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201003532 <br />MORTGAGE ELE~T'RO1~IC REGISTI~.A,TItJN SYSTEIVIS, dNC, <br />G®RPORATE RE~OLiJTxO]Y <br />Be it Resolved that the attached list of candidates era employee(s) of Eric H. Lindquist, P.C. and are <br />hereby appointed as assistant secretaries and vice presidents of Mortgage Eiectronic Registration <br />Systems, Inc., and as such, arc authorized to: <br />Assign the lien of any mortgage loan registered an the MERS~ System that is shown to be <br />registered to Chase Hama Finance,l:.,.L.C, ar its designee. <br />Release the Iien of any mortgage loan registered an the MERS~ System that is shown to ba <br />registered to Chase Home Finance, L.L.G. ar its designee. <br />Extaute any and all documents necessary to foreclose open the property securing any mEartgage <br />loan registered an the MFRS System that is shown to be registered to Chase l-lome Finar~~e, <br />L.L..C. ,including but not limited to (a} ,substitution of trustee an Deeds of Trust, (b) T'ru stce's <br />seeds upon sale on bcl~alf of MFRS, (c) ~1fi"fdavit5 afNan-military Status, (d) Affidavits of <br />lodgment, (e) Affidavits of Debt, (f) quitclaim deeds, (g) Affidavits regarding loci prvmi ~sory <br />notes, and (h) endarsernents of pranaissory Hates to V~, ar HUL on behalf of MER"S as a a°eclraia~d <br />part of the claims prcacess, <br />1, ~Jilliam C. Hultman, being the or .rate Secrete of Mortgage Electronic Registration Syst~ans, Inc., <br />hereby certit'y that the foregoing is a true copy rrf a Resolution duly adapted by the Sward of Dir°~ctors rsf <br />said corporation effeoaivc as of the ~7 d.ay ~+~ 1:~ <<•~r~:t~r, ?~07, w6~ich is in full farce and ~ffeat an <br />dais date and does Hat cant~ict with the Certi~`icats~ caf~ ]ncarparatias~ ar )(~yml~aws a~'saisl car~aratia~~n. <br />~~ <br />William C. I-iultrroan, Secretary <br />