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<br /> ' �. JOINT 'l�'SNl1tiCY W11RR11NTY DBSD l,�n„"�; --
<br /> � � ppRpTEi�f 1�. CUI�IIN(iS, A Single Peraon, C3R]1N7."OR, in
<br />. , „ " consideration of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND iQ0/00 DOLLARS �.�s�`���=:-^.,__
<br /> � � (t100,000.00) recei.ved from aR1�NTBFB, ROBBRT J. ALI.J121, JR•, and � �� �r4=�—
<br /> JANB R. ALI.71td, Husband and Wi fe, convey to GRI�NTEES, as j oint I ��°:•�,
<br /> tenante and not as tenanta in comnon, the followinq de$cribed real �-- � � —
<br /> �astate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201): �==���" ti-° -�� -��
<br /> ` A tract of land comprising a part of the East Half �""�� --
<br /> , of the Southwest Quarter (E 1/2 SW 1/4) and a part of ��v_�
<br /> �:,.��:_
<br /> � the Weat Half of the Southeast Quarter (W 1/2 SE 1/4) , --^-- -
<br /> all in Section 24 , Townehip 12 North, Range 11 West of ��-`'-=� -
<br /> � the 6th P.M. , �a11 Countv, Nebraska, being more �'__ __zi
<br /> particularly described as follc.ws:
<br /> � ��_
<br /> , �✓:y�w�;,.:-v-
<br /> � � With reference to the South 1/4 corner, the h� � Y�;, ��� �
<br /> ,.: .�,. :.
<br /> " Southeast corner of said E 1/2 SW 1/4s thence running on �y_
<br /> � an assumed bearing of N 89 degrees 10'45"W on the South :;;.a;;:� ��,
<br /> line vf said E 1/2 SW 1/4 for a distance of 75.00 feet �'.��;� _
<br /> � . to the actual POINT OF BE(3INNIN(3s thence N 00 degrees _ --
<br /> 06' 37"E for 379. 12 feet= thence N 19 degrees 00' 02"E ;� �-;� �r -
<br /> for 528. 56 feet s thence N 89 degrees 39' 92"E for 701.53 _,;-,,��c;
<br /> • feets thence S 66 degrees 22' 33"E for 49.24 �eet= ��J"t �� �
<br /> thenco N 65 deqrees 41' S8"E for 49.24 feet j thence N 89 "h~,��'�"`=
<br /> �
<br /> degrees 39' 42"E for 351.64 feet to a point on the East � -
<br /> line of said w 1/2 SE 1/4; thence N 00 degrees 27' 55"W �. - �
<br /> � st line of s a i d W 1/2 S E 1/4 f o r 1 7 8 2.6 2 f e e t �ti ' `���
<br /> on the Ea r
<br /> to the Northeast corner of said W 1/2 SE 1/4j thence S �
<br /> 89 degrees 56' 26"W on the North Line of said W 1/2 SE �
<br /> 1/4 for 1268.78 feet to the Northeast corner of said E •���;
<br /> 1/2 SW 1/4j thence S 89 degrees 56' S9"W on the North d
<br /> line of said E 1/2 SW 1/4 for 1295.52 feet to the .
<br /> Northwest corner of said E 1/2 Sw 1/4 j tihence S 00 � =� ��-
<br /> degrees 24' 26"E on the West linQ of said E 1/2 SW 1/4 ' r
<br /> for 2647.98 feet to the Southwest corner of said E 1/2 . __
<br /> Sw 1/4t thence S 89 degrees 10' 45"E on the South line , '�. ` _
<br /> of said E 1/2 SW 1/4 for 1244.12 feet to the POINT OF .
<br /> SE(iiNNING, said tract containing 131.13 acres more or �������sr��Y�
<br /> loss. ' ::�?i3"�,;:
<br /> . � �,�,•
<br /> ,. .
<br /> � l�R�►M1�OR cnvenants, with GRANTBES that GRANTOR: ; � . ' .
<br /> (11 is lawfully seized of such real estate and that is free ' .
<br /> ' from Qncumbrances, except easements and restrictions of �-
<br /> t rocord.
<br /> �� , l21 has logal powQr and lawful auChority to convey the samej
<br /> i
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<br /> i �
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