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rrr ..~ <br />r1; <br /> <br />Z <br />. ~...,. <br />~~ , ~ ~ <br />'~~~ p <br />~II I~~ ~ ~ `t <br />-;n N a7 <br /> c i ~ ~ ~ <br />~ - ~ C~ U <br />" <br /> ~ `~~ ~ c~ ~' t-- <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ~ <br />~ :~ ~ <br />° c~ <br />~ ~ ""*^^ V INSTRUCTIONS front and back CAREFULLY em.. ~ <br />~ ~~ ~ d ~ <br />~ ItMrl ~ E & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER (optional] f <br />~ {' r A~ G.? ~j <br /> ~ <br />~ ~ J ACKNOW DGMENT TO: (Name end Address) ~ N <br /> F-~ "`-r <br /> ~ <br /> DIVER IFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC ~ Z <br /> 14010 FNB PKWY, SUITE 400 O <br /> OMAHA, NE 68154 <br /> 20100362 <br /> ~ ~ ~~ <br /> THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY ~~ <br /> 1a. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # 1 b. This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT is <br /> 0200305780 FILED 5/8/03 HALL COUNTY <br />NE to be Tiled [for retard) (or recorded) in the <br /> , R A ESTATE RECORDS. <br /> 2. TERMINATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement ident'rfied above is terminated with respect to security Interest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing this Termination Statement . <br /> 3. CONTINUATION; Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above with respect to security interest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing this Continuation Statement is <br /> continued for the additional period provided by applicable law. <br /> 4. ASSIGNMENT (full ar partial): Give name of assignee In item 7a or 7b and address of assignee in Rem 7c; and also give name of assignor in item 9. <br /> 5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendment affects Debtor ~ Secured Party of record. Check only 4ns of these two boxes. <br /> Also check 4AR of the following three boxes i~ provide appropriate information in items 8 andlor 7, <br /> CHANGEnameandloraddresa:Pleaserefartothedetailadinstructions DELETE name: Giverecardname ADDname:CompleteRem7aor7b,andalsoRam <br />inr ardstochan in thenam /addressofa to b deleted in item Ba or 66 alsoc I taitems7e-7 Ra Ilcable . 7c; <br /> 6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: <br /> Ba. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />OR <br />7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: <br />7a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />SUFFIX <br />-' ~ 7b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX <br />7C. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY <br />7d. ~J,Nyj$~TIONS ADD'L INFO RE 7e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 7f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any <br /> ORGANIZATION <br /> DE6TOR <br /> NONE <br />o. ruvi~rvumcrv i (4VLLN I CKNL l:rlHNli C): Check only one 40X. <br />Describe collateral ~ deleted or ~ added, or give entire restated collateral description, or describe collateral assigned. <br />DEBTORS: THOMAS FAGAN <br />LEGAL: NW1/4 S19 T12N R10W HALL COUNTY, NE <br />RECORD OWNER: THOMAS FAGAN, DIANE EIGENBERG, JAMES FAGAN, GARY FAGAN <br />9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name of assignor, it this is an Assignment). Ii this is an Amendment authorized by a Debtor which <br />adds collateral or adds the authorizing Debtor, or it this is a Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here and enter name oT DEBTOR authorizing this Amendment. <br />9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />OR Bb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME <br />70.OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA <br />3461-003 THOMAS FAGAN <br />FILING OFFICE COPY - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV, 05/22/02) <br />