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<br /> ' TNISTRUST�EHD mtl� k 4th day d �rch ,t9 92 __,p�y ind among Ritihard �. Goble ��-�==-__
<br /> ' � . , . ° and Renee J. Go�le �us and and wife and Thomas S.Nabity and J�anna M. Nabity. huoban an�wifo ��--_`��T'°- -
<br /> �� , who�m�Unp bdnp M �124 Briarwood Grand I�land. NE 68801
<br /> � ,� „ (h�an"Tru�ta"):and 11�M�ils,whoa mtiling�ddnts is P.O.Box�87,Wood Hivw.fVob►erk�88883,(hareln"Trustea;�md��B�nN�iary,�) _-_--
<br /> cr:•
<br /> ° fOR VAIUABIE CONSIOERATION,includinp th� ind�bt�drwss ind�ntifi�d hn�in and th�trust iwr�in cnot�d,tM ac�ipt of which is hK�b� =`�`�
<br /> octcnowwdp�d,Trostor i►n�aoblq q►anri,honsf�rs,canv��s, and assi9m to TrustM. IN TRUST, WiTN POWER OF SALE,for th�b�fit ad � ...�.,�.�,i,.�:_==�-_
<br /> ;� �� acu►ity of Wn�fkiary,und�r and wbjrct to th�t�rms ond conditions of this DNd of Trust,th�nal prop�►t�r d�scrib�d os follows� �,,,:,� -'' '� �TR
<br /> .� �Y
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<br /> �1 MJ�E
<br /> j.... .. . >.��.iti�'.�..�u-�u��iv�
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<br /> ' Lat Two (2) Medical Park Fourth Subdivieion. in the City of Grand Island, �..'.�}�.;;it�-��;4�_
<br /> Hall Courty� Nebraeka , � ��'''•` '
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<br /> � TOGETHER WITH,all rents, profits,royolties, income and other benefits derived from the reol property;all leoses a subleases covering the � �.
<br /> ,.,.��;
<br /> �'1 ,- real prope►ty or any portron thereof,now or hereofter existing or eniereo iniu, urd oii righi, title and iatara.t af lrustor th=reunder. all��- �„��•-
<br /> tQrests,estote or other cloims.both in low ond in equity, which Trustor now hos or may h�reofter acquirQ in the reol property;all eosements. �' � �
<br /> . riphts-of-way, tenements, hereditaments and oppurtenonces thereof ond thereto;all oil and yas rights and profits,water rights and woter }
<br /> ' ''��. • stak;all right,title and interest of Trustor,now owned or hereofter ocquired.in and to ony land lying within the right•of•way of any street or
<br /> r� �' hi hwa ad'oini fhe real rt ,any and oll buildi s, fixtures. im rovements, and a urtenances now or hereofter erected thereon or
<br /> • 4 Y I �9 Pr� Y �0 P PP ,
<br /> ' , �•' bebnging thereto, (herein referred to as"Improvernent" or "Improvements �1:and any and oll owurAs made for the takinp by eminent domain `
<br /> ' '� a by any praeedinp or purchase in lieu thereof,ot the whole or any pon oi tfie real prope�ty.
<br /> ".;'. . • • ♦�
<br /> ' All of tha foraqoinp estate,property and interest heraby conveyed to Trustee herein collectively referred to as tFw"Property". ,
<br /> (a)The payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trusta's note of even dote herewith in the-r ncp� al sum of •`-=
<br /> �����'�'• one Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and_6�Z�1U0-��brs (S 166�790.62 �,
<br /> � • together with interast at the rate or rotes provided therein,Ihcrein,together with my ond oll renewals,modificotians,and extensions thereof. �
<br /> �'�� refened fo as ihe 'Note")both principal ond interest on the Note being payable in accordance with the terms set forfh therein,reference to
<br /> whith is hereby madQ,the final poyment of principol and�nterest,ii not soo�er paid and if no renewals,modifications or extensions are made.
<br /> dw and poyable on_ t"larch 1. 2000 - --- --- — - - - � .
<br /> ' , ,.� Ib)The performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herem tontoined:and
<br /> (c)The poyment of ony sum or sums of money with interest thereon which may be herenfter paid or advanted under the terms of this Deed of
<br /> Trost.
<br /> (d)The poyment of any future advoncex necessary to protect the security or any future advance made ot the option of the parties:and
<br /> ,.': ., (e)The performante of an obligafion of any other person named in this Trust Deed to a beneficiary.
<br /> � ,i;:, ` ' 1. ��Nt of Mndp�l Md IM�n�t.Trusta shall prornptly pay when due the principal of and mterest on the indebtedness evidented by the ,
<br /> �' :�'� ' ' Note, ond all other charyes and fees os provided in the Note,ond the prmcipal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of
<br /> ` Trust.
<br /> � ` 2. W�nwHY of Thl�.Trustor is lowfully sei:ed ond possessed of good and�ndefe.asible title and estute to the Property hereby conveyed ond
<br /> ; hos the right to grant ond convey the Property; the Property is free and clear of all I�ens and encumbrances except liens now of record:and
<br /> 7rustor will warrant and defend the title to the Property against oll cloims and demonds.
<br /> � + � 3. M�int�Mna�nd Compli�nc�wifh l�wt.Trustor shall keep�he Property m good conditio�and repa�r and sha�1 not commit waste or perm�t
<br /> ,'na
<br /> , ��,,,,.; impairment or deterioration of the Properfy and shall comply with ihe prov�sions of any leose it this Oeed of Trust �s on o leasehold.No improve•
<br /> ment now or hereafter erected upon the Property sholl be altered. �emoved a demolished wrthout the pnor written cansent oi Beneliaory.
<br /> Trustor shall comply with all laws,ordinances,regulations.covenonts,conditions and restrictions affecting the Propeny ond not commi�, suifer.
<br /> � � or permit any oct to be done in or upon the Property m wolotion of any low, ordinance. regulation,covenanr,condition or restrictian. Trusror
<br /> shall tomplete or restore promptly and in good workmonlike monner ony improvement on the Property which moy be damaged or deslroyed ond
<br /> � �. poy,when due,oll cloims for labor performed and motennls fu�nished therefore a�d for ony alterations thereol
<br /> .- . . . � . . .. . •u__•_._:_...:.�'_"""' "_".._��.. o'��t:..:..... :............Wi�6 roc.rrf fn 1M Im�vnvananfc nnA
<br /> �' � . 4. III�YAIC�. IfU510�,UI 1(5 @i��Rtn�C. �11m ulYn��um w�a�nqv�v�a uy�nwov�� wnc��..w��. ...•.......w .......�_�"" -' ' _ r '._ ' . ' ._
<br /> personal property,tonstitutinq the Property,aqainst loss by fire.lightning, tornado.und other per�ls and ha:ords tovered by standard extended
<br /> coverage endasement, in an omount equol to at leost one hundred percent of the full replacement value thereof and insuronce against such
<br /> other hazards and'm such amounts os is customorily carried by owners and operotors of s�mular propPrties or as Beneficiary moy requ�re for its
<br /> protection.Trustor will comply with such other requirements os Beneficiary moy from t�me to��me request fw rhe protection by insuronce of the
<br /> interests of the respective porties. All insuronce policies muintoined pursuant to this Deed of Trust sholl name Trustor and Benefiuory os �n•
<br /> sureds,as their respective interests moy appeor, and provide thot there sholl be ra cancellot�on o�mod�ficat�on without no less than 15 doys
<br /> � prior vrritten notificotion to Beneficiory. In the event ony policy hereunder is not re�ewed on a before 15 doys pnor to its erpirohon dote
<br /> Beneficiary moy praure such insurance in octordonce with the provisions of paragroph 1 hereof Trustor sholl deliver to 8enefivary the or�q�nal
<br /> polities of insurante and renewols ihereof or memo topies of suth polities ond renewols thereof Fo�lure to furnish such�nsurance by Trustor or
<br /> � renewals as required hereunder sholl,at the option of Beneficiory,const�tute a default.
<br /> 1'
<br />