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<br /> � 96��� LOAN NO. t 5 3 9 z 1 a e s 2 �
<br /> '; 1.Paymant of Priricipal,lnt�reat and Lato Chupo. Barrowor�{�all aay when due tho princ�pal of,and Inte�est o�, _
<br /> the dabt evklancod by tho MoYe and{ate char�as dua u�x1a`the Nota. __
<br /> � 2.Monthly Paym�nts of Tuus,ln�uranca.�nd Otha�Ctu�r�i�s• Bcxrower shall Ir,clude In ea�h monthiy �
<br /> ! paymant,ta�ether with the princlpal and Inioresi as sot farth 4n the hoie and any lata charges,e sum for(a)taxos eix! F
<br />' °� special assessments levlod or to be levied against thn Property,(b)leasehdd payments or ground rents on the !.
<br /> � Property,and(c)premlums tor insura:�ce required under parapraph 4.In any year i�whlch tho Lender must pay a _
<br /> � monQaq�insurance premlum to tho Secrot3ry of Housing and Urba�i Oevetopment('Secretary"),or�n ai ry year In which
<br /> 1 such premium woWd have been�equlred if Lender stA1 h�d the 5ocurtty Instrument, eacn nx�iiliy paymat►t Stk��!a15o _
<br /> j inciude elit�r:(i)a sum Mr the a�nual mortga�e insuranco premlum to tie pald by Lender co tha Secretary,or pq a �.-
<br /> � monthiy charge instESad of a martgage insurance promlum if thls Securiry instrument Is haki by the Secretary,in a ;,,
<br /> i �easonaLta nmount t�be determined by the Secretary. Except for the mor�thty char�e by the Secretary.theso Uems �-
<br /> � are called"Escrow!tems"and thF sum�paid to Lender are catled"�scrow Fu�ds." �_
<br /> � Le�xfor may,at any time,collect and hdd amounts tor Escrow Items i�an a99regate amaunt not tc,exceed the
<br /> maxlmum anwunt that may be requlred for Borrowe�'s escrow accou�i untler the Rea!Estate Sottiement Procedures -
<br /> ' Act of 1974,12 U.S.C.�2601 ei seq.and fmplementing regulatlons,24 CFR Part 3500,as they may tw amended from �
<br /> I time to time('RESPA"j,except that the cushlon or reserve patmitted by RESPA far unanticipated disbursements or
<br /> � disbursements bofore the Borco�+er's payments ara avai3�bfe in the account may not he based on amounts due tor the i
<br /> i mortqage Insurance premium. "`
<br /> If the amou�ts held by Le�der for Escsc��v ftems exceed the amounts�Qermitted to bo held by RESPA,Lender shatl �'.
<br /> � deal w�h 4he excess funds as requtred by=ESPA. If the amounts of funds held by Lendor at any tlme are not sufticient
<br /> topay the Esc�ow Items when due,Lender may noidy the Borrower and require Bonower to make up the shoRa�e or
<br /> ' deflclencY as F�itte�1 hy RESPA.
<br /> � Tha Escrow Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by ihis Secur�ty Instrument. If Borrower
<br /> ` tenders to Lender the full payment of af!such sums,Barrower's account shall be cretlfteci with the balance remaining __
<br /> ! fw all Instalimer�4:ams(a),(b),and(c)and any mortgage insurance premium instaliment that Lender has noi becomo �:
<br /> obligated to pa}:�the Secretary,and Lender shall promptly refund any excess furxls to Borrower. Immediately�prior to
<br />`' a toredosure s�le e�f the Preparty or its ac�u9sition by Lsnder,Bonower's account shatl be credded w'�th anY ba�ance _
<br /> � rerts��w'►gfcx all instalimentsft�r iterr►s(a), rb),and(c). _
<br /> , :l 3.Appiics�tiw�ca4�ay���"�.�. A:!pay.:.2ssts u:�isr�ragraphs 1 and 2 shal!be applied by Lender as fdto�rs:
<br /> b� �=1F T to the mc�',1a9e insurance premlum to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charqe by the ��
<br />= ' Secretary'��of the monthly maric,�e insuranee premium: _
<br />':�� SEGO,tiQ.ta 4ny taxes,spectal assessc�enis.�easehold PaYments or ground rents,and fire,flood and other hazarcl =
<br />� �I iru�trance�r�cniums,as requlred; _
<br /> 71iiRD,to i��est due underthe Note: `
<br />_� � FOURTH,t�amortiza':c�ot the principal of the Note;
<br /> FIFTH,to tNtsa charges c£r�a under the Note.
<br /> 4.Fire,FLC4d utd Other Hmrd Insur�nce. Borrower shall insure all improvements on the Property,wheiher
<br />'� now in exisi��.-'�ot subseque�UY erected,against any f�azarcls,casualties,and contingenc'�es,in�luding flre,for which _
<br /> i Lertcfer requirc-�s�;nsurance.'ftKS Insurance shall be maintained in the amaunts and for the per�ods that lender requi�es.
<br /> � �rer sPe�lt�so insure a]J nrnprovements on the Fro�ort,►,whether now in existence or subseque+�tiY erected�roved
<br /> � ' ag.;6nst loss h}��oods to the exteni required by the Se�cretF►ry.A11 lnsurance shaA ba ca*ried�ui�h companies app
<br /> : by Lender.The msurance policies and a�y renewds shall be hetd by Lender and shaU indude loss payabte ciauses tn
<br /> � tavor of,and ire r�form acceptable to,Le.*k;12r.
<br /> ��;;.��,�.�s���,a.,��,wcx ct�fliva 1.ender immediate notice by mail.Lender may make proof of loss if not
<br />� made promptly by Borrower.Each tnsu�nce company concemed is hereby authotizeci ana ciirecced io���nke Nny„�:.
<br /> ;� for such lass direcUy to Lender,instead af to Borrower and to Lender 1ointly.All or any part of the Insurance proceeds
<br />_�, may be applled by Lender,at its option,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security
<br /> InstrumeM,flrst to any delinquent amounts appUed in the order in Paragraph 3,aruf then to prepayment of p�incipal,or
<br /> � (b)to the restoratbn or repair of tlie damaged property.Any application of the proceeds to the principal shaq not
<br /> �; e�dend or pcsiPcxie the due date of the monthly payments whlch are refeRed to in Paragraph 2,or change the amount
<br />:�' of such payments.Any excess insurance proceeds over an amount required to pay aD outstanding indebtedness undei
<br /> = the Note and this Securit}trssiniment sFtia�11 be�oaid to the entity legalty entiUed thereto.
<br />� In the event of foreclos�ue of thls Securiry Instnunent or other transfer of title io the Property that extinguishes the
<br /> indp,btadness,all right,tide and interest cf Borrower in and to insurance pdicies tn force shall pass to the p�trchaser.
<br />;` 5.OccuMncY.Pros�vatlon�AAafrtei9ance and Protectlon of the Property;Borrower's Loan Applkation;
<br />� l.s��hc►Id�. Borrower shall occupy,es�fish,and use the Property as Bo�rower's principal resfdenco withtn sixty days
<br /> � afie�the execution of this Security Instnur.ent and sha�l coruinue to occupy the Property as Bcxrowe�'s principal
<br /> resldence for at least one year after the date of occupancy,uNess the Secretary detertninos this requtrement ural cause
<br />;.: undue hardship for Borrower,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrovaer's coMrd.Bortower
<br /> shall notity Le�ders of any extenuating r.ircumstances•Borro+h►er shall not commit waste w destroy,dama�e or
<br /> subsiantlally change the Properrf or aUow the Property to dete�iorate,reasonable wear arxi tear excepted.Lender maY
<br /> inspec!the PropeRy rf the Property is��cant or abandoned or the iaan is in d�sult.Le�der may take reasonable action
<br /> to protect and presenre such vacant o��andoned Property.Borrower shall also be in defauft if Borrower.during the
<br /> �oa�applicabor�process,gave materiaUy fa�se or tnaccurate infortnatbn or statements to Lender(or faAed to provide
<br /> � Lender wrth any mate�ial ir�omtiation)in connectio�with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited to,
<br /> � repre.se�datbns conceming Borrower's cxcupancy of the Property as a pris�cipal residence.lf this Security InstrumeM ts
<br /> _� on a leasehdd,Borrower shatl comptY v�h the provisions of the lease.if Borrower acqui�es fee tNe to the Property,the
<br /> � leasehoki and fee tiUe shalt not be mecged�mless l.ender agrees to t1w merger in wrdin9-
<br /> � 6.Char�a to Borrow�and Protection of Lender's Ri�Ms in the Prope�ty. Borrov�+er sha►1 pay all govemmental
<br /> or municipa1 charges,fines and imposidons that are not indudeci in Paragraph 2. Borrowet shall pay these obligatlons
<br /> ' '� on time dIrectly to the er�tity whlch is o+nred the paymeM.if faiiure to pay would adverse�y affect Lende�s interest in the
<br /> ``? Property,upon LendeYs request Borrower si�ali pror�ipiiy�urriish ta Lsr.�a::c�:�is e�vlderec�ng these pa;�ments.
<br />,.••i � If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payrnents requlred by Paragraph 2,or fails to periom�any other
<br /> � s coyenants and ag�eements coniained tn thts Security Instrument,orthere is a legal proceeding that may sign'iflcanUy
<br /> affect�.ender's r)ghts in the Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnation or to enforce laws o�
<br /> regWations).then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Properry and Lender's
<br /> rights in the Property.including payment of taxes,hazard insurance and other items merttioned in Paragraph 2.
<br /> Any amounis disbursed by Lender under this Paragraph shall become an additiorial debt of Borrower and be
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument.These amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursemeni,at the Note rate,
<br /> and t►t the opNo�of Lender,shall bo immediate(y due arxi payable.
<br /> 7.Corw�mnatlon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequeMial,in connectbn with
<br /> any condemnatbn or other taking of any part of the Property.or tor conveyance in place of condemnation,are hareby
<br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the irxiebiedness that remains unpaid under the
<br />- Note and this Security�nstrument.Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reductbn of the inciebtedness undet the
<br /> � Note and this Security Instrument,ftrst to any delinquen.amounts applied in the order provided in Paragraph 3,and
<br /> then to prepayment of principal.Any ap�Ucation of the proceeds to the principal shall noi extend or posipone the due
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