr and pluce of uny prevfnusly scheduled wk. Lender ur its _-_�'
<br /> • • desisnee muv purcbar+e the 1'roperty ut uny sale.
<br /> ' Upup receipt of puvment oP Ihe price hid.Trusler shull delh•er to the purchuzrr"IYustee's deed conveyin�the
<br /> ' . Property. '1'he rc�rituls In the 7Yuslee's deed tihull he prim�fncie r��idrncc nf the truth oY the slutements made therein.
<br /> ' ", . 7lruslee KhWll uppl;v;lhe.pruceeds��'the zule in the ti�llo��ink urder: lal lo all cotils und rxpenses uf ezercLcinp the power �'-
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