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~~ <br />N ~ <br />,.?. .11~ <br />.p ter.. <br />~ - <br />a <br />- - it <br />v z <br />n ~~ ~g <br />V <br />h ~g~ <br />~ Ley <br />~ ~ ~ <br />~ ~ <br />A ~ <br />~~ <br />~~ 1 <br />m ~ 1~V ~ <br />JAA9'A A e~-, <br />SW. Ca. SW7/~ Sa. <br />17, r II K R 9 W. '"~ <br />F J S/d An <br />'~® <br />~a • p5 ~{ ~" <br />~~'~ ~4~~ <br />~~~ F~\ <br />nslinq ra'x7U' <br />I~'y fos•menr. <br />rro 7001(19 <br />(/. /~1 <br />~' <br />1S9Y A <br />Glvw AVx I <br />LLrve Lhls Cuav n{x 7 <br />LLnre LyM Curve Rx J <br />na LWh <br />.. Br 1967 <br />~ _~ ~-r - .N <br />l•5(~ r. f1L39 r. IF777 <br />c.rmr~' c.laf.u''^ c.saaor` <br />LECENp <br />••-!files l/Z° Iron Plpe Found Unloss Olhsrwlse Nolad <br />o-/ndlca/es !/Z" Iran Plpe Iv/Survey Cap Placed Unless 0/herwlsa Nvled <br />A-lndlcoles ACTUAL Dlslance <br />R-brdlcales RCCOROED D/s/ante <br />All 0lslances Slmwn On Curves Are CNORD Dlstonces <br />~ ~' <br />~ <br />~f~Nb~l <br />d <br />f? P11N <br />$®C <br />~8 <br />~ ~@ 9~ 1.~~~ ELL p1~1L <br />~ <br />r <br />• <br />° <br />' <br />~ A Tract of land campNslny u purl al /6e Wesl Hull v/ Iha Norlhwesl Quarler <br />b- l/}7p/e9PP0d <br />b <br />\ (W!/2NWl/4), and a purl o/ Iha Nvrlhwesl Quarter of the Soulhwesl Quarler <br />~'A <br />~ <br />' (NW!/45W!/q), all in 5ecNon Twelve (17), Township Fleven (l !) Narlh, Range N/ne (9) <br />r/4 secn <br />ar Un• <br />F 1 I <br />F- - West vl the 6Th. P.M., !n Ha!! Counly, Nebraska, more particularly descrlbed as <br />/ <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />__....~.._T. <br />~ <br />_ <br />/a1 <br />alts: <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ Reglnning aI the soulhwesl turner v/ sold West Hall o/ the Norlhwesl Quprler <br />/ <br />r7J `F jp' j~! ti r R 9`iv <br />~ F EwndAlmin <br />c (Wl/2NWl/q); /hence running easterly along the south lino o/ sold Wesl HaII a/ the <br />N <br />lh <br />l <br />W! <br />NW <br />l Q <br />' <br />' <br />" <br />vm <br />ap <br />'~ <br />~ vr <br />wes <br />uar <br />er ( <br />/2 <br />l/q), an an Assumed Bearing of S88 <br />SJ <br />47 <br />L; o dlslance <br />~ ~ ~ ~ <br />~ <br />"" o/ Thlrly Three and One Hundredth (33.01) /eel, !o Iha ACTUAL pvinl o/ beglnning; <br />` A a ` <br />~ /hence runnlny N00'ZZ'09°W, o dlsfance'a/ Nlne and rnrrry rwa Hundredlhs (9.,12) <br />j <br />- ~ Lest, la a pa/n/ on /he svutheaslerly r/ghl o/ way /!ne a/ U.S. Highway No, 30 and /o <br />,N <br />' <br />a a polnl on p curve; /hence running northedslerly along the soulheaslarly rlghl o/ way <br />F <br />, , <br />` "` ~' !Inv of U. S. Highway No. 30, and the arc of a curve to the /all whose radius Is One <br />Th <br />d Ni <br />H <br />d <br />l <br />S <br />l <br />i ousan <br />ne <br />un <br />x <br />y <br />red S <br />even and Elghly Nlne Hundredlhs (1967,89) /ee% the <br />' ' ~ ~ i long chard of wlrlch bears N55'S9 J9'E, a long chord dlslance al Dne Hundred Nlne <br />J ~ <br />s oo•uw' e ~ i and Twelve Hundredlhs 109.12 /eel, to a olnl on the wester r! hl o/ wo line p/ <br />( ) P lY 9 Y <br />~ ~ Shady Bend Road,• /hence running 536'03'05"£, along the westerly r/ghl 01 way !!ne a/ <br />r 1 <br />cnsnnp ra' ur~sy t ,Imrnr r r <br />rJeJ bl IA'sc eY <br />!/ <br />P¢ !~f I Shvdy Band Raad, a dlslvnce a/ Elgh/y N/ne and Nlnely One Hundredlhs (89.9!) leaf, <br />la a po/n/ on u curve; /hence running sou/heaslerly along Ihv wes/erly r/gh/ oI way <br />. <br />, <br />r a r line of Shady Bend Rood and the arc of o curve lv the rlghl whose radius is Elghl <br />--•TNY-- ] i ~ ~~ ( Hundred Seventy Elghl and twelve Hundredlhs (D78.12) lea/, the long chord or which <br />" <br />~ ~ r <br />~ bears 5147872 <br />E, a long chard dlslance or Two Hundred flghly Flve and Thlrly Three <br />~ <br />(i.19 <br />e a~ `"' <br />r \ 4 v9 ~ rr <br />l <br />( <br />8 <br />f <br />l <br />u <br />% <br />n <br />h <br />nl <br />s <br />h <br />s <br />or <br />u <br />o <br />r <br />° <br />r Ihe <br />wesl <br />er/ <br />r/ <br />hl o <br />wa <br />!/ne <br />o <br />Shad <br />Bend Rood <br />and a/an <br />/he <br />arc <br />oJ <br />a <br />c <br />rvo <br />to <br />h <br />e <br />l <br />~ ~< <br />~ the r/gh/ w <br />os <br />radius <br />Faur Hundr d E/ghly N/ne and Sevenly Four Hundredlhs <br />~, r (4B9.7q) Teal, Ihv long chord o/ which boors 5l8'Og78"W, a long chard dlslance o/ <br />i r <br />r°~i~ <br />~ r Three Hundred f/ghl and Seven Hundredlhs (308.07) /eel; !hence running N59'3T03"W, <br />along the northerly rlghl oI way !!ne of Shady Bend Raad <br />a dlslance o/ One Hundred <br />a <br />~ , <br />Thlrly Four and Four Hundredlhs (l3q.p4) /eel, to a polnl Thlrly Three (33.00) /eel <br />,~,u,.ry ~r or way y~. envoy 9nd xoed east of the wes/ Ilne of said Norlhwesl Ouorler o/ the Soulhwesl Quarler <br />r <br />Nbb;7/~S6Y9/4 <br />~~rC <br />9? 1'9fN- <br />99~ (NWT/4SW1/4); /hence running NpD'ZZ'D9"W, o dlslance o/ flue Hundred Three and <br />S <br />l <br />F <br />H <br />, <br />, <br />, even <br />y <br />vur <br />undredlhs (SDJ,74) /eel, to the ACTUAL poln! oT beglnning and <br />/ UN/p/~P8®CI <br />r <br />r <br />i cvnlalning 2.q4! acres mare or less. <br />ve,yor's Cerf/ficate <br />/ hereby cerl/ly Ihol on Jpnuary 19, 2010, / completed an accuro/e survey of <br />SHADY BEND SUBUIV/S/ON; an Addillon /o the C!ty o/ Grand lslond, Nebrpska, as <br />shown an the accampanying plot Jherev/,• Thal Iha tots, blocks, slreals, avenues, alleys, <br />parks, commons and other growl Js as con/ained /n said subdly/sian os shown an the <br />accampanying plat lhereol are well and occuralely slaked ol/ and marked,• Thal iron <br />mvrkers were placed at o!l !vl corners; Thal the dlmenslans a/ each lot are as shown <br />on the plop, Thal each lot bears !ls awn nurnber,• and Thal sold survey was made w!lh <br />relerence to known and recorded monuments. <br />s7fryT~ org9~ rC~ahd~ 'S'urveyor "No`. 578- <br />A~~ vats <br />Subm/lled To and approved by /he Raglona! Plann/ny Carnmiss/an o/ Hall Counly, <br />Crand /stand, Wood River and the VJlloges of Alda, Cairo and Don(phon, Nebraska, <br />Chdlrmon Dafe <br />Yh <br />Ag~rQved and occepled by Iha Cl(y o/ Crand lslond, Nebraska, lhls~doy o/ <br />~ 1..~~ ZO i 0. <br />(Sou!) MoYar City Clerk <br />_5G-v~eF..l <br />XNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Thal CAA/C 0. W000WAR0 and XAREN <br />WOOOWARO, husband and wile, 6eing Iha owners of the land descrlbed hereon, have <br />caused same to be surveyed, subdlvlded, p/ailed and deslgnaled os '5HA0y BEND <br />SUBDIVISION" an Add!llan to the Clly o/ Crand !eland, Nebraska, as shown on the <br />accampanying plat lhereol, and do hereby dedlcale the easements, !/ any, as shown <br />/hereon Tor Iha locallon, cvnslruction and mvinlenance of public service ulllilies, <br />logelher with /he right o/ Ingress and egress /hereby, and hereby prohlbll/ng /he <br />planling of Iraes, bushes and shrubs, or placing other obslrucNvns upon, over, along <br />or underneath the sur/ace v/ such easements; and that the Ioregoing'subdlvlslon as <br />more particularly descrlbed in //re descrlplion hereon as appeprs on This plat !s made <br />w!lh the tree consent and In accordance wllh the desires vI the undersigned owners <br />and proprlelors. <br />/N W/1NE55 WHEREOF, we have a//fixed our slgnalures hereto, at Cmnd /s/ond, <br />Nebraska, Ih! us~(r~,day o/ ~c6a,~gc~, 2D1D. p, <br />~dir, G ~ -~X` ~~I~UCL~ <br />rarg vvdwvr gran o war <br />Stale OT Nebraska ss <br />Counly 0/ Noll <br />On IhLL„r(~day o/_E~tetut 2010, bolero me,~ ra a <br />Notary public wllhln and /ar sard Counly, personally appeared C/~RALC 0. W~ppp p~ <br />and KAREN WODOWARO, husband and w!/e, and to me personally known to be the <br />lden!lcol persons whose slgnalures are al/fixed harelo, and /hat each did acknowledge <br />the execu//vn lhereol /o be h/s or her voluntary act and dead. <br />IN W/TNESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto subscribed my name and a//lXed my pf/!c/a! <br />seal al Crand !eland, Nebraska, on the dole last above wrlNen. <br />My comm/sslvn a.vplres,.,~adttn~lTYrdQ(~, <br />u ~yvragre r~~ rr~~''~~ (Soo/) <br />~''- `~I ~))~~`--~1 OFwAAI Nuiee • N p q wG ul, <br />• orC IC II~M1 r ryp/pry~~ PpATL P. BPePlryrPEl <br />A'F'RLgF ~p -1 <br />=.•i U D <br />~' '"1~ '`_I N <br />ff _ u <br />~ U~ ~ Cl <br />SHA D Y BEND S UBDI VlSld N V-~ ~ N~ ~~ <br />N ~_I <br />AN ADDITION TO THE C/TV pF GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA <br />ROCKWELL ANO ASSOC. L L C - CNC/NCfR/NC d SORVCYlNC - CRAND ISLAND, Nf9RASXq Shee/Nv, l0/! <br />