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<br /> <br /> <br /> 6 1 <br /> <br /> aqI;o Aue aolo;us Alle3l;loads 1O 1aA193a1 a lulodda 'aBeBllow a se lsnll;o pea(] 9!qi osol3a1o4 o; uoiloe us eouewwoo (q) <br /> soles;o iemod ail as!o1axe of lg6l1 9Li1 Bulpnloul 'llne;ap;o IUGA9 AUG 4o eouellnoo0 <br /> ail uodn mel Aq 1o sluawnooq paleioa 941 1o GION ayI w 10; pap!AO1d lLiBl1 A1aAa as13aax9 01 pall!;uB eq pegs lapua-1 <br /> 1o aalsnal 's11;01d 1o sanssi 'slues ;o uolle3lidde pus ldleo9l 'uolloopo3 ay; 1o Alledold sy1 ;e uolssessod ui 9ougnuiluoo <br /> ayI Bulpuelsyl!mlou 'pug !Ilnelop ;o Gollou Lions of Iuenslnd 1o line;9p Lions oI esuodsol ui ouop toe Aue sleppenul <br /> 1o lsnll.;o paad s!q; 19pun llna;ep ;o a3llou 1o 1lne4op /,us BAlam 1o Gino IOU !legs ;0ajogI uolleo!Idde aqI pus 'sl!;oad <br /> pus sonssl 'slual Lions ;o uorl3+>Iloo Byl 'AlledOad Gq1 ;o uolssassod 6uplel pug uodn 6ullolua oql euiwlelap Am lepuel <br /> se Lions ui lit? 'lsnll;o paaa slgl Aq peanoes ssoupolgepw Aug el 'sad; sAoulolle uolleBllgo pug uopoisdo;o sesuedxe <br /> pun siso3 ssal 'ewes ayI Aldde oue 'Pledun pue anp lsed 9sogI Bulpnloul 'A31adO1d 941 ;o sl!;old pun Bonsai 'sluG1 941 1391103 <br /> aslmlaglo 10 1o4 ens 1A11edOJd 9-41;0 uolssassod WNel lnoyl!m 1o yl!m 'pun !AI1edO1d aLil;o A1llnoas Byl loBlald 1e Allodold <br /> eq1 woo; owooul aq1 asea13u1 :nl19do1d eqi ul 1saimi 10 A11odOld aLil 4o lied 1o 'Allodold aq1 ;o Al!l!geluej 1o AIII!cIalol1ew <br /> 'anleA 9LiI GA199a1d of elgellsa;) 1o Alessooeu sweep l! Liolym Slog Aug op pun 'aolsnal ;o eweu eql ul 1o eweu umo <br /> all U! 'joajogl lied Aug 1o 'A11ac old ail 10 uolssassod eilel pus uodn 191u9 'Alpmes all 1o Aoenbape o41 o1 p1B6e1 lnoyl!m <br /> pus llnoo a Aq pelulodde 1aA10040 a Aq 1o 'Bulpoooald 1o uolloe Aug BulBuuq lnoyl!m 1o yllm 'lueBe Aq 1o uoslad ul layl!3 (e) <br /> :Aew 1Bpual 'laIjeGloLil pupl Aue ;o o3pou 1o 1sa1o1d 'punwop 'luewluesold Aue lnoyl!m aIgBABd pug anp <br /> awooaq uodnejegl !leis ewes 9Li1 pun elquAnd pus anp aq of Ism-L ;o pea(] sly! Aq pa.inoes sssupelgepul lie alnloep Aew 1Gpue l <br /> 'Ageley palnoas OION ail ;o sw.iel 9q1 lad so slnooo line4aa 10 IUOA3 Aue 11 seipewsa leuoll!ppV :line;sa uodn uonumoooy <br /> :salpowal pus s1g611 Bulmollo; egl 4o alow 1o auo Aug eslolaxe Aew <br /> lapual 10 aalsnal 'dal;ealayl 9wil Aug Is 'Isn1l 40 pea(] slgl 1Gpun sin33o line;oa 10 1uoA71 uB 11 •rinV.43a NO S3103W3H ONV SIHDIH <br /> jeoiloeld <br /> Algeuoseei se uoos se ooue11dwo3 o3npoid o1 1ua13114ns sdals Alessooeu pus olgeuoseal lie saleldwoo pus sonuquo3 joIjea19Lil pun <br /> llne;ap ail Gino 01 4u9ioi44ns eq o1 uollaloslp Blos s,lapuo-I ui swoop lapual yo14m sdals salell!u! AlolelPewwl 'sAep (OZ) Aluaml ueLi1 <br /> alow saimbel Gana ayI;! (Z) 1o :sAep (OZ) Aluaml u141!m line;op oq1 sa1n3 (L) :Ilne;Bp Lions ;o Gino Bulpuewep 1Bmo11og o1 eollou <br /> uoupm spuds 19pue7 dal;e 'lolsnll 4! pa1n3 aq Am 1! 'sgluow (Z L) 9Alaml 6ulpeoeld eql ulyllm 1sn11 10 pas(] 9141 ;a UOISIAold awes <br /> ail ;o yoeaaq a 40 93llou a uanlB uaeq IOU seq lolsnll 1! pug elgelno sl luawA9d ui line;Bp a uByl leglo 'llne;op AUG 11 9an0 of 148iEl <br /> •Alladold eq1 uo u9li 6ullslxe Aug osoloajo; <br /> of peouawwoo sl uolloe loglo 1o llns Aue 1o 'luawnllsui Lions ul pollad a3e1B elgeoildde Aue Bullnp palno IOU s! pue ssoupGlgepul <br /> Lions Bullnoos Iuownilsul eqj lapun slnooo llne;ap a 1o 'sseupolgepul Lions BUIOUOplAG olou A1osslwold aq1 Aq pallnbel awll <br /> 9q1 ulyllm apaw IOU s! ssaupalgapul Bullslx3 9Li1 uo lselelul Aug 1o ledlouud 4o luowpelsui Aug ;o 1uawAod ail •saeupelgspul Bullslx3 <br /> -elnoosui posl! s9Aa11eq y1!e; pooh ul lepuB-i •A;lanoesul <br /> •palledwi si sseupelgepul eql;o oouew1ojlod 1o 1uawAed <br /> ;o loedsold ayI sonolloq aapuaq 1o 'uoll!puoo loioueui; s,lolsnll 1o s,lamollog u! s1n33o aBuego 9slanpB 1911919W V •815ue43 ssienpd <br /> -sseupolgopul o4j;o Aluelen0 Aue 'japun Allilgell 1o 1o AI!p!leA ail solndelp 1o s9>1on91 10 'Iualadwoom sawooaq 1o solp lowelenO <br /> Aug 1o ssaupalgapul ail 4o Aue 4o loluelen(] hug of loodsel yl!m slnooo SIUGAO Bu1PGoo1d 9Lil ;o Auy °lolusiano BullOe;;d Blu9A3 <br /> -dale! 1o mou Bullsixg leLileym 119puB-I 01 10Isn1l 1o aamoaaog ;o uolleBllgo leglo 1o ssaupalgapul Aug Bwwoouoo <br /> IuawaBl6n Aug uollel!wli lnoyllm Bulpniou! 'UIGJO41 pap!Aoid po11Bd ooeifi Aug ulyllm polpowaa IOU si legi aapue-1 pus lolsnll <br /> 1o 1amo11og uoomlaq luawaaaBe 194lo Aug ;0 swlal ayI lepun lolsnll 1o 1amo11og Aq y3ealq Auy •luswesaBp Je410 ;0 4000is <br /> •alndslp eql ao; puoq 1o OA1GSG1 menbope us Buiaq as 'uollaloslp BIOS sl! u! 'lapua-I Aq poulw191ep iunowe us u! 'Bulpae3old <br /> e1n1!a;1o; 1o 1ol!pa1o aqI 1o; puoq Alains a 1o seluow lapue-l y1!m sllsodap pus Bulpooocud ein1!941o4 1o 1ol!palo 941 4o aollou <br /> U91111m aapuaq SOAIG 1o aamoaaog 4! pun BulpBaoold a1nl!9;1o; 1o lollpalo ay1;o slseq ey1 s! Liol4m wlalo agl;o sagualgeuoseei <br /> 1o Al!p!IBA ail 01 so 101sn11 1o 1amolaog Aq alndslp yl!e; pooB a s! G1eg1 Alddo Iou clays llne;a(] ;0 luaA3 slLil 'lonamOH •lapue1 <br /> Lillm 'slunoooe I!sodep 6ulpniou! 'slunoooe s,lolsn,ll 1o s,lemollog 10 Aug 1o luawysluleB a sopnloui sly! 'ss9up91g9pul ayI Bullnoas <br /> Alladold Aug Isule6e A3uo6e leluaww9no6 Aug Aq a0 aolsnal 1o aamoaaog 10 aol!paa3 Aug Aq 'poLilaw leylo Aug 10 uolssessodai <br /> 'dlay-;las 'Bulpoooold leioipnf Aq 1aglaLim 's6ulpaaoold elnl!e;1o; 1o amsolooao; ;o luowoouawwoa •s6ulp9900ld eanl!e;aod 1o 1ol!peya <br /> •1o1sn1l 1o 19mo11og lsuleBa 1o Aq smul A3uanlosul 10 <br /> Aoldru~jueq Aue aopun Bu1Paeocud AUG ;o luawaouewwoo eq1 1o 'Inoliom aol!poa3 ;o 9dA1 Aue 'saol!pal3 ;o 11;9uaq ay1 1o; luewuBlsse <br /> Aug 'Alaodoid s,lolsnll 1o s,1Gnn.ollog 4o lied Aug 10; 1BA1e391 a 40 luawlulodde oil 'aolsnal 10 aamoaaog ;o A3u8nlosul e41 '1Bgwew <br /> Aug 4o Lileep eyl 10 aseulsnq 6wa6 a se ooualslxo s,.iolsnal 1o s,1Bmo110g 10 u011BU1w1al 19ylo Aug 10 'Auedwoo A1!l!gell pa1!w!l o41 <br /> woo; sme1p4l!m legwew Aug '(spew si anu!luoo of uolloolo joglogm ;o ssalp186B1) s,lolsnll ;o uollniosslp ail •Aauanlosul Jo 41904 <br /> •uosnal Aug 104 pus awl! Aug In (uall 1o Isolalul Allln3os pa13G;led PUB p!IBA a alBa10 o1 luawnoop 1n1a1elloo Aug ;o <br /> sanl!e; Bulpnloul) Ioa1;a pug a31ol lln; ui eq of soseeo sluawnoo(] polalay 9Li1 10 Aug 1o lsnll 4o peas sly! u0llenleJel9p00 snllae;e(] <br /> •is;;aajeyl ewq Aug in Bulpeaislw ao isle; sawooeq ao paysluin; ao spew owl3 <br /> aqI in 1o mou 1eLi1!e 'loedsel le11i31ew Aug ul Bulpeels!w 1o asle; s! sluewnooa paleloH ail 1o 1sn11 ;o pea(] sigi lepun ;layaq a,loisnll <br /> 1o s,lamollog uo 1o 10Isn1l 1o lamo»og Aq aapuo-1 01 pogslulnj 1o apew luowalels 10 uo11e1uasa1dal 'A;uB11Bm Auy •sluswslelS ssleA <br /> •sluawnooO polela)j ail ;o Aug 1o 1sn1J- 4o pee(] slyj lapun 9uolleBpgo 9Alloedsel <br /> 1iogl wlo;lad o1 Al!l!ge s,loluela 1o s,lamolaog 1o aseupalgepul oq1 Aede1 01 Al!l!ge s,1Gmo11og )o Allodold s,loluelo Aug 1o s,1Gmo11og <br /> ;o Aug Ida;;e Allepoiew Aew 1eg1 uoslad 1o 1o1!p913 1BLi1o AUO 40 10A0; u! 'Iuawaoi6a laylo Aue 1o 'IuaweelBe sales 10 asgyoand <br /> '1uaw9916a Alilnoes 'I!pelo ;o uolsualxe 'ueol Aue lapun llne4ap aolueaa Aue 1o aamoaaog plnogg •se!119d pll41 10 aon9j ui llne;9O <br /> •unll Aug 4o eB.jeyoslp Ida;;a OI 1o ;o Bull!; Iuonald o3 Alesso3ou luawAed 1og1o Aug 1o 'Gou9insul <br /> 1o soxel 1o; ;uawAed AUG slow of isnll 1o pea(] slyl Aq pallnbel ewll aq1 wyl!m aolsnal ;o aanl!ej •SluewAed A0410 uo line;ea <br /> •sluawnooa polsloH oq1;o Aue ul 1o <br /> 010N oyI 'lsnal;o poop slyj ul pouleluo3 uo1l!puo3 10 JUBUGA03 'uolle6llgo 1rw91 1eglo Aue 41!m Aldwoo o1 aanl!ej •lln9;ea eouelldwoo <br /> •lolsnll 1o aamoaaog pun aapue-1 ueamlaq luaweel6B leylo AuB w poulaluoo <br /> uoll!puoo 10 lueuaAOO 1uolle6llgo 'weal Aug woo;lGd o1 1o ql!m Aldwo3 of 1o sluewnoo(] palelolA 941 40 Aug w 1o Ism-l ;o pea(] sly! <br /> u! paulgluo3 uo1.l!puo3 1o lugUOAO3 'uolleBllgo 'weal 1eLi1o Aue wlo;dad o1 1o 4l!m Aldwoo of sl!e; lolsnll 1o 1emo11og •sllnoloO js4lo <br /> •sseupelgepul eyllapun anp uaym luawAnd Aug Blow of slle; aamoaaog •lln9;eo;uewA9d <br /> :Isnll;o p9ea slyj lapun llna;ea;0 IUBAa US alnlllsuoo pays 'uolldo s,aepue-) In 'Bulmollo} aqI;o yoe3 •.I.lntlj3O 30 S1N3A3 <br /> •mel elge3lldde Aq pelllwled 'aolsnal Aq pled aq pegs mel Aq pellnbei se; e3ueABAUooel Auy • leuoslad 9Li3 pug slue!; 941 <br /> w lsaaalu! Al!an3es s,aapue-I 6ul3uep!Aa 0114 uo luawalels Buioueul; Aue 4o uolleuiw1e1 }o sluewems elgel!ns 1o1sn1l 01 1GAp9p pug 9lnoaxe <br /> pays pus BOUBAGAUO3a1 ilnl 1o4 Isanbal a oelsnll o; aaAllap pue alnooxa pe4s lapuo-l 'lsnal ;o pea(] slgl lopun lolsnll uodn pesodwl <br /> suogebilgo ail Ile swlo;lad aslmlaylo lolsnll pun 'enp uaym sseup91g9pul eLil lie And aolsnal pus a9moaioe 11 '30NVWHO3H3d ilnj <br /> •gdea6eagd 6ulpeaead eq1 ui of pane;al s1a11ew eq1 Lislldwoaae 01 'u0luldo BIOS <br /> s,lapuo-l ul 'olggllsap 1o Alessa3au oq Aew se s6wyl laylo Ile Bulop pus 'Bulpmoal 'Bull!; 'Bul1aAllap 'BullnoaxB 'Buhlaw ;0 asodlnd 941 <br /> 1o4 1394-uvAGu1o1I9 s,lolsnll se aopuo-1 slulodde Alge3ono11! Ago1a4 lolsnll 'sasodlnd Lions 1oj -osuodxo s,lolsnll is pug aolsnal ;o <br /> eweu ayI ul pug 10; os op Aew arpuGq 'ydelBgled Bulpaoald ail w of pa11e4a1 s6ulyl ail 4o Aug op of spe4 lolsnll;l •loed-u!-A9uaoUV <br /> •4de16a1nd sly! ul of pB11B4e1 slallew ayI yllm uolloeuuoo w pa11n3u1 sesuedxe pug slsoo lie 1o; <br /> 1Gpua-I asingwla.l 11eLis aolsnal 'Buapm w Amwo3 ayI of seel6e 1Gpua-I 1o mel Aq pallq!yoad ssalun •aolsnal Aq pa1!nboe 1011eeiay 1o <br /> peumo mou 19y1eym 'Ajladold 941 uo;o peg(] s141 Aq pa1e913 slsaialu! Aulnoas pue sua!! Gql (Z) pun 'sluownooa poleloy aqI <br /> pun 'Isn1l 1o pea(] sly! 'aION oil lapun suo!IeB!lgo s,lolsnll pug s,lemollog (l.) BA1esald 1o 'anulluo3 'loo;dad 'aloldwoo 'elenlooge <br /> 01 19p1o ui elgellsap 1o A1essooGu aq '1Gpuo-1 ;o uoluldo olos aqI ul 'Agw se sluawnoop laylo pus 'salaol;lllao 'eoualnsse 1a411n4 <br /> ;a sluownilsw 'sluowalels uollenu!luoo 'sluawelela Buloueu14 'sluawaoiBa Al!lnoes 'speop Alllnoes 11sn11 4o speop 'saBe6uow Lions <br /> lie pus AuB '91e11do1dde weep Aew lapue-I se saould pun sail;;o Lions ul pus sawn Lions Is 'aq Aew asno ey1 se 'paplooe191 1o 'pol!;e] <br /> 'popiooaa 'pap; aq oI osneo 'aapuo-I Aq polsonbel uaym pun 'eeuBlsep s,l9pus-I 01 10 19pu9-1 01 'POJGAll9p 1o polnooxe 'apew aq al <br /> asneo p!m 10 '19A11ap pus alnoexe 'a>lew lpm 1olsnal 'lapual ;o lsonbal uodn 'awls Ol owll wa; pug 'ewll Aug IV -seounlnseV jeyljnd <br /> t stied (penuiluo:D) LOZ808 :ON u90-1 <br /> E T M0 T Q Z 1snuiL =iO d33❑ <br />
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