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<br /> :� , � t �• ._-_ _... . I r,_- -�
<br /> �_�, '� ___'_ ..,�� RE RECORDEQ 92-- 1 Q�,(j l�i
<br /> -�..�.�� 92_ 102141 _.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COV@NANTS. Barrowcr ond Lcnder further covenant ond agrcc as follows:
<br /> 19. �oreclosure Procedure. If Lcndcrrequir+es immcdiatc puymcnt in full undcr purngruph 9,L.cnJcr may invokc thc
<br /> power of'sele and any other remediecpermitted by applicable luw. L.ender shall be en�ftled io callect all ezpensex incurted
<br /> � in pursuing the rcmedies provided in ti�is paragrnph 17,including,bu�not limited�o,mawnublc allarncys'fees t+nd casis oP
<br /> title evidence.
<br /> ��..,�, It the power of xsde is invol�ed�7lrustee sl���record A noUm oP defAUll in each county in which any pArt of Ihe
<br /> ��- -_- Prnperly is IocAted and shAN moll copies of sucb notice In!he mAnaer presccfbed by s�pplicable Inw lo Ibrrawer and
<br /> to the other persons prescribed by appIicable IAw. ARer the time required by applkable IWw. 'I}ustee Fhnll give
<br /> - pubtic ootice oi s�le to the persona aad in Ihe msmner prescrfbed by appllcaWe I�w. 7Yustee.wilhout dempnd on
<br /> ---- Bonpwer,shaU sell lhe Propehy at public auctton ta t he h tg h e s t b i d d e r A t i h e t i m e a n d p l p c e o n d u n d e r I h e t e r m 9
<br /> �, desf�uu�tsd in thc nodce of sule(n one or more parrelg nnd in any order 7Yustee determines. 7lrustee mAy postpone
<br /> . sale of all or Any parcel of lhe Property by public Annauncement Af the time and pl�ce of pny previuurlv s�heduled
<br /> ��--�-- -���� sale. I.ender or its desiR�ee may purchASe the Property wt any sale.
<br /> `i�o'�`���� Upon receipt oi �yment of fhe Price btd.'IYustee shpll deliver lo the purch�.ger'I�ustee's dec�� cnnveying the
<br /> -- �,�,�..
<br /> -- —�'-`°�� $ Property. The reclta s in tde 7lruslee s deetl Rhpll be prims�PACie evidence of I�uth oP the siptements made ibe�ein.
<br /> ''•���' 7Fustec shpll Apply the praeeds ot Ihe+�ale in the fallowlnR order: (11 i lA pII CIIgIN NOd expenre�► ol' exe��i�fnQ the
<br /> � � ' powe�of sale.and Ihe�n1e.IncludinR the paymen!of Ihe'11�uslee's fe�w actuwlly Incurr��d�not h�exceed lv� .;,,
<br /> --=s�.,• of the principnl amount af tbe n�Ne ut Ihe Ilme ��f the decla�Alinn nf dePault. und reawmuble �tturnryy'fces �.v
<br /> --�`- ,��',-- rmitfed by law:�bl to sdl xumx Recured by thix tia�aurity In.trunknli �ad Icl Any e�c4+u�tn Ihe per�un ur prrnons
<br /> �IIy eaUtled to it.
<br /> 18. Reeanveypnee. U�xm puynunl ut �II rum�+ecurcd hy�hiti ticcn��ly bi,truiuen�.L�ndcr,hall rryue,t 7tu.lce lu
<br /> _ � .r�;.�..,,, , reronvcy Ihc 1'rapcny und ,hull�oRCndcr�bi�5ccuriiy Inrtrumrm und ull nu�e.cv��icnr�nµdcM+.•curcd by Ihir ticcuriry
<br /> '!.`�`�y'•^:���..-,, In�irumenl to'iFu�lcu. 7Yu,tc� ,huU ncuuvcy �h�I'nqwtly wi�huw w�urunty und w�dN�u� cburgc����h.:�krMn�or�xrwm�
<br /> -- IcgoOy rnt{dcJ lo i�. Sucb�xr,un�a�xr,un�+�hull puy;�ny mrurdu�i�m ru.�+.
<br /> =��:��-"�.�,°+ 19. Subsdtute 7lruslee. l.cndrr.ut ilv upliun.muy Irom timc�o�inx�cim�ve')ru,�cc und app��int u.uccc..or tru�+t�w
<br /> - '�;:� lo uny 7tu,tce uppaintcd hcreunJer hy un inrtrumcrn recardecl i�the counry in which�hu.ticrurNy In�trumcnt i+rccurdcd.
<br /> ----��_;,�,f;�,�,.�_,,,; : Withaut convey,mc4 nf�he Prupeny.the�uccesuir iru.tee tihall wrceed i�� ull Ihe title. rx�wrr aixl du��es rnni'erted upon
<br /> —l—.-�-,;�,,,,,,,,,,.'��� 7Yutitee hcrein und by upplicuble luw.
<br /> __ —.°�•.�usx:��+�:a�o;,.: 20. Request far Notkcw. BoRawer rryuexts Ihat copieh uf ihc notice�of dcl'uult und�ulc be xenl t�i BorrowerK
<br /> ,.,,��,��.'�:p"�.��:�:<'�";, addrehs which is thc Fmpany Addre��.
<br /> e,_'_ . r
<br /> —'� '�`1����� � , '~ Riders to this Securfty Instrumenl. If one ar morc ridcrs an:cxeculcd by Borrowrr and mcorded togclher with�his
<br /> ` � ��., •_.,. ' . ,.
<br /> r'v'�t ^'•'� �• 5ecuriry Instrument, thc covenunt� of earh such rider yhull be inror}wruted imo uncl shull amenJ i+nd supplemenl the
<br /> �,t4l�r��
<br /> ,_���f. •� covcnant4 und agrcements of this Securily Instrumeot uz if dx:riderlxl were in a part uf ihi,Securiry Inctrument.
<br /> � -y'`."�� "'�'"`° �Check applicuble boxley)�.
<br /> r� ati • .
<br /> __�:.�ri ., �' ;..�4.�.1.J�`.._,...
<br /> ,�1..� J_....
<br />-;��; ��,,..,-.:'�,. �Condaminium Rider �Graduated Puymcot Riafer �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> '-. : h..,
<br /> ,,. , r.. .
<br /> . .
<br /> .. , ,,�-�,;�;n� ,,.ya�,:�
<br /> .:_.�� „,.,,..�;:�_,�t.
<br /> a
<br /> ��� _-_ -° �Planned Uni�Development Rider U Other�Specify� �R��OB 11DDBNDOM
<br /> �. Q' x�� ..�: BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower uccept,und agrees to Ihe term�cunwined in pugex I Ihrougb 4 of�his Secu�ily
<br /> �
<br /> '' � �� lns�rument and in uny riderl�)executed by Harrower uml recorded wilh i�.
<br /> . • . Wi s s:
<br /> - .,, l ._ �•�.. .,. � � i,� .� '`� �t.lLtE".t�--� lSeal)
<br /> • ',•'.,"`�"..,:�� blARIO DOUOL�lSB ��,�ro"'
<br /> , . ,•• a .• � ull
<br /> F '
<br /> �• . . '` r• J11NE DOU�3L�3 Bom�wcr
<br /> .
<br /> ':��r�.::�.
<br /> �,�.�; � .. ...
<br /> _ ,..n..�.' ..: (SeuU
<br /> • ' . , liormwcr
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<br /> �r � ' � �y,•' � .
<br /> (Sl':1�)
<br /> � Botrowcr
<br /> � .
<br />��`' ; , , STATE OF NEBRASKA. c'uun�y�.: HALL
<br /> o'
<br /> .� ��.~ Qn this ��Y<�� FebCUacy, 1992 . ���rc mc.tlx�undcrxigned,u Notury �
<br /> � � 28th
<br /> � , � Public duly commi.,iunrd and yualiticd tirr,t�id rount�•.�xrxonally cam�
<br /> �. � � . NARION C AOUaLA88 11[+1D JANET L DOU(3LASS HUSHAND 11t�iD WIFE ii� mc known m 1►c thc �
<br /> ' identicul persou(s1 whoxe na�nelx)•rrc wburilxJ 10 the i�orc�oing inslrument mid�icl.�x�wlydgrd Ihc rxrcutiun thereof to Me:
<br /> , th@1C voluntary ac1 anJ decd.
<br /> ' Wilnes�m� I►and an�l n��tari:►I.��:�I:u GRlIND I5LAND in �aid cuunty. Ihc
<br /> � dutc al'oresaiJ.
<br /> �� . . . (� ��c�r`� .� !�l�i�c� - --
<br /> „ My Commi.,iun�xpir�.: �- �����n itini�.
<br /> �� ;; NE � n�� R08 RTA L REED
<br /> - ......�� oeCR �
<br />- ' ' ' — ! T f�voen�e+r..��-
<br /> �� , 1 e�M►Comm.EuD.1W1�30,1� RF.(�IIH�'t'1'c)R RI:('c)NVI:I'ANC'li
<br /> 'fhc undcrxigneJ i, tlx holJrr ut'ttx notc or noic..crured h�•Ihi.Ikrd ul 1ru.t. 5uid nolr or na�tc.,togrlher wiih all
<br /> othcr indebtednc>ti .ecurrJ by ihi. 1)erd iil�lYu�l. h;wc Ixen paid in full. Y��u ;irc hrrchy dirrctrd ti�ranrrl .aid nutr�x
<br /> �� ' notc�;uid this lhcd of 71-u�t. which arc dclivrr�J hrrcby.;mJ ti�rrrim��r�.��ithuw���arr:�m>.:ill ihr�,�air now hrlJ h}•y��u
<br /> . ',,., _ .
<br /> Undcr Ihl�bced of'flvxl to Ihr per.ixt ar�xr�un.Icgalh �nhUrd Ihcr�lo. ,
<br /> . .. • Datc: -- ------ ------- -
<br /> ��ti,��.J.��J�����r��
<br /> .
<br />