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�(i•r! t�t'� �;it �r 1+'` ' .�'. '�"!t � ... .., '�c�•_.;:�.,_.. .-'. •.r:_-- _. -_ R:. <br /> A � r'� t'�� • <br /> � !� �'��y+ . � �_ ,.�� � �� .-. <br /> . .1 <br /> . ' i,��,t'..i� .. '_!r.� . . '-wea_ __ <br /> _ . . •l+.R,.�"_ <br /> ` � .. . - . '- . . __"�. .__ ' ...�-_=.' __.. _' <br /> I ,.. ..�.r+r��� ' _ . • ._' _ _ ___. <br /> ° , C 92--i p1641 - <br /> ' " ��'" , � ,•:�-t,��,t)itU�.D <br /> _�.���:';'f.;�;�°',° � q _. 1�2141 �� <br /> ,. { � 1. Wym�li�f Princips�l,lnteresl und I.ate Char�c. Horn�wrr whull pay whcn duc thc p�incipul��f,unJ intcre.rt�u�. <br /> -•,�''s �`' �" .,� the debt evidenccd h the NMe and lute chur c+due under thr Nnte. � <br /> ,.� y� " y � . <br /> • . . 2. Monlhly paym�nts utTwxey.inaurnnce and Other Chyr�eg. Ham�wrr�hull inrluJc in cuch munthly puyment, _,�__ <br /> ' �'•�,,,: � tn�ether wfth�he pnncipul und interent uc set farth in �he Note und uny lot� chur�c�. im inatullmen�of any(ul tuxex ond — _ - <br /> , • speecial u.4sextimentn levied or w t�levied uguins�th�Propcny,lb1 Iru.ehuld puymenis or�round nnt,on�hc 1' -------- <br /> . (c>premiums far insurunce reyuired hy W.�rugraph 4. �'°�`� <br /> �.�s_. <br /> � ` - ' ' Each manthly inx�allment for itemc (nl, Ib> und (c) shull ryuul one-�welfth of the unnuul umirom., ux ren.r•onably -- <br /> - ;, , :,,.� �� ~�' '� estimnted hy I.ender, pluti un nm�unt ,ufficient �o muintuin an oJditionul bulunce ul'r.ot more thun une-xixth of �he --- <br /> ',;:° �..:��t�:•• - -- - - <br /> � .Y#, yY J���,_ estimated amounts. The full annuol umaunt for euch item shull Ue arcumuluted by Lender wi�h+n u pericxl ending one _- - <br /> month before an itam would become delinyuent. I.ender rhull hutd thr amount�coUcctrd in wst to puy�tems(u).(h)nnd �.;u. __ <br />- ,. ',,- ` (c)before they becane delinyuent. �:_w�;;...- <br /> ^ o- � • If at an�Umc the taal of the payments held by l.ender for items(al,lbl und(c).togethcr with the future munthly �,�_,,-------__ <br /> Y I��'+�:'.,,. .. ,''`�,., . payments fnr such +tems payable to l.ender prior to the due dutes of such i�ems, excc�ds by mare than one-sixth the ���°=-- - <br /> � � ��-:' '. �� escimated amount af paymencs rcyuired to pny.r•uch items when due,und if payments�,n thc Note Are current,thcn Lender �t��t.Y:�:c-:_ <br /> tihaU ei�her refund the ezcetis crver one-�ixth af the es�imuted paymem+or credu the rrce�s aver one•sixth af the estimated �'�'""�``--��_ <br /> ��,.:: : ' �� puymems to subsequcnt puyments by Horrowcr,ut thc��ptian af Burrawer. It'thr�otal��i thc paymen�x mAde by Bairower ��;�;���„��=� <br /> � `"�,,�;ti..:__;�.',;:,.. far i�em(a).(b),or Ic) is mtiufficient to pny the item when due,then Bonower shull pay to Lender any umount necessury to <br /> j� �' .t ,:;l,;;:%� � �:.� ` y;:�; mnke up the deficiency an ar hefore the date the item become�due. _ _ <br /> . • � • .���n �;:�,'�r ,� As u,ed in thi.Security lnstruman4"Secreiary"meuns the Secrelary of Housing und Urhun Developmcnl or his or her _�-__ <br /> � � �'t� °� '�•�. �+�.•_'"` dctiignee. In uny yeur in whirh�he Lcndcr mutit puy u munsugc in�uruncr premium lu Ihe Secretury,cuch monthly puyment _ _ <br /> � shull al,o include cither: lil un inslullment nf �he unnuul mungu�te insuruncc premium �u tx puid by Lendcr to thc -- <br /> ' . Secrctury,nr lii) u mcimhly churg� ins�ead csf u m�muuge imurum•c prcmium if thi. Scrurity Instrumem ir held by thc <br /> • � � Secmtnry. Euch monthly in+tullmrnt of�he mortgo�r insurunrr premium+hull Ix in un umount.uflicicnt tn�ccumidute�he ��:!�u- <br /> full unnuul manguge insuruncc prcmium with Lcndrr unc mun�h priur ai thc danc thc full nnnuul mud�:uµr in.urunrc � - ---- <br /> premium iw duc la�h� Sccmt�ry:or il'thi,tirruriiy Imtn�uxnl i,hcld hy Ihc tiecrr�ury.carh munlbly churgc tihull hc in un � <br /> � , amiwnt cyuul�i�am•�wclf�h of nnc-hull'�x rrrnt ut ihr„in.Umdiu�princip:d hul,mrr du�r�m Ihc Nntr. ���� <br /> 11'Num�wc�Iendri�Iu I.rndrr�hr lull paymrnt�►I ull,�nnti •r.•mrd I,� du,lerunl) (n•Innnenl. Hnrruw.�r:;icruunt <br /> ° ,bull tx rrcdiled wnh �he halunce nnuuuinE I��r ��II m,Udlmrm. lur ��rn�. i,u. �hi and i�:► +uid any uinn�:uNr in,urunrr =�.--- <br /> ' . � prcmium in�lolhnrnl thul I.rndcr hu,nnt Ix�c�nnr ahliK�ilyd i��pay a,ihr ticc�rimy.+o�il Lrndrr�h+dl prum��tly irl�md nn� z <br /> �xc.,r timd�Ni Nurrowrr. Innnrdiu�cly p�iur tu+i lun�.lu,ur.,+dr�d�hc Pr��prr��•or ii,+uqui,ilian hy l.rnd�r. Hurtowcr+ �,�'_ - <br /> ., . u�c��unt,hnll he crcdilyd w�lh any hulauce rrnnumn�1�►�ull iu�udlnient,lur nem,uu.�hl uod Irl. —W.• - <br /> " ' i. Appllculioo nf Puymcnl�. All paymcnl�uud�•� I'aiuµr��ph�1:md'�hall F+c applird hy Lend�r a.I�diuw,: <br /> I:I I t S 7•,tu Ihc mun�uµr imur:mcr prcmium a�Ix��aid hy I.cndcr a��hr ticcrc�ary�►r w Ihc monthly ch•rrge hy Ihr � ` - : .•-,- , <br /> ., tierre lu in�lc u d u l�hr mu n t h l y m o n�i��:r i n�u r u nre p r r m i u m: �, <br /> �,tu any tuxc+,+�xciul u.tic,�mem..Iri�KiKdd paynunl.or grounJ ren�+,und fire,llaxl unJ Wher hwaud L.r.=-�� � ° �- <br /> � inrurunce premiumti,uw reyuired; -- - <br /> – —_-.-" �jj$L3.lo inirrc�i dur uudcr il�r tiiute, - <br /> � � amonir.utii�n of�hc pri�xipal of thr No�c: ? •.,:��t'f•'. <br /> FIhTH,�o latc charEcs Jue undcr thc Nutc. ' � <br /> 4. I�Ire.Flood and Qther Hauird Insu�unce. Borrow�r.hull in+ur�ull impruvcmentti on�hc Propcny,w�hcllxr n�►w . _ <br /> in existence ar subxequcntly rrected,uguimt any huiardti,cuxuul�ie,,:md con�in�!encir�,including fire,far which I.enJer :%'=:� ,' � <br /> . • rcyuirez inxur�ncr. Thi�insurunce shull he muintuined in the umuunts and li�r the�xvi�xlti�ha�Lender rcyuirex. Barrower '�_.,t <br /> shall ulso insure ull improvements on�he Propeny,wlxrther now in exislcncc or wbscyucmly crecled,uguinxt los,hy flo�xls �` , <br /> ro the extent reyuired by the Secretary. AI!in�uranrr.hall hc rurricd with companic.uppmv�d hy Lender. The insurunce r <br /> � policies and any renewul+ �hall tx Ixld hy Lendcr and +hall irrcluJr I�n+ p•ryable clausrs in lavor of, and in u iortn ;,M • ,�;��°�` � <br /> .., ucceptabte to.Lendec .•';;'�' '�'�'- <br /> In thc event of Icnr. Burrowrr.hall givr Lrn�kr immrJiatc notirr by mail. Lrndcr may make pnx�f af lus. if not , , <br /> mude promptly hy Borrowcr. Each in�ur.uice cumpmiy ronermed i,herrhy authorizcc!und dincled to makr p:q�mem f'or `• <br /> such loz�Jirectly to uf tc�[iorru��rr and lo LcnJcr juintly. f\II ur anr part uf Ihe imuranre prixccds may lx , ��� <br /> .� .. aPPlied by it�uptiun.cithcr lul to thc rcJurtinn of the indcMrJne,.unJcr�hr Notc:mJ thix Srrurny In+lrumrm. ` � .,�+: <br /> � • firsl to uny dclinyuent :um�untr applicJ in thc ordcr in F��rugraph ;. and then 1��prepaymrm ul'prinripaL ur Ibl to thr I <br /> . .. rextoralion or repwr of Ihc dumu�cd property. Any:i�liratian af Uk pnkecd.tu thr principal.hull n�N extend or po�tpone . ,„•. <br /> , � the Juc du�e of thc monthly payment�which un refrrrcd to in Puru�!roph ?.ur rhanEc�hc arnuum��I'.urh paymcnt+. Any , ' .`.`�`;,� <br /> . exccss insur�m:c pnxecJ.uver;sn amuunl rcyuireJ �i► pay ull uu��tundu�g indcMeJnc��unJcr thr Nute und thi+Securiry � • �`',�;.;: <br /> . Inti�rumen�shull Ix puid to the entity Ir�ally entiiled�herc�a . _ ��{�{f;r <br /> . hi Ilx event of f'orcclosure of thiti 5rcurity In.trumrm ��r��Iher�ran,lcr ol ti�le ti,thr F'ra�xny Ihut rxtin�:uishr,Ihe ; . •. <br /> ' indebtcJnczs.ull right.titic anJ intem.t uf 13urru��•rr in and tu mtiur.mrr p��lir� 1„rcr.h:dl pa••l���Ix purrliutirr. ' " <br /> . , � S. Occupancy, Preserration, Afaintenance u�d Protrrtion oP the Propertv: Borrow•er's I.oun Applicaliun; - • , . . <br /> I.easeholds. Borri►wer,hall a:rupy.c.tablish,and u�c thc F'ropeny u� H��rrowrn principal r�+idenrc within sixly Jay, <br /> � ufter the rxccutian of thi.Sreurity Instrument und.hal I rontinuc tu urcupy Ihc Nrup�ny a. Horrowrr;prinripal rcxidrnce i �"^..'. <br /> � for at Ieu�►one ye•rr aftcr Ihc dute uf�xcupa�cy.unleti. thr tiecretan•drlerniinc,thi.reyuiremrnt will rausc unJue hurdtihip . � <br /> for Born�wer.cir unle.� cxtenuating rircum�lancr, rxiti� whirh arr hr�und I;�irn,wrr'� con�rol. Horrowcr ,hall notifY <br /> . • , � L�ndcrs of any extenuating circumstancc+. Rorrowcr ,hall nul rommit nr de,lroy.dama�r ur.uh.�:mtiully rhangc <br /> • the Propeny ix allow the Prop�n�•tu dr�criorutc.rca��a�mMc wcar and Irar cxrcplrJ. I.rnder roay m.�xrt Ihe F'roprny if ihc <br /> . � � Propeny is v:kant or ubanJuneJ or�h�loan i�in drl:iult. l.rnJrr ma�• rra.unaMr ariiun lu prutcrt;md prcren•r,uch <br /> vucunt �ir•rbunJoncd 1'ro�xny. H�irrowcr.h.dl ahu hc m drlauU it liurro���rr. JunnE dic luan ;�pphcaui,n prixc.�. �:rvr <br /> mcttcrially fulsc ur in:iccuratc intiimiatiun ur tita�cmrnt, tu Lrndrr i��r failrJ ta �,ro�•idc l.rnder w�lh :my mnt�rial <br /> inf'ortnu�ion) in cunncc�ion with�hr la:in r��id�nrrJ h�� thr Nutc. mrludin�.hut nu� IimncJ lu. rcpr�,cnt•rtiuns cunrcminE <br /> Borrower��xrupancy uf Ihe F'ro�xny�i�:�rr��,��ral re,idrnrr. II �hi,ti��curn� tn.trumrnt i,�m a Ir:�,rhold.Hurruwrr,hull • <br /> comply wilh Ihr provi�ion,��t'Ihr Ir:�.r. II Ii�xtuWrracyuim�Ire litlr 1�, Ihr 1'r�qx•rly.Ihe ICa+ehuld and tce Ii11C�hall not <br /> Ix nkr}�rd unlr.�I.rn�lrr a�rrr,�u Ihr mrrr�rr m��nun�:. <br /> �. Chury,c�tu BovroH•cr und Protcctiun ol'Lcndcr'.Rf�hl+in thc 1'roperh. N�nr����rr .hall p:n :di �a��vnmrn�:d <br /> �ir munir�p��l rhargr,, tinr.;uiJ im�,.il�om Ihal:ur n��1 inrludul m I':ua�i.ipN '. liun��,��cr,h.dl p:n dir,r ��hhg:�n�m,nn <br /> timc dircclly lu Ihr rn1i1} ..i�ich i.�,��rd thr p:i�m�•nt. II t:nlui��t�� p:�� «uuld :�dcrr.rl� :dlccl I.rnJ�r', inlrrr,t m Ih.• <br /> I'ru�xrty.u�xm LrnJcr'�rcyuc.i B��rruwcr�h:�ll pr�,mptl� lurni.h t�,Lrndrr rc.ripi.r�ulrnrm}�h.•r��a�m��n1,. <br /> If Horrowcr t:iil� to mahc Ihrx p:��•mrnt,��r Ihr �r,i�tncnl. rrywrrJ h� I':u:i�raph _'. �a tail. 1u prrtum� :m� uth�r <br /> cuvcnunh�ud a�,rremrni.rumainrd in thi,tierurin In,lrun�enl.ur lhrrr i.a Ir�al prur��rJiit�Ih:u m:�� .i�:nitirunll�,Utrrl <br /> .. � .,:. �....�_ .�.. .�., i.. .���i�,���,�,.� <br /> - -- .— .-. � i.c�iuci i i��Eiiia iii inc �i�i��i�j i.ii�u.i.,.i��i.:i:aa.��i�::n �..:�....:Cj.::..:::::::�. :t;:::7::::. ::: : :7....':• ......,.r rC•�_._.. .. . <br /> , thrn LrnJcr may du anJ pay whatr�•rr i,nrrr„ar�tu�,naeri ihr �;ilur�ul Uir I'ru�kr��':mJ�I..�nJcr:ngh�ti in Ihr 1'ru�xm. <br /> induding paymcm ul�atr�.haiard in+urancc:mJ��thrr urm.mrnuunrJ in P,ir:iEraph'. <br /> Any unwum,�rd hv I.cndrr unJrr ihi.P:u:�graph�hall hcrumr:�n:iJdmuna!dehl�,I Burru��rr:utd h.,r:urcd <br /> b�� this 5ecurirv In�trument. The�r amoun�. .hall hcar mlere�i Irum Ihr.t�n� ul di.hur.rmrnt.c�t thr N�itr r:uc.and al thr <br /> � option ci(4rnd�r,+hall hc immcdiatcly duc anJ pa�:�Mr. <br /> 7. Condemnation. Thc pnxccd�„1':my�iward�►r rlam�I��r J.un:igr..dirrr�ur r�muyurnn:d.►n rannrctiun��•i�h am� <br /> condemnution or uther taking uf uny parl nl Ihe F'ru�xrt y,ur ti�r rum•�c:►nce in plare„t rondrmn:inun.��rn c�rrh��:i.,i�:nrJ <br /> ' ,• .. and�hall t+c paid tc,Lcmkr a��hr rttent ul thc tull i+tni�unl uf Ihr indchtrdnr.ti th:u rcm;nn�unp:nd undrr thr No�r anJ thi. <br /> j : , S�:curity Instrument. LenJrr shall applr�urh pnxred,lu thc rrJuciion ul�h��inJrMednr,�undcr Ih�Nrnr and�hi.Srrurn� <br /> �� ' Intitrumem. tirst lo any delinyu�nt am�,unh :��ri�<<i in Ilic ordrr pruvidcd in Para�raph 3. :�nd thcn w {�rcpaymrm uf <br /> pI'inclpttl. Any xppliraticxi of Ihr pr�k•red� �u Ihe prinripal .hall nut czirnd �,r pu.tpunr ihr due dutr �,I�hr munthl�• <br /> . . � ��.,�e�•:,��ap��e�,� <br /> � � <br /> . �� --- <br /> � � _ __ <br />