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<br /> TU(3ETHER WITH ull thc imprcrvcmcntti now un c�rcaflcr crectcd on thc pro�kny.+u��l ull cu�cmcnt�,uppurtenuncc+,
<br /> '��. � ���r'"� --
<br /> ,.� -:�-•.,--.�,�,; •r� .,, And fixwres now or hercuftcr u pun ut'�hc prapcny. All replaccment+und additiunn�+hull ultin lx ci►vcrcd by thl.Sccurily
<br /> _ "' '+� '`:R. Inrtrument. All af the fnregoinR iti referted io in ihis Secu�ity In.trumem ux�he"Rnryx:ny." _,_,
<br /> �� � ° BORROWER COV6NANTS Ihul Bum�wer is luwfully sci�ed i►f the esw�c henb �iarvc ed und hu,the ri M to rant �
<br /> ;+•�. .. Y Y B F �':_y�.�_
<br /> � '. � und convcy thc F'roperty und Ihut thc Pru�xhy i+unrncumtnrcd,caccp�fur rix:umbruncew�►f rccord, Hurrowcr wurrant.und '-�;;;�;
<br /> -� . will defenJ generully the tiUe�o Ihe Pn+pchy ugui�+t ull cluim�und demuncl�.�uKrc�io�►n encumhronce+uf recurd. ._�'�"�_��
<br /> 1 Y , . _h�:_,-�-
<br /> ° : ���d_,;.�� �Y' . ' '--
<br /> ■� y � THIS SBCURITY INSTRU M�NT rombinc� uniti�rn� cc►vcnuntx li►r nuti�►nul u+c und n�m•unii'rnm cavenuMs with -�—-�'_�_
<br /> • ���,. .: ' ,. IimiteJ vunatian.by jun�Jictiun w wn.�iwte a unifumi.crurity intitrument covering real prn{�erty.
<br /> � �� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lcnder cuvenant und ugrce us fullows: _
<br /> ' � 1, Payment oP Princippl and Intrrect:Prepayment and Late Ch�rses. Horr��wrr�hull pn►mplly pay whcn Juc�hc -
<br />�:" •�", prinripul af und intere�t on the Jebt evidenced by the Nute und uny prepaymcm und lu�e rhar�ex due under�he Nutc. __
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and InsurAOCe. Subjccl la upplirublc luw or to u writtcn wuivcr by Lcnder.Borrowcr shull pay tu
<br /> ' Lcnder on Ihe day monthly payme.nts urc duc uixler ihe Notc, until thc No�c is paid in i'ull, u�um 1"�und�')for:lul yeurly �____
<br /> taxcs und ussessmcros which may uuuin priixity over thix Sccurity Instrument us u lien�m ihc Pn�peny:lbl yrs►��y leuschold ���r��_����
<br /> ° '� payments or ground �ents on thr Propeny. if any; (cl yearly hazurd i�r propeny insurunce premiums; (d) ycarly flood �_K�= �
<br /> � insurunce premiums. if any: (el yearly monguge imurance p�miums, if nny; und ifl uny xums payuble by Borrower to
<br /> � �� Lender,in uccordanee wi�h the provixions of purugroph S,in lieu of the puymenl of mongage insurunce premiums, These
<br /> " ' � items are cAlled"Eurow Items:' Lender moy.ut uny ume,colleci und hold Funds in un umount nut�o exceed the maximum "�;;�
<br /> ,�;�:�,.���.�..
<br /> ^ � umount a Icnder for u fcderully relaled mortgugc loun muy rcquirc for Borrawcr ti escrow account under the federul Real * ,M—�..
<br /> Estuie Seltlemen[Procedurex Act of I'174 us amended Gom time lo time,12 U.S.C.#2(���t sey.("RESPA'7,unless another '` +"•'�'"��-
<br /> ' law tha�upplies�o the Funds xets u ler�ser umount. If so,Lender mny,al uny time,collect und hold Funds in un amount not to � �.. �'�'�i1�` �
<br /> - , cxcccd tFx: Icsrer nmaunt. I.ender muy estimate thc umount of Funds due an the basis of curtrnl data and rea�anAblN :.,;�,_:_..,.�; ._
<br /> eslimates of expenditu�es of fulure Escrow Items or otherwise in accordunc�with upplicuble law. 7r. r
<br /> �' � The Funds shull be held in an instiwtiun whose deposits arc insured by a f'edernl u�cncy,instrumentulity.or entily ��';� '� �� �I��`
<br /> : ,.�,�, ,'. •,+,;,� '.1...1.:
<br /> ,;;,,,. l i n c l ud in g I.ender,if'Lender is such an inx�ilutionl or in uny Federal Home Loun Bunk. Lendcr shull upply thc Funds ta pay . .. :;,._
<br /> . the Escrow ltems. Lender muy not churge Borrowcr fur holding und applying the Funds, :umuully anulyzin�e the e,rrow ,�,,
<br /> !:'.:<'•
<br /> account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unlesx Lender puy+ Borrower interest an the Fundx und applicuble luw pem�itc ..�%;:�
<br /> Lender lo make such u chArge. Huwever.L.ender may requirc Borrawer to pay u one-time charge for an independcnt rcal .�; ��+��.. T�
<br /> � , estute tux rcponing servicc u�ed by l.ender in connection wi�h this loun,unlchti upplicnble law provides othcrwixe. Unle+s an "'`+:�t�`.-:_=- —
<br /> agreement i�mude ur upplicablc law rcyuircs in�erest w be pnid.Lendrr+hull nn�he myuired to pay Borrower�ny interest or °'".`t'; :.s
<br /> �° • eumings on the Funda. Borrower und l.endcr may ag�cc in writing,howevcr,lhut intcrest shull hc paid on thc Funds. Lender ��=�
<br /> shall give to Borrower,withoul churge,un annuul acrounting of ihe Fundn,�howing credit� and debits to ihc Funds and�he � � ,
<br /> purpose for which each debit�o the Funds wuti mnde. The Fundx ure pledged us udditional �ecurity fur ull sumti+ecured by �
<br /> • ' this Security Instrument. I �.
<br /> _ ;,------ ` if the Funds heid by l.cndci c��eed th� am:,unts permittcd so be held 6y upplicuMc l:�w, I.eoder .hall account lo _ __= i
<br /> � � � Bormwer fo�the excess Funds in�ccordunce with Ihc reyuirements of applicublc luw. If ttie umount of the Funds held by ( a
<br /> ' Lender at any time is not sufficicnt to puy the E.rrow Itcmx when due,LrnJer muy+�notify Borri�wer in e�riting,and,in i
<br /> such case Borrower shnll pay to l.ender �he umount necessury to mukc up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up�he • � T
<br /> " ' . de�ciency in no more thun twclvc munthly paymenls,at Lcndcr's�olc discrction. � � "
<br /> � Upon pAyment in f'ull of all sum.secured My thi,Security In,trument.LenJer shull prompNy rcfund to Borcower uny i �":"� . ,
<br /> • •� Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.Lendcr+hull ucquire or+ell Ihc 1'roperty,Lender,prior to the ucyui�ition or ,
<br /> sule of the Properly. xhall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the tinx of acyuisition or sule us u credit ugninst Ihe xumx i
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> 3. Applicaliun of Payments. Unlr.s applicable luw proviJe�otherwixr. all puyments rccciveJ by Lender under .
<br /> ,.�::�
<br /> paragrnphti 1 und 2 shull Ix applied: tir.t.�o any prep:�ymcn�charges duc undcr thc Note:srrond,to umounts payuble under ,:.,,r_.
<br /> • • ^ paragruph 2;third,to intcrest duc;founh,to princip•rl Juc:und luy�,to any lotc churgr+Juc unJcr thc Note. ' '=�
<br /> 4. CharRes; Liens. Bormwrr ,hull pay all taxe�, as,c+.mems, churgcs, iinc� and impositions uttrihutuble �o the i ;��
<br /> � ' Propeny which muy attain priority��vcr ihi.Security Ins�rumen�.und Ica.rhold pvymcntx or @round rent,,if any. Borrower ��:�
<br /> � . shall puy�hese��bligutiom in the manncr pmvided in pura��uph_',or if'not paid in thu�manner,Borrower shull pay them on l ;�f���-_
<br /> � . � ' �ime directly to thc perxun uwcd pa��ment. Burrawcr�hall promptly fumi�h io LcnJcr all noticcs of amaum+w hc paid undcr ' ��,.
<br /> � this parugruph. If Borrowrr makes these payments directly,Bormwer shull promptly fum�sh to l.endcr reccipts evidencing F _— .
<br /> � Ihe payments. , ���:s-
<br /> ' Borrower shall promptly diuhurge siny lirn which hus pri�ttity uver thix S�curiry Inslrumcnt unletiti Borrower.(a)agree+ _v�',���
<br /> in writing to the payment ut'thc ubligotion�erunJ hy�hc lien in a mi�nncr acccptable to Lender:(b►contesi.in gaxl faith the . y
<br /> licn by,or defendx against enforremrnl uf thr licn in,IeEal prcxecding.which in thr LenJrr:opinion operute to prevent the
<br /> , cnforccment af the lien;ur(cl+ccures i'ram Ihc holdrr ol'Ihr licn un u�rcemcn�.uti.farton• lo Lcnder xulwrdinuting thc lien � , ,. ,,,,,,,.,;:�:.
<br /> •_�--:-
<br /> ; � �o this Security Instrument. If Lender detcrminc+thut uny part of ihc F'r��peny i.subjrct io a lien which ma}• •ruain priority .• �.�-• •
<br /> � � ' ' over this Security Instrument.Lrndcr muy give Borrowrr a n��lice identifying tlk lirn. Horrower zh�ll satisfy the lien or tuke
<br /> � one or more of the actions se1 forlh uiwvr within 10 day�oP�hr�ivin�!i�f nulicr.
<br /> � 5. Hazard or Property Insurunce. 8orcowcr�hall I.erp the impr�►r�ment�now exi,tin�ur hereafter erected on�hc
<br /> Pruperly insured again+t lotis by fire.hu�ards inrludrd within the Irmi°rxtenJcJ ruvcrragc" anJ any utli��r hatards,inrluJing
<br /> tloods or flooding, for which Lender reyuim. imuranrc. Thi. inwranc� �hull tx maint•rincJ in the amuun�.and For the
<br /> , � ti�rm i028 4r90 i�N�4r��q epdg�•ci
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