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<br /> � �` �F�. (a)�onown Nol RNMMd.Exton�lon oi th�nm�for p�ymont or modlllo�llon ol�moMl��tlon ot th��um�s�cur�d by thl�
<br /> nr�I�•ka � DNd ol Tru�t pr�nt�d by lender to any wcc�uor In i�tereri of Borrow�r�hdl not op�r�b to rM�ap,In�ny m�nn�r,the IlpbllUy _
<br /> �°` "'`�' ' � ol lh�orlplml Bonow�r�nd Borrowar'�wace�san In Inlerort Landor�hatl not be raqulrod to commence proceeding��g�inn �—
<br /> � ,�..��..::+L.
<br /> •� �� such auccu�or or reluw to sxtend tlms lor p�ym�nt or otherwlw motllty amortlutlon ol tho wms s�cund by thls ONd of Truq
<br /> � _,--;..���_.�»-o�- by reaoon ol any demand4 made by the orfpinal 8orrower end Qo►rower's succsiwn in intereiG __-
<br /> .K..�.,,._;,#••.: (b)L�nd�r'�Pow�n.Wlthout aNectlnp Ihe Ilqbllity ot any othor perwn Ileble lor the p�yment of any oblf��tion hereln -
<br /> °� • °� �� ' ••� mentioned,end wllhout aHecpn�the Ifen or cha��e of thle Deed ol Truet upon any poAlon of th�Property nat than or theretobre
<br /> — : � ' released es securiry for Ihe lull amount ol all unpald obllpations,Lender mey,lrom time to Iime and wilhout notica p)release eny �_
<br /> ' � 5� paraon to Iieble,(H)extend the maturity or alter any of the terms ol eny euch obllpatione,(AI)flrant other Indulpences,(iv)refeaee —
<br />� � ' � •, ' qr reconvey,or cauae tn be released or reconveyed at any time at Lender'a option eny parcel,poAlon or all ol lhe Properry, ___
<br /> �. (v)take or release any ather ar edditlonal securlry lor any obligetlon herefn mentloned, or�ri)meke Composftlons or othor
<br /> ' ^ -n - erranqemente wifh debtors m reletlon thereto. __,_
<br /> (c)Forbsmnc�by L�nd�r Not�Walv�r. Any torbearance by Lender in exercleing any right or ramedy hereunder,or __ -
<br /> „ . • othe►wlae aBorded by epplicabte �aw,shall not be e walver o1 or preclude the exercloe ol any auch right or remedy.The
<br /> � ', . „ • . prxurement o1 inaurance or the payment ot texea or other liens or charges hy Lender ehall not be a waiver of Lender'a ri�ht to
<br /> - accelerate ihe maturiry of the indebtedness aecured by this Deed ol Trus4 �
<br /> (d)Succ�son and Aoipes 8ound;Jolnt and Sw�ral Li�bllity;CepNons.The covenants and apreements hereln con-
<br /> � „ talned ehall bind,and the riphts hereunder shalt inure to,tha reapective auccesaors end aeeigns ot Lendar and Truetor.All �__
<br /> • ' covenents and agreementa of Trustor shell be�olnt and aeveral.The ceptlons and headings of the parayrapha ol thls Deed of
<br /> � -� � � � Truat are for convenience only and are not to be uaed to interpret or detlne the provislons hereof.
<br /> (e)R�qust for NoUc��.The partles here6y request that a copy ol any not�e ot detault hereunder and a copy of any notlee --
<br /> ol sele hereunder be malled to eech party to thla Deed ot Truet at the addrea$aet foAh above In the manne� prascribed by �:
<br /> .'� ,:•`�;,`,��''�� appNcaWe law.Except for any other notice required under applicable law to be given In another manner,eny notke provided �.^,,
<br /> .� ; � ' . for In lhis Dead of Trust ahall be given by malling auch notlae by ce►tilled mall addreased to the ather paAlea,at the eddress eet �•__
<br /> • . " � '�� tonh above.Any nodca provided for In thls Deed af Trust ahall be eflective upon meiling in the rnanner deaignated he►eln.II _
<br /> ' ' Trustor Is more than one peraon,notice sent to the addreas set forlh above shall be notice to all such pereons. �_
<br /> � ' � (q In�p�otlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspecQons of the Properry,provided �,.;�.
<br /> that Lender ahall give Truator notice prlor to any such inapectlon specilyfng reaaonable ceuse therefor related to Lender's _
<br /> ;i`;�;';;,i�'--.. IntereAt In the Property. _=
<br /> ` �" ' ' (g)R�conv�y�na�•Upon payment ol all aurns aecured by this Deed ol Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the —
<br /> � Propenyr and ahall eurrender thfs Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness aecured by thls Deed ot Truat to Trustee. �
<br /> �, Trustee ahell reconvey ihe Property wlihout warrenty and wlthout charye to the pereon a persona leyally e�Nlled thereto. �`i�7
<br /> � Trustar ehall pay all coats o1 recordatlon,if any. �''��
<br /> (h)Penon�l Prop�Ny;S�ourity Ap��em�nt.As addnionai aecuriiy(or ihn payment at tha Noia,Trustor hereby grsnts ���;
<br /> Lender under the Nebraska Unlform Commercfal Code a securiry Interest In all fixtures,equlpment,and other peraonal propeAy �;r;•
<br /> used in connection with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a part of �
<br /> ' the►eal eafete secured hereby.This instrument ehall be conatrued as a Securlry Agreement under seld Code,and the Lender
<br /> . shell have all lhe rlphts and remedles ol a secured perry under said Code in addition to Ihe rights and remedlea created under
<br /> and accorded ihe Lender pursuant to ihis Deed ol TrusC provfded that Lender's rights and remedles under ihfs paragraph shell �,r,
<br /> be cumulative with,and in no way a 11mltation on,Lender's rlghta and remedies under any other securlry apreement slpned by
<br /> ° Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (f)Lbns and Encumbr�ne�s.Truslor hereny warranta and represents that there is no detault under the provlsions:.t any _
<br /> mortgape,deed o1 truat,lease or purchese contract deacrlbing all or any pen ol the Property.or other coniract.Inatrument or
<br /> " agreement conatlWt�ng a!fen or encumbrance against all or an�r pert of the Property(COIIecQvely,"Uena"1.exletinfl as of the ;�';
<br /> ' • date ol this Oeed ol Trust,end that any and all exfating Llens remaln unmodif�ed except as dlaclosed to Lender�n Truator's
<br /> written dlsClosure of Ilens and encumbrances prov�ded lor here�n Trustor shall timely perlorm all of Trustor's obllgaUona,
<br /> covenente,rep�esentatlona end warranues under any and all exiarting and luture Liens,shall promptly forward to Lander coplea
<br /> � ol all notfcea of delsuH sent In connectlon with any and all ex�st�ng or future Liena,and ahall not w►ihout Lender'a prior written
<br /> " Consent fn any manner modfly the provlslons of or allow any future advances under any exreting or future Liena.
<br /> �)AppUedlon of Peym�nU.Unlesa otherw�se reqwred by iaw,sums peid ro Lender hereunder,mcluding w�thout Ilmitetfon �i:
<br /> poyments ol princlpAl and fnterast,insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeds and rents and protlts,ahell be applled by --
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing trom Trusta ar�d Borrower in such order as Lender�n its sole dlscretfon deems desirable. .i,+
<br /> . (k)S�venblllry. II eny provislon ol this Deed of Trust conflicts w�th applicable law or�s declared Invalid or otherwlse
<br /> . unenloi�eable,such conllict or invalfdlty shall not aflect the other prov�sons of this Deed ot Truat or the Note wh�ch can be .��.
<br /> glven eHect wdhout the contllCting prov�s�o�,and to tnis end the prowsions ol th�a Oeed ol Trusl and the Note are declared lo be ,
<br /> •• severabl@.
<br /> } - (q T�rm�.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall uicludo both smgulnr and plural,and when the Trueto�end Borrower �-.,
<br /> are the same person(s►,those terma as usod�n Ihis Deed ol Trust shall be�nterchangeable.
<br /> (m) Gov�rnlnp Law.This Deed of Trust shall be governed by tne Ia ot the State ot Nebreake. , �
<br /> Trustor has exBCUted this Deed ot Trust as of the date wnpen above. �J � � . �, —
<br /> t . � J t0► �
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