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<br /> LICENS�AGRF.EMF1d'r
<br /> 'I'dis Licr.�se Agrameat is roade by an� betwea� the CTTY OF GRAND ISLAND,
<br /> NEBRASKA, a Municigal Corporation, herdn refernd w as the 'Ltcensor" �d BJS
<br /> E�N'I�tPRISP.S. L.C.,A Limited Liability Co.,hereinaftcr��'errod to as the"I�crosae�.
<br /> 1. STA'�'�.3�'$'�F PURFOSE. Tfie putpose og this Lice�se Agroe�t is W set
<br /> fat�a tbe tums and coadidons ua�kr which tbe licensoe may construct. maintain• r�a�r. and
<br /> utilize the followiag described improvement which will infringe upaJ►an�at held by the
<br /> I.icxs�sot:
<br /> pl�anent of�vood privacy fe�na across a tvaeaty four(24)fooi City easea�t at
<br /> the west prope�ty line of 1700 Diers Aveaue for the purpose of stciring nurs�►
<br /> sooc,�c yind pla�t a�a�erial in a secured a�vima�t. Ssewtr p�cmen be locatod east
<br /> of the cxis�tng dght(8.0)foot permaneat sanitazy
<br /> 2. DESCRIP'ITON OF LICENSF�'S�r�FST�A ma�t W which this License
<br /> f o ll o w i n g d e s c r i b e d r a l e s t a t e a d j a c x a t w
<br /> _ A�roema►t s�ll ap�lY:
<br /> All o�Lot Z7�roe(3),�oulaa Fourt�SubdivLUOn,m the City of Gr�nd Lsi�nd,Hail
<br /> Couaty, Ncbraska. .
<br /> 3. LiGZIJSEE'S D'U'I'�5 AND RISKS. It is tmderstood an�1 a$reod tt�at the Li�easoe
<br /> _ �p�on,y�t,aaintain,iqxiir and utiiiu the above descn'bed imP�'ovemeslt at the I..i�aeasoe's sde
<br /> risk. The Lioensoe tiueby waives�ny claim for damag� �gainst thc Licensor,�its officers,
<br /> ' �P�Y��8�ts aa�indepa►da�t contra�cwn for any dam�e or injury tisax may rGwlt w said
<br /> ' � imp�+ovea�eut. If the Licen�or. in its sol�e discretaon, d�ines tbat anY Part a all of the
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