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<br /> �=i.a�.,r,.:....{ :.�..:�?,':%� _ —
<br /> — ����-��F� DEED OF RECONVEYANC�9�+� 1��r�4 fj
<br /> - _,����..Yl�
<br /> R� WHEREAS, th� underslgnad, Willism G. Blackburn, of Crand lslsnd, Hdl
<br /> _ .
<br /> County, Nebraska, Is a member of the Nebraska Stste ear Associstion ss T�uste�,
<br /> �� ��:��:�' under the Deed of Trust d�ted Augu�t 29, 1988, executed by Frank E. Kolar, s
<br /> �s�" �'Y sinqle person, �f Trustor, U which Five Pol�ts Bsnk ot Crand Islsnd, Nebraska,
<br /> -� �`�`�°� •� is named as Benetici�ry, and the undersigned as Trustee, which Deed was �____,,.._. _�-
<br /> � -"-- �ecorded as Oocument No. 88-104738, in the Regi�ter of Deeds Office of Hsll
<br />—��'��i�� Cou�ty, Nebraska, on the 30th day of August, 1988 snd
<br />��. •�!`�r.ta•-i .�.
<br /> :,�,.�,�„�.,, _,��. � WHEREAS, said undersigned, Willlam G. Blackburn, of Crand Island, Hell
<br />��,�a.,,,:f,��=° ' County, Nebraske, has �eceived from Five Points Bank of Cr�nd laland, Nebraske,
<br />"���:'.`�°,`�':° ' written request to reconvey the reel estate descrfbed in the Deed of Trust abova e__F_.
<br /> �'` � mentionud as follows:
<br />� ��:,.��.�. .:,.:..
<br /> . ., ,...:�.,, -
<br />�,�,� ' ����;s A tract of la�d comprising the Northerly Fo�ty-Five end Five Tenths Feet (N45.5')
<br /> '���1��-�.ti':�:^ of l.ot Five (5), in Block Twenty-Six (26), Packer and Barr's Second Additlon,
<br />� � �=��-��4�'?���, together with the Southerly Twenty-N�e and Five-Tenths Feet (S29.5') of vacsted �_�_
<br /> �.:y-:�::�'",�' : Blake St�eet lying North of a�d adjacent to said Lot Five (5), all in the City of ` ,�
<br />�� ��(• �b Grand Isiand, Hall County, Nebraska. �_
<br /> A�f4`''. � �1
<br />�r '• „•..1,� _-
<br /> �. " ' .. . .
<br />�„.:, , „� �,�; safd request to reconvey reciting that all sums secured by such Deed of Trust ___ _
<br /> '� ` � have been fully paid;
<br /> ;,;.,;.
<br />