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<br /> cx�tiul�J f����thc puryxxa: oF crcatin�,�curing ur guurantyinK th� ti�cur��i Ucbt.?C Ftxnl(aith t+elicf hy t�ndir th�t =
<br /> l.endcr at un�r timc is insccurc with r.:sper!tu unp peruui��r cnlity ubligatr�un th4 5ccurcJ ihht ur that tha prc�a�ct
<br /> uf any pay'mcnt��r thc�•alttc uf thc Pa�Ky is irnpui��d shal�alxi cunstitutc rn rvcnt af d�[uult. -
<br /> 13. RF 61E�lES UW ir�FAULT.!n u�mc imtdnccs.f�dcr�l and stat�law wi11 r�yuirc Lcn�kr tu pn���iJc Cirantur with
<br /> n��tic<<�f thc righ►tu curc ur�uhcr nutic:es;ind ma}cetabl;ch�imc�chrduic�fur f«r�.i.�.ur� acti+tin�. Subjcct tu thcsc _
<br /> timitati�ns, if am�, Lcndre niay arcc{erate ttu Sccw�cd Rc6t and f�►rcciu�c t��is Srcuri�Y Instrument in a alanuer __
<br /> pruviS�:J by law if GrantGr ix in J�faul�. �
<br /> At thc c�{+ticu��tE Ixr.ekr. �l►nr an}�part��f the a�reeu' feec und char;¢us,ucerued int�r�st unJ principal sh•rll h�:come E
<br /> inmudiatcly duc anJ pa)'ablc,attcr giving naticc if rc:yuircd hy law, uEx�n�hc uccurrcncc of a d�fauU or anytimc _
<br /> thercattcr. In adJitiun.Lend�r shal!t+c entitled to all thc rrmedir�pr���•ideJ hy law,thc ternu of thc Securcd D�:bt. -
<br /> �his Security Instrunxnt and any rclatcd ducumcnts,i�icluding K�ithaut limitation,thc�x��cr ti�scll tltic Praperty. _
<br /> If'there is a dci'.ult,Trwtec shall,in addition to any othcr pcnnittcd remedy,at thc rnyucst oi thc Lcnd:r,advrrtisc
<br /> and SrU the Pru}xrt��us a wfnolc or in Kparate parcels at public auction tu thc highest biddcr for cash and convey
<br /> ahsc�lute�itic frec and ctear at all right,tittc and interest c�f Grantor at such timc and place as 7'rustee designates.
<br /> 'i'rustce shall give notice ot sale including the time,terms nnd place of sale a�ul a S�scription of ttu property w be sold
<br /> as rcyuired by the applicable law in effect at the time of the propo.a:d cale•
<br /> Upcx�sale of the property and to thc extent not prohibited by law.Tractee shall make and defiver a cieed to the Propertp
<br /> sald which conve�•s abs�ilute tiUe ta the purchaser,a�id atter�rst paying all fces,chargcs and cosu,shaU pay to Lxnder all
<br /> mone��advanccd for rcpain,taxc�,insurancc.liens,ass�ssmcnts and prinr encumbrances und interest thrre:4�,and thc
<br /> principal and interest on the Secured Debt,paying the sur}�1us,if any,to Grantor. l..ender ma�purchase thc:Property
<br /> The mcitals in any deed of com•eyanoe shaU be prima facie evidence af ttu:f;uts set forth thcr�in.
<br /> All remedies are distinct,cumt►lativc and nat exclusive,and thc Lend�r is entitled to aQ remed�es providcd at law or
<br /> eyuity,whether ar not exptessly wt forth.The acceptance by l.ender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelcrated or after forectcssurc proceedinRs are filed shall not constitute a
<br /> waiver o[L.ender's right to requirc complete curc of any existing detault.By not exercising any remedy on Grantor's
<br /> de[ault,Lendet dces not waive Lender's right to later cans�der the event a defauit if it continues or happens again.
<br /> prohibited by law,Grantor agrces to pay all of Le:nder's expenses iF Grantor brcaches any wvenant in this Security
<br /> Inslrument.Grantor will also pay on demand any amount incuned by Lender[or insuring,inspecting,prc:xrving or
<br /> otherwise protecting the Property and Lender's security interest.These expenses will bear interest from th�c date of
<br /> the W►yr��eit until paid in full at the highest interest rate in eifect as provided in the ternti.�of the Secured Debt.
<br /> Gsantor agrecs to pay all msts and expcnses incurred by Lender in collecting,enforcing or�r.�eting Lender's rights
<br /> ar.d remedics under this Security Instrament.This amount may inciude,but is not limiteci ta attorneps'(ees.court
<br /> costs,and other legal expenses.'Ileis Sectuity Insu'ument shall remain in effect until relcasc:d.Grantor a�gn*��s to pay
<br /> for any recordation costs of such release.
<br /> 17. EtiiVIRONMEIVTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As used in this section,(1)Environmental l.aw
<br /> tneans,wiihout lunitation,the Comprchensive Environmental Response,Compcnsation and Liability Act(CERCLA.
<br /> 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.),and a(1 other federal,state and lucal laws. regulations,ordinances,court orders, attornev �
<br /> �y=y�:��,;�;��,�r ln.:.�r�uqP tPrirrc�xxuernin¢ the public health,safety, welfare,environment or a hazardous
<br /> substance: and(2) Ha•r.arduus 3ubstanr.e means any toxic,radioactive or hazardou.�material,wzcte,pottutant or
<br /> oontaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public
<br /> health,safety,welfare or enviranment.The term includes,without limitation,any substances defined as"ha�ardous
<br /> material;'"toxic substances,""hazardoo�waste"or"haxardoas substancc"under any Eavironmeatal Law.
<br /> Grantor represents,warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A. Ezcept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writ;ng to Lender,no Hazardous Substance is or wip be
<br /> located,stored or released oa or in the Property.This restriction does not apply to small quantities of
<br /> Hazasdouc Substaaces that are�enerally reoognized to be appropriate for the aamal use and maintenaace of
<br /> the Properry.
<br /> B. Exoep�t as previously disclosed assd acscnowledged in writin�tu Lender.Grantor and every tenant have been,are, .
<br /> aud shall rem�in in full compliance with any applicable Em-emnmenta!Law.
<br /> C. Grantor saali imme�iiateiy notify l.e�der if a rcl:.ase o:threaten�re1eY..�of a I-iazar�s S!it+crance�cu�oc�-
<br /> under or abont the Y�operty or there is a violation af any Environmental Law concerning the Prop.,tty.In wch
<br /> an event,Grantor shall take all necessary remedial action ia a000rdance with any Environmenta]Lav►.
<br /> D. Grdutor shall immediately notify L.ender in��iting as�voa as Grantor has rcason to betieve there is uty
<br /> pending or threatened investigation,claim.or procceding relating to t6e release or threateaed rale.zse of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Enviranmental I.aw.
<br /> IS CONDEMNAT[ON.Grantor will give Lender prompt notice af any pending or threatened action,by private or
<br /> public entides to purchase or take aay ot ali of the Property through oondemnation,eminent domain,or any other
<br /> means.Grantor authorizes L.enrler to intervene in Grantor's name in any of the above d+escribed aciions or clairt�s.
<br /> Grantor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other
<br /> taking of all or any part of the Property.Such proceeds shall be oonsidered payments and will be applied as provided in
<br /> this Security Instnunent.'I7iis assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any priar mortgage,dr.�:d of tnist,
<br /> security agreement or other lien document.
<br /> _ �. lNSUSRl�i�'E.Grantor shall keen Property insured against icss by fire,tlood,theft and other hazards and risks
<br /> ieasonabLy associated with the Property due to iu type and loca�on.This�nsurance shall be maintained in the amour.cs
<br /> and for the periods that Lender requiress.71�e insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Grantor
<br /> subject to Lender's approval,which shaU not be unreasonably withheld. If Grantor faiis to maintain the coverage
<br /> described above,Lender may,at Lendei s option.obtain coverage to protect Lende.,r s rights in the Property according
<br /> to the terras of this Security inurument.
<br /> q►1 iacurance policies and renewais shall be accepta8le to Lender and shall include a standard"mortgage clause"and.
<br /> where applicabfe."loss payee clause."Grantor�hall immediately notify L.ender of canccllation or termination of the
<br /> insurance.i.ender shall have the right to hold the poiicies and renewals.If i.cnder requires.Grantor shall immediately
<br />- give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.Upon loss.Grantor shall gice immediate notioe to
<br /> t,he iasurauce carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of bss if not made immediately by Grantor.
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